Why stop at free college?

Should we charge people to go to high schools ?

That's not the question. Let's take some more of your logic. Since High Schools are essential to young people, what are your thoughts on food? That's pretty essential, too. Should food be free as well? It'll certainly keep you alive longer than a diploma would.

Honestly, I don't think a high school diploma is absolutely necessary for life. There are plenty of people who are able to provide for themselves without one. The other thing to consider with "diplomas for everyone" is the fact that once everyone gets one they become absolutely worthless. At that point, it does no one absolutely no good at all.

That sums you up... You don't know how important an educated workforce is to an economy...

It is shown in your treatment of the President... Obama is an intelligent well educated man that is under no question.
You just continue how ignorant you are...

Once everyone gets a FREE PHD from the government then Obama is no longer that educated. I know that an education is kind of worthless if their isn't an employer who thinks it is worth something. It is people like you who detest the capitalist system, does everything in their power to destroy it, and then benefits from it at that same time. It seems kind of hypocritical if you ask me.
Yes. You should adopt my example.

Why would you assume that he hasn't?

You never did answer the question posed...do you know what the primary reason given by those dropping out of college?

To be perfectly frank Scarlet, I don't give a damn what the primary reason is. It matters not in the least. The fact is 1/3 drop out which means that 1/3 of the taxpayers' money will be wasted.

Well, thanks for falling right in to that one, Nancy.

The primary reason that people drop out of college is the cost.
Bullshit. The primary reason people drop out is they lose the motivation to see it through. Both my daughters made it through on scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up.

Nope. You are talking out of your ass.

And....thank the benefactors who helped pay for your daughters to attend college. That would be those who care about the future of this nation.
They EARNED those scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up dumass. Now, say it with me shitforbrains - EARN. Now, let's use it in a sentence: responsible people EARN what they they want in life; not expecting free handouts just for existing.
Why stop at no help for college students? Why not get rid of public education all together and let all those kids who can't afford to pay for it go without any education?

How soon will that make America better?

Elementary and high school are a necessity to function in our society once you become an adult. College is not. Plenty of people never attended college and do quite fine just working a job or their own business.

Times have change . That's Bernie's argument .

Basically , a high school ed is the equivalent of jr. High head in today's world. Like educational inflation .

That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?

They are? That's funny...I've got two teenagers in Public High School and their mounds of homework is never on "social issues". Lots of math, history and English though.
Really? What "history" are they studying? What "literature" are the reading?
Maybe you stupid ass leftists that are too stupid to earn a scholarship or grant shouldn't go to college. I think you idiots should all be truck drivers and have dedicated runs to Mexico City. It should be easy enough for you fools to sneak back in.
Should we charge people to go to high schools ?

That's not the question. Let's take some more of your logic. Since High Schools are essential to young people, what are your thoughts on food? That's pretty essential, too. Should food be free as well? It'll certainly keep you alive longer than a diploma would.

Honestly, I don't think a high school diploma is absolutely necessary for life. There are plenty of people who are able to provide for themselves without one. The other thing to consider with "diplomas for everyone" is the fact that once everyone gets one they become absolutely worthless. At that point, it does no one absolutely no good at all.

That sums you up... You don't know how important an educated workforce is to an economy...

It is shown in your treatment of the President... Obama is an intelligent well educated man that is under no question.
You just continue how ignorant you are...

Once everyone gets a FREE PHD from the government then Obama is no longer that educated. I know that an education is kind of worthless if their isn't an employer who thinks it is worth something. It is people like you who detest the capitalist system, does everything in their power to destroy it, and then benefits from it at that same time. It seems kind of hypocritical if you ask me.
There are thousands of employers looking for workers with not just a college education but a trade
Those who are less skilled or motivated would still be available for low skilled labor
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

People who say college is basic education are a bunch of know nothings who have very little experience in the real world. The first is that college is very difficult for the average person. Just because you enroll won't mean you will finish. In fact, at a lot of colleges the drop out rate is close to 50%. Think of that for a moment. The other thing is that the investment payoff ratio really isn't that high to begin with. A person may spend up to 50K for a degree only to get a job that pays 35K a year. That isn't including time and energy that they spend in it either. You will spend 4+ yearss of your life to get one. That is a lot of time to spend for a job that will only pay 35K a year. If the whole point of going to college is to get a good job then your time would be better spent going to vocational school. I know some liberal will scoff at the idea but what is wrong with being a truck driver?
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.

Not everyone can complete college and that is the truth.
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should roll back our hero worship of our military people then.
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.

Not everyone can complete college and that is the truth.

Not everyone completes HS either. I guess you're arguing for making all education available only to those who can pay.
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.
Damn boy...

Are you ever thick
All jobs benefit society in their own way. Having an educated workforce benefits a society more than having an illiterate one wouldn't you agree?
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.

Stop smoking so much weed.

You honestly believe that the job opportunities for a HS grad, HS only, are just as good today as they were 50 years ago?
You're an idiot.
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should roll back our hero worship of our military people then.

It doesn't take long to go back to GI bashing does it?
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Do you actually think that the unemployment rate for people with doctorial degrees will be as low as 1.9% once everyone gets a free PHD? Think about that for a minute.

Foreigner with degrees flock to this country to get jobs.

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