Why we love Trump....

DONE?? We have not yet begun to fight.

You haven't even started yet? Ominous words! You mean last year when you poured it on with about one billion dollars spent trying to get Hillary elected, all the medias in your hip pocket except Fox News, late night shows spinning mockery, Hillary dodging the press 99% of the time and then only being asked the easy questions,
the DNC sabotaging Sanders so Hillary was a shoe in, hiring throngs of crazy loons to go to every Trump Rally to start fights and drive people away,
every asshole in Hollywood backing you up, major cities and districts busing in every illegal alien and dead person they could find to vote
for Hillary, spending millions working with the Russians and Ukrainians to make up a fake Dossier against Trump, Obama tapping
all of Trump's communications, the IRS running interference with conservative groups, with Trump out there in the news
running around grabbing pussies, and half the GOP working with you to hurt Trump every way they could, you
hadn't even begun to fight yet? And
she still lost! Just warming up for the REAL fight in 2020, eh,
and without a single major, prominent, popular person to replace her? Whatcha going
to do then, lock all of the Republicans in a room, throw away
the key and rig all the voting machines?

DONE?? We have not yet begun to fight.

You haven't even started yet? Ominous words! You mean last year when you poured it on with about one billion dollars spent trying to get Hillary elected, all the medias in your hip pocket except Fox News, late night shows spinning mockery, Hillary dodging the press 99% of the time and then only being asked the easy questions,
the DNC sabotaging Sanders so Hillary was a shoe in, hiring throngs of crazy loons to go to every Trump Rally to start fights and drive people away,
every asshole in Hollywood backing you up, major cities and districts busing in every illegal alien and dead person they could find to vote
for Hillary, spending millions working with the Russians and Ukrainians to make up a fake Dossier against Trump, Obama tapping
all of Trump's communications, the IRS running interference with conservative groups, with Trump out there in the news
running around grabbing pussies, and half the GOP working with you to hurt Trump every way they could, you
hadn't even begun to fight yet? And
she still lost! Just warming up for the REAL fight in 2020, eh,
and without a single major, prominent, popular person to replace her? Whatcha going
to do then, lock all of the Republicans in a room, throw away
the key and rig all the voting machines?

View attachment 162694
you might not have your pal putin and the russian s helping you in 2020
DONE?? We have not yet begun to fight.

You haven't even started yet? Ominous words! You mean last year when you poured it on with about one billion dollars spent trying to get Hillary elected, all the medias in your hip pocket except Fox News, late night shows spinning mockery, Hillary dodging the press 99% of the time and then only being asked the easy questions,
the DNC sabotaging Sanders so Hillary was a shoe in, hiring throngs of crazy loons to go to every Trump Rally to start fights and drive people away,
every asshole in Hollywood backing you up, major cities and districts busing in every illegal alien and dead person they could find to vote
for Hillary, spending millions working with the Russians and Ukrainians to make up a fake Dossier against Trump, Obama tapping
all of Trump's communications, the IRS running interference with conservative groups, with Trump out there in the news
running around grabbing pussies, and half the GOP working with you to hurt Trump every way they could, you
hadn't even begun to fight yet? And
she still lost! Just warming up for the REAL fight in 2020, eh,
and without a single major, prominent, popular person to replace her? Whatcha going
to do then, lock all of the Republicans in a room, throw away
the key and rig all the voting machines?

View attachment 162694

Dear Toobadfreak,

We have the test results in from Virginia and need you to come in a consultation regarding the level of medication needed to reduce your butthurt.


Doctor Pukkered Up.
you might not have your pal putin and the russian s helping you in 2020

Then again, maybe we will!

Plus all the bonus gravy points of Trump having cut taxes, boosted the economy and a hundred other things for all of America, plus the DNC having now made monkeys out of all their voters---- their lies, cheats and crimes now exposed for all to see.

After blowing a BILLION bucks and losing with an infamous candidate, whose going to risk trusting the Dems with some unknown jackal?
you might not have your pal putin and the russian s helping you in 2020

Okay, here's your chance to prove how much smarter you are than the rest of us... Show us some evidence of what specifically Putin did to help Donald Trump win the election?

I don't mean post some ranting blog post full of emotive speculation and conjecture. You need legitimate tangible evidence we can evaluate on merit. If you don't have that, please tell us "stupid" people what it is you believe Putin did to help Trump win? That shouldn't be too hard for you to do... we're waiting for you to show us how smart you are!

We have the test results in from Virginia and need you to come in a consultation regarding the level of medication needed to reduce your butthurt.

Ahh.. so you think it's some kind of indicator of things to come that Democrats won in a state that elected former Clinton lackey, Terry McAuliffe as governor and voted overwhelmingly for Hillary in 2016? Really? That's your bellwether? :rofl:
you might not have your pal putin and the russian s helping you in 2020

Then again, maybe we will!

Plus all the bonus gravy points of Trump having cut taxes, boosted the economy and a hundred other things for all of America, plus the DNC having now made monkeys out of all their voters---- their lies, cheats and crimes now exposed for all to see.

After blowing a BILLION bucks and losing with an infamous candidate, whose going to risk trusting the Dems with some unknown jackal?
boosting the economy is just riding on obamas coattails,,,,,,and taxes cut for billionaires ??wow
boosting the economy is just riding on obamas coattails...

