Zone1 why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....

That's why .....

  • because Catholic priests are not allowed to marry

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • because women are not allowed to become Catholic priests

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • because so many priests molested children

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • because so many bishops were helping those child molesters instead of helping the children

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • still other reasons

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I dis-agree

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
I am here. ...

The text of this Zappa song is only idiotic, that's all. The song is perhaps only a product of a drug fantasy - which has not to be from Frank Zappa on his own! The Sofa perhaps only a sexual allusion.

Here a nice German Folk song - from the year 1740 about a Sofa - also called "Kanapee": Das Kanapee ist mein Vergnügen (=The canapé is my delight).

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Really? Each coequal third of the trinity

You try to misunderstand what we say intentionally because of your egocentrism. It exists no coequal third it exists only a unity. An analogy is the space all around which has three dimensions but is only one space and we are practically like fish who swim in this three dimensional logic - like living water surrounded from living water. Our hope is one day we will be a kind of "thorn-bush fire" or light on our own. But now we are water.

is 100% God at the same time Jesus was 100% human?


Yes. Jesus is a 100% human being. Ask Mary who had to wash his diapers.

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i looked at a few dissertations involving pedophelia by working all industries the rate of diddling was around 3.5% per occupation meaning what it is....the priesthoosd was slightly higher at 3.7, statistically not that significant

now what does that tell you?.........we'll work in riddles

Idiots like you kill this planet. Example: A short time ago murdered a child another child in a Christian institution for children not far from here. A human catastrophe which has reasons also in a change of laws for example. People like you like to close such institiutions because they like to live in a perfect world as for example in the perfect English speaking USA where the people have more guns than inhabitants.
You try to misunderstand what we say intentionally because of your egocentrism. It exists no coequal third it exists only a unity. An analogy is the space all around which has three dimensions but is only one space and we are practically like fish who swim in this three dimensional logic - like living water surrounded from living water. Our hope is one day we will be a kind of "thorn-bush fire" or light on our own. But now we are water.
How many of you are there?

Yes. Jesus is a 100% human being. Ask Mary who had to wash his diapers.

No kidding. This fact alone precludes the possibility that Jesus was or is God. In fact there has never been and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence. If Jesus claimed to be God he was insane. But he never did.

"But go and tell my brothers that I am ascending to my Father and your Father; My God and your God." By saying that his God is our God Jesus effectively eliminated the possibility that he either thought of himself as or claimed to be God. Your are deliberately perpetuating pernicious lies.

His enemies said he claimed to be God to discredit him and so that people would dismiss his teachings out of hand as the inanne ravings of a drunken lunatic because even in the first century, exactly as it is now, anyone who claimed to be God was either insane or completely evil.

You bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people by saying that Jesus claimed to be God.

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Not really. Also normal protestants respect a consecrated bread more than only a symbol. "Transubstantiation" is a word nearly on one is able to speak out the first time without to make a mistake - but the - let me call it "idea" now - the idea behind this word is something what lives in the living heart of much more people than they often know on their own. God is with them ... by eating bread with their hearts.
In ancient times people thought that the heart was the seat of consciousness. It is now well known that consciousness is seated in the brain. So whenever scripture speaks about what is going on in the heart it is really talking about what is going on in the mind. This clears up many mysteries.

by the same name: and we are to "devour Him with the ear and to ruminate on Him with the understanding, and to digest Him by faith"

Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III : ElucidationsTertullian › anf › anf03 › anf03-42

In Ezekiel 3, God commands the prophet to "eat the scroll", to internalize and digest the word of God.

So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey." Rev 10:9

The Word of God, manna from heaven that became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for instruction from God, cannot be "transubstantiated", turned into a lifeless matzo made by human hands by a priest and handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food to be worshipped and eaten by "believers" for spiritual life and then flushed down the toilet the next day.

Do you even have an inkling how much hatred for God and contempt for Jesus is openly expressed by that vile and degrading practice that "celebrates" the torture and death of Jesus?

