Why the Roman Catholic Church is the Greatest Organization in the History of the World.

Ever hear of the concept of "antichrist"? What is the antichrist? LOOK INTO A MIRROR. Does anyone find it strange that an antichrist denies the content of the Holy Scriptures? :icon_sjung:

The word comes from the Greek word meaning.....against Christ. Some dictionaries describe the term as a person who either claims to be Christ or is opposed to Christ. Jesus used a similar Greek word translated as "false Christs" in Mark 13:21-23 in discussing the events that would lead up to the destruction of Jerusalem.

1 John 2:18 shows that the term "antichrist" does not point to any single person but rather to a false ideology that denies the deity of Jesus in being the Son of God. There were "many" antichrists present even in the 1st century. 1 John 2:18 is evidence of Jesus' ability to predict the future as John states that many antichrists were arriving preceding the destruction of Jerusalem.

Any person that is not with Christ is against Him (Matt. 12:30) The Apostles were Christians because they represented Jesus (Luke 10:16). One way to test against an antichrist doctrine is seeing if the person in question actually listens to the words of Jesus (1 John 4:1,6)

Only by keeping the commandments can anyone actually know the Christ (1 John 2:3-6) Anyone that loves this world is against God (James 4:4)

Again, HOW TO SPOT an ANTICHRIST. An antichrist denies the deity of Jesus as being the Son of God (1 John 2:22-23)

It is a sure fact as revealed in scripture that God made Jesus the Christ of prophecy (Acts 2:36) As this Book of Acts quote the Old Scriptures in confirming that Jesus is now sitting on the throne of David at the right hand of God in Heaven, ruling over the Kingdom of God.

Salvation is in no other Name. (Acts 4:12) Unless you believe that Jesus is the Messiah of Prophecy you will die in your sins. (John 8:24). Jesus was born of God (Luke 1:31-35). Many testified to this fact (Matt. 16:16-17, John 1:49, 20:28)

One day everyone will acknowledge this fact (Phil. 2:8-11) An antichrist denies that God came in the flesh as Jesus (1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 7)

Other apostles confirmed this fact, God took the form of a man to die for man's sin (Phil. 2:5-8). God dwelt among us (John 1:14)
Jesus= Love, peace, unity, return evil for evil to no one, turn the other cheek, vengeance is mine said the Lord
Antichrist = hate. war, division, return evil for evil as far as even kill, Take vengeance for self

The wars of mortal govts show who is who and who they back.
The antichrist (conjured from the depths of hell and unleashed on the world by Rome in 325.c.e) is a substitute counterfeit three in one almighty yet edible mangod that never existed who diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could become fully human and fully God and say things that no one understood only to be ridiculed, scorned, despised, tortured and crucified so that people like you can be sanctimonious assholes and sin with impunity for the rest of your delusional lives.

You accept the lie that Jesus, an innocent man, was a perfect sacrifice who bore the guilt of your sins so that you don't have to. lol & WTF. You even celebrate his death. YAY! Numbskull. Seriously.

How in hell do you live with yourself?
Yeah........an "antichrist" would never deny the actual content of the Holy Bible. FYI: The writings of John have been dated to the late 1st century when he recorded 1st and 2nd John as well as Revelation. There are some 5800 biblical manuscripts of the New Testament with over 2.6 million pages of content dated by the Science of Archaeology 100 to 300 years before any of the "Gnostic" (not contained in Canon) books to include any supposed changes by some council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.

You are what you are.......there is nothing new under the sun as your lack of faith effects those who accept Jesus..........how? :eusa_think: Its your bed to burn in......enjoy. :smoochEE: You make "claims" i.e., accusations and then can't produce any Objective evidence to support your false premises. I wonder why you are all hat and no cowboy? :26: Answer......you "parrot" misinformation that can't support its own content.
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Jesus= Love, peace, unity, return evil for evil to no one, turn the other cheek, vengeance is mine said the Lord
Antichrist = hate. war, division, return evil for evil as far as even kill, Take vengeance for self

The wars of mortal govts show who is who and who they back.
Presenting TRUTH as found documented in Scripture........is not based upon anything other than that which can be proven to exist within the pages of the canonized text. Its nothing personal. Just as Jesus did not fear to call a lying dog, a lying dog......why would anyone back away from the content demonstrated by Book, Chapter and Verse? There is a command to worship in Spirit and Truth. Again........anyone, any cult that denies the deity of Christ Jesus is by scriptural definition an "antichrist".

Again, as the Christ stated, "You worship that which you know not........" -- John 4:22 There is only one way to a relationship with God and that is through Christ Jesus. As Jesus pointed out to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." -- John 14:6

You keep arguing in circles. Circular Logic:

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Yeah........an "antichrist" would never deny the actual content of the Holy Bible. You are what you are.......there is nothing new under the sun as your lack of faith effects those who accept Jesus..........how? :eusa_think: Its your bed to burn in......enjoy. :smoochEE:

I do not deny the content of the Bible. I have extirpated your irrational Church teaching irrefutably showing that you understand neither the words or subjects about which you are so dogmatic.

