Why the rent is too damn high: The affordable housing crisis

View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics


I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.



Besides you couldn't pay me enough to live in NYC. Been there hated it.
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.


millions of americans were born in NYC and LA

Despite being the richest country in the world homelessness still effects 1.5 million Americans, yet America still has millions of unsold homes but that doesn't matter because in capitalism the market must create an artificial scarcity for whatever product its selling whether its jewelry, food or housing certain people have to go without in order to make it profitable for the landlords.

As wages remain stagnant not even keeping up with inflation for past 40 years, and housing prices and rent are soaring across the country. With more workers not being able to afford homes anymore and for the first time since 1880,18-34 year olds are more likely to live with their parents than any other arrangement.

Without a dramatic increase in funding for public housing homelessness will continue to rise in the worlds richest country

Why the rent is too damn high: The affordable housing crisis
How about you get a damned job and provide your own funding? When did it become my responsibility to put a roof over your damned head?

Look, twit! If your wages remain stagnant, it is because your skills and value remain stagnant. Get some training, learn a trade. Get a degree in a field where you can actually earn enough to pay your student loans. Your PHD in African American Studies will qualify you for a damned entry level position at Mickey D's Try Geology and get a job in the oil business. Get a degree in engineering and invent a product. Don't cry that you can't afford your loan payments. You're the fool that got a degree in a field that is worthless to society.[/QUOTE]
Purple fowl is a c*nt but you are being silly.
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.



Besides you couldn't pay me enough to live in NYC. Been there hated it.

NYC would be a great holiday if you like shopping and you only go for a week.
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.



Besides you couldn't pay me enough to live in NYC. Been there hated it.

NYC would be a great holiday if you like shopping and you only go for a week.

despite what your opinions are about NY or La the same is happening in all major cities the bigger the city the worse it is
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.


millions of americans were born in NYC and LA



They don't know how to get on bus or train and start over somewhere else?... If so that's really their problem.


Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.


millions of americans were born in NYC and LA

View attachment 101983


They don't know how to get on bus or train and start over somewhere else?... If so that's really their problem.



Again if everyone in America went to your hometown, it would be the same problem. You seem to have nothing other to say but shaming poor people
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



Well, that's why young couples move out to smaller areas. It's not always possible though, because you need work or to make your own work in the small town.
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



Well, that's why young couples move out to smaller areas. It's not always possible though, because you need work or to make your own work in the small town.

the idea that everyone could just move to a small town is not only so ridiculous thats its bordering on insanity, but more people living in small towns is more expensive as a country than having most people live in cities, its completely unsustainable. everyone would need their own car rather taking public transportation, everyone would need utilities roads, and public services like police fireman schools etc.

Most public housing was built right after WW2 and since then inventory has been slowly declining across the country in every major city

A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.


millions of americans were born in NYC and LA

View attachment 101983


They don't know how to get on bus or train and start over somewhere else?... If so that's really their problem.



Again if everyone in America went to your hometown, it would be the same problem. You seem to have nothing other to say but shaming poor people


I'm not the one bitchin' about how I need more money because the district I live in is too high priced.

Not making enough money and don't have a worthwhile skill or education.

There's always the military...


median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.


millions of americans were born in NYC and LA

View attachment 101983


They don't know how to get on bus or train and start over somewhere else?... If so that's really their problem.



Again if everyone in America went to your hometown, it would be the same problem. You seem to have nothing other to say but shaming poor people

View attachment 101984

I'm not the one bitchin' about how I need more money because the district I live in is too high priced.

Not making enough money and don't have a worthwhile skill or education...

There's always the military.



I honestly dont understand why i need to repeat several times im not talking about myself, you would think a group of people that constantly talk about how christian they are would understand a simple concept like thinking of other people
View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.


millions of americans were born in NYC and LA

View attachment 101983


They don't know how to get on bus or train and start over somewhere else?... If so that's really their problem.



Again if everyone in America went to your hometown, it would be the same problem. You seem to have nothing other to say but shaming poor people

View attachment 101984

I'm not the one bitchin' about how I need more money because the district I live in is too high priced.

Not making enough money and don't have a worthwhile skill or education...

There's always the military.



I honestly dont understand why i need to repeat several times im not talking about myself, you would think a group of people that constantly talk about how christian they are would understand a simple concept like thinking of other people




When did I say I was Christian?

