Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

Claiming Lincoln felt the same way is false and has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with the point that he was just as much of a "white supremacist" as Stephens. The noted cheering and applause for Lincoln's comments indicate the "white supremacy" viewpoint was very popular... at least among Lincoln's supporters.

This should be enough evidence for any idiot to see that slavery wasn't about racial equality. So there is one of your points shot completely to hell. Your other point is about Stephens argument that slavery was vital to the southern way of life... okay, the top 4 US exports required slave labor to produce, three of them came from the south.
Claiming Lincoln felt the same way is false and has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with the point that he was just as much of a "white supremacist" as Stephens. The noted cheering and applause for Lincoln's comments indicate the "white supremacy" viewpoint was very popular... at least among Lincoln's supporters.

This should be enough evidence for any idiot to see that slavery wasn't about racial equality. So there is one of your points shot completely to hell. Your other point is about Stephens argument that slavery was vital to the southern way of life... okay, the top 4 US exports required slave labor to produce, three of them came from the south.
Thats impossible. He couldnt have been as much of a white supremacist as Stephens. He freed the Black slaves in the confederate states.....from other supposedly superior white people. Stephens went to war over the concept of white supremacy and proclaimed to the world that the southern way of life was based on slavery. Stephens was much more the feral racist than Lincoln.

Of course slavery was about racially equality. No man with morals can claim they are one with god and still enslave their equal. How do you think whites got around that particular bit of logic which caused them cognitive dissonance? Simple. They just pretended Black people were not equal.
Claiming Lincoln felt the same way is false and has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with the point that he was just as much of a "white supremacist" as Stephens. The noted cheering and applause for Lincoln's comments indicate the "white supremacy" viewpoint was very popular... at least among Lincoln's supporters.

This should be enough evidence for any idiot to see that slavery wasn't about racial equality. So there is one of your points shot completely to hell. Your other point is about Stephens argument that slavery was vital to the southern way of life... okay, the top 4 US exports required slave labor to produce, three of them came from the south.
Thats impossible. He couldnt have been as much of a white supremacist as Stephens. He freed the Black slaves in the confederate states.....from other supposedly superior white people. Stephens went to war over the concept of white supremacy and proclaimed to the world that the southern way of life was based on slavery. Stephens was much more the feral racist than Lincoln.

Of course slavery was about racially equality. No man with morals can claim they are one with god and still enslave their equal. How do you think whites got around that particular bit of logic which caused them cognitive dissonance? Simple. They just pretended Black people were not equal.

Again, you are drawing the false correlation between abolition of slavery and racial equality. I don't know what the fuck you mean by "feral racist" ...people are either racists or they're not. People either think whites are superior or they don't. In 1861, most every white person did, whether they supported abolition or not.

You said it here.... Lincoln freed slaves in the Confederacy. Why didn't he free over 400,000 slaves in the Union? The answer is simple, it was against US Law. Slaves were property according to SCOTUS, and the 4th Amendment prevents government from taking your property. Freedom for all slaves did not come until AFTER Lincoln was dead. It took passage and ratification of three Constitutional amendments to change US Law.
Claiming Lincoln felt the same way is false and has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with the point that he was just as much of a "white supremacist" as Stephens. The noted cheering and applause for Lincoln's comments indicate the "white supremacy" viewpoint was very popular... at least among Lincoln's supporters.

This should be enough evidence for any idiot to see that slavery wasn't about racial equality. So there is one of your points shot completely to hell. Your other point is about Stephens argument that slavery was vital to the southern way of life... okay, the top 4 US exports required slave labor to produce, three of them came from the south.
Thats impossible. He couldnt have been as much of a white supremacist as Stephens. He freed the Black slaves in the confederate states.....from other supposedly superior white people. Stephens went to war over the concept of white supremacy and proclaimed to the world that the southern way of life was based on slavery. Stephens was much more the feral racist than Lincoln.

Of course slavery was about racially equality. No man with morals can claim they are one with god and still enslave their equal. How do you think whites got around that particular bit of logic which caused them cognitive dissonance? Simple. They just pretended Black people were not equal.

Again, you are drawing the false correlation between abolition of slavery and racial equality. I don't know what the fuck you mean by "feral racist" ...people are either racists or they're not. People either think whites are superior or they don't. In 1861, most every white person did, whether they supported abolition or not.

