why the bible alone doesnt work


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Feb 22, 2004
Been thinking quite a bit about the gifts of the spirit. Those include the gifts of revelation and prophesying.

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is God. When He speaks, He speaks God's word, by definition, because He is God.

And yet we have too much of Christianity declaring that the Bible is all the word of God we can and ever will have. That we will receive no more of God's Word. If this is true, then the Holy Ghost does not speak. Nor does He work among the children of man.

And what does Christ teach us in the Bible? He teaches us that His disciples will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. In fact He calls and authorizes the apostles to do just that. And they teach faith in Christ, repentance and Baltimore the remission of sins. And as the early saints did that, they received the gift of The Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of the apostles.

And by receiving the Holy Ghost we gain spiritual gifts and can do miracles through our faith in Christ.

So how can those who deny revelation beyond the Bible receive the Holy Ghost when He is a revelator? How they do mighty miracles through faith while denying the Holy Ghost acts.in the world? And if you say the Holy Ghost acts, how can you claim the Bible is all there is and all we need? Especially when the Bible shows us we need to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. How can you live off every word when you tell God He must be silence and will not listen to what He says?

It's ironic, that by claiming to believe in the Bible alone, the actual teachings of the Bible end up being ignored. Because the Bible teaches us that if we lack wisdom we can ask of God and He will give it liberally. The Bible teaches us to ask and we shall receive. That if we seek we shall find.

If man denies the Holy Ghost speaks and reveals God's will, how can they perform any miracle? The very act of proclaiming an end to revelation cuts off a connection with God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power of such.

But the disciples of Jesus Christ will study the scriptures and receive revelation from the Holy Ghost. And when they preach signs will follow them. Else, there is no faith in Christ.
The bible alone doesn't work because it was written by men, and imbued with man's fears, faults, failings, ignorance, and hate.

Of course that's true of the religious texts of all faiths – including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism; indeed, all religions are false because they're the creation of man, reflecting man's imperfection.
Been thinking quite a bit about the gifts of the spirit. Those include the gifts of revelation and prophesying.

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is God. When He speaks, He speaks God's word, by definition, because He is God.

And yet we have too much of Christianity declaring that the Bible is all the word of God we can and ever will have. That we will receive no more of God's Word. If this is true, then the Holy Ghost does not speak. Nor does He work among the children of man.

And what does Christ teach us in the Bible? He teaches us that His disciples will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. In fact He calls and authorizes the apostles to do just that. And they teach faith in Christ, repentance and Baltimore the remission of sins. And as the early saints did that, they received the gift of The Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of the apostles.

And by receiving the Holy Ghost we gain spiritual gifts and can do miracles through our faith in Christ.

So how can those who deny revelation beyond the Bible receive the Holy Ghost when He is a revelator? How they do mighty miracles through faith while denying the Holy Ghost acts.in the world? And if you say the Holy Ghost acts, how can you claim the Bible is all there is and all we need? Especially when the Bible shows us we need to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. How can you live off every word when you tell God He must be silence and will not listen to what He says?

It's ironic, that by claiming to believe in the Bible alone, the actual teachings of the Bible end up being ignored. Because the Bible teaches us that if we lack wisdom we can ask of God and He will give it liberally. The Bible teaches us to ask and we shall receive. That if we seek we shall find.

If man denies the Holy Ghost speaks and reveals God's will, how can they perform any miracle? The very act of proclaiming an end to revelation cuts off a connection with God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power of such.

But the disciples of Jesus Christ will study the scriptures and receive revelation from the Holy Ghost. And when they preach signs will follow them. Else, there is no faith in Christ.

Not sure what non-Catholic denominations teach that Bible is all we have. Catholic teaching is that the Bible contains divine revelation for all humanity. Personal revelation can be measured against the Bible. A person may know whether the revelation is from the Holy Spirit if it does not contradict any Biblical teaching. A personal revelation may be guidance in one's own life--but not necessarily meant for everyone.

In matters of dogma, we have to see the Holy Spirit working from person, to local committee(s), to more formal teams. It keeps growing throughout the Church. There is scripture, and then there are writings that may or may not (personal choice) be used in addition to scripture.
Been thinking quite a bit about the gifts of the spirit. Those include the gifts of revelation and prophesying.

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is God. When He speaks, He speaks God's word, by definition, because He is God.

