Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?

You think these same people would be protesting as much if these were hearings on right wing extremism or right wing terrorism.

somehow I doubt it.
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You know.......if you're gonna single out someone who uses religion for terrorist activities, then I've got one quick question...........

Where the fuck are the hearings on Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church?

Oh wait.......forgot......."Christians" are the peaceful ones, right?

The Westboro church are disgusting pigs but they play within the rules, they don't use violence against people or blow things up. I am not saying I agree with them I fucking hate them, but I don't have to worry about a Westboro Church Member blowing up me and my family at a mall.
No, but his point is valid. Maybe a better analogy would be white supremacists...they've been in the news lately, in fact I think one tried to blow up a MLK parade. Why aren't we having hearings on them?

KKK ring any bells?

We have. It's how we determined they truly are scumbags.

Same thing happened with the Nazis. And the Mormons.

And now it will happen with Islam. It's a putrid festering human-rights-violating cult that spreads nothing but death and depravity. And now finally people are starting to recognize that.
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

I think that they are trying to help the country have a better understanding of muslim viewpoints and culture with the hearings in order to gain a better understanding of the religion of choice of the majority of modern day terrorists.
:confused: do you mean to say they are trying to paint all Muslims as terrorists? If so, how counterproductive.

Uhm, that's not at all what he said. Try reading it again... it isn't that complex.
Just having the hearings has already produced a groundswell of support for Islam and Muslims. Expect more bleeding hearts to leap to protect the percieved underdog as time passes. I vividly recall all the horror stories that the left predicted would come out of the Patriot Act also. It didn't happen.

I wonder if we would even be allowed to hold hearings on a subject like rape in America since it would selectively target men ?

Since when has the left been right about anything? There entire ideology is based on lies and deceit.
Why the hell are we having Muslim hearings?
Same reason we had the memos about "right wing terrorism" coming out in 2009....

"Elections Have Consequences."

Memos is an appropriate response, these hearings are not.

You have a disagreement with someone or some group so you think the appropriate response is an internal memo that doesn't even open up any dialogue. Wow, your communication instincts are spot on.
i wonder when King will create a panel on how the extreme right took over the GOP and turned them all into dumbasses.

The same time Weiner creates a panel on how the extreme left took over the Democrat party and turned them all into dumbasses.
i wonder when King will create a panel on how the extreme right took over the GOP and turned them all into dumbasses.

Probably at the same time somebody convenes a committee on how the Fascists have taken over the Democrat party and turned them all into Nanny-Staters.
Maybe things like the stuff below might give you a clue why we need hearings......


The Council on American-Islamic Relations said it will remove a poster from the group's website promoting an upcoming conference that encourages people not to talk to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The poster, which appeared on the website of CAIR’s California chapter, features a sinister-looking FBI agent with the headlines “Build a Wall of Resistance” and “Don’t Talk to the FBI.” The poster was designed in the late 1970s or early 1980s and has been reproduced by various groups and activists since then in response to alleged harassment by the FBI and to protest grand jury subpoenas.

“I think it’s subject to misinterpretation,” spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told Fox News Radio when speaking about the poster. “We decided out of extreme caution to take it down.”
You think these same people would be protesting as much if these were hearings on right wing extremism or right wing terrorism.

somehow I doubt it.

They wouldent have enough to hold hearings on. McVeaigh, Rouldolf, And the Militia movement has already been covered. They held hearings to see what thees guys were teaching. No bad came of that did it ?


Washington, DC, July 11, 1995...The threat of the fanatical anti-Federal Government militias was the focus of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) expert testimony today at a public hearing on the connection between the militia movement and racist hate groups. Thomas Halpern, Acting Director of the ADL Fact Finding Department, told the hearing, "America Under the Gun: The Militia Movement and Hate Groups in America," that since the Oklahoma City bombing, membership in the anti-democratic, paranoid militias has grown nationwide.

Today's hearing was convened by U.S. Rep. Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) after he, Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin and others -- including ADL -- met with resistance to their requests for Congressional hearings on the militia movement, in view of the already scheduled extensive House investigation on supposed Government abuses during the 1993 events at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. Concerned about the increasing harassment and violence by the militias, Schumer, the Ranking Democrat on the House Crime Subcommittee, provided a forum for specialists, victims of militia intimidation and others to testify unofficially.

Halpern testified how some militia strategists have advised groups "to organize into small units designed to be less susceptible to detection, monitoring and infiltration by law enforcement." Known as "leaderless resistance," this approach is a concept promoted by the former leader of the Texas Ku Klux Klan and other far right figures.

ADL has issued two reports on the militias: Armed and Dangerous: Militias Take Aim at the Federal Government, published in October 1994 -- months before the Oklahoma City bombing -- and Beyond the Bombing: The Militia Menace Grows, released last month. Halpern said the "first report on militias noted that a number of militia figures have histories of bigotry. The current survey confirms that some militia propaganda continues to exhibit an anti-Semitic strain that could well become more pervasive among militia groups as a result of the movement's obsessive conspiracy-mongering."

