Zone1 why the Catholic Church deserves to lose many many members ....

That's why .....

  • because Catholic priests are not allowed to marry

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • because women are not allowed to become Catholic priests

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • because so many priests molested children

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • because so many bishops were helping those child molesters instead of helping the children

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • still other reasons

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • I dis-agree

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters

He is saying that the words of Jesus, the Body of Christ, words of life, must be heard to be eaten.

Then take the virtual earplugs out of your fake-ears if you will find them. Ressurection is very concrete with body.
Then take the virtual earplugs out of your fake-ears if you will find them. Ressurection is very concrete with body.
The resurrection is not about the resumption of a former existence. It is entry into a new existence.

Its not a physical thing. Rising from the dead has nothing to do with the body. Its a spiritual thing.

When the body dies, it stays dead. Your spirit dies at mass every single time you defy the law of God and desecrate the teachings of Jesus, the actual Body of Christ, never finding peace in death.

You are clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age with no land in sight and a storm is coming,

It is written that at the resurrection the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. Obviously that leaves you out. You have confused faith with terminal obstinate stupidity. Have a good drown Dinkleberry.

Urban Dictionary: dinkleberry
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Sure, challenger. Whatelse should you be if you would be real at all?
You really have no idea. I am he who is. I am as real as real can get. Do the math genius. Think!

You may not realize this either (go figure) but what I have revealed also vindicates the faith of every Jewish person who ever was persecuted or killed refusing to pay homage to your false substitute Jesus, the almighty yet edible triune mangod who diddled a virgin to father himself, a counterfeit Jesus, a "perfect human sacrifice" that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence conjured from the depths of hell and unleashed on the world in 325c.e. by Rome.
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Hey sister, you are the one who said that only a minority of churches take the words of Jesus literally.
Arlette noted "popular Bible stories". It was you who chose to bring the Eucharist front and center. I know that is a hot issue for you. In responding to Arlette, I was wondering if she was letting scientific knowledge that has accrued since the Bible was written to block the philosophies it was presenting. Did she notice the types of literature being used--i.e., Just So Stories, Fables, Myths, Folklore, Legends, Biographies, Histories, etc. Each account has outstanding themes.
Arlette noted "popular Bible stories". It was you who chose to bring the Eucharist front and center.
Oh please!

You were trying to pass yourself off as someone who does not take "popular bible stories" literally. Forget about the eucharist. What about the creation of heaven and earth? Adam and Eve? Original sin? the virgin birth? The transfiguration? Giving sight to the blind, curing the paralyzed, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers, appearing after the crucifixion, ascending into heaven? Are all of those not popular bible stories? You don't take all of those "popular bible stories" literally? Damn.


You really need to go back to con artist school. You suck at it. Maybe you should offer her candy?
A money back guarantee? Three gods for the price of One? Sell her a one way ticket to hebbin?(only good after you die) Half price! But only if you act right now and throw your brain in the trash.

Call: 1 (800)- hell is awesome!
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You were trying to pass yourself off as someone who does not take "popular bible stories" literally.
I am one who does not take all Bible stories literally. The ones where that may be meant to be taken literally, I also reflect on all the other possibilities. The difference between us is that I am respectful of all possibilities, even though I may favor one or two of the all, without being intentionally hateful/spiteful in giving less credence to the others . All stories stands alone, all have several possibilities, each can be seen from more than one perspective. What they have in common is theme and philosophy, which is why the Bible is of tremendous use for contemplation and meditation.

I await your next slap down. ;)
I am one who does not take all Bible stories literally.

Do you take the ones that I mentioned literally, the same ones your church teaches were literal events? C'mon now. Don't be ashamed. Even though its shameful with all of your education.

The difference between us is that I am respectful of all possibilities, even though I may favor one or two of the all, without being intentionally hateful/spiteful in giving less credence to the others
The difference between us is a great as the gulf that separates the living from the dead. For instance I would never give credence to a lie or even concede that the impossible is possible such as the existence of a trinity or that God became a man. That would make me as full of crap as you.

I await your next slap down. ;)

What did the sadist say to the masochist when she asked for a spanking?..... No.

