Zone1 why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....

That's why .....

  • because Catholic priests are not allowed to marry

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • because women are not allowed to become Catholic priests

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • because so many priests molested children

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • because so many bishops were helping those child molesters instead of helping the children

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • still other reasons

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I dis-agree

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
Not really if I take serios what the philosopher Epicurus found out and what is an presentiment which I had to make on my own. Life continues just simple - in a new form of existence.
You disagree and then say the exact same thing? OK. So you may never become a great thinker.

I can live with that...:auiqs.jpg:
You disagree and then say the exact same thing? OK. So you may never become a great thinker.

I can live with that...:auiqs.jpg:

You are an extremely perverted anti-Christian idiot on a very high level of idiocy and superstupidity. You do not know what's right or wrong on "moral" reasons. That's you worst problem. And my worst problem is that you do not understand - or are not able to unerstand in general - people like Saint Paul or Meister Eckhart and that Hannah Arendt and Dietrich Bonhoefer are right. The banality of the evil is a terrible thing - even when we have to laugh about it loudly. But we all are helpless in this form of superstupidity which not depends on intellectual flow but denies all forms of moral integrity. Or with other words. The grass is not blue, superidiot! It's green!
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You are an extreme pervertetd antiChrtasin idtio on a very high level of idiocy and superstupidity. You dponTmoikwjn whatös right or wrong on "moral" reasons. That's you worst problem. And my worst prorblm is that you do not understand people like Meister Eckhart and Hannah Arendt and Dietrich Bonhoefer are right. The banalöaiytos f teh eveil is terrible - and we all are helpless in this form of stupidity which not depends on intellectual flow but on moral integrity.

Oy! Here 'we' go again!

You claim to believe that an innocent man, Jesus, died for your sins and have the audacity to talk about moral integrity? And who in hell is going to believe that you love Jesus after that? Jesus? lol

BTW. I read 'the cost of discipleship" and I agree that Dietrich Bonhoeffer did the best that anyone could hope to do before the Parousia. If he was alive on earth right now he would be scolding you.
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lol...There is nothing mysterious about the presence of God except to those who have never seen him

No one has seen god.

and do not know him.

No one knows god.

What underpins Gods presence is the righteous interpretation and application of his Law

Laws are uninteresting formal structures from men for men. Real Christians don't need laws - and if laws exist which they have to hurt then this laws are a problem. A law to kill human beings on not any very real reason to have to do so is for example not able be a human law.

as revealed by Jesus, the firmament (basis) of Heaven. No one who does not comply with the Laws demands as revealed by Jesus has ever seen and does not know God.

Life is important. Not laws. Jews for example follow a lot of divine laws or rules. In case life is in danger all this divine rules are not important. To save life is important. To follow such divine laws is first of all an act of discipline - what means to show to our father in heaven - and us on our own - that we never forget him.

The only mystery

Everything is a mystery. Search and you will find this is true.

is how anyone who practices idolatry doesn't notice the absence of the presence of God in their destitute lives because they have substituted the presence of God with a comical triune almighty, yet edible, pusillanimous figment of their unrestrained imaginations.

Eh? Blubberwash. Nonsense.

Some people

Who? Carl, John, Margery?

have become so desperate that they have settled for eating garbage fed to swine.

Okay. Carl became so desperate that he eats garbage instead of swine? What about not to be desperate and to eat a bread with butter and honey? Solves this any of your not existing blubberwash problems?
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Nonone has seen god.
nonone knows god

So when Jesu said, "blessed are the pure of heart (mind) for they shall see God.", he was lying?

When Jesus said, "This is eternal life, knowing he who truly is God", he was just making a joke?

Excuse me dear but I have to remind you;

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
So when Jesu said, "blessed are the pure of heart (mind) for they shall see God.", he was lying? ...

You will not understand the video - but perhaps are you able to understand that other people are not always only idiots like you are one:

Meister Eckhart (1260-1328)
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You will not understand the video - but perhaps are you able to understand that other people are not always only idiots like you are one:

I'm sure that Jesus was told the same such shit. "only an idiot would say that a thousand years of traditions about kosher law was wrong." Who does he think he is, a sinner and a drunk! The nerve!

So yeah. In your world, without shape or form and void, I am an idiot to suggest that words from God cannot be handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food, Jesus wasn't God, and he wasn't crucified so that 'we' can sin with impunity for life. Anyone brainwashed since childhood knows whats right. 2000 years of tradition is wrong? Impossible! The outlandish hubris of an idiot! right?