Stating the chief responsibility for keeping on top of the militia threat plainly rests with the law enforcement arm of the government, Halpern said. ADL urges states that do not have anti-paramilitary training statutes to seriously consider implementing them. In the 1980's, ADL drafted a model anti-paramilitary training statute in response to a proliferation of paramilitary training camps then being operated by the KKK and other racist groups in clandestine training centers in several states. The ADL model statute provides for criminal penalties.

Editor's Note: Copies of the reports are available on-line on Nexis, code search USNWR, and from the ADL Public Relations Department.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
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It doesn't matter if they tell you they want to blow up people and replace democracy and freedom of religion with Sharia.

What they MEAN to say is they love us all and want to be our friends. And that's the way we should interact with them! Besides, we deserve any violence that comes our way because we're.....ssshhhh....BAD PEOPLE. We're too rich, too happy, too well fed, and too smug. We need to be brought down a few notches by our enemies. There are too many people in the world, anyway...let's help out by killing ourselves off!
The Westboro church are disgusting pigs but they play within the rules, they don't use violence against people or blow things up. I am not saying I agree with them I fucking hate them, but I don't have to worry about a Westboro Church Member blowing up me and my family at a mall.
No, but his point is valid. Maybe a better analogy would be white supremacists...they've been in the news lately, in fact I think one tried to blow up a MLK parade. Why aren't we having hearings on them?

KKK ring any bells?

We have. It's how we determined they truly are scumbags.

Same thing happened with the Nazis. And the Mormons.

And now it will happen with Islam. It's a putrid festering human-rights-violating cult that spreads nothing but death and depravity. And now finally people are starting to recognize that.

Are you saying because some Muslims are terrorist and violate human rights, all Muslims are scumbags?
No, but his point is valid. Maybe a better analogy would be white supremacists...they've been in the news lately, in fact I think one tried to blow up a MLK parade. Why aren't we having hearings on them?

KKK ring any bells?

We have. It's how we determined they truly are scumbags.

Same thing happened with the Nazis. And the Mormons.

And now it will happen with Islam. It's a putrid festering human-rights-violating cult that spreads nothing but death and depravity. And now finally people are starting to recognize that.

Are you saying because some Muslims are terrorist and violate human rights, all Muslims are scumbags?

Yep. Allie says that Islam is a "putrid festering human-rights-violating cult"....obviously anyone who follows that kind of cult is a scumbag.....and they are all out to get us.
I guess I haven't been paying attention, but wtf are we doing this for...what goal are we trying to accomplish?

And then this stupid Republican from California comes out and says they are no different than having hearings on Nazis or the KKK???

It's just another attempt by the right to muddy the waters. They are trying to put issues like this out there as a distraction so people won't pay attention to the fact that they are not doing anything to deal with jobs as they try to cater to their base with all of the social issues that have now taken a back seat to muslims and unions.
KKK ring any bells?

We have. It's how we determined they truly are scumbags.

Same thing happened with the Nazis. And the Mormons.

And now it will happen with Islam. It's a putrid festering human-rights-violating cult that spreads nothing but death and depravity. And now finally people are starting to recognize that.

Are you saying because some Muslims are terrorist and violate human rights, all Muslims are scumbags?

Yep. Allie says that Islam is a "putrid festering human-rights-violating cult"....obviously anyone who follows that kind of cult is a scumbag.....and they are all out to get us.
If I thought like her, I could say the same thing about Christianity.
Where is Kalam? and that nut Ekrem? I am sure they will be in on this sooner or later.
No, but his point is valid. Maybe a better analogy would be white supremacists...they've been in the news lately, in fact I think one tried to blow up a MLK parade. Why aren't we having hearings on them?

KKK ring any bells?

We have. It's how we determined they truly are scumbags.

Same thing happened with the Nazis. And the Mormons.

And now it will happen with Islam. It's a putrid festering human-rights-violating cult that spreads nothing but death and depravity. And now finally people are starting to recognize that.

Are you saying because some Muslims are terrorist and violate human rights, all Muslims are scumbags?

Sa'id Raja'i-Khorassani, the Permanent Delegate to the United Nations from the Islamic Republic of Iran, declared, according to Amir Taheri, that "the very concept of human rights was 'a Judeo-Christian invention' and inadmissible in Islam. . . . According to Ayatollah Khomeini, one of the Shah's 'most despicable sins' was the fact that Iran was one of the original group of nations that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
Are you saying because some Muslims are terrorist and violate human rights, all Muslims are scumbags?

Yep. Allie says that Islam is a "putrid festering human-rights-violating cult"....obviously anyone who follows that kind of cult is a scumbag.....and they are all out to get us.
If I thought like her, I could say the same thing about Christianity.

Na, Not really you cant. Young middle class Christian men are not committing suicide bombings or shooting up businesses at the rate the young well educated middle class Muslin men are. If they were, there would be hearings held to find out why.

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