Why The Interior Secretary’s Daughter Called Donald Trump A ‘Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!
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I repeat from the OP:

This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!
Military should not accept mentally ill people.
She vill be remoofed! Rrrrrrubbed out! Vanished from zee earth!
Trump served! Yes he did. During Vietnam he served in a military academy.

And there is nothing homoerotic about this STAFF photo, either:

Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!

Some rich kid who is cussing at her daddy's boss? Let me tell you something, John Kerry served to. He is still a piece of shit.service does not make one automatic better then everyone else.

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