But if I am right, and I am, what does that make you? (unless you repent) Permanently screwed....
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Either this planet is a planet full of aliens or I am an alien. Do you take any word serios what you say including "thank you"?
May I ask again about Corpus Christi processions in the USA?

Are there any?
Either this planet is a planet full of aliens or I am an alien. Do you take any word serios what you say including "thank you"?

Yes. I take every word including thank you very seriously. Everything that I have made known to you is the truth, the very truth. What you are mixed up in is an ancient Roman joke. A brazen display of hatred for the Hebrew God, the Father of Jesus, by openly worshipping a trinity, and a desecration of the teachings of Jesus by claiming the Word of God can be turned into a lifeless matzo, made by human hands, and eaten for spiritual life. This vile and degrading practice puts 'believers' under the condemnation of God, a curse, the death consequent for defying divine law.

Do you even have an inkling how much hatred for God and contempt for Jesus is expressed at mass? Jesus must have really pissed Rome off for them to wipe out and abolish all other pagan religions to make this one, Catholicism, which "celebrates" the torture and death of Jesus as a perfect human sacrifice to a false trinity, compulsory under threats of real and imaginary violence.

This is how for millennia Rome has used the power of death consequent to defying the law of God and desecrating the teachings of Jesus to deliberately subjugate the nations of the world, rendering the brains of the population useless while enriching leaders, both religious and secular, who lead smooth and easy lives off the backs and suffering of the deceived like ghouls in hell.

A few decades after Jesus was crucified many of the people who mocked him were crucified enslaved or exiled while everything was destroyed and stayed that way for thousands of years.

Believe that. Was that clear enough for a numbskull biped? even if it was from an alien? 👽

I have made you aware of something. What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?
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Yes. I take every word including thank you very seriously.


Everything that I have made known to you is the truth, the very truth.


What you are mixed up in is an ancient Roman joke. A brazen display of hatred for the Hebrew God, the Father of Jesus, by openly worshipping a trinity, and a desecration of the teachings of Jesus by claiming the Word of God can be turned into a lifeless matzo, made by human hands, and eaten for spiritual life. This vile and degrading practice puts 'believers' under the condemnation of God, a curse, the death consequent for defying divine law.

Do you even have an inkling how much hatred for God and contempt for Jesus is expressed at mass? Jesus must have really pissed Rome off for them to wipe out and abolish all other pagan religions to make this one, Catholicism, which "celebrates" the torture and death of Jesus as a perfect human sacrifice to a false trinity, compulsory under threats of real and imaginary violence.

This is how for millennia Rome has used the power of death consequent to defying the law of God and desecrating the teachings of Jesus to deliberately subjugate the nations of the world, rendering the brains of the population useless while enriching leaders, both religious and secular, who lead smooth and easy lives off the backs and suffering of the deceived like ghouls in hell.

A few decades after Jesus was crucified many of the people who mocked him were crucified enslaved or exiled while everything was destroyed and stayed that way for thousands of years.

Believe that. Was that clear enough for a numbskull biped? even if it was from an alien? 👽

I have made you aware of something. What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?

To inform you: I read what you wrote here.

information: the word "priceworthy" comes from "worth to be praised". So in the beginning of the video in #127 material poorness was called "praise worthy" from Meister Eckhart.
Reasons to join the Catholic Church?
I will ask then in another poll.

why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....​

I can give you 4 reasons - maybe you know even more ....
Here we have a lib who does not believe in God

He would ban all Christian churches if he could
To inform you: I read what you wrote here.

Good. Reading is one thing. Thinking it over (the only way to understanding) is another.

Consider this. To Jesus, his disciples, and the unknown authors of the Gospels who witnessed the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life, and the slaughter, enslavement, and exile of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men women and children, "The nations" (You) were the enemy.

I have not come to bring peace but a sword.

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite "the nations".

"Take, from my hand, this cup of fiery wine and make all "the nations" to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.

Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink.

"Drink, get drunk and vomit, and fall to rise no more because of the sword I will send among you."

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

The sword is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. Apparently it still works like a charm!

:wine: Bottoms up!
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Sorry - but I forgot my sword at home - otherwise I would answer. But what will you do then without ear? Is there a hospital emergency room near you?

Sól er landa ljóme; lúti ek helgum dóme. (=Sun is the light of the lands; I bow to the misfortune of the holy.)

Sorry - but I forgot my sword at home - otherwise I would answer. But what will you do then without ear? Is there a hospital emergency room near you?

Sól er landa ljóme; lúti ek helgum dóme. (=Sun is the light of the lands; I bow to the misfortune of the holy.)

Vaffanculo a chi t'è morto

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