Why the right hates liberals

there are some legitimate needs out there which the government DOES have an obligation to provide for

Really? Based on what?

Don't get me wrong, I agree with your argument, to some extent. I think unemployment is a legitimate program that should benefit those temporarily out of work. But why is the government obligated to provide that service?
Right. SS is not an "entitlement". We all have worked and donated to it so it is rightfully ours. I've worked full time since I was 16 and I'm calling in retired in October and going fishing until I croak.

If only that were true. Unfortunately, Supplemental Security Income is paid from the same funds that Social Security benefits are paid from. In short, some people take from the fund that never, ever had to put into it.

Not quite. They are not taking. They are given. SS should not be touched except by retirees or the spouse or children if you die early.

Taking and being given are one and the same, in my book. There are plenty that take because they know they can, not because they truly need.
And how do you know all poor people are lazy people who haven't earned anything and get handouts?

If they earned anything then they would have what they earned. Handouts from the government are never earned. That is not government's job. How can you earn something from the government?

Now wait... I'm conservative, but have compassion. Sometimes shit just happens Jack. What if you had worked all your life but at a job that just allowed you to live paycheck to paycheck and you lost that job through no fault of your own and needed government assistance for a time to get back on your feet? Does that make you a lazy bum who is living off the system? No . you paid taxes with the understanding that IF something catastrophic happened you could turn to the government for help. Do some abuse the system? You bet they do, but in the grand scheme of government waste, I am willing to risk being ripped off in order to help those that truly need help. That doesn't mean I don't think abusers should be kicked off the dole and prosecuted, but there are some legitimate needs out there which the government DOES have an obligation to provide for, otherwise they need to eliminate the programs altogether and lower our taxes accordingly.

Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.
In the case of social security we have worked and put into it all our lives to support others.

Right. SS is not an "entitlement". We all have worked and donated to it so it is rightfully ours. I've worked full time since I was 16 and I'm calling in retired in October and going fishing until I croak.

If only that were true. Unfortunately, Supplemental Security Income is paid from the same funds that Social Security benefits are paid from. In short, some people take from the fund that never, ever had to put into it.

You're right. Some of our citizens have been too ill to work.
If only that were true. Unfortunately, Supplemental Security Income is paid from the same funds that Social Security benefits are paid from. In short, some people take from the fund that never, ever had to put into it.

Not quite. They are not taking. They are given. SS should not be touched except by retirees or the spouse or children if you die early.

Taking and being given are one and the same, in my book. There are plenty that take because they know they can, not because they truly need.

I agree with you. Those who take without ever having given are who I am talking about. Illegal aliens, generations of welfare families, professional students, political hacks like Obama for the democrat party, etc, etc.
If they earned anything then they would have what they earned. Handouts from the government are never earned. That is not government's job. How can you earn something from the government?

Now wait... I'm conservative, but have compassion. Sometimes shit just happens Jack. What if you had worked all your life but at a job that just allowed you to live paycheck to paycheck and you lost that job through no fault of your own and needed government assistance for a time to get back on your feet? Does that make you a lazy bum who is living off the system? No . you paid taxes with the understanding that IF something catastrophic happened you could turn to the government for help. Do some abuse the system? You bet they do, but in the grand scheme of government waste, I am willing to risk being ripped off in order to help those that truly need help. That doesn't mean I don't think abusers should be kicked off the dole and prosecuted, but there are some legitimate needs out there which the government DOES have an obligation to provide for, otherwise they need to eliminate the programs altogether and lower our taxes accordingly.

Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.

