Why stop at free college?

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should roll back our hero worship of our military people then.

It doesn't take long to go back to GI bashing does it?

You're the one who said people join the military for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

Go ahead and while you are at it, reinstitute the draft because the college option is one of the best recruiting tools available.
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.
Damn boy...

Are you ever thick
All jobs benefit society in their own way. Having an educated workforce benefits a society more than having an illiterate one wouldn't you agree?

That is why my employer ask me "How do you think this job will benefit society?". We have a need to feed ourselves which drives us to get money. We don't have a need to feed society.
Even the guy sweeping floors is benefitting society in his own way
Wonder if Bernie has any idea why college has become so expensive.....

Bernie was on welfare himself until he was forty years of age. Bernie has never earned a living. He's like Obama. He never ran a business and never really got any of his own Bills passed in his 25 years of Congress.

Neither has Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio
It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should roll back our hero worship of our military people then.

It doesn't take long to go back to GI bashing does it?

You're the one who said people join the military for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

You on the left really have problems deciphering between those who earned something and those who take something, don't you?
I guess we should roll back our hero worship of our military people then.

It doesn't take long to go back to GI bashing does it?

You're the one who said people join the military for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

I'm a Navy brat, I know the struggles and sacrifices families go through so yeah I'll stand for them every time. Here is a thought, want a college education get off your ass, enlist and earn one. How's that?
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.
Damn boy...

Are you ever thick
All jobs benefit society in their own way. Having an educated workforce benefits a society more than having an illiterate one wouldn't you agree?

So sick of Democrats using "society" as a means to get more from taxpayers. If we say how the wealthy benefit society, liberals have a heart attack.

This has nothing to do with society. An advanced education helps one person--the person getting that education. It's not like we have a shortage of kids going to college these days.
Wonder if Bernie has any idea why college has become so expensive.....

Bernie was on welfare himself until he was forty years of age. Bernie has never earned a living. He's like Obama. He never ran a business and never really got any of his own Bills passed in his 25 years of Congress.

Neither has Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio
RIGGhhttt.....can ya show me their free college plans
I agree

Both Cruz and Rubio don't give a shit about education....it is a privilege of the rich
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
A professor is just someone that failed at a real life...
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.
Damn boy...

Are you ever thick
All jobs benefit society in their own way. Having an educated workforce benefits a society more than having an illiterate one wouldn't you agree?

So sick of Democrats using "society" as a means to get more from taxpayers. If we say how the wealthy benefit society, liberals have a heart attack.

This has nothing to do with society. An advanced education helps one person--the person getting that education. It's not like we have a shortage of kids going to college these days.

What we have a shortage of is affordable post secondary education
Please my brother worked full time and went to college and didnt need any grants........and didnt go into what he went there for........
Wonder if Bernie has any idea why college has become so expensive.....

Bernie was on welfare himself until he was forty years of age. Bernie has never earned a living. He's like Obama. He never ran a business and never really got any of his own Bills passed in his 25 years of Congress.

Neither has Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio
RIGGhhttt.....can ya show me their free college plans
I agree

Both Cruz and Rubio don't give a shit about education....it is a privilege of the rich

More mindless, partisan lefty bullshit.
That's because schools are more worried about social issues than learning. I'm not sure why we give 12 years of mediocre schooling and follow it up with four more years of mediocre schooling. Why not improve the K -12 model and go from there?

I disagree .

If our schools are as shitty as everyone likes to say, how do we graduate so many stellar students who make the us a world leader in just about everything .

You can disagree, but that would be disagreeing with reality.

Asia tops biggest global school rankings - BBC News

The US ranks 28th out of 76. We pay one of the highest per student cost in the world. We get mediocre results. Let's catch up to the world in the K-12 category, then worry about beyond. I'm tired at throwing money and getting mediocre results. Teach our youth real skills, science and computers, reading, life skills. Most kids can't balance a checking account or know how money works.

We have great potential and don't develop it.
Well, thanks for falling right in to that one, Nancy.

The primary reason that people drop out of college is the cost.
Bullshit. The primary reason people drop out is they lose the motivation to see it through. Both my daughters made it through on scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up.

Nope. You are talking out of your ass.

And....thank the benefactors who helped pay for your daughters to attend college. That would be those who care about the future of this nation.
They EARNED those scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up dumass. Now, say it with me shitforbrains - EARN. Now, let's use it in a sentence: responsible people EARN what they they want in life; not expecting free handouts just for existing.

Sorry. You are fooling yourself. I'm sure your girls are wonderful. But...they are no better and work no harder than many who don't have the opportunity that they have had. You shouldn't pretend that they are.

What is it like to live in a world where you can prosper without effort? It must be great to live in your world where one can sit on their ass and prosper.

I've never said that. Why are you saying that I did?
Bullshit. The primary reason people drop out is they lose the motivation to see it through. Both my daughters made it through on scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up.

Nope. You are talking out of your ass.

And....thank the benefactors who helped pay for your daughters to attend college. That would be those who care about the future of this nation.
They EARNED those scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up dumass. Now, say it with me shitforbrains - EARN. Now, let's use it in a sentence: responsible people EARN what they they want in life; not expecting free handouts just for existing.

Sorry. You are fooling yourself. I'm sure your girls are wonderful. But...they are no better and work no harder than many who don't have the opportunity that they have had. You shouldn't pretend that they are.

What is it like to live in a world where you can prosper without effort? It must be great to live in your world where one can sit on their ass and prosper.

I've never said that. Why are you saying that I did?
Welcome to socialism, take and never earn.
I guess we should roll back our hero worship of our military people then.

It doesn't take long to go back to GI bashing does it?

You're the one who said people join the military for themselves and nothing else.

I guess we should get rid of the G.I. Bill while we are at it too. I mean what's the point of paying for their college education? Right?

GI bills are earned...don't even go there
I love teasing you lass. Because you totally flip on issues if were talking about the military.

Its a nutbag requirement. They must all pretend to love the military.

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