No? Smarten up. To be aware is to be alive.
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God is with them ... by eating bread with their hearts.

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear, that you may live." Isaiah 55:1
In ancient times people thought

as complex as today but in other categories. What we don't know any longer they still did know - and what is now they had not bene able to know - but they made it. The question is: Are they proud now on us that we use the possibilities they gave us in the right way? They are not here because the most idiozs in our timr think everyone had been stupid in the past and they havbe the stone of wisdom in their fridge. On moment ... this they don't think about themsleve ... thsi is what I think about many of my contemporaries. Wished I could be as care free as had been my grandpa king David when he danced and sang in a parade and his wife had been very angry on him about this unroyal behavior which made her in her own eyes to the a Queen married with a clown. ... Oh by the way .. married with a clown ... this remembrs me now to Queen Elizabeth and her nearly unknown married Clown Philip who had been as well a German, a Brit and a prince of Greece and Denmark. Was always nice to hear from him and to hear how the world was upset when he made one of his terrible jokes. Was a nice ancient time - this past when Queen Elisabeth and Prince Philip still had been alive.

that the heart was the seat of consciousness.

If you don't know: The heart is the origin of all loveful emotions. That's why we make often anatomically nearly correct picturese from hearts and double-hearts who beat in the same rhythm.

It is now well known that consciousness is seated in the brain.

No no no no no no no. Aristotle said it is an organ to cool the blood. Your "studies" of ancient cultures is really bullshit. If Aristotle had not said this very plausible sentence in his time of history then you would know nothing about what people today are able to say about brains beause of him and Averroes ("the interpreter" [of Aristotle]) the Holy Castholic Church had not indirectly founded everything what is called today "university" with founding traditions in the system of the philosophy of Aristotle. So use your brain to cool your blood if you have poblems with an overheated aggressive heart.

So whenever scripture speaks about what is going on in the heart it is really talking about what is going on in the mind.

Whoow - what an epochal idea. Do we also have a common mind? We are "the religion of the book" - perhaps is somewhere something written about how two minds make a common mind in a new manger with ox and donkey ... ah sorry: in a new brain with language centres and brainstem. Do you kow how the German language is biologically encultured in a brain? No? I also not. Bad luck. Could be an interesting scientific question for the next decades.

This clears up many mysteries.

It does what? It's one of the greatest mysteries in the world how a brain works. But I guess it's good to use it to cool down the own blood in research to find this out - because very fast and short is the way to become a devil like Mengele in researching the secrets how a brain is able to represent a spiritual mind and to try to tear out this spirituality which makes us to be children of god.

by the same name: and we are to "devour Him with the ear and to ruminate on Him with the understanding, and to digest Him by faith"

Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III : ElucidationsTertullian › anf › anf03 › anf03-42

In Ezekiel 3, God commands the prophet to "eat the scroll", to internalize and digest the word of God.

So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey." Rev 10:9

The Word of God, manna from heaven that became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for instruction from God, cannot be "transubstantiated", turned into a lifeless matzo made by human hands by a priest and handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food to be worshipped and eaten by "believers" for spiritual life and then flushed down the toilet the next day.

Perhaps your not existing problem is able to be solved when we eat Silicon-Valley-Wavers instead of consecrated bread and wine. But we had to write a new and wrong bible in this case - and to write the old one with all the different shreds of the actions and words of Christ was not easy when the people tried to remember what they really knew and to seperate this all from the nonsense some people said becaue of their overwhelming fantasies. Whatever. Bread and Wine is quite okay to remember also only the last supper if someone is not able to belief that the spirit of god in the own soul will be renewed and strengthened with this meal.

Do you even have an inkling how much hatred for God and contempt for Jesus is openly expressed by that vile and degrading practice that "celebrates" the torture and death of Jesus?

