Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
Conservatives by definition exist on fear...fear of change, fear of 'others'.
This has morphed into constant anger and the embracing of authority to keep them safe from 'others'.
Neither Mr. Nawaz nor I are conservatives.

You'll have to try again.
Read the text I was replying to.
Truth be told, I think the real motivation behind the Regressive's constant defense of Islam is the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template they apply to virtually all relationships.

Once they have identified the "Oppressed" group, they will spin for, deflect for, attack for, lower standards for, lower expectations for and do anything else they can for that group - even though the net result of all this effort is ultimately and predictably to enable further bad behaviors from that group. Examples of the template:

Any other country/America

... on and on.

Name the American liberals who support Islamic terrorism.

Those who support linda sarsour.......and Cair....

LOL, Who?
This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:
Hey, Muslims hate fags almost as much as you do.

Hell, American Christians have been trying to get gays executed in Africa for a while now.

Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

It’s Not Just Uganda: Behind the Christian Right’s Onslaught in Africa

Boy.....you really are stupid...

again...where does Jesus say, "Amen I say to thee....murder is A-Okay as long as you are murdering gays....."

Shit Head.....
Hey, tell that to the Christians. And the Bible has a LOT of condemnation of gays. Shit, God nuked Sodom and Gommorah for it!

I can always tell when a hypocrite hasn't read the bible they claim to love.

No...shit stain.....he nuked those cities because the people were completely evil......
Hey dumbshit. Where do you suppose the word "sodomy" comes from?

Man, I gave you a chance to familiarize yourself with the bible before you made a bigger ass of yourself, and you blew it!

God told Lot the MEN of Sodom and Gommorah were exceedingly wicked (Gen 13:13). Then Lot and God debate how many righteous men must be in the cities to stop God from destroying them.

Then God sends two angels disguised as humans to stay with Lot. The men of the cities surround Lot's house and demand to have sex with the two guests (Gen. 19:4-5).

And THAT is when God decides to nuke them.
Truth be told, I think the real motivation behind the Regressive's constant defense of Islam is the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template they apply to virtually all relationships.

Once they have identified the "Oppressed" group, they will spin for, deflect for, attack for, lower standards for, lower expectations for and do anything else they can for that group - even though the net result of all this effort is ultimately and predictably to enable further bad behaviors from that group. Examples of the template:

Any other country/America

... on and on.

Name the American liberals who support Islamic terrorism.

Those who support linda sarsour.......and Cair....
Liberals don't support Islamic terrorism. They love this country.

Regressives and terrorism is a little more complicated.

Name the regressives who support terrorism.

The fabian socialists have hijacked the term "liberal" and have made it about collectivism instead of individual rights. They have taken away the comfort of free thinking to everyone has to march in lockstep.

The liberals of today are nothing but communists.

Exactly, thank you. The socialists have to keep changing the word they use because as soon as people realize what they are about, they change their name.......they used to call themselves progressives.....now they call themselves liberals....and they are reverting back to Progressive since "liberal" is now too closely associated with what the socialists actually are and do...
Truth be told, I think the real motivation behind the Regressive's constant defense of Islam is the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template they apply to virtually all relationships.

Once they have identified the "Oppressed" group, they will spin for, deflect for, attack for, lower standards for, lower expectations for and do anything else they can for that group - even though the net result of all this effort is ultimately and predictably to enable further bad behaviors from that group. Examples of the template:

Any other country/America

... on and on.

Name the American liberals who support Islamic terrorism.

Those who support linda sarsour.......and Cair....
Liberals don't support Islamic terrorism. They love this country.

Regressives and terrorism is a little more complicated.

Name the regressives who support terrorism.
Don't know. Tough to say. It's complicated.

But of course, that has nothing to do with my point.
Name the American liberals who support Islamic terrorism.
American liberals don't support it. The left is largely made up of non-liberals.

I am a liberal. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. The American Left is decidedly NOT liberal.

You're not a liberal you're a fucking imbecile.

Name those on the American left who support Islamic terrorism.
Hey dumbshit. Where do you suppose the word "sodomy" comes from?

Man, I gave you a change to familiarize yourself with the bible before you made a bigger ass of yourself, and you blew it!

God told Lot the MEN of Sodom and Gommorah were exceedingly wicked. Then Lot and God debate how many righteous men must be in the cities to stop God from destroying them.

Then God sends two angels disguised as humans to stay with Lot. The men of the cities surround Lot's house and demand to have sex with the two guests.

