Why we love Trump....

boosting the economy is just riding on obamas coattails...

Except that Obama, in 8 years, couldn't ever manage over 3% growth (pundits said it was impossible) and Trump has now done it 3 consecutive quarters. Yeah... that's due to Obama! LOL... Due to Obama LEAVING and Trump ARRIVING! :rofl:
Yet he managed consistent positive growth over an eight year period

The three percent is an arbitrary threshold
And notice how republicans fail to mention the EIGHT quarters at 3% or better that Obama achieved ,,,, and that was coming out of a great recession Now the moron trump is just holding on to Obamas coat tails
It's not that we fail to mention it. It's that it isn't relative. You and the other tard are demonstrating your ignorance of economic growth.
If it wasn't relative WHY did the orange bozo in our WH make a point of obama not making 3% and he did? Of course he was as wrong as you were and are
If it wasn't relative WHY did the orange bozo in our WH make a point of obama not making 3% and he did? Of course he was as wrong as you were and are

The ONLY reason 3% means ANYTHING is IF it is sustained growth over time! Obama never achieved that. His average was a pathetic 1.5% and that is basically a stagnant economy. Now if you are totally ignorant of how the economy works and what constitutes real economic growth, you can crow about Obama's hitting the 3% mark a few times through the course of his presidency but that is nothing unusual at all. It would be hard to find a two term president who didn't do that. But GROWTH is what is measured in terms of economic prosperity. In order to have GROWTH you need consecutive 3% quarters, or better. Reagan peaked out at around 6% sustained growth. Trump's last quarter was near 4% and Obama never hit 4%. He couldn't even sustain 3% and his apologists argued that we're in a different age and such growth was just no longer possible. Now that Trump has debunked that claim, you've got a lot of nerve trying to say he's riding on Obama's coat tails. That's just a fucking joke and you are a clown.
We have the test results in from Virginia and need you to come in a consultation regarding the level of medication needed to reduce your butthurt.

Huh? My butt ain't hurting! You have me confused with a liberal.

I don't have any confusion with you. You're just another milktoast conservative spewing bullshit.

Hey Jackass Pseudo-Intellectual: It is spelled 'Milquetoast.'
Apparently you have milk toast on the brain.
If it wasn't relative WHY did the orange bozo in our WH make a point of obama not making 3% and he did? Of course he was as wrong as you were and are

The ONLY reason 3% means ANYTHING is IF it is sustained growth over time! Obama never achieved that. His average was a pathetic 1.5% and that is basically a stagnant economy. Now if you are totally ignorant of how the economy works and what constitutes real economic growth, you can crow about Obama's hitting the 3% mark a few times through the course of his presidency but that is nothing unusual at all. It would be hard to find a two term president who didn't do that. But GROWTH is what is measured in terms of economic prosperity. In order to have GROWTH you need consecutive 3% quarters, or better. Reagan peaked out at around 6% sustained growth. Trump's last quarter was near 4% and Obama never hit 4%. He couldn't even sustain 3% and his apologists argued that we're in a different age and such growth was just no longer possible. Now that Trump has debunked that claim, you've got a lot of nerve trying to say he's riding on Obama's coat tails. That's just a fucking joke and you are a clown.
Is 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains a joke ? Is 4+% of unemployed clownish in your opinion ?? This ah in office and probably you too ,think every time you crow the sun rises
If it wasn't relative WHY did the orange bozo in our WH make a point of obama not making 3% and he did? Of course he was as wrong as you were and are