No. Jesus died in a totally normal way like every other criminal on a cross. The problem is not Jesus - the problems is a wrong feeling of justice. To be prisoner in Belarus is for sure not nice now. And women are somewhere in the world legally murdered because they like to show their hairs in public. How many hours - days - years - decades and centuries do you have time to try to speak now about all this problems with me?


Smarten up. To be aware is to be alive.

Many people are smarting up themselve into a region where nothing exists any longer what is able to help them. Also Buddha warned to hang the plumb line of thinking into depths where nothing is any longer. Sometimes it needs to trust in god to make an encouraged jump to cross a chasm of nonsense and heartlessness for to continue the own way pleasing to god.
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as complex as today but oinn other categories. What we don't know any longer they still did know - and whjat is now tehy ahd ntbene nabel toi now - but tehy made it. The quesion is. Are they proud now on us that we use the possibilities they gave us in the right way? They re not proerzud ebcaeu teh most iditos inourteonm thaoin everyine ahd stupid in the past and teh yxahve teh srtoe pfo woidome inthero refigerator. Ne mpent .. thsio tehy donüT theojnkm,abot themsleve - thsi is what I think about many of my contemporaries. Wished I could be as catre fre as had bene ym ganopa kng David when he danced and sang in a parade and his wife had been very agansy on him about this unroyal behavior which made her in her won eyes to the a Queen married with a clown. ... Oh by the way .. married with a clown ... this remembrs me now to Queen Elizabeth and her nearly unknown married Clown Philip who had been as well a German, a Brit and a prince of Greece and Denmark. Was always niovce to ehar from hom adn to hear how tzhe wrodl was upüset ewhewn he amde one of his "terrible" jokes. Was a nice ancient time this past when Queen Elisabeth and Philip still had been alive.

If you don't know: The heart is the origin of all loveful emotions. That's why we make often anatomically nearly correct picturese from hearts and double-hearts who beat in the same rhythm.

No no no no no no no. Aristotle sdaid itb is an organ to cool the blood. Your "studies" of ancient cultures is really bullshit. If As4riostale ahd not siad theiu very plausihbel sentence mthan you would know nohtgihn about what peopel topdayx aer able to say about brains beause of him and Averroes ("the interpreter" [of Aristotle]) the Holy Castholic Church had not indirectly founded everything what is called today "university" with founding traditions in the system othe phiososphy of Aristotle. So use your brain to cool your blood if you have poblems with youz overheated aggressive heart.

Whoow - what an epochal idea. Do we also have a common mind? We are "the religion iof the book" - perhaps is somewhere something written about how two minds make a common mind in a new manger with ocx and donkey ... ah sorry: new brain with languge centres and brainstem. Do yuoi kow hiow the german löanaguezgs is biologically encultured in a brain? No? Bad luck. Could be an interesting scientific question.

It does what? It's one of the greatest mysteries in the world how a brain works. But I guess it's good to use it to cool down the own blood in research to find this out - because very fast and short is the way to become a devil like Mengele in researching the secrets how a brain is able to represent a spiritual mind and to try ot tear out this spirituality which makes us to be children of god.

Perhaps your not existing probelem is able to be solved when we eat Silicon-Valley-Wavers instead of consecrated bread and wine. But we had to write a new and wrong bible in this case - and to write the old one with all the different shreds of the actsion and words of Christ was not easy whend the people tried to remember waht they knew and to seperate this all from the nonsense some people said becaue of their overwhelming fantasies. Wahtefer. Bread and Wine is quite okay to remember also only the last supper if someone is not able to belief that the spirit of god in the own soul will be renewed and strnegthened with this meal.

No. Jesus died in a totally normal way like every other criminal on a cross. The problem is not Jesus - the problems is wroing feleoing of justice. Or do yiuthin ui we livenin ajustrnworld hwen teh priosn inBelöraus aer overflowing fro example? Do you thin nitnis oajky when jusgdges murder women on modern crosses who liekoit show their hair in pulci., How many hours - days - years - decades and centuries do you have time to try to speak now about all this problems?


