Why the Left blames the Tea Party for everything including the downgrade

Thank you.
The video proves the GOP lie yet again. :eusa_liar: CC&B only cut 2.4 trillion and 4 trillion was the magic number. Nowhere is CC&B named as achieving the magic 4 trillion!!!

"If you get to the $4 trillion figure -- which had been mentioned by the Bowles-Simpson commission, which had been mentioned by the president in his April 13 speech, which had been mentioned by Paul Ryan in his alternative budget -- that, if you have decent growth behind it,would have done the trick," Chambers said.

He also says the debt to GDP ratio is a major factor and that Paul Ryan's budget could have averted it. We can point out any little bit of it but the bottom line is the only thing that "could" be directly attributed to the TP is the gridlock. And that can be attributed to all sides because we are at an ideological divide.

The point I was making is that the GOP lie making the rounds on the hate radio echo chamber, that S&P said CC&B would have averted a downgrade, is complete bullshit swallowed whole by the gullible.

Seek help... seriously... you're delusional.
Thank you.
The video proves the GOP lie yet again. :eusa_liar: CC&B only cut 2.4 trillion and 4 trillion was the magic number. Nowhere is CC&B named as achieving the magic 4 trillion!!!

"If you get to the $4 trillion figure -- which had been mentioned by the Bowles-Simpson commission, which had been mentioned by the president in his April 13 speech, which had been mentioned by Paul Ryan in his alternative budget -- that, if you have decent growth behind it,would have done the trick," Chambers said.

He also says the debt to GDP ratio is a major factor and that Paul Ryan's budget could have averted it. We can point out any little bit of it but the bottom line is the only thing that "could" be directly attributed to the TP is the gridlock. And that can be attributed to all sides because we are at an ideological divide.

The point I was making is that the GOP lie making the rounds on the hate radio echo chamber, that S&P said CC&B would have averted a downgrade, is complete bullshit swallowed whole by the gullible.

Blaming the Tea Party is an outright lie that idiots like you will parrot all the way to your grave. The Tea Party wants more spending cuts which is why their rep's did not support the plan that ended up passing. The democrats just want to keep spending into oblivion.......
The 50 percenters who pay nothing.

Fuck you... they pay... they pay into the IRS and get refunds... guess what happens to their money until they get that refund.... it earns interest that would otherwise be theirs, but is kept by the government. Finally... for the last time.... they pay every other tax that you do... except they get a refund from one(Federal Income Tax). Stop saying they don't pay anything... they do. You lie.

Look you fucking retard, if you have $1,000 withheld and get $1,200 back, (EIC) you haven't paid a dime. Math challenged are you?

You are obviously a fiftey percenter... so... YOU'RE WELCOME.

Look you fucking retard... If your withholding is $1000, that means your income was between $9400-9500. THIS is the source of your outrage?... Good God.

Lastly dipshit, Either you are trying to bait me or you haven't read many of my posts. I have been very upfront on my wife and I's income... and no, we are not 50%ers(as you mockingly call them.

Once again... those horrible 50%ers? They still pay EVERY OTHER TAX that you do and if you are a well off person, it hits them a hell of a lot harder than it does you, you selfish prick.
Why is the tea party refusing to take the credit for what their political actions have caused?

The TP didn't have enough votes to get their balanced budget passed in the Senate, that would have left us with a surplus in just 5 years without touching MC/MC/SS... The Senate Dems made sure it got shot down. But in the end the TP does take credit for their actions, they tried to pass a balanced budget but the Neocon and Progressives made sure to pass the worst budget in history and now is trying to blame their voting YES and Obama signing one of the worst budgets in US history on the Minority in the house, the Tea Party.

More or less the Dems are trying to collectively get the most politically inferior base known to our man kind so they can sell them that the minority in the house the TP (smaller than the Dem minority) caused all of this… They are reaching out for people like, well like you TM... Bigoted Haters that blindingly follow their rage.
Of course it's the TPers fault. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.

There was not budget put up that cut that much... Well other than the TP budget that balanced the budget in 5 years... That the Dems killed on sight.
The left are scared shitless of the TP. They know the TP represents the common thoughts of most Americans.

What a huge case of denial.

"There's no way they actually think we did something wrong, they must be scared of how awesome we are."

Grow up.

Polls show you still have your head in the sand... :lol:

Americans Overwhelmingly Favor Balanced Budget Amendment | Lee Eldridge Blogs on Sports and Politics

According to a new CNN poll, 74% of those polled favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget.

Americans support Cut, Cap and Balance as well. In the same CNN poll, 66% of respondents favor the idea that “Congress would raise the debt ceiling only if a balanced budget amendment were passed by both houses of Congress and substantial spending cuts and caps on future spending were approved.”
Why is the tea party refusing to take the credit for what their political actions have caused?

The don't hold any political power you nitwit. They don't even hold a majority in their own party.