And THAT is when God decides to nuke them.
Which is not a condemnation of homosexuality, but of RAPE.
This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:
Do you realize that the movement the Radical Islam feeds off of is against the Liberal ideals of the west, most prominently represented by the Left? In theory, Radical islam is an extremely conservative ideology. I see what you are trying to do by drawing a political correlation between the Left and Radical Islam. Its just a very weak attempt. They are a completely different bred
Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam: The Money Trail Behind the Propaganda

Nawaz attributes his own dramatic metamorphosis to his discardment of Islamism. This is nonsensical. Israel has broken children’s bones. Israel has ”destroyed the houses upon the heads of people”. Israel has ”invaded and occupied”. To conflate all objections to these horrendous crimes with an irrational and anti-semitic Islamist ideology is disingenuous. The ”deradicalisation” of Maajid Nawaz from Islamist propagandist to ”friend of Israel” can be explained by amorality and by the pandering to the vested interests whose donations are keeping the Quilliam Foundation in existence and Maajid Nawaz in three-piece-suits.

Your hero is a bought and paid for hack.
Boy.....you really are stupid...

again...where does Jesus say, "Amen I say to thee....murder is A-Okay as long as you are murdering gays....."

Shit Head.....
Hey, tell that to the Christians.

They already know......someone who commits murder, is not a Christian.....
They are Christians, and they want gays executed. I gave you the links.

And we have spent YEARS listening to you pseudocons telling us that Jesus doesn't want gays to have equal rights and that they are pedophiles and such.


Again......show me where Jesus said....."go ahead, murder gays." Since he never said that, anyone who advocates for that is not following Christ's Teachings and is not a Christian....

Oh, I see. So it is possible that some people claiming to belong to a particular religion are not REAL members of that religion?


But apparently it is also possible that someone who knows fuck-all about a different religion pretend they do, based on shit they parrot from their propaganda outlets.
I wonder then...in his fevered mind...who the real Muslims are?
The ones that go out and blow themselves up and murder innocent people...or those that don't?
Truth be told, I think the real motivation behind the Regressive's constant defense of Islam is the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template they apply to virtually all relationships.

Once they have identified the "Oppressed" group, they will spin for, deflect for, attack for, lower standards for, lower expectations for and do anything else they can for that group - even though the net result of all this effort is ultimately and predictably to enable further bad behaviors from that group. Examples of the template:

Any other country/America

... on and on.

Name the American liberals who support Islamic terrorism.

Those who support linda sarsour.......and Cair....
Liberals don't support Islamic terrorism. They love this country.

Regressives and terrorism is a little more complicated.

Name the regressives who support terrorism.
Don't know. Tough to say. It's complicated.

But of course, that has nothing to do with my point.

The OP claims that the American left supports Islamic terrorism. He's either right or he's full of shit.

Get off your rocking horse and take a stand. Which is it?
Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam: The Money Trail Behind the Propaganda

Nawaz attributes his own dramatic metamorphosis to his discardment of Islamism. This is nonsensical. Israel has broken children’s bones. Israel has ”destroyed the houses upon the heads of people”. Israel has ”invaded and occupied”. To conflate all objections to these horrendous crimes with an irrational and anti-semitic Islamist ideology is disingenuous. The ”deradicalisation” of Maajid Nawaz from Islamist propagandist to ”friend of Israel” can be explained by amorality and by the pandering to the vested interests whose donations are keeping the Quilliam Foundation in existence and Maajid Nawaz in three-piece-suits.

Your hero is a bought and paid for hack.
Yes, he's under all kinds of attack from the Regressives.

A very good sign, indeed.

“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” Leviticus 20:13
This is the thing that always amazes us on the Right...the left wing has teamed up with radical islamic terrorism thinking that they can use them to bring down the west........and there won't be any blow back in that relationship....

Leftists and Islamists: Strange Bedfellows

It cannot be repeated enough that the Marxist-anarchist radical left Antifa and Islamic jihadists have joined forces to destroy Western civilization. Known as the Red-Green Axis, this unlikely alliance of leftists with Islamic groups is actually a means to an end by Islamists.

Inexplicably, left-wing forces do not comprehend that they are merely one of the tools by which Islamists wish to impose a global caliphate. In his searing documentary Killing Europe, producer Michael Hansen makes the following cogent points.

The Islamic jihadists have found willing partners in the left for a number of reasons.