The ONLY reason 3% means ANYTHING is IF it is sustained growth over time! Obama never achieved that. His average was a pathetic 1.5% and that is basically a stagnant economy. Now if you are totally ignorant of how the economy works and what constitutes real economic growth, you can crow about Obama's hitting the 3% mark a few times through the course of his presidency but that is nothing unusual at all. It would be hard to find a two term president who didn't do that. But GROWTH is what is measured in terms of economic prosperity. In order to have GROWTH you need consecutive 3% quarters, or better. Reagan peaked out at around 6% sustained growth. Trump's last quarter was near 4% and Obama never hit 4%. He couldn't even sustain 3% and his apologists argued that we're in a different age and such growth was just no longer possible. Now that Trump has debunked that claim, you've got a lot of nerve trying to say he's riding on Obama's coat tails. That's just a fucking joke and you are a clown.
And one more thing boss WTF has that dummy in the WH done to break records in our stock market s? What has he done to bring about those great earnings and low interest rates ?The pos is a buffoon a blabbermouth and you support him?? shame on you
Is 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains a joke ? Is 4+% of unemployed clownish in your opinion ?

Yes, it IS a joke. Just routine economic expansion and population growth produces around 125k jobs per month. The unemployment rates don't count people who have fallen off the rolls or given up looking for a job. So this is nothing but smoke and mirrors ginned into campaign rhetoric and lapped up by neophytes such as yourself because you aren't too bright. Under Obama, we lost millions of high paying skilled jobs in manufacturing sectors and replaced them with low-paying and unskilled service sector jobs.

ANYONE who argues that jobs and the economy were great under Obama is a CLOWN!
And one more thing boss WTF has that dummy in the WH done to break records in our stock market s? What has he done to bring about those great earnings and low interest rates ?The pos is a buffoon a blabbermouth and you support him?? shame on you

Well, he has undone MANY of the restrictive Obama-era regulations. This has sparked rejuvenation and confidence in the market. You can call him all the names you like.
Is 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains a joke ? Is 4+% of unemployed clownish in your opinion ?

Yes, it IS a joke. Just routine economic expansion and population growth produces around 125k jobs per month. The unemployment rates don't count people who have fallen off the rolls or given up looking for a job. So this is nothing but smoke and mirrors ginned into campaign rhetoric and lapped up by neophytes such as yourself because you aren't too bright. Under Obama, we lost millions of high paying skilled jobs in manufacturing sectors and replaced them with low-paying and unskilled service sector jobs.

ANYONE who argues that jobs and the economy were great under Obama is a CLOWN!
The numbers speak for themselves And loudly You don't believe the numbers but the moron in our wh you do?
The numbers speak for themselves And loudly You don't believe the numbers but the moron in our wh you do?

The numbers DO speak for themselves. This president is producing REAL economic growth and prosperity according to all the numbers. That spells trouble for you whether you realize it or not... that's why your puppet masters are pumping you full of identity politics and fomenting hate and divisiveness. They know this is bad news for you.
The numbers speak for themselves And loudly You don't believe the numbers but the moron in our wh you do?

The numbers DO speak for themselves. This president is producing REAL economic growth and prosperity according to all the numbers. That spells trouble for you whether you realize it or not... that's why your puppet masters are pumping you full of identity politics and fomenting hate and divisiveness. They know this is bad news for you.
all that numbskull is producing is hate and BS
all that numbskull is producing is hate and BS

No, HE isn't producing hate. What he is doing is pushing your buttons and making YOU display your hate for him. What you don't realize is how pathetic that makes you look in the eyes of an otherwise independent voter. I love the fact that he triggers you all with his tweets the way he does... at first, I didn't understand it... it kind of seemed silly and juvenile... now I am starting to get it. He is making you react and in doing so, he is gaining the upper hand because, most of the time, whatever he said was true. You come across looking like little partisan hack idiots or hypocrites, although you don't see it that way.

He is arguably the most brilliant non-politician politician in American political history.
Am waiting for a post that say's why you like Trump, not post's that say kicking non Trump people's ass. is a good enough reason. why would you take joy in hurting others? over applauding things that make improvements for all Americans.

1. Because they deserve it.

2. Because they are destroying America and need to be stopped.
As said about Germany by one Nazi to another guarding the camps.

You just equated having your feelings hurt with being in a death camp.

