Why stop at free college?

You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

How about a society where the parents provide for their children or don't have children in the first place???

Nah, that could never work. It would take responsibility to do that, and liberals push to create more irresponsible people
Wonder if Bernie has any idea why college has become so expensive.....

Bernie was on welfare himself until he was forty years of age. Bernie has never earned a living. He's like Obama. He never ran a business and never really got any of his own Bills passed in his 25 years of Congress.

Neither has Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio
RIGGhhttt.....can ya show me their free college plans
I agree

Both Cruz and Rubio don't give a shit about education....it is a privilege of the rich

A privilege of the rich??? LOL!! Tell that to all those guys in uniform who are putting some skin in the game to get a college education.
Nope. You are talking out of your ass.

And....thank the benefactors who helped pay for your daughters to attend college. That would be those who care about the future of this nation.
They EARNED those scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up dumass. Now, say it with me shitforbrains - EARN. Now, let's use it in a sentence: responsible people EARN what they they want in life; not expecting free handouts just for existing.

Sorry. You are fooling yourself. I'm sure your girls are wonderful. But...they are no better and work no harder than many who don't have the opportunity that they have had. You shouldn't pretend that they are.

What is it like to live in a world where you can prosper without effort? It must be great to live in your world where one can sit on their ass and prosper.

I've never said that. Why are you saying that I did?
Welcome to socialism, take and never earn.

Are you trying to tell me that you think I am a taker?
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.

Not everyone can complete college and that is the truth.

Not everyone completes HS either. I guess you're arguing for making all education available only to those who can pay.

That's what this is really about: blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded rightwing dogma, which maintains that those who cannot afford to go to college shouldn't have the opportunity.

This illustrates the idiocy of both extremes, where Sanders' advocacy of 'college for everyone' is naïve and unfounded, and the right's notion that only those who can afford it should go to college, which is reprehensible and wrong.
If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.
Damn boy...

Are you ever thick
All jobs benefit society in their own way. Having an educated workforce benefits a society more than having an illiterate one wouldn't you agree?

So sick of Democrats using "society" as a means to get more from taxpayers. If we say how the wealthy benefit society, liberals have a heart attack.

This has nothing to do with society. An advanced education helps one person--the person getting that education. It's not like we have a shortage of kids going to college these days.

What we have a shortage of is affordable post secondary education

Well that's what you get with these liberal colleges. Those evil greedy professors and college administrators who are not paying their fair share.
Wonder if Bernie has any idea why college has become so expensive.....

Bernie was on welfare himself until he was forty years of age. Bernie has never earned a living. He's like Obama. He never ran a business and never really got any of his own Bills passed in his 25 years of Congress.

Said the guy who grew up when we had a middle class created by liberals.

Actually, it has been posted on the internet.
They EARNED those scholarships and grants by keeping their grades up dumass. Now, say it with me shitforbrains - EARN. Now, let's use it in a sentence: responsible people EARN what they they want in life; not expecting free handouts just for existing.

Sorry. You are fooling yourself. I'm sure your girls are wonderful. But...they are no better and work no harder than many who don't have the opportunity that they have had. You shouldn't pretend that they are.

What is it like to live in a world where you can prosper without effort? It must be great to live in your world where one can sit on their ass and prosper.

I've never said that. Why are you saying that I did?
Welcome to socialism, take and never earn.

Are you trying to tell me that you think I am a taker?
I'm telling you what socialism is...
Nothing is ever earned, everything is taken.
Common sense eludes you??
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.

Not everyone can complete college and that is the truth.

Not everyone completes HS either. I guess you're arguing for making all education available only to those who can pay.

That's what this is really about: blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded rightwing dogma, which maintains that those who cannot afford to go to college shouldn't have the opportunity.

This illustrates the idiocy of both extremes, where Sanders' advocacy of 'college for everyone' is naïve and unfounded, and the right's notion that only those who can afford it should go to college, which is reprehensible and wrong.
Sanders does not want everyone to go to college

But he wants college accessible to everyone
It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The average person gives a rats ass about society when choosing a carreer. Think about that for a moment. In fact, I can't think of anyone who gets a job in order to benefit society. They do it for themselves and nothing else.
Damn boy...

Are you ever thick
All jobs benefit society in their own way. Having an educated workforce benefits a society more than having an illiterate one wouldn't you agree?

So sick of Democrats using "society" as a means to get more from taxpayers. If we say how the wealthy benefit society, liberals have a heart attack.

This has nothing to do with society. An advanced education helps one person--the person getting that education. It's not like we have a shortage of kids going to college these days.

What we have a shortage of is affordable post secondary education

Well that's what you get with these liberal colleges. Those evil greedy professors and college administrators who are not paying their fair share.
Never went did you?
College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.