Except that Obama, in 8 years, couldn't ever manage over 3% growth (pundits said it was impossible) and Trump has now done it 3 consecutive quarters. Yeah... that's due to Obama! LOL... Due to Obama LEAVING and Trump ARRIVING! :rofl:
you might not have your pal putin and the russian s helping you in 2020

Okay, here's your chance to prove how much smarter you are than the rest of us... Show us some evidence of what specifically Putin did to help Donald Trump win the election?

I don't mean post some ranting blog post full of emotive speculation and conjecture. You need legitimate tangible evidence we can evaluate on merit. If you don't have that, please tell us "stupid" people what it is you believe Putin did to help Trump win? That shouldn't be too hard for you to do... we're waiting for you to show us how smart you are!

Think that's a question better answered by most of our investigative units You know ,the ones who KNOW the russians helped Trump You don't believe them?? They're all democrat hired hands? And btw I NEVER said I was smarter than any of you but when I see a bear in the forest I know it's a bear and when I see a complete ass in our WH I know it's a complete ass
boosting the economy is just riding on obamas coattails...

Except that Obama, in 8 years, couldn't ever manage over 3% growth (pundits said it was impossible) and Trump has now done it 3 consecutive quarters. Yeah... that's due to Obama! LOL... Due to Obama LEAVING and Trump ARRIVING! :rofl:
Now you're playing the idiot Obama reached 3% and over EIGHT times during his presidency just not 3% for a whole year AND what was gdp after trumps first quarter ??? You trying to BS a bullshitter Come armed next time
...and taxes cut for billionaires ?
Here's another opportunity to prove how much smarter you are than us "stupid" folks... Please tell us the current US income tax rate % for billionaires?
Effective tax rate ??? is lots different from what you think it is AND once more I don't think you folks are stupid I just think that politics aren't your strong suit
Think that's a question better answered by most of our investigative units You know ,the ones who KNOW the russians helped Trump You don't believe them?? They're all democrat hired hands? And btw I NEVER said I was smarter than any of you but when I see a bear in the forest I know it's a bear and when I see a complete ass in our WH I know it's a complete ass

Hey, you made the claim about Putin not helping us in 2020. Can you not tell us what you believe Putin did in 2016 to help Trump? I'm not asking the investigators, they didn't pop off their smart mouth at USMB... you did. Now answer the damn question!

And you straight up called Trump supporters "Stupid" in a previous post. Are you now trying to argue that you are even MORE stupid? Okay.... I can go along with that! :D
...and taxes cut for billionaires ?
Here's another opportunity to prove how much smarter you are than us "stupid" folks... Please tell us the current US income tax rate % for billionaires?
Effective tax rate ??? is lots different from what you think it is AND once more I don't think you folks are stupid I just think that politics aren't your strong suit

So why didn't you answer my question? What is the current US tax rate for billionaires?
...and taxes cut for billionaires ?
Here's another opportunity to prove how much smarter you are than us "stupid" folks... Please tell us the current US income tax rate % for billionaires?
Does this help boss?
People also ask

How much does a billionaire pay in taxes?
According to new data from the IRS, people who make $1 million or more had an average tax rate of 20.4 percent in 2010.
We have the test results in from Virginia and need you to come in a consultation regarding the level of medication needed to reduce your butthurt.

Ahh.. so you think it's some kind of indicator of things to come that Democrats won in a state that elected former Clinton lackey, Terry McAuliffe as governor and voted overwhelmingly for Hillary in 2016? Really? That's your bellwether? :rofl:

The Republican brand: In Virginia, just 30% of the electorate identified as Republicans. In New Jersey, it was just 29%. That gave self-identifying Democrats a double digit edge in each of those states -- suggesting that Republicans didn't turn out to vote or just didn't want to tell an exit pollster they identified with the Republican party. Either way, it's not good if you are a Republican strategist trying to figure out how to win in 2018.

Seems the electorate doesn't want to be associated with the party of dumb.
...and taxes cut for billionaires ?
Here's another opportunity to prove how much smarter you are than us "stupid" folks... Please tell us the current US income tax rate % for billionaires?
Does this help boss?
People also ask

How much does a billionaire pay in taxes?
According to new data from the IRS, people who make $1 million or more had an average tax rate of 20.4 percent in 2010.

I didn't ask you for an average for people who make $1 million or more. I asked you for the US income tax rate (%) for billionaires. You claimed they are being cut, so we need to know what they currently are and how much they are going to be cut. You're supposed to be smarter than us Trump voters, here's your chance to prove it! What is the current US income tax (%) rate for billionaires?
We have the test results in from Virginia and need you to come in a consultation regarding the level of medication needed to reduce your butthurt.

Ahh.. so you think it's some kind of indicator of things to come that Democrats won in a state that elected former Clinton lackey, Terry McAuliffe as governor and voted overwhelmingly for Hillary in 2016? Really? That's your bellwether? :rofl:

The Republican brand: In Virginia, just 30% of the electorate identified as Republicans. In New Jersey, it was just 29%. That gave self-identifying Democrats a double digit edge in each of those states -- suggesting that Republicans didn't turn out to vote or just didn't want to tell an exit pollster they identified with the Republican party. Either way, it's not good if you are a Republican strategist trying to figure out how to win in 2018.

Seems the electorate doesn't want to be associated with the party of dumb.

I'm not really understanding your dynamics here. So your party won in a state that is only 30% Republican but this somehow spells trouble for Republicans in 2018? :dunno:

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