No, asswipe. I am comparing you Trumpettes to the fucking Nazis. You white supremacist assholes are exactly like the Nazis.
Am waiting for a post that say's why you like Trump, not post's that say kicking non Trump people's ass. is a good enough reason. why would you take joy in hurting others? over applauding things that make improvements for all Americans.

1. Because they deserve it.

2. Because they are destroying America and need to be stopped.
As said about Germany by one Nazi to another guarding the camps.

You just equated having your feelings hurt with being in a death camp.

No, asswipe. I am comparing you Trumpettes to the fucking Nazis. You white supremacist assholes are exactly like the Nazis.

And you did it by equating us hurting your feelings to the nazis putting people in death camps.

Are you too stupid to read what you wrote?

Also, you are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Am waiting for a post that say's why you like Trump, not post's that say kicking non Trump people's ass. is a good enough reason. why would you take joy in hurting others? over applauding things that make improvements for all Americans.

1. Because they deserve it.

2. Because they are destroying America and need to be stopped.
As said about Germany by one Nazi to another guarding the camps.

You just equated having your feelings hurt with being in a death camp.

No, asswipe. I am comparing you Trumpettes to the fucking Nazis. You white supremacist assholes are exactly like the Nazis.

And you did it by equating us hurting your feelings to the nazis putting people in death camps.

Are you too stupid to read what you wrote?

Also, you are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Nazis listened to Hitler You trump traitors listen to trump F all of you
1. Because they deserve it.

2. Because they are destroying America and need to be stopped.
As said about Germany by one Nazi to another guarding the camps.

You just equated having your feelings hurt with being in a death camp.

No, asswipe. I am comparing you Trumpettes to the fucking Nazis. You white supremacist assholes are exactly like the Nazis.

And you did it by equating us hurting your feelings to the nazis putting people in death camps.

Are you too stupid to read what you wrote?

Also, you are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Nazis listened to Hitler You trump traitors listen to trump F all of you

Wow. YOu just supported realdave's godwin race baiting by pointing out the incredible similarity that both Trump and Hitler spoke to their supporters and were listened to.

That really proves it. After all, no good leader would speak to their supporters and be listened to.

You fucking moron.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
As said about Germany by one Nazi to another guarding the camps.

You just equated having your feelings hurt with being in a death camp.

No, asswipe. I am comparing you Trumpettes to the fucking Nazis. You white supremacist assholes are exactly like the Nazis.

And you did it by equating us hurting your feelings to the nazis putting people in death camps.

Are you too stupid to read what you wrote?

Also, you are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Nazis listened to Hitler You trump traitors listen to trump F all of you

Wow. YOu just supported realdave's godwin race baiting by pointing out the incredible similarity that both Trump and Hitler spoke to their supporters and were listened to.

That really proves it. After all, no good leader would speak to their supporters and be listened to.

You fucking moron.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
Where you breath fn racist traitor White fn trash
You just equated having your feelings hurt with being in a death camp.

No, asswipe. I am comparing you Trumpettes to the fucking Nazis. You white supremacist assholes are exactly like the Nazis.

And you did it by equating us hurting your feelings to the nazis putting people in death camps.

Are you too stupid to read what you wrote?

Also, you are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Nazis listened to Hitler You trump traitors listen to trump F all of you

Wow. YOu just supported realdave's godwin race baiting by pointing out the incredible similarity that both Trump and Hitler spoke to their supporters and were listened to.

That really proves it. After all, no good leader would speak to their supporters and be listened to.

You fucking moron.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
Where you breath fn racist traitor White fn trash

Hey, does that fact that I am "listening" to you, make you a Nazis too? Or is that different because, you know, reasons?

The reason you cocksuckers like to call your enemies nazis, is not because you believe it to be true, but because you know it is not, but it helps you win, if you can smear good people.

That makes you the bad guys.