No..they don't hold a majority. But not having a majority doesn't mean they don't have power. They have enough people in office to fuck shit up, which is exactly what they did with the Debt Ceiling... and their idiocy and their extremism is what caused the S&P downgrade.

You can live in denial all you want... but they turned down a huge debt reduction package because it included tax adjustments, and they weren't even huge or extreme tax adjustments... they were in fact, a token of good faith from the GOP for huge spending cuts.

The Crazies held their ground, so the Dems backed away. Your side could have gotten a real, real good deal but were too stupid to take it. Congratulations...

In another thread, it was asked what we thought of when we heard Tea Party... this is what comes to mind. Idiots that can't get out of their own way. They were handed a success and they were too dumb to take it.

And here I thought it was Obama putting his name on a crap budget that caused the downgrade.... Hmmm....
The left are scared shitless of the TP. They know the TP represents the common thoughts of most Americans.

What a huge case of denial.

"There's no way they actually think we did something wrong, they must be scared of how awesome we are."

Grow up.

Polls show you still have your head in the sand... :lol:

Americans Overwhelmingly Favor Balanced Budget Amendment | Lee Eldridge Blogs on Sports and Politics

According to a new CNN poll, 74% of those polled favor a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget.

Americans support Cut, Cap and Balance as well. In the same CNN poll, 66% of respondents favor the idea that “Congress would raise the debt ceiling only if a balanced budget amendment were passed by both houses of Congress and substantial spending cuts and caps on future spending were approved.”

Wake me up when you actually post something that address what I said.
The left are scared shitless of the TP. They know the TP represents the common thoughts of most Americans. As polls show there is wide support across ideological lines for the issues that the TP has put forth. BBA, CCB and major cuts to govt spending. That across the party line support is a MAJOR threat to the liberal agenda. The only way the left can marginalize this movement is to try to sideline the support for the TP by shifting blame to them for things they literally had no control over.

IF the TP can weather this storm and come out on top in the next election with a republican president the left knows that their reign is over for decades.

The problem with the TPM is they’re never forthcoming with any facts or specifics as to how they plan to realize their goals. They seem unable to explain what ‘small government’ is, for example. Is the definition predicated on the number of Federal agencies? Number of employees? Budgets for the agencies? How can the TPM realize its goal of ‘small government’ when they can’t articulate a mechanism to achieve that goal?

The TPM says the Constitution ‘mandates small government,’ but there’s nothing in the Constitution stating what size the government should be nor do any TPM representatives cite case law in support of ‘small government’ mandated by the Constitution.

One can only infer from TPM writings and speeches that the movement advocates some sort of ‘neo anti-Federalism’ and return to ‘states’ rights,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. Members and advocates of the TPM seem completely oblivious to scores of Supreme Court rulings clearly establishing Federal supremacy over the states (McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819) and striking down the fallacy of ‘nullification’ and ‘states rights’ (Cooper v Aaron, 1958). These and many other ruling, in conjunction with the 14th Amendment, interpret the 10th Amendment as not authorizing ‘states rights’ and that states are indeed compelled to follow Federal mandates and may not ignore Federal legislation. Are members of the TPM merely ignorant of this case law or do they hold it in some sort of contempt, as if it were ‘Constitutional heresy’?

Are we to further infer, then, that for the TPM, the Constitution is only the 1787 document with no Bill of Rights, no subsequent Amendments, and devoid of 200 years of case law?

If so then any rational discussion of the issue is frankly pointless.

Consequently, any storms the TPM may be experiencing are of their own creation, in failing to articulate a constitutionally valid agenda. Indeed, concern is warranted as the TPM seems to advocate states violating their citizens’ rights justified by the canard of ‘states’ rights’ and denying Americans redress in the Federal courts.

Members of the TPM need to understand that they can’t create a make-believe world predicated on a Constitutional fantasy; that the fundamental tenets of the Founding Document – the rule of law, due process, equal protection, and equal access to the laws – indeed run counter to many of the TPM’s goals, whether they realize it or not.
Of course it's the TPers fault. When they turned down 3-4 trillion in cuts because of 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, S&P realized it was amateur hour in Congress, because any decent economist will tell you we can't get out of this by cuts alone.

They think God will turn the economy around. Economist are the devil.
The poor Tea Party is getting the attention they justly deserve
The left are scared shitless of the TP. They know the TP represents the common thoughts of most Americans. As polls show there is wide support across ideological lines for the issues that the TP has put forth. BBA, CCB and major cuts to govt spending. That across the party line support is a MAJOR threat to the liberal agenda. The only way the left can marginalize this movement is to try to sideline the support for the TP by shifting blame to them for things they literally had no control over.

IF the TP can weather this storm and come out on top in the next election with a republican president the left knows that their reign is over for decades.

