Zone1 why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....

That's why .....

  • because Catholic priests are not allowed to marry

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • because women are not allowed to become Catholic priests

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • because so many priests molested children

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • because so many bishops were helping those child molesters instead of helping the children

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • still other reasons

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I dis-agree

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
Weird. Very weird. Give me a concrete example please because I am an agnostics
If you are agnostic why are you saying silly things like the mother of God as if you were a believer?

What more proof do you need other than your own words that something is amiss with your soul and that church teaching is responsible by feeding people "unclean flesh" that defiles and contaminates (the mind) to deliberately put beguiled 'believers' into a state of consciousness that resembles a deep sleep making them easy to be fleeced and used and abused by real demons?

Seriously, what type of strange creature claims to be agnostic yet perpetuates a belief that God has a mother and God is a trinity and that Jesus was 100% human and 100% God in the flesh?

At the rate you are going even the most devout atheist will be convinced about the wisdom hidden in the Law and the reality of Divine condemnation, as real as cause and effect, for failure to comply with its simple instructions like don't worship or bow down to anything made by human hands for any religious reason. How hard is it really to not do extremely stupid and suicidal things like that?

Be real. How great has it been going through life with a brain that has been rendered useless? How many years will you get drunk on Christmas Eve singing maudlin songs about a trinity that loved 'us' so much that he diddled a virgin to become human before you realize its just a load of crap?

Snap out of it already. You have been misled. Is that really too hard for a believer to believe? Damn.
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If you are agnostic ...

I said: "I am an agnostics." and not "If I would be an agnostics" or "I am an agnostics from atheists grace." You should slowly start to try to take serios what other human beings say to you.
It's not just the Catholics, others have the same problem. And it it a wonder? No. It's the 21st century and to think that some ancient sheep herders discovered all the secrets of the universe is an insult to intelligence.
I mean, that's what we humans do - we wanna know how stuff works. Wanna know what's going on in this world. And that's just what those ancient people did - tried to figure out what's what. Considering their lack of knowledge, it was reasonable to come up with a God/s that made things happen. But we know better now. At least most of us do.

Another question: Your way to speak and to give examples uses Yiddish and Hebrew words so my feeling is you try to give other people the impression you have something to do with Jews. But nothing in your mind shows any form of Jewish mentality which I know. How comes?

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It's not just the Catholics, others have the same problem.

Which "same problem"?

And it it a wonder? No. It's the 21st century and to think that some ancient sheep herders discovered all the secrets of the universe is an insult to intelligence.
I mean, that's what we humans do - we wanna know how stuff works. Wanna know what's going on in this world. And that's just what those ancient people did - tried to figure out what's what. Considering their lack of knowledge, it was reasonable to come up with a God/s that made things happen. But we know better now. At least most of us do.

What do we - at least the most of us - know better now? (Better now than whoelse? And what means "better" at all?)

Give me a concrete example please.

(By the way: My feeling is the 21st century tries to go back to the 19th century and not tries to be part of the new third millenium past Christ).
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Which "same problem"?

What do we - at least the most of us - know better now? (Better now than whoelse? And what means "better" at all?)

Give me a concrete example please.
People leaving their church or not attracting new members.

I mean at least rudimentary understanding of basic scientific facts.
The impossibility of a worldwide flood for example
People leaving their church or not attracting new members.


I mean at least rudimentary understanding of basic scientific facts.

Do you understand why "the perfect is not perfect" how I call this? It would had been perfect for example if matter and anti-matter had wiped out each other. But this did not happen. Or if an extremely little diffference in the background radiation of the universe not had existed a process which is often called "self organisation of matter" (what means not automatically "evolution"!) had been impossibe and so on and so on. Or why exists pure random at all? And so on and so on ... The more we know - ¿and why for heavens sake are you a standard racist who thinks Catholics are scientific idiots? - the greater grows also mystics. But this makes science not to a god. Only god is god.

The impossibility of a worldwide flood for example

I will never understand why every child understands easily the story of Noah while all united fake-intellectuals of the world have a problem with this story. The mystery is only: Why is this story witten in a way so every child is able to understand? My tip to you: When you see the next time a rainbow in the sky - enjoy it. God loves you. And if you see an animal which needs help - help! You are a child of god. And if you will die - after a long happy life - ask the author of this story why he wrote it in this way.

PS: And if god should call you in this life on Earth here and tell you to do something what's impossible - then it's perhaps a good idea to think about the very best answer you are able to give god and/or to try to do what he suggests you to do with his help.
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Do you understand why "the perfect is not perfect" how I call this? It would had been perfect for emxpoelk of matter and anti-matter had wiped out each other. But this did not happen. Or if an extremely little diffference in the background raduaison of the universe not had existed a rpeocvoe sof selöf- jiugersiis0otni of matater has bene impossibe and so on and so on. Or why exists pure random at all? and os o nand son on ... The more we know - and why for heavens sake are you a standard-racist who thinks Catholics are scientific idiots? - the greater grows mystics. But this makes science not to a god. Only god is god.

