Why The Results May Not Be Accepted

Nobody cares if the small fraction of a man accepts his defeat or not.
Hillary will be sworn in on 1/20/2017. There is nothing you guys can do about it now. You could have supported a politician instead of some guy on an ego trip…. but it’s too late for that.

I don't believe the election has taken place yet.

The votes haven’t been counted yet.

The election was over when Kasich didn’t rise to challenge Trump. Sorry to inject some sophistication into the conversation but there are a lot of things you can count on; like the sunrise.
  • HRC was going to get a very high % of the largest voting block; females. Was this something you didn’t know? Really?
  • She was going to get a very large block of the black and Hispanic vote as these are traditional Democratic voting blocks. Was this something you didn’t know? Really?
  • She, electorally, was going to win all of the blue states that Obama won in 2012. Was this something you didn’t know? Really?
To his credit, Drumpf did try to field some strategy such as the paid time off and going into black churches. Had he availed himself of responsible counsel and didn’t engage in public infighting with GOP leaders, he would have lined up 50-100 republicans who would pledge to support the measure in Congress. They too could benefit from enhanced women’s votes in their States/Districts. You didn’t see that because it was a hollow gesture. Was this something you didn’t know? Really?

As for blacks and Hispanics, the gestures were, if you could fathom it, even more ridiculous. The “What in the hell do you have to lose” card was more infuriating than anything else. He, smartly and quietly conceded the Hispanic vote long ago.

What was truly unexpected was that his comic book mentality of everything being rigged, every one being against him, and disgraceful “she wouldn’t be my first choice” response to allegations of his making unwanted sexual advances even lost him traditional GOP voting blocks like college educated women and men.
And Hillary is the one who mage it possible for illegal to obtain DLs in NY.
There are a number of states that require all drivers to have licenses and insurance. You can't get insurance without a license and everyone should be insured
Nobody cares if the small fraction of a man accepts his defeat or not.
Hillary will be sworn in on 1/20/2017. There is nothing you guys can do about it now. You could have supported a politician instead of some guy on an ego trip…. but it’s too late for that.

I don't believe the election has taken place yet.

The votes haven’t been counted yet.

The election was over when Kasich didn’t rise to challenge Trump. Sorry to inject some sophistication into the conversation but there are a lot of things you can count on; like the sunrise.

That's funny. Kasich is done.

HRC was going to get a very high % of the largest voting block; females.

You hope. Women don't vote as a bloc, and it's doubtful many outside the Democratic Party will vote for Hillary simply because she's female.

She was going to get a very large block of the black and Hispanic vote as these are traditional Democratic voting blocks.

You hope. The black community is realizing that the Democrats have done nothing for them other than throw crumbs to get their votes, and are now courting the illegals as their new girlfriend. The legal Latino vote is against her open border policies because they realize that illegals take their jobs as well.

She, electorally, was going to win all of the blue states that Obama won in 2012.

That cannot be determined until November 8.
What was truly unexpected was that his comic book mentality of everything being rigged

The evidence indicates that it is indeed rigged. Ask Bernie.

and disgraceful “she wouldn’t be my first choice” response to allegations of his making unwanted sexual advances even lost him traditional GOP voting blocks like college educated women and men.

Nonsense, but keep thinking that.
Nobody cares if the small fraction of a man accepts his defeat or not.
Hillary will be sworn in on 1/20/2017. There is nothing you guys can do about it now. You could have supported a politician instead of some guy on an ego trip…. but it’s too late for that.

I don't believe the election has taken place yet.

The votes haven’t been counted yet.

The election was over when Kasich didn’t rise to challenge Trump. Sorry to inject some sophistication into the conversation but there are a lot of things you can count on; like the sunrise.

That's funny. Kasich is done.

HRC was going to get a very high % of the largest voting block; females.

You hope. Women don't vote as a bloc, and it's doubtful many outside the Democratic Party will vote for Hillary simply because she's female.

She was going to get a very large block of the black and Hispanic vote as these are traditional Democratic voting blocks.

You hope. The black community is realizing that the Democrats have done nothing for them other than throw crumbs to get their votes, and are now courting the illegals as their new girlfriend. The legal Latino vote is against her open border policies because they realize that illegals take their jobs as well.

She, electorally, was going to win all of the blue states that Obama won in 2012.

That cannot be determined until November 8.
What was truly unexpected was that his comic book mentality of everything being rigged

The evidence indicates that it is indeed rigged. Ask Bernie.

and disgraceful “she wouldn’t be my first choice” response to allegations of his making unwanted sexual advances even lost him traditional GOP voting blocks like college educated women and men.

Nonsense, but keep thinking that.

So, make a prediction…PV and EV. We’ll compare notes on 11/9 and see who is smarter.

Here is mine (gray states are all for Trump)
Blue States.png

And a range of 48 to 50% of the Popular vote.

The Donald is 100% correct and the liberal media whores are mad as hell he won;t just roll over like Little Marco would. That's just too damn bad. The Criminal lying Left cannot be trusted with anything.. We have seen that they are lower than pond scum. The Donald is spot on.
Amnesty Don WILL be brought to heel after he suffers that CRUSHING defeat on November 8th.