In the process I have revealed the hidden teachings of Jesus and opened the way that leads to eternal life so that anyone with a second grade education and a set of balls could comprehend and do it.

You brazenly defy Divine law, shamelessly perjure yourself in the name of God, openly desecrate the teachings of Jesus, blindly seek spiritual life from the lifeless work of human hands, and celebrate the death of Christ as an expression of your deep love for God and devotion to Jesus,

lol. What a joker!

Pssst! Your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field. :26:

I always find it amusing when someone like you tells me that I am going to hell without having an inkling that you are already in it.
Damn. And some people do not believe in curses. Imagine that!
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Presenting TRUTH as found documented in Scripture........is not based upon anything other than that which can be proven to exist within the pages of the canonized text. Its nothing personal. Just as Jesus did not fear to call a lying dog, a lying dog......why would anyone back away from the content demonstrated by Book, Chapter and Verse? There is a command to worship in Spirit and Truth. Again........anyone, any cult that denies the deity of Christ Jesus is by scriptural definition an "antichrist".

Again, as the Christ stated, "You worship that which you know not........" -- John 4:22 There is only one way to a relationship with God and that is through Christ Jesus. As Jesus pointed out to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." -- John 14:6

You keep arguing in circles. Circular Logic:

John 4:22-24--Jesus warns all about the god they are serving then tells all who the true God is=The Father. Yes by believing Jesus and applying what he teaches. When dogma contradicts him one should run from those teachers-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Yeah........an "antichrist" would never deny the actual content of the Holy Bible. FYI: The writings of John have been dated to the late 1st century when he recorded 1st and 2nd John as well as Revelation. There are some 5800 biblical manuscripts of the New Testament with over 2.6 million pages of content dated by the Science of Archaeology 100 to 300 years before any of the "Gnostic" (not contained in Canon) books to include any supposed changes by some council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.

You are what you are.......there is nothing new under the sun as your lack of faith effects those who accept Jesus..........how? :eusa_think: Its your bed to burn in......enjoy. :smoochEE: You make "claims" i.e., accusations and then can't produce any Objective evidence to support your false premises. I wonder why you are all hat and no cowboy? :26: Answer......you "parrot" misinformation that can't support its own content.
The new catholic encyclopedia-1967) vol XIV page 299--The formulation of three persons in one God was not established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the Apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.

There you go--the apostles knew nothing of a trinity-Why? Because it was created at a council near the end of the 4th century-It does not exist. Jesus was with the apostles. taught them truth. They served the single being God Israel served-YHWH(Jehovah) = the Father. John 4:22-24 is who Jesus tells all to serve.
There is only one way to a relationship with God and that is through Christ Jesus. As Jesus pointed out to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." -- John 14:6

Sounds great but do you know what Jesus was referring to by saying "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me", specifically, so that others can understand what Jesus meant and then do it ?

Lots of people claim the name of Jesus, he is the matzo, he is present when you eat the matzo, you just have to recite a few words, apologize for being a worthless piece of shit, kneel, pray, call his name, Jesus Jesus Jesus, say Amen! Hallelujah! praise God!, a lot, throw spare change at the priest, etc., but have never seen or heard a single word from the living God in their entire lives.

The absence of the living God in their lives suggests that either Jesus was wrong or 'believers' are all wrong because they were deceived by actors and lying frauds. What say you?

What is right?

Its a matter of life and death. If you don't know, whatever you do don't lie. Just ask and I'll tell you.
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Presenting TRUTH as found documented in Scripture........is not based upon anything other than that which can be proven to exist within the pages of the canonized text. Its nothing personal. Just as Jesus did not fear to call a lying dog, a lying dog......why would anyone back away from the content demonstrated by Book, Chapter and Verse? There is a command to worship in Spirit and Truth. Again........anyone, any cult that denies the deity of Christ Jesus is by scriptural definition an "antichrist".

Again, as the Christ stated, "You worship that which you know not........" -- John 4:22 There is only one way to a relationship with God and that is through Christ Jesus. As Jesus pointed out to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." -- John 14:6

You keep arguing in circles. Circular Logic:

Yes the Father is the destination for one to worship-The Father alone-John 4:22-24
As stated in my OP, the bad actions of a few fallible humans acting against their vows in no way affects or diminishes the perfect teachings of Jesus. Why would it? How could it?

Sure, if you believe that nonsense.

Top 10 Shameful Moments in Catholic History

How did you manage to forget about The Medieval Witch hunts the Inquisitions, the indulgences?

Why do you think the Protestant religions grew so rapid in the 1500's?
Sure, if you believe that nonsense.

Top 10 Shameful Moments in Catholic History

How did you manage to forget about The Medieval Witch hunts the Inquisitions, the indulgences?

Why do you think the Protestant religions grew so rapid in the 1500's?
Again, what do the actions of a few fallible men have to do with Christ's perfect teachings?

Wanna now look at atheist atrocities in the last century?
100 million murdered. Didn't think so.
Again, what do the actions of a few fallible men have to do with Christ's perfect teachings?

Wanna now look at atheist atrocities in the last century?
100 million murdered. Didn't think so.