Many people are smarting up themselve into a regiojn where nothing existts what is able to help them. Also Buddha warned to hang the plumb line of thinking into depths where nothing is any longer. Sometimes it needs to trust in god to make and an encouraged jump to cross a chasm of nonsense and heartlessness to continue the own way pleasing to god.
maybe it would be better to worship God than some jewish virgin
maybe it would be better to worship God than some jewish virgin

Or much more better: Honor the Jewish mother of god, the Jewish stepfather of god and the Jewish shepards including their Jewish sheep, the Jewish oxen and the Jewish donkey and all heavenly angels - instead to be an idiot who tries to think god is an anti-Semitic idiot like you are one on your own.

Mary went through a thorn forest.
Mary went through a thorn forest,
that had not borne leaves in seven years!
Jesus and Mary.

What did Mary carry under her heart?
A little child without pain,
Mary carried under her heart.
Jesus and Mary.

There the thorns bore roses;
When the little child was carried through the forest
the thorns bore roses!
Jesus and Mary.
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If you don't know: The heart is the origin of all loveful emotions....

Everything that you see, hear, feel, all of your emotions, everything you smell, touch, dream about, and hope for is all perceived in the organ of the brain. The organ of the heart just pumps blood.

Do we also have a common mind? We are "the religion of the book" - perhaps is somewhere something written about how two minds make a common mind in a new manger with ox and donkey ..

We again? Sure. Birds of the feather flock together and all of that. People can be united with one ideal or teaching held within and protected by the rational mind. This is the only way that God can be with you and in you and Jesus can be with you and in you; as Jesus was with God and in God, only if the same teaching, bread from heaven that became the flesh of Jesus (given for the life of the world) is in you, the same exact unadulterated codified divine instruction and wisdom that first came into the world from God through Moses. Be perfectly one with that way to follow the Law

How many hours - days - years - decades and centuries do you have time to try to speak now about all this problems with me?

Forever, but you can lead a donkey to water; you can't make them think. I'll be on my way soon enough if the simple metaphor for bread from heaven, Divine teaching, remains above your grasp.

Many people are smarting up themselve into a region where nothing exists any longer what is able to help them.

Help yourself. You have Jesus. Do this, don't do that. Its easy, if you ever figure out what he meant.
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Or much more better: Honor the Jewish mother of god,

God never had a human mother. Jesus did. Pay attention! Smell the garbage that you are eating....

The entire concept is completely absurd. Not kosher. It has defiled and contaminated your mind.

Auf Wiedersehen.
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Everything that you see, hear, feel, all of your emotions, everything you smell, touch, dream about, and hope for is all perceived in the organ of the brain.

A nonense sentence. A hand starts with finger nails and ends somewhere in the brain. A nose starts with the tip of the nose and ends somwhere in the brain. It's nohting new that human beings have a body. Slowly we found out more and more about the human body - including brain. By the way. Did you know that we have two brains? In our digestive tract exist the same cells as exist in our brain, what's also a reason to be careful with psychotropic drugs for example.

The organ of the heart just pumps blood.

Why do you think blood existed before hearts had been able to pump blood?

We again? Sure. Birds of the feather flock together and all of that. People can be united with one ideal or teaching held within and protected by the rational mind. This is the only way that God can be with you and in you and Jesus can be with you and in you; as Jesus was with God and in God, only if the same teaching, bread from heaven that became the flesh of Jesus (given for the life of the world) is in you, the same exact unadulterated codified divine instruction and wisdom that first came into the world from God through Moses. Be perfectly one with that way to follow the Law

Eh? What do you try to tell me here? Blubberwash?

Forever, but you can lead a donkey

I heard donkeys are a little special so I do not think I can do so.

to water; you can't make them think. I'll be on my way soon enough if the simple metaphor for bread from heaven, Divine teaching, remains above your grasp.