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Nobody cares if the small fraction of a man accepts his defeat or not.
Hillary will be sworn in on 1/20/2017. There is nothing you guys can do about it now. You could have supported a politician instead of some guy on an ego trip…. but it’s too late for that.

I don't believe the election has taken place yet.

I think you are missing the point. Back when the Justice Dept. and the Deep State refused to prosecute her when she was clearly guilty, and the leaks revealed the Dem. nomination was rigged, no election was really ever going to be needed.

It was fait accompli.
The Democratic Party's Primaries were exposed as a completely rigged process that involved in DNC scheming, anti-Semitic planning, Felony-Convicted Super Delegates, and more...a process that still had to rely on voter fraud (as exposed by videos, testimony, etc) to secure the nomination for Hillary Clinton. Hillary could not win her own party's Primary without MASSIVE assistance.

Across the country the news has reported 'cells' of people committing and preparing voter fraud for the election in November.

Voter Fraud has already led to FBI investigations, Police Raids in Indiana. Suspicions and reports have led to the FBI investigating voter fraud in Va, Arizona, New York, Illinois, and Minnesota.

MILLIONS of dead and illegal immigrants are reportedly registered to vote.

Even the illegal immigrant / Washington Mall TERRORIST voted several times for Hillary Clinton in the DNC Primaries.

Considering the exposed DNC Primary corruption and voter fraud...

Considering the wide-spread evidence of voter fraud / potential voter fraud...

Considering new video/audio evidence of coordination between the President, Hillary's Campaign, and Hillary Surrogate organization in hiring / paying homeless, mentally ill, and others to disrupt and engage in violent encounters at GOP / Trump rallies...

We have already seen corruption, intimidation, fear-mongering, violence, and even political terrorism as seen with the firebombing of 1 GOP HQ and the vandalism of another. We have seen how ruthless, corrupt, manipulating, and violent Liberals have been and are willing to be to secure power, From the President all the way down to the individuals who are paid by the Hillary payroll to engage in violence.

Hillary was smart in her question to Trump if he would accept the outcome of the election then branding him as refusing to accept the results of our election system. It is a system, however, that the Democrats have perverted and broken, as seen through their own e-mails, paper-trails, and people's admissions/testimony. People should have / should remember the corrupt DNC Primaries and voter fraud and all that we have seen to date.

Trump was right to state he will see the results of the process and the election.

Voter Fraud Suspicions Lead Indiana Police to Raid Registration Office
Report: FBI Investigating Voter Fraud in Va. Using Dead People's Names

Sign the petition: Request FBI investigate voter fraud: AZ, NY, IL and MN

Washington mall shooter voted in this year's presidential primary - despite not being a U.S. citizen; Correction: He is a U.S. citizen - Hot Air

Report: Activist Who Bragged About Starting Violent Protest At Trump Rally Was On Hillary's Payroll
Best of luck.

Wishful thinking does not impart wisdom.

Where are your predictions? Or are you scared?

Trump win.

he he he….Way to stand by your messiah. If you had written 2 words less of support it would have been silence.

Why is it you guys are afraid of being identified as Trump supporters?
Flashback: Gore Refuses to Concede Election, Demands Recount ‘to Ensure All the Votes Are Counted’
Nobody cares if the small fraction of a man accepts his defeat or not.
Hillary will be sworn in on 1/20/2017. There is nothing you guys can do about it now. You could have supported a politician instead of some guy on an ego trip…. but it’s too late for that.

I don't believe the election has taken place yet.

I think you are missing the point. Back when the Justice Dept. and the Deep State refused to prosecute her when she was clearly guilty, and the leaks revealed the Dem. nomination was rigged, no election was really ever going to be needed.

It was fait accompli.

Time will tell.
"Sure I'll accept the result if you win this poker game. AFTER I count how many acres you hold in your hand and how many acres there are still in the deck".
And Hillary is the one who mage it possible for illegal to obtain DLs in NY.

Both clinton and trump will sign the tpp which will allow unlimited immigration for corporations local, regional, national and international. In fact, the tpp allows those international corporations to win contracts here, or ANY participating country, and bring their own labor with them.
Given that many undocumented immigrants are paying taxes, it would be against "taxation without representation" to disallow voting for tax paying undocumented immigrants.

I do not care though. It isn't like votes actually matter, nor would I except the legitimacy of the system if they did.

WTF? Undocumented????? Try he real word------------ILLEGAL. When you enter a country in violation of its laws YOU ARE HERE ILLGALLY.

Do you think you could enter any other country illegally and then vote in its elections?
And Hillary is the one who mage it possible for illegal to obtain DLs in NY.

Both clinton and trump will sign the tpp which will allow unlimited immigration for corporations local, regional, national and international. In fact, the tpp allows those international corporations to win contracts here, or ANY participating country, and bring their own labor with them.

wrong, Trump has said he will not sign it.

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