You said it here.... Lincoln freed slaves in the Confederacy. Why didn't he free over 400,000 slaves in the Union? The answer is simple, it was against US Law. Slaves were property according to SCOTUS, and the 4th Amendment prevents government from taking your property. Freedom for all slaves did not come until AFTER Lincoln was dead. It took passage and ratification of three Constitutional amendments to change US Law.
You appear confused. I said slavery was about racial equality. I didnt say anything about the abolition of slavery having anything to do with racial equality. If you dont believe me go back and check my post. Or maybe you are just deflecting. Let me know.
You appear confused. I said slavery was about racial equality. I didnt say anything about the abolition of slavery having anything to do with racial equality. If you dont believe me go back and check my post. Or maybe you are just deflecting. Let me know.

I guess you don't know what "equality" means then? :dunno:
You appear confused. I said slavery was about racial equality. I didnt say anything about the abolition of slavery having anything to do with racial equality. If you dont believe me go back and check my post. Or maybe you are just deflecting. Let me know.

I guess you don't know what "equality" means then? :dunno:
Only fair. You dont know what racist means.
I said slavery was about racial equality.

You are arguing a stupid point that no one is debating. You are grossly misusing the term "racial equality" because you're a moron who doesn't understand how language works. What you are talking about is "racial superiority" and not "racial equality." Enslavement of people is always about racial or ethnic superiority. For all of human history this has been the case.
I said slavery was about racial equality.

You are arguing a stupid point that no one is debating. You are grossly misusing the term "racial equality" because you're a moron who doesn't understand how language works. What you are talking about is "racial superiority" and not "racial equality." Enslavement of people is always about racial or ethnic superiority. For all of human history this has been the case.
Of course you were debating that point. You are the one that brought it up.

This should be enough evidence for any idiot to see that slavery wasn't about racial equality.

Dont get upset because I corrected you.
I said slavery was about racial equality.

You are arguing a stupid point that no one is debating. You are grossly misusing the term "racial equality" because you're a moron who doesn't understand how language works. What you are talking about is "racial superiority" and not "racial equality." Enslavement of people is always about racial or ethnic superiority. For all of human history this has been the case.
No. I am talking about racial equality. I should know what I'm talking about. You do realize "superiority" cannot be separated from the concept of equality right? It automatically introduces a state of inequality. You dont sound like you did too well at vocabulary when going for your GED.
Lincoln evolved....and yourself?

No, Lincoln didn't "evolve" from the time he debated Douglas. No one else evolved either. That's why it took another century for blacks to gain equality under the law. What happened is, some closet racists and bigoted white folks decided to blame the South in order to deny their true viewpoint... like you're doing now.

Lincoln freed the southern slaves, alone by executive action. I think his actions speak louder than your theories.
I said slavery was about racial equality.

You are arguing a stupid point that no one is debating. You are grossly misusing the term "racial equality" because you're a moron who doesn't understand how language works. What you are talking about is "racial superiority" and not "racial equality." Enslavement of people is always about racial or ethnic superiority. For all of human history this has been the case.
No. I am talking about racial equality. I should know what I'm talking about. You do realize "superiority" cannot be separated from the concept of equality right? It automatically introduces a state of inequality. You dont sound like you did too well at vocabulary when going for your GED.

No, you're NOT talking about equality. Not enslaving someone doesn't imply you respect them as an equal in any way. The reason I called your view racists is because this is precisely the mentality black people fought against for 100 years following the Civil War. Freeing slaves did not make black people equal to white people. Not under the law and not in society. People with YOUR view are the ones who promoted segregation.

When blacks lobbied Congress for Civil Rights legislation in 1895 (because they did not have them), their arguments were shot down on the very basis of what you are arguing here. We had eradicated the "evils of slavery" and this satisfied the obligation to treat the negro "fairly and equally." And that argument prevailed for most of the 20th Century.
Lincoln evolved....and yourself?

No, Lincoln didn't "evolve" from the time he debated Douglas. No one else evolved either. That's why it took another century for blacks to gain equality under the law. What happened is, some closet racists and bigoted white folks decided to blame the South in order to deny their true viewpoint... like you're doing now.

Lincoln freed the southern slaves, alone by executive action. I think his actions speak louder than your theories.

Well... he used the power of Commander-in-Chief to confiscate enemy property at time of war and suspend habeas corpus. That was the only "legal" action he could take. He had no authority to confiscate property owned by American citizens protected by the Constitution and he didn't attempt to.

That's a fact and not a theory.

Well... he used the power of Commander-in-Chief to confiscate enemy property at time of war and suspend habeas corpus. That was the only "legal" action he could take. He had no authority to confiscate property owned by American citizens protected by the Constitution and he didn't attempt to.


But lincoln said it was not a war. It was an insurrection and the sourtherners were still american citizens.
I said slavery was about racial equality.