I do pay and put into the system, but you have no way of knowing who is ripping off the system and who is using it for real need.
Now wait... I'm conservative, but have compassion. Sometimes shit just happens Jack. What if you had worked all your life but at a job that just allowed you to live paycheck to paycheck and you lost that job through no fault of your own and needed government assistance for a time to get back on your feet? Does that make you a lazy bum who is living off the system? No . you paid taxes with the understanding that IF something catastrophic happened you could turn to the government for help. Do some abuse the system? You bet they do, but in the grand scheme of government waste, I am willing to risk being ripped off in order to help those that truly need help. That doesn't mean I don't think abusers should be kicked off the dole and prosecuted, but there are some legitimate needs out there which the government DOES have an obligation to provide for, otherwise they need to eliminate the programs altogether and lower our taxes accordingly.

Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.

I do pay and put into the system, but you have no way of knowing who is ripping off the system and who is using it for real need.

Sure I do. Illegal aliens, generations of welfare families, our President, etc. President BO has been receiving benefits all his life and never worked in any business and paid taxes from that job that I know of
Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.

I do pay and put into the system, but you have no way of knowing who is ripping off the system and who is using it for real need.

Sure I do. Illegal aliens, generations of welfare families, our President, etc. President BO has been receiving benefits all his life and never worked in any business and paid taxes from that job that I know of

Oh BO hasn't earned anything now, even when people vote for him. You're pathetic, seriously.
I do pay and put into the system, but you have no way of knowing who is ripping off the system and who is using it for real need.

You're right, and that IS the fundamental flaw of the system. It's too expensive to actually check on the people receiving benefits to see if they are legitimately in need of said benefits or if they are deceiving the system for personal gain.

It wouldn't really be hard to research such things, but the people qualified to do such research are paid more to do other things.
I am a liberal.

How do you know you are a liberal?

My voting record.
It doesn't hurt to ride with Webster:

"....not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms."

"....of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives."
Now wait... I'm conservative, but have compassion. Sometimes shit just happens Jack. What if you had worked all your life but at a job that just allowed you to live paycheck to paycheck and you lost that job through no fault of your own and needed government assistance for a time to get back on your feet? Does that make you a lazy bum who is living off the system? No . you paid taxes with the understanding that IF something catastrophic happened you could turn to the government for help. Do some abuse the system? You bet they do, but in the grand scheme of government waste, I am willing to risk being ripped off in order to help those that truly need help. That doesn't mean I don't think abusers should be kicked off the dole and prosecuted, but there are some legitimate needs out there which the government DOES have an obligation to provide for, otherwise they need to eliminate the programs altogether and lower our taxes accordingly.

Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.

I do pay and put into the system, but you have no way of knowing who is ripping off the system and who is using it for real need.

As a citizen whom does their part? Wouldn't it be prudent on your part to demand an accounting since that's your sweat-equity they've confiscated from you?

Or has challanging your employees gone out of vogue?

I do pay and put into the system, but you have no way of knowing who is ripping off the system and who is using it for real need.

Sure I do. Illegal aliens, generations of welfare families, our President, etc. President BO has been receiving benefits all his life and never worked in any business and paid taxes from that job that I know of

Oh BO hasn't earned anything now, even when people vote for him. You're pathetic, seriously.

I've been called pathetic and worse by people like you before. I take it as a compliment.

Getting people to vote for a political hack doesn't mean you earned anything. Who did BO work for that produced something, earned money and paid taxes?
If they earned anything then they would have what they earned. Handouts from the government are never earned. That is not government's job. How can you earn something from the government?

Now wait... I'm conservative, but have compassion. Sometimes shit just happens Jack. What if you had worked all your life but at a job that just allowed you to live paycheck to paycheck and you lost that job through no fault of your own and needed government assistance for a time to get back on your feet? Does that make you a lazy bum who is living off the system? No . you paid taxes with the understanding that IF something catastrophic happened you could turn to the government for help. Do some abuse the system? You bet they do, but in the grand scheme of government waste, I am willing to risk being ripped off in order to help those that truly need help. That doesn't mean I don't think abusers should be kicked off the dole and prosecuted, but there are some legitimate needs out there which the government DOES have an obligation to provide for, otherwise they need to eliminate the programs altogether and lower our taxes accordingly.

Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.