The problem with the TPM is they’re never forthcoming with any facts or specifics as to how they plan to realize their goals. They seem unable to explain what ‘small government’ is, for example. Is the definition predicated on the number of Federal agencies? Number of employees? Budgets for the agencies? How can the TPM realize its goal of ‘small government’ when they can’t articulate a mechanism to achieve that goal?

The TPM says the Constitution ‘mandates small government,’ but there’s nothing in the Constitution stating what size the government should be nor do any TPM representatives cite case law in support of ‘small government’ mandated by the Constitution.

One can only infer from TPM writings and speeches that the movement advocates some sort of ‘neo anti-Federalism’ and return to ‘states’ rights,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. Members and advocates of the TPM seem completely oblivious to scores of Supreme Court rulings clearly establishing Federal supremacy over the states (McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819) and striking down the fallacy of ‘nullification’ and ‘states rights’ (Cooper v Aaron, 1958). These and many other ruling, in conjunction with the 14th Amendment, interpret the 10th Amendment as not authorizing ‘states rights’ and that states are indeed compelled to follow Federal mandates and may not ignore Federal legislation. Are members of the TPM merely ignorant of this case law or do they hold it in some sort of contempt, as if it were ‘Constitutional heresy’?

Are we to further infer, then, that for the TPM, the Constitution is only the 1787 document with no Bill of Rights, no subsequent Amendments, and devoid of 200 years of case law?

If so then any rational discussion of the issue is frankly pointless.

Consequently, any storms the TPM may be experiencing are of their own creation, in failing to articulate a constitutionally valid agenda. Indeed, concern is warranted as the TPM seems to advocate states violating their citizens’ rights justified by the canard of ‘states’ rights’ and denying Americans redress in the Federal courts.

Members of the TPM need to understand that they can’t create a make-believe world predicated on a Constitutional fantasy; that the fundamental tenets of the Founding Document – the rule of law, due process, equal protection, and equal access to the laws – indeed run counter to many of the TPM’s goals, whether they realize it or not.

Nice write up. unfortunately my answer wont seem so well thought out. Their articulated position is...

Why is the tea party refusing to take the credit for what their political actions have caused?
Yes, they are being very modest over their achievements!

Where are all the teabaggers who claimed there would be no ill consequences to fucking around with our good credit?

Perhaps you didn't notice, the downgrade came after we piled on $2,000,000,000,000 more debt; which btw, the Tea Party argued against doing.

They cited no additional revenues, in their explanation for the Tea Party Downgrade.
Yes, they are being very modest over their achievements!

Where are all the teabaggers who claimed there would be no ill consequences to fucking around with our good credit?

Perhaps you didn't notice, the downgrade came after we piled on $2,000,000,000,000 more debt; which btw, the Tea Party argued against doing.


Watch out Synthaholic, Soggy will claim you are a Nazi and child rapist if you keep arguing with him.
He won't be able to produce any credible source claiming that raising the debt ceiling caused the downgrade.
The proof that the Tea Party is primarily to blame for the downgrade can be found in Standard and Poors own statement on the reasons for the downgrade:

The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips in the debate over fiscal policy.

Who made the debt ceiling a political bargaining chip? The Democrats? No. They wanted a clean debt ceiling bill.

The Republicans? Yes, the Republicans made the debt ceiling a 'bargaining chip'. Who specifically, most adamantly prodded the GOP into doing so?

The Tea Party faction.

Case closed.
Apparently the leftwing fucknuts like to tango alone...

Is anyone surprised....??

Why is the tea party refusing to take the credit for what their political actions have caused?

The don't hold any political power you nitwit. They don't even hold a majority in their own party.

No..they don't hold a majority. But not having a majority doesn't mean they don't have power. They have enough people in office to fuck shit up, which is exactly what they did with the Debt Ceiling... and their idiocy and their extremism is what caused the S&P downgrade.

You can live in denial all you want... but they turned down a huge debt reduction package because it included tax adjustments, and they weren't even huge or extreme tax adjustments... they were in fact, a token of good faith from the GOP for huge spending cuts.

The Crazies held their ground, so the Dems backed away. Your side could have gotten a real, real good deal but were too stupid to take it. Congratulations...

In another thread, it was asked what we thought of when we heard Tea Party... this is what comes to mind. Idiots that can't get out of their own way. They were handed a success and they were too dumb to take it.

We already have 800 billion in new taxes in Ocare and the Bush tax cuts are set to expire so who in their right mind is going to vote for a trillion in new taxes?

The 50 percenters who pay nothing.
Thanks to the GOP buying votes when they promise tax cuts each election. The Bush tax cuts alone doubled the number of non-payers, and the same assholes who bitch about the non-payers what to make the Bush tax cuts PERMANENT, so they can permanently bitch about it. :cuckoo:

Hilarious, right?

Much like the debt ceiling "crisis" it's a problem of their own creation. Will it stop them from blaming anyone but themselves? Of course not.

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