And yet we have too much of Christianity declaring that the Bible is all the word of God we can and ever will have. That we will receive no more of God's Word. If this is true, then the Holy Ghost does not speak. Nor does He work among the children of man.

And what does Christ teach us in the Bible? He teaches us that His disciples will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. In fact He calls and authorizes the apostles to do just that. And they teach faith in Christ, repentance and Baltimore the remission of sins. And as the early saints did that, they received the gift of The Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of the apostles.

And by receiving the Holy Ghost we gain spiritual gifts and can do miracles through our faith in Christ.

So how can those who deny revelation beyond the Bible receive the Holy Ghost when He is a revelator? How they do mighty miracles through faith while denying the Holy Ghost acts.in the world? And if you say the Holy Ghost acts, how can you claim the Bible is all there is and all we need? Especially when the Bible shows us we need to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. How can you live off every word when you tell God He must be silence and will not listen to what He says?

It's ironic, that by claiming to believe in the Bible alone, the actual teachings of the Bible end up being ignored. Because the Bible teaches us that if we lack wisdom we can ask of God and He will give it liberally. The Bible teaches us to ask and we shall receive. That if we seek we shall find.

If man denies the Holy Ghost speaks and reveals God's will, how can they perform any miracle? The very act of proclaiming an end to revelation cuts off a connection with God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power of such.

But the disciples of Jesus Christ will study the scriptures and receive revelation from the Holy Ghost. And when they preach signs will follow them. Else, there is no faith in Christ.
Not exactly true to the OP but do you think the Holy Ghost reveals anything beyond that which can be found in the Bible?
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Been thinking quite a bit about the gifts of the spirit. Those include the gifts of revelation and prophesying.

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is God. When He speaks, He speaks God's word, by definition, because He is God.

And yet we have too much of Christianity declaring that the Bible is all the word of God we can and ever will have. That we will receive no more of God's Word. If this is true, then the Holy Ghost does not speak. Nor does He work among the children of man.

And what does Christ teach us in the Bible? He teaches us that His disciples will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. In fact He calls and authorizes the apostles to do just that. And they teach faith in Christ, repentance and Baltimore the remission of sins. And as the early saints did that, they received the gift of The Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of the apostles.

And by receiving the Holy Ghost we gain spiritual gifts and can do miracles through our faith in Christ.

So how can those who deny revelation beyond the Bible receive the Holy Ghost when He is a revelator? How they do mighty miracles through faith while denying the Holy Ghost acts.in the world? And if you say the Holy Ghost acts, how can you claim the Bible is all there is and all we need? Especially when the Bible shows us we need to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. How can you live off every word when you tell God He must be silence and will not listen to what He says?

It's ironic, that by claiming to believe in the Bible alone, the actual teachings of the Bible end up being ignored. Because the Bible teaches us that if we lack wisdom we can ask of God and He will give it liberally. The Bible teaches us to ask and we shall receive. That if we seek we shall find.

If man denies the Holy Ghost speaks and reveals God's will, how can they perform any miracle? The very act of proclaiming an end to revelation cuts off a connection with God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power of such.

But the disciples of Jesus Christ will study the scriptures and receive revelation from the Holy Ghost. And when they preach signs will follow them. Else, there is no faith in Christ.
Not exactly true to the OP but do you think the Holy Ghost reveals anything beyond that which can be found in the Bible?

without a doubt He does. The scriptures are fairly clear that they are teaching milk and not meat. There are things they were not allowed to speak. Things that will be revealed by the Holy ghost
Been thinking quite a bit about the gifts of the spirit. Those include the gifts of revelation and prophesying.

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is God. When He speaks, He speaks God's word, by definition, because He is God.

And yet we have too much of Christianity declaring that the Bible is all the word of God we can and ever will have. That we will receive no more of God's Word. If this is true, then the Holy Ghost does not speak. Nor does He work among the children of man.

And what does Christ teach us in the Bible? He teaches us that His disciples will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. In fact He calls and authorizes the apostles to do just that. And they teach faith in Christ, repentance and Baltimore the remission of sins. And as the early saints did that, they received the gift of The Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of the apostles.

And by receiving the Holy Ghost we gain spiritual gifts and can do miracles through our faith in Christ.

So how can those who deny revelation beyond the Bible receive the Holy Ghost when He is a revelator? How they do mighty miracles through faith while denying the Holy Ghost acts.in the world? And if you say the Holy Ghost acts, how can you claim the Bible is all there is and all we need? Especially when the Bible shows us we need to live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. How can you live off every word when you tell God He must be silence and will not listen to what He says?