Despite being the richest country in the world homelessness still effects 1.5 million Americans, yet America still has millions of unsold homes but that doesn't matter because in capitalism the market must create an artificial scarcity for whatever product its selling whether its jewelry, food or housing certain people have to go without in order to make it profitable for the landlords.

As wages remain stagnant not even keeping up with inflation for past 40 years, and housing prices and rent are soaring across the country. With more workers not being able to afford homes anymore and for the first time since 1880,18-34 year olds are more likely to live with their parents than any other arrangement.

Without a dramatic increase in funding for public housing homelessness will continue to rise in the worlds richest country

Why the rent is too damn high: The affordable housing crisis

As wages remain stagnant not even keeping up with inflation for past 40 years

Phony stat, but if you want to raise wages at the low end, boot 20 million illegals and build a wall.

18-34 year olds are more likely to live with their parents than any other arrangement.

Wow, that never happened before. LOL!
That used to be very common, my parents lived with my grandparents for quite some time.

Despite being the richest country in the world homelessness still effects 1.5 million Americans, yet America still has millions of unsold homes but that doesn't matter because in capitalism the market must create an artificial scarcity for whatever product its selling whether its jewelry, food or housing certain people have to go without in order to make it profitable for the landlords.

As wages remain stagnant not even keeping up with inflation for past 40 years, and housing prices and rent are soaring across the country. With more workers not being able to afford homes anymore and for the first time since 1880,18-34 year olds are more likely to live with their parents than any other arrangement.

Without a dramatic increase in funding for public housing homelessness will continue to rise in the worlds richest country

Why the rent is too damn high: The affordable housing crisis
How about you get a damned job and provide your own funding? When did it become my responsibility to put a roof over your damned head?

Look, twit! If your wages remain stagnant, it is because your skills and value remain stagnant. Get some training, learn a trade. Get a degree in a field where you can actually earn enough to pay your student loans. Your PHD in African American Studies will qualify you for a damned entry level position at Mickey D's Try Geology and get a job in the oil business. Get a degree in engineering and invent a product. Don't cry that you can't afford your loan payments. You're the fool that got a degree in a field that is worthless to society.

Is your plan is to yell at all the worlds poor people to just get a job? if everyone got a job in feilds you listed wages would go down.

I'm always amazed that people who claim we need to deport millions of people because they can't find a job are the same ones too complain about government interference
Not ALL the world's people, but all of the US's people. I listed 2 fields as examples of fields that might actually get you a JOB.... Yes, fool I know if everyone was an engineer, the wage would go down. The difference between us is that I actually know a bit more about economics than that.

WTF are you babbling about? I didn't say shit about deporting people or government interference.. Why would you bring them up here?

A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.


millions of americans were born in NYC and LA

View attachment 101983


They don't know how to get on bus or train and start over somewhere else?... If so that's really their problem.



Again if everyone in America went to your hometown, it would be the same problem. You seem to have nothing other to say but shaming poor people

Are you like 11? There is no single solution for everyone. Not everyone is going to move to one small town and not everyone should become a geologist. Hell, if everyone did, there might actually be some money in African American Studies.
If EVERYONE moved to Damaged Eagle's home town, house prices would skyrocket and wages would plummet there, but home prices in NY and LA would drop and wages would go up.
You probably should avoid getting into a discussion about economics with adults until you actually reach puberty.
View attachment 101980

Maybe if people concentrated on the necessities instead of their having a 50inch screen TV, 200 channels for their TV, the newest smart phone with the full coverage package, PlayStation 4 & XboxOne and every game, latest fashions in clothing, drugs, alcohol; along with raising taxes on those who do own homes, apartments, and businesses; etc,... they could afford to rent or buy a home?



Maybe if the government made homes more affordable instead of making luxury items more affordable, as they did in the 90s then saving for a house loan might seem within reach. As it is, most people look with depression at their last 20 at the end of the pay week and then opt for the bottle.


A $50,000 home is well within the price range of a young couple when the overall mortgage is around $400 a month with no money down, even if the couple are working for minimum wage. The key is having the skills to do the repairs themselves and not spend their money on things that are not necessities.



median home value in NYC is $650,000 in LA its $570,000. you can't even rent a 1 bedroom apartment for $400 much less a whole house. And if you think that all of america could move into that town and housing prices will stay at $50k each you dont understand basic economics

View attachment 101982

I know enough about economics to not live in a district that's out of my price range... Something you obviously don't know how to do.



Besides you couldn't pay me enough to live in NYC. Been there hated it.

NYC would be a great holiday if you like shopping and you only go for a week.

Their prices are way too high..

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