Not everyone can complete college and that is the truth.

Not everyone completes HS either. I guess you're arguing for making all education available only to those who can pay.

That's what this is really about: blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded rightwing dogma, which maintains that those who cannot afford to go to college shouldn't have the opportunity.

This illustrates the idiocy of both extremes, where Sanders' advocacy of 'college for everyone' is naïve and unfounded, and the right's notion that only those who can afford it should go to college, which is reprehensible and wrong.
Sanders does not want everyone to go to college

But he wants college accessible to everyone
He wants everyone's bank account to be accessible by the federal government... Lol
While we are going to give everyone a college degree why not give everyone a PHD? Everyone can be professors. Yes we can! That guy at Cirlcle K who can't count back the right change to you will now be a professor. Isn't America great! Every dumbshit in the world can be a professor. We have already proven any dumbshit can be a professor with Obama so why shouldn't every dumbshit get the same opportunity as the president?
A professor is just someone that failed at a real life...

Yes, the old saying, "If you can't do it yourself, teach it."
You either want a society where all kids get an opportunity for a basic education or you don't. That's all this amounts to.

College is "basic education" now?

Given the value of an education beyond K - 12 nowadays for economic opportunity in the US today I'd say yes definitely.
I include post HS vocational/trade education in that, btw.

Not everyone can complete college and that is the truth.

Not everyone completes HS either. I guess you're arguing for making all education available only to those who can pay.

That's what this is really about: blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded rightwing dogma, which maintains that those who cannot afford to go to college shouldn't have the opportunity.

This illustrates the idiocy of both extremes, where Sanders' advocacy of 'college for everyone' is naïve and unfounded, and the right's notion that only those who can afford it should go to college, which is reprehensible and wrong.

The problem with your argument is everyone does have the opportunity. Flag waving by you Liberals is simply amusing. When you spout off that higher education is good for the country but absolutely refuse to consider the military option toward getting that education, you flag waving falls on sand.
Should we charge people to go to high schools ?

That's not the question. Let's take some more of your logic. Since High Schools are essential to young people, what are your thoughts on food? That's pretty essential, too. Should food be free as well? It'll certainly keep you alive longer than a diploma would.

Honestly, I don't think a high school diploma is absolutely necessary for life. There are plenty of people who are able to provide for themselves without one. The other thing to consider with "diplomas for everyone" is the fact that once everyone gets one they become absolutely worthless. At that point, it does no one absolutely no good at all.

That sums you up... You don't know how important an educated workforce is to an economy...

It is shown in your treatment of the President... Obama is an intelligent well educated man that is under no question.
You just continue how ignorant you are...

Once everyone gets a FREE PHD from the government then Obama is no longer that educated. I know that an education is kind of worthless if their isn't an employer who thinks it is worth something. It is people like you who detest the capitalist system, does everything in their power to destroy it, and then benefits from it at that same time. It seems kind of hypocritical if you ask me.
There are thousands of employers looking for workers with not just a college education but a trade
Those who are less skilled or motivated would still be available for low skilled labor

So if you want to go into a trade you are "less skilled" or "less motivated"? So plumbers, HVAC installers, electricians are less skilled or motivated? I think you are wrong.
How bout this?

Free houses

If you normally pay $1000 a month mortgage, you pay an addititional $750 a month in taxes and live in a house provided by the government. Live in it twenty years and it is yours

Government uses the power of large markets and buys land and prefabricated components in bulk to build low cost houses.

If you don't want a government built house, you can still buy your own

I don't want government to feed me, I don't want government telling me where to live, I don't want government providing me healthcare, I don't want government wiping me when I'm done using the toilet.

My mother did these things for me when I was a child. I'm grown up now and don't need government to be my new mother.

I hear you. Most of these morons are happy to be led around by the nose and told what to do. They call that freedom. What a laugher.
It is freedom.

Nobody is forcing you to live in a government provided house, but your housing costs would be a lot less if you do

Why do you deny it to others?

The government would be forcing you to pay taxes to fund this idiocy, you dumb fucking moron.
That is not what I proposed

If you want to live in a government provided house, you pay $750 a month extra in tax instead of a $1000 a month mortgage

Why would you oppose it?

And the government would build these houses? What makes you think they would be any cheaper? What makes you think they would even be habitable? Have you ever been in government built housing?
Good god...what a horrible view of our world

If you can't afford a decent standard of living....your problem loser

In the richest country in the world

If that's what you believe, then why should government pay for anyone to go to college? Isn't it "their problem?"

It is something that benefits society....you might even say it helps the General Welfare

The fact is it doesn't benefit society. In fact it positively harms society.
Like I said earlier, I would certainly be ashamed for my kids to know that I begged for anyone other than myself to pay for their college educations.

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