And those people should be thrown off the trough and thrown in jail; but the chances of catching even half of them are slim. I'd rather get ripped off then see one person who is there through no fault of their own go hungry.

And yes at this point the government is obligated to fund these programs because for 50 years now they have been collecting taxes from us based on the assumption that we would have that safety net if needed.

I would be fine with a rule stating you can't collect welfare at all if you've never paid a dime into the system.
How do you know you are a liberal?

My voting record.
It doesn't hurt to ride with Webster:

"....not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms."

"....of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives."

That sounds about right except the "tax us to death" part isn't in there.
And yes at this point the government is obligated to fund these programs because for 50 years now they have been collecting taxes from us based on the assumption that we would have that safety net if needed.

Hmm...you seem to be under the impression that the government is forced to spend the money for the purposes they collected it for. That's naive, optimistically so.
My voting record.
It doesn't hurt to ride with Webster:

"....not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms."

"....of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives."

That sounds about right except the "tax us to death" part isn't in there.

That's because you made that one up yourself.
Now wait... I'm conservative, but have compassion. Sometimes shit just happens Jack. What if you had worked all your life but at a job that just allowed you to live paycheck to paycheck and you lost that job through no fault of your own and needed government assistance for a time to get back on your feet? Does that make you a lazy bum who is living off the system? No . you paid taxes with the understanding that IF something catastrophic happened you could turn to the government for help. Do some abuse the system? You bet they do, but in the grand scheme of government waste, I am willing to risk being ripped off in order to help those that truly need help. That doesn't mean I don't think abusers should be kicked off the dole and prosecuted, but there are some legitimate needs out there which the government DOES have an obligation to provide for, otherwise they need to eliminate the programs altogether and lower our taxes accordingly.

Of course I agree with you. There are going to be people who through no fault of their own find themselves in a desparate situation. I've been there, I know what you mean.

I'm talking about people who pay no taxes and gripe about "the rich getting tax cuts". The people who want free health care on a minimum wage job.

That is who I am talking about.

And those people should be thrown off the trough and thrown in jail; but the chances of catching even half of them are slim. I'd rather get ripped off then see one person who is there through no fault of their own go hungry.

And yes at this point the government is obligated to fund these programs because for 50 years now they have been collecting taxes from us based on the assumption that we would have that safety net if needed.

I would be fine with a rule stating you can't collect welfare at all if you've never paid a dime into the system.

That is the way it is supposed to be. It's there when you need it. The problem is we have a "welfare class". You poor thing, you had a baby out of wedlock before you graduated and you're black, Latino, Cambodian, Indian, etc. Institutional racism. The parents are responsible for the care of their child and grandchild. Not me.
And yes at this point the government is obligated to fund these programs because for 50 years now they have been collecting taxes from us based on the assumption that we would have that safety net if needed.

Hmm...you seem to be under the impression that the government is forced to spend the money for the purposes they collected it for. That's naive, optimistically so.

No. I'm saying that just as I expect the government to provide roads and national defense , for example, I expect them to honor their obligation to provide a safety net if needed.
And yes at this point the government is obligated to fund these programs because for 50 years now they have been collecting taxes from us based on the assumption that we would have that safety net if needed.

Hmm...you seem to be under the impression that the government is forced to spend the money for the purposes they collected it for. That's naive, optimistically so.

Actually? The Government spends what it gets largely what it was never Constitutionally authorized to do.
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Reactions: Jon
It doesn't hurt to ride with Webster:

That sounds about right except the "tax us to death" part isn't in there.

That's because you made that one up yourself.

No, I didn't. Taxes are going up drastically. In my state they just increased taxes on candy bars, soda pop, bottled water, beer, Gasoline, cigarettes. There are some more that I can't think of right now. 3 billion deficit. So do they cut spending? Nope. Increase taxes. My state is run by democrats. Democrat governor, democrat senators, democrat legislature. Washington State. Check it out.

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