At least you know that I am not a sadist. :spank:
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Do you take the ones that I mentioned literally, the same ones your church teaches were literal events?
As I said, along with being aware of the other possibilities, too. I do not tie myself to one perspective without personal experience. That is why I do believe in Transubstantiation, while at the same time being fully aware of other meanings. It has always been my experience that God meets me where I am and takes me the rest of the way. He is love.
The difference between us is a great as the gulf that separates the living from the dead. For instance I would never give credence to a lie or even concede that the impossible is possible such as the existence of a trinity or that God became a man. That would make me as full of crap as you.
You remind me of my mother, so I fully understand your position.
As I said, along with being aware of the other possibilities, too. I do not tie myself to one perspective without personal experience. That is why I do believe in Transubstantiation, while at the same time being fully aware of other meanings. It has always been my experience that God meets me where I am and takes me the rest of the way. He is love.
If scripture is true then you died and descended into hades in the very day that you first got down on your knees before a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you worship and eat for spiritual life even though it cannot see, hear, speak, or walk, is not God, and has no life to give at all. DUH.

That being said, there is no God in hell. God is only the God of the living. You are deluding yourself
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The resurrection is not about the resumption of a former existence. It is entry into a new existence. ...

Not really if I take serios what the philosopher Epicurus found out and what is an presentiment which I had to make on my own. Life continues just simple - in a new form of existence. Whether we are ready or not to continue in whatever form of time or not-time. This explains perhaps this what we call "purgatory" - a kind of cleaning fire. If we do not fit into this new form of our existence then we will be made to fit. ... And somehow has this also a component about our quiddity which I read in another form in a quote from Avicenna. In my words: It's always good to try to be how god thought oneselve to be. Everything else we should try to wash away or perhaps one day it will be burned away.

So how thought god you to be, challenger? No no - do not give me this answer - I am still much too stupid to understand this all really - speak with god. But be sure - whatever will happen in any of all possible futures - good futures or bad futures: You will never be able to rest forever in your warm cosy hell because I will close your hell. And if I will not be able to do so then someone else will do so. I hope I am not alone. Best case: Do it on your own! Close your own hell! With the help of Jesus who is like his father and the Holy Spirit true god from true god. Trust and love are the keywords - not so hate and evil nonsense.

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Do you take the ones that I mentioned literally, the same ones your church teaches were literal events? C'mon now. Don't be ashamed. Even though its shameful with all of your education.

The difference between us is a great as the gulf that separates the living from the dead. For instance I would never give credence to a lie or even concede that the impossible is possible such as the existence of a trinity or that God became a man. That would make me as full of crap as you.

What did the sadist say to the masochist when she asked for a spanking?..... No.

At least you know that I am not a sadist. :spank:
You seem rather ignorant of the MYSTERIES that underpin God's presence. Meh; none so blind etc etc etc.


When I try to combine in a placative way what Meister Eckart said and what Dietrich Bonhoefer said - and also what Hannah Arendt and others said - then let me say: Don't try to be an idiot who likes to be [a] god - make it like god: become human! Only in your humanity you are able to be in harmony with god ... including Jesus. God made the big step so we all are able to understand him - in this what we call "to understand". God not needs to understand. He is the understanding. He knows us completelly. Much better than we know ourselves.

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You seem rather ignorant of the MYSTERIES that underpin God's presence. Meh; none so blind etc etc etc

lol...There is nothing mysterious about the presence of God except to those who have never seen him and do not know him. What underpins Gods presence is the righteous interpretation and application of his Law as revealed by Jesus, the firmament (basis) of Heaven. No one who does not comply with the Laws demands as revealed by Jesus has ever seen and does not know God.

The only mystery is how anyone who practices idolatry doesn't notice the absence of the presence of God in their destitute lives because they have substituted the presence of God with a comical triune almighty, yet edible, pusillanimous figment of their unrestrained imaginations.

Some people have become so desperate that they have settled for eating garbage fed to swine.
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By the way: Since you said
you tried really a lot to change everyones mind.

I already told you. I am not trying to change your mind. I am not trying to change anyones mind. I have opened many minds to understand what they already profess to believe in the only way that conforms to and is confirmed by reality even though and especially because yours remains closed. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, and I see that Mosaic law remains in full force and in full effect. No human element has ever been required to convict or enforce whether for good or evil. Ever.

If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin but because you say, "We see", your guilt remains.

Thats why you are confounded.

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