It's ironic, that by claiming to believe in the Bible alone, the actual teachings of the Bible end up being ignored. Because the Bible teaches us that if we lack wisdom we can ask of God and He will give it liberally. The Bible teaches us to ask and we shall receive. That if we seek we shall find.

If man denies the Holy Ghost speaks and reveals God's will, how can they perform any miracle? The very act of proclaiming an end to revelation cuts off a connection with God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power of such.

But the disciples of Jesus Christ will study the scriptures and receive revelation from the Holy Ghost. And when they preach signs will follow them. Else, there is no faith in Christ.
Not exactly true to the OP but do you think the Holy Ghost reveals anything beyond that which can be found in the Bible?

without a doubt He does. The scriptures are fairly clear that they are teaching milk and not meat. There are things they were not allowed to speak. Things that will be revealed by the Holy ghost
Examples of such?
The Book of Mormon for one.

I have never read the book of Mormon, but feel free to add an online link to a copy of it on my thread 'spiritual teachings' If only to bounce my thread.

I certainly believe that we can receive inspiration from higher worlds in the here and now. I do not think the bible is the last inspiration we have received from God. The teachings I have studied say that God is in us all.
The Book of Mormon for one.
I shouldn't let you have that. How about something specific from the Book of Mormon? I know absolutely nothing about it. God told me to read the OT but perhaps I am working up to the Book of Mormon, never know.
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The Book of Mormon for one.

I kind of suspected that this thread was going to lead to the conclusion that one needs Mormon revelations in addition to the Bible in order to know the will of god. I just didn't think it would get there that fast....

That's not where the thread was going at all. The point of the thread is that the whole concept of the Bible alone is unbiblical.
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The Book of Mormon for one.

I have never read the book of Mormon, but feel free to add an online link to a copy of it on my thread 'spiritual teachings' If only to bounce my thread.

I certainly believe that we can receive inspiration from higher worlds in the here and now. I do not think the bible is the last inspiration we have received from God. The teachings I have studied say that God is in us all.

I will when I get a chance.
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The Book of Mormon for one.

I kind of suspected that this thread was going to lead to the conclusion that one needs Mormon revelations in addition to the Bible in order to know the will of god. I just didn't think it would get there that fast....
Guess it goes to show: Never underestimate a Mormon to get right to the point. :rolleyes-41:

That wasn't my point though. Just a response to your question. The point was the Bible teaches the gift of the Holy Ghost was given to disciples to teach them truth and sanctify them. The Holy Ghost is God. Logically if the Spirit is still active in the world the Bible cannot be all of God's word.
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The Book of Mormon for one.
I shouldn't let you have that. How about something specific from the Book of Mormon? I know absolutely nothing about it. God told me to read the OT but perhaps I am working up to the Book of Mormon, never know.

It's a rather lengthy volume, is there anything specific you want to know?
Scripture alone is called God’s word (Jn.10:35; 2 Tim.3:16; 2 Pt.1:20) In 1 Cor.4:6 we are specifically told “not to go beyond what is written.” Why say this if traditions outside the written word are just as inspired? We have every logical and scriptural reason to believe that what the apostles penned down was inspired by the Holy Spirit and intended for all believers throughout history. We are warned by an apostle “not to go beyond what is written.” sounds like Sola Scriptura to me! Jesus declared that the “Scripture cannot be broken.” (Jn.10:35) this is not so for traditions. Scripture alone is the eternal word that is settled forever in heaven.

When the apostles died, there was no longer a living apostolic authority since the qualification to be an apostle and have that authority was to be an eyewitness of the resurrected Christ (Acts 1:22;1 Cor.9:1). Because the New Testament is the only inspired (infallible) accurate record of the apostles teaching we have today.

The Bibles Tradition
The Book of Mormon for one.
I shouldn't let you have that. How about something specific from the Book of Mormon? I know absolutely nothing about it. God told me to read the OT but perhaps I am working up to the Book of Mormon, never know.

It's a rather lengthy volume, is there anything specific you want to know?
OK, got one. I just read something in the book of Job which I think sheds some insight into Adam's apple. I am still working on making a concept of it. From the Book of Mormon what understanding do get about the forbidden apple?

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