I will never understand why every child understands easily the story of Noah while all united fake-intellectuals of the world have a problem with this story. The mystery is only: Why is this story witten in way so every child is able to understand? My tip to you: When you see the next time a rainbow in the sky - enjoy it. And if you see an animal which needs help - help! And if you will die - after a long happy life - ask the author of this story why he wrote it in this way.
And? That's the topic. For whatever reason, the churches lose members. The Catholic Church can point to their scandal with altar boy diddling priests but I don't think it's the full story. The popular Bible stories really are an insult to intelligence and that's why I think that religion is in decline.
And? That's the topic.

Says the undertaker of living oxes?

For whatever reason, the churches lose members. The Catholic Church can point to their scandal with altar boy diddling priests but I don't think it's the full story. The popular Bible stories really are an insult to intelligence

Of your intelligence - not of my intelligence.

and that's why I think that religion is in decline.

The religion of atheists is on rise. Main reason: Darwinism + standard "morals": "Human beings are the wolve of human beings", "You are my slave because I am rich", "The truth is: It exists no truth" or "It exist many truthes, so you are always right", "I believe not to believe" and so on and so on ...
Us? How many of you are there? Jesus never instructed me to eat a piece of bread for spiritual life

Bread is a metaphor for teaching like manna from heaven is a metaphor for instruction from God.

You eat his flesh and drink his blood by receiving his teaching, bread from heaven, and acting on it

Life is in the blood, in the doing.

The Body of Christ is in actuality the Body of Christ's teaching, words, on how to understand the figurative language used in Divine law and how to comply that fulfills the promise of life and frees people from the burden of the law which is the curse for failure to comply, the death of sanity.

The Body of Christ is not something that you eat one day and flush down the toilet the next. Duh
Do you even have an inkling how much contempt is in that desecration of the words of Jesus?

Hate the break the news to you pal but obviously a demon screwed up your mind, probably many..
Matthew 26:26

Whatever that means I believe it. RCs have it spot on do the Orthodox.

Says the undertaker of living oxes?

Of your intelligence - not of my intelligence.

The religion of atheists is on rise. Main reason: Darwinism + standard "morals": "Human beings are the wolve of human beings", "You are my slave because I am rich", "The truth is: It exists no truth" or "It exist many truthes, so you are always right", "I believe not to believe" and so on and so on ...
I really don't know what you are arguing. Religion is on the decline. That's just a fact. I don't think the trend can be reversed. We're in the information age and not much useful information is to be had from sitting around in some church. Religion had a good run and now it's slowly coming to an end. It's natural
I really don't know what you are arguing. Religion is on the decline. That's just a fact. ...

Not really. The Catholic Church is on a decline in Germany. In the last 600 years we lost abut 80% of our members here - but the same time we wan in the rest of the world about a billion other members. In the USA for example exist much more Catholics than in Germany.
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... I don't think the trend can be reversed. ...

Or with other words: Without the help of god all Christians will die out because you and your people will take care that the Christian religion and/or all Christians will die out. That's true. But the question is: Will your new world be able to survive? And if not so: Do we Christians have any right to die out? What do you think will be better when we all will be dead?
We're in the information age ...

Which was started with a print of the bible in masses from the German Johannes Gutenberg (1400-1468).

PS: We reached by the way meanwhile a level where all problems which are able to be solved with machines are able to be solved because of the [printed] machine "computer" which is able to simulate every other machine. So for sure will come something what's totally new - we Germans call such a situation "Zeitenwende" - but no one is able to win or to lose a "Zeitenwende". It is what it is. We will see.
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... It's natural ...

What a nonsense. Since Göbekli Tepe nothing was "natural" (=evident) any longer. And spirituality always had been the motor for new ways of the culture and the civilisation.

If something is "natural" then I suggest to my church: "Make also women to bishops!" - on reason we lost this way where we once had been leading and this step is very long overdue. An abbess and an abbot have the same rank like a bishop - and I fear somehow stopped on unspiritual reasons the way to see in men and women equal children of god. But please: This not means women have to save us men because we are the worst idiots the world ever had seen. That's just simple fairness - nothing else. If we have to die out then let us die out in dignity and truth. And the sentence "god is not a man nor a woman" is a fake-wisdom. God is not only our father - god is also our mother.
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Not really. The Catholic Church is on a decline in Germany. In the last 600 years we lost abut 80% of our members here - but the same time we wan in the rest of the world about a billion other members. In the USA for example exist much more Catholics than in Germany.
It's as if you are taking this personally. You can still enjoy your church, even when it's half empty
Or with other words: Without the help of god all Christians will die out because you and your people will take care that the Christian religion and/or all Christians will die out. That's true. But the question is: Will your new world be able to survive? And if not so: Do we Christians have any right to die out? What do you think will be better when we all will be dead?
Oh please. Religious people are not gonna die out. They just not gonna have as much influence/power as they had before the great exodus (hehehe).
Atheists survive fine right now with you around, so it stands to reason atheists will also survive with less of you around.

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