Also, you calling me "white trash" is a racist slur, coming from someone who is attacking people because "nazi", you are just too dumb to be expressed in words.
No, asswipe. I am comparing you Trumpettes to the fucking Nazis. You white supremacist assholes are exactly like the Nazis.

And you did it by equating us hurting your feelings to the nazis putting people in death camps.

Are you too stupid to read what you wrote?

Also, you are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Nazis listened to Hitler You trump traitors listen to trump F all of you

Wow. YOu just supported realdave's godwin race baiting by pointing out the incredible similarity that both Trump and Hitler spoke to their supporters and were listened to.

That really proves it. After all, no good leader would speak to their supporters and be listened to.

You fucking moron.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
Where you breath fn racist traitor White fn trash

Hey, does that fact that I am "listening" to you, make you a Nazis too? Or is that different because, you know, reasons?

The reason you cocksuckers like to call your enemies nazis, is not because you believe it to be true, but because you know it is not, but it helps you win, if you can smear good people.

That makes you the bad guys.

Also, you calling me "white trash" is a racist slur, coming from someone who is attacking people because "nazi", you are just too dumb to be expressed in words.
Look dummy you support a racist pos a man who is nothing but evil People of color are his enemies but never opens his yap about Putin ,,Makes you slime just like him
And you did it by equating us hurting your feelings to the nazis putting people in death camps.

Are you too stupid to read what you wrote?

Also, you are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Nazis listened to Hitler You trump traitors listen to trump F all of you

Wow. YOu just supported realdave's godwin race baiting by pointing out the incredible similarity that both Trump and Hitler spoke to their supporters and were listened to.

That really proves it. After all, no good leader would speak to their supporters and be listened to.

You fucking moron.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
Where you breath fn racist traitor White fn trash

Hey, does that fact that I am "listening" to you, make you a Nazis too? Or is that different because, you know, reasons?

The reason you cocksuckers like to call your enemies nazis, is not because you believe it to be true, but because you know it is not, but it helps you win, if you can smear good people.

That makes you the bad guys.

Also, you calling me "white trash" is a racist slur, coming from someone who is attacking people because "nazi", you are just too dumb to be expressed in words.
Look dummy you support a racist pos a man who is nothing but evil People of color are his enemies but never opens his yap about Putin ,,Makes you slime just like him

Dude. If he was racist, you would have cited something actually racist he did, rather than talking about how people "listening to him" was just like the way people "listened" to Hitler.

YOu are just smearing your enemies because it works, and you are a piece of shit that doesn't mind doing that.

You are the bad guy here. And dumb as a fucking monkey. And not one of the smarter monkeys.
Nazis listened to Hitler You trump traitors listen to trump F all of you

Wow. YOu just supported realdave's godwin race baiting by pointing out the incredible similarity that both Trump and Hitler spoke to their supporters and were listened to.

That really proves it. After all, no good leader would speak to their supporters and be listened to.

You fucking moron.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.
Where you breath fn racist traitor White fn trash

Hey, does that fact that I am "listening" to you, make you a Nazis too? Or is that different because, you know, reasons?

The reason you cocksuckers like to call your enemies nazis, is not because you believe it to be true, but because you know it is not, but it helps you win, if you can smear good people.

That makes you the bad guys.

Also, you calling me "white trash" is a racist slur, coming from someone who is attacking people because "nazi", you are just too dumb to be expressed in words.
Look dummy you support a racist pos a man who is nothing but evil People of color are his enemies but never opens his yap about Putin ,,Makes you slime just like him

Dude. If he was racist, you would have cited something actually racist he did, rather than talking about how people "listening to him" was just like the way people "listened" to Hitler.

YOu are just smearing your enemies because it works, and you are a piece of shit that doesn't mind doing that.

You are the bad guy here. And dumb as a fucking monkey. And not one of the smarter monkeys.
Do some reading wiseguy Trump was and is a racist and hates mexicans too ,,especially mexican judges

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