You are arguing a stupid point that no one is debating. You are grossly misusing the term "racial equality" because you're a moron who doesn't understand how language works. What you are talking about is "racial superiority" and not "racial equality." Enslavement of people is always about racial or ethnic superiority. For all of human history this has been the case.
No. I am talking about racial equality. I should know what I'm talking about. You do realize "superiority" cannot be separated from the concept of equality right? It automatically introduces a state of inequality. You dont sound like you did too well at vocabulary when going for your GED.

No, you're NOT talking about equality. Not enslaving someone doesn't imply you respect them as an equal in any way. The reason I called your view racists is because this is precisely the mentality black people fought against for 100 years following the Civil War. Freeing slaves did not make black people equal to white people. Not under the law and not in society. People with YOUR view are the ones who promoted segregation.

When blacks lobbied Congress for Civil Rights legislation in 1895 (because they did not have them), their arguments were shot down on the very basis of what you are arguing here. We had eradicated the "evils of slavery" and this satisfied the obligation to treat the negro "fairly and equally." And that argument prevailed for most of the 20th Century.
Claiming I'm not talking about equality may make you feel better but it doesnt make you correct. I'm definitely talking about equality. No one is claiming Lincoln respected Blacks even though he did come away from Fredrick Douglass with some new found respect. I only said he was less a feral racist than the feral racists in the south that gambled everything in an effort to keep slaves.

I never said freeing Black people made them equal. That's just another silly concept you pulled out your ass since you are back pedaling. Black people were always equal. Whites simply pretended they were not equal which (as I pointed out before) cleared their conscious in regard to slavery and later more discrimination.

Well... he used the power of Commander-in-Chief to confiscate enemy property at time of war and suspend habeas corpus. That was the only "legal" action he could take. He had no authority to confiscate property owned by American citizens protected by the Constitution and he didn't attempt to.


But lincoln said it was not a war. It was an insurrection and the sourtherners were still american citizens.
Thats why they got their asses kicked. They pretended to be another country.
I said slavery was about racial equality.

You are arguing a stupid point that no one is debating. You are grossly misusing the term "racial equality" because you're a moron who doesn't understand how language works. What you are talking about is "racial superiority" and not "racial equality." Enslavement of people is always about racial or ethnic superiority. For all of human history this has been the case.
No. I am talking about racial equality. I should know what I'm talking about. You do realize "superiority" cannot be separated from the concept of equality right? It automatically introduces a state of inequality. You dont sound like you did too well at vocabulary when going for your GED.

No, you're NOT talking about equality. Not enslaving someone doesn't imply you respect them as an equal in any way. The reason I called your view racists is because this is precisely the mentality black people fought against for 100 years following the Civil War. Freeing slaves did not make black people equal to white people. Not under the law and not in society. People with YOUR view are the ones who promoted segregation.

When blacks lobbied Congress for Civil Rights legislation in 1895 (because they did not have them), their arguments were shot down on the very basis of what you are arguing here. We had eradicated the "evils of slavery" and this satisfied the obligation to treat the negro "fairly and equally." And that argument prevailed for most of the 20th Century.
Claiming I'm not talking about equality may make you feel better but it doesnt make you correct. I'm definitely talking about equality. No one is claiming Lincoln respected Blacks even though he did come away from Fredrick Douglass with some new found respect. I only said he was less a feral racist than the feral racists in the south that gambled everything in an effort to keep slaves.

I never said freeing Black people made them equal. That's just another silly concept you pulled out your ass since you are back pedaling. Black people were always equal. Whites simply pretended they were not equal which (as I pointed out before) cleared their conscious in regard to slavery and later more discrimination.

Nope... YOU are the "feral racist." In order for you to continue your devoutly racist views without feeling guilty about them, you have chosen to scapegoat the South. The very same hardheaded bigotry we see in those who are racially prejudiced is being unleashed on the South and Southerners. You apply stereotypes. Entire groups, indeed, entire NATIONS collectively have the same opinions and interests... because you're a bigot... that's how bigots think.

You think that you can hide this by shifting blame for slavery onto the South and Southerners. You come from a long line of "feral racists" who kept black people "in their place" for 100 years after the Civil War. You're carrying on the tradition by keeping people racially divided today.

Well... he used the power of Commander-in-Chief to confiscate enemy property at time of war and suspend habeas corpus. That was the only "legal" action he could take. He had no authority to confiscate property owned by American citizens protected by the Constitution and he didn't attempt to.


But lincoln said it was not a war. It was an insurrection and the sourtherners were still american citizens.

Yes and he also admitted that what he did with the Emancipation Proclamation was tricky and he wasn't entirely sure if it was Constitutional, but he did it anyway.

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