Your excuses are silly since YOU claimed it was "GREATEST ORGANIZATION in history of the world"

I just posted hard evidence that it isn't so great, and you quickly post a deflection I will not follow since it doesn't address my link which you didn't read.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Author John Cornwell was an atheist with an ax to grind whose hit piece was often debunked. This article is almost cliched by now.
The Roman Catholic Church had itself set up to win no who won the war. Lots of documentation in history books on the Catholics and Hitler during the war. So, you want to claim it but I don’t believe you because all you have is your word and you are bias because you are a member.
When I visited Rome in 2019, I visited the Vatican. I remember being somewhat awestruck at the history contained in that one little 109 acre parcel of land. As I visited the Sistine Chapel (taking photos, by the way, which is verbotten), I remember the majesty of it; awe-inspiring in every way. The Museo Vaticano contained a treasure trove of art and artifacts dating back over thousands of years. Saint Peter's Basilica is the most majestic house of worship I've ever seen, and I've seen many.

And then I couldn't help but think about how perverse and secretive the church; what I once considered my church, had been and has continued to be, and it disgusts me. I can't understand how anyone of any conscience could defend it...
And then I couldn't help but think about how perverse and secretive the church; what I once considered my church, had been and has continued to be, and it disgusts me. I can't understand how anyone of any conscience could defend it...
Can you defend what it teaches?
Why the Roman Catholic Church is the Greatest Organization in the History of the World.

There are a number of reasons, but they all stem from one main reason: The RCC was founded by Jesus who is perfect, and God’s rules are perfect and loving. And by perfect, that means following God’s rules leads to the best life you can possibly live which not only prepares you for Heaven, but also creates the greatest earthly happiness. This is the part atheists miss.

The Roman Catholic Church has been the single most powerful force for people accomplishing the most and greatest good in the history of the world. Think of the legions of selfless priests, sisters, nuns, missionaries, and consecrated individuals who have devoted their lives to the service of others for little or no financial compensation. They are motivated by something far more powerful than money to do superhuman things.

Take Mother Teresa’s order of nuns, the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta India. These women work 14-18 hours day caring for the sick in the poorest most dangerous area of the city. They subsist on a nutritious stew for every meal; they have two sets of clothes, one to wash and one to wear; they have forsaken all possessions. Visitors marvel at how 80-year-old sisters can do backbreaking work all day long with a cheerful disposition, day in and day out. It’s because they are moved by God.

The irreligious do not have such a powerful source of motivation.

The canonized Roman Catholic saints are examples of the extreme motivation from God helping them to accomplish unbelievable good on earth. Take St. John Bosco. Turned thousands of delinquent young orphans into solid contributing citizens. His schools didn’t use punishment at all. He used the sacraments of the church plus kind encouraging words. John Bosco once had 800 young delinquents in a large hall, doing school work. It was so quiet, one could hear a pin could drop. Outsiders marveled at how this could be possible. It was God who showed St. John Bosco the way.

What other organization, religious or otherwise, has such a corresponding venerable group as the canonized saints of the Catholic Church; people who live and work among the people they serve and accomplish great things?

From my personal perspective, the RCC offers steady unwavering guidance on the best way to live. I’ve studied all the teachings, and they all make perfect sense to me, though that wasn’t always the case. The rules may sound demanding at first, but once you acclimate yourself they are easy to follow and make life go so much smoother. Compare it to an overweight person who wants to get fit. At first it’s very difficult to give up the the sugary snacks, the fast food, the fries, and the Pepsi. It’s very difficult to get up early, lift weights and do cardio and eat right. But once you do, it’s easy. And so much better.

The Catholic services are the same everywhere you go. Mass is the same. The teachings are the same. God’s laws were the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Maybe 0bama and Hillary, and Biden all changed their ‘core views’ on gay marriage in 2012, but God didn’t change His mind. When I go to Mass, it is the most diverse wonderful place. Many nationalities, every race, every age, rich or poor, most everybody is there because they want to get better in life. Other organizations would die for the diversity we have. Everyone is equal. Everyone is respected. You don’t have to donate to belong, although you should if you can. Nobody will ever ask anyone personally to give. No one will know if you don’t.

Are all Catholics perfect? Of course not. Even though church teaching is infallible, human beings are not. People sometimes disobey God’s perfect teachings, and do bad things. But the instances are relatively few compared to the legions of great people who do great things. There are also some, like pro-abortion politicians who claim to be Catholics, but openly disagree with major Catholic teachings. They intentionally mislead good people, but theirs and others' bad actions in no way diminish the validity of Jesus’ Church.

Jesus’ Church will be with us to the end of time. Again, very comforting. The RCC has a lineage of popes that goes directly back to St. Peter, the Apostle. All the turbulent events of the past 2000 years, the line of pope remains unbroken. That’s proof of Jesus’ promise.

I invite everyone to attend a mass at your local Catholic Church. They’re everywhere. Do it, and your life will be changed. You’ll see everything I listed above.
Well, they certainly have the child molestation and nun rape down pat.
Totally false and debunked.

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