Is it? How do you know? If we really will go home after our death - why should we be astonished to see our home again?

Help yourself.

What an empty phrase. Do you say this to everyone who goes overboard?

You have Jesus. Do this, don't do that. Its easy, if you ever figure out what he meant.

So your problem is that I live an easy life while you don't do so? Change it. Life is easy.

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God never had a human mother

Are you sure?`

. Jesus did. Pay attention! Smell the garbage that you are eating....

The entire concept is completely absurd.

I told you some very clear things about this absurdity.

Not kosher.

You have not to trust in me nor in anyone else in this world - but will this make your life more easy?

It has defiled and contaminated your mind.

Auf Wiedersehen.

Are you able to explain to me why you think my belief in the triune god - which I share with much more than a billion other human beings - is a concrete real problem for whom exactly?
Are you sure?`
Yes. Any living creature whose source and cause of existence is God, even Jesus, cannot be God.


There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence. The entire religious system that Jesus believed in is based on rejecting the heathen belief that man can be god, as many Caesars and lunatics claimed to be.
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I told you some very clear things about this absurdity.

Right. And so I refuted it.

But if it makes you happy to believe that three is really one, the rest of your life in hell won't be really any worse than your life in hell has already been ever since you first got down on your knees decades ago in the deranged adoration of an imaginary triune matzo man, made by human hands, that has no life, is not God and can neither see hear speak or walk, that you worship and eat for spiritual life and flush down the toilet. Its a beautiful religion, as long as you don't think about it.

Do yourself a favor. Try to understand that to the living your sin is as obvious as a white bolder in the middle of a plowed field. Your religion is like a crumbling abandoned building filled with creepy things and vermin, slated for demolition. Get out while you can. No one can repent from the grave.
Are you able to explain to me why you think my belief in the triune god - which I share with much more than a billion other human beings - is a concrete real problem for whom exactly?
Is it not incredibly obvious to you? No? Go figure. Try to hear. Its a real concrete problem for everyone, the living and the dead, including you. You religiously addled numbskulls have usurped positions of authority in the attempt to influence secular laws and customs based on your deranged and perverted views of life consequent to the most superficial and stupid interpretations of biblical law and prophetic instruction possible. For instance, all of you zombies out there cry about a women's right to abortion accusing them and the doctors who help them of murder when your entire religion is based on aborting the development of the human mind, by indoctrinating children into your vile and degrading practice of seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands which, if your own Holy Book is true, amounts to intentional murder. Infanticide.

You want children born so that you can murder their minds. You are worse than serial killers. Condemning children to exist without God, light, or life -willingly- providing easy prey for the demons of this world to confuse, con, rob, rape, use, and abuse.... many for their entire lives.

You sacrifice your own children to Moloch because you don't have the faith to stand up to evil.

A concrete real problem for whom exactly? Everyone on earth. Including you. Now you know.
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Yes. Any living creature whose source and cause of existence is God, even Jesus, cannot be God.


There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence. The entire religious system that Jesus believed in is based on rejecting the heathen belief that man can be god, as many Caesars and lunatics claimed to be.

Okay - if Jesus - true god from true god - said so to you then believe this. This is absolutelly not any problem for me. But to call all Christians imperialists and lunatics is far from reality.

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numbskull, deranged, perverted, stupid, zombies, murder, indoctrinating. degrading, murder, infanticide, murder, serial killers, rape, abuse
... A concrete real problem for whom exactly? Everyone on earth. Including you. Now you know.

Weird. Very weird. Give me a concrete example please because I am an agnostics. Empty hateful phrases are not able to convince me - from nothing.
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Empty hateful phrases are not able to convince me - from nothing.
I am not even trying to convince you about anything. I am convincing others standing around watching about something by showing where right and wrong and judgment lie, by proving that Jesus was right, and demonstrating IRL the fact that the prince of this world stands condemned.
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