  • Particularly in Europe, the left's traditional voting bloc was the workers or proletariat. But as communism produced only mass misery and the deaths of millions, those who had invested 20-30 years in left-wing ideology soon found themselves without an identity once the proletariat saw the true nature of communism.
  • Enter Muslim refugees, and the left now sees a new voting base. The fact that these migrants come from a culture completely at odds with the West does not faze the left, since leftists have never accepted historical facts and, even more telling, now tout a multicultural paradise, notwithstanding the irrevocable differences that an Islamic religious-based system contains. In essence, the left has found a new base to promote its own identity.
  • That sharia law permits the stoning of gays, endorses gender apartheid, and advocates rape and murder of the infidel seems not to have registered in the leftist mind. Although the left abhors religion, leftists cannot fathom that their reliance on Islamist partners will not end well. This was borne out when the communists and Islamists joined to overturn the shah of Iran; the Islamic fundamentalists took the reins, eliminated the communists, and imposed draconian sharia law to maintain control.
As Ayn Rand wrote, "[r]eason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." But as Kevin J. Johnston at Freedom Report explains, we need to be informed and realize that what is occurring is not to be denied even when political leaders reject the facts.

How, indeed, can a secularist or atheist even consider siding with a religiously mandated system that absolutely abhors secularism and atheism? How can leftists who are ostensibly concerned with women's rights and gay liberation partner with a system that mandates the murder of gays and the dehumanization and killing of women?

What both groups agree upon is a totalitarian society and censorship of ideas that would expose them. Political correctness hides their deeds. For example:
Do you realize that the movement the Radical Islam feeds off of is against the Liberal ideals of the west, most prominently represented by the Left? In theory, Radical islam is an extremely conservative ideology. I see what you are trying to do by drawing a political correlation between the Left and Radical Islam. Its just a very weak attempt. They are a completely different bred

Read the article numb nuts......the stupidity of the left is identified and exposed quite clearly.....
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.

No...dumb ass.....they don't support religion in government....they think they can use muslims to destroy the west....and then get rid of them.......dumb ass....

The Bible created those freedoms doofus.........it is you and your atheist buddies that are ending them...

Once again for the Bullshitious One --- 'twas the Constitution, written by Liberals, what created those freedoms as they exist in government.

You're welcome. "If you can keep it".

And they all believed in the Bible....

Liberal.....you throw that word out as if it is the same now as it was then.....left wingers today call themselves "Liberals." They are not. They are the exact opposite.......Conservatives in America are actually "Liberals." We believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....the left, the ones calling themselves "liberals" hate the constitution, and see it as an impediment to their gaining power over others...

'Left wingers' are not necessarily "Liberals", correct. So don't mix your terms.

If you believe in the Constitution and the BofR ---- you qualify as a Liberal. We after all wrote the fucking thing.

I see you're trying to dance away from your spanking but the point stands --- it is that Liberalist Constitution, not the Holey Babble, that brought about that right for government to be free from religion. And it did so in defiance of that religion and the "divine right of kings" horseshit. Which is what the Conservatives wanted to conserve.

Like it or lump it.
Nice follow up. Now the first bit of colossal bullshit can have company.

So in summary, Muslims are evil no matter what, and even though those you call "regressives" fight every day against religion entering government, they support Islam being in government. What a load of shit.

Btw, a major reason those Islamic theocracies hate the West? It's because of the freedoms that liberals fought for, that social conservatives so vehemently oppose because the Quran... sorry, Bible.... tells them to.
When 300,000,000 out of 1.2 billion people wouldn't mind subjugating others, or beheading them, yeah, we got an issue.
And if that doesn't bother you, well...you're an asshole...or a Muslim.
Hey, tell that to the Christians.

They already know......someone who commits murder, is not a Christian.....
They are Christians, and they want gays executed. I gave you the links.

And we have spent YEARS listening to you pseudocons telling us that Jesus doesn't want gays to have equal rights and that they are pedophiles and such.


Again......show me where Jesus said....."go ahead, murder gays." Since he never said that, anyone who advocates for that is not following Christ's Teachings and is not a Christian....

Oh, I see. So it is possible that some people claiming to belong to a particular religion are not REAL members of that religion?


But apparently it is also possible that someone who knows fuck-all about a different religion pretend they do, based on shit they parrot from their propaganda outlets.
I wonder then...in his fevered mind...who the real Muslims are?
The ones that go out and blow themselves up and murder innocent people...or those that don't?
The tards think the refugees who are fleeing the terrorists are the bad guys. These tards are no different than the fuckwads who turned away the Jews fleeing Hitler.

So they clearly believe the terrorists are the real Muslims.

You know, like these guys are the true Christians:



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