Why we need the 2nd Amendment

So, you are really and anti gun nut with a toy to show your friends, eh? Totally oblivious to the fact there are are about 20 million of weapons owned by normal Americans, similar to mine, in a country with a population of 331,450,00 people. How many like yours? Yep. Hard to find that number, isn't it? With less than 500 people killed by all rifles combined, in the US last year, (that is counting accidental, on purpose and suicide) that make you sound pretty silly, uninformed and attests the FACT most rifle owner in general, and AR/AK platform rifles (maybe 173 by a Times analysis), and their owners are nowhere near the hazard, you and the other anti-gun nut people would like the public to believe. The math isn't hard to understand unless you are math challenged or a hysterical fool.
"Red Flag" state? Don't make me laugh, pretender. You sure speak poorly for your unnamed "Red Flag" state and the people in it. This is Tennessee. Most of us shooting rifles and shotguns since we were little kids. I often invite people on here to visit Tennessee (you know, Red Flag with 3 stars) and go Tennesseeing, but you need to just stay on the interstate and pass through.

You do what you must in your state and we will do what we must in our state.
Yes, but the normal people really are not responsible for misperceptions of the few, due to the lack of experience of the anti-gun cause nuts.

No. They are not. They just look similar, but without the same function.
No offense but I think you have it backwards. It's unfortunately the few who have the experience to know the difference. Most people just see the AR as a "scary gun" that shouldnt be in the hands of everyday Americans. Most people dont understand what semi automatic means, have no understanding of ballistics, or the function of the weapons. Their opinion is based solely on what it looks like and what they've heard in the media.
Machine Guns in the Civilian World needed to be curtailed. There were a lot of innocents that died due to spray and pray shooting of a thompson.
There are very few people who die from machine gun fire in the US every year and likely zero from legally owned machine guns.
Reference any "assault weapon" law you choose.
All of them refer to semi-automatic rifles.

The term you mean to use is assault rifle, which are select-fire.
So you agree, they are not assault weapons, and not even select fire weapons. Got it. Thanks
You do what you must in your state and we will do what we must in our state.
First sensible thing you have said in 16 hours.
No offense but I think you have it backwards. It's unfortunately the few who have the experience to know the difference. Most people just see the AR as a "scary gun" that shouldnt be in the hands of everyday Americans. Most people dont understand what semi automatic means, have no understanding of ballistics, or the function of the weapons. Their opinion is based solely on what it looks like and what they've heard in the media.
Right. I am one of the normal people, not responsible for the misconceptions of people that don't know much on the subject, so I don't mind.
Machine Guns in the Civilian World needed to be curtailed. There were a lot of innocents that died due to spray and pray shooting of a thompson.

As of 2017, there were 5,203,489 legal Class III NFA weapons in the hands of US collectors and shooters. And yet there has been only one recorded murder with a full-automatic weapon since the National Firearms Act of 1934. It was a police officer who committed the murder.

NFA Firearms, Forms, and Revenue Statistics - The Truth About Guns

I don't know if you're really that stupid or you're just trolling.
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There are very few people who die from machine gun fire in the US every year and likely zero from legally owned machine guns.

Andn why is that? could it be that the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the due dilligence of many law enforcements contributed to it's demise? And we have to be very careful. The Ghost Gun Full Autos are starting to surface because of you 2nd Amendment Gunnutters.
So you agree, they are not assault weapons, and not even select fire weapons. Got it. Thanks

Then you would be wrong. Assault Rifle is a Military Term given a complete class of weapon including the AR series and the AK series and the various clones, copies. To say that a M-16 is not an AR disagrees with the Colt Factory Model Number of Colt Model 60X. And I fired them all from the 601 to the 604. And I also fired the Model 750 which has been discontinued which is one of the two that can legally called an AR-15. All others except for the FN are considered legally as clones or copies.

In a combat situation, there is absolutely no difference between the operation of the M-16 than the AR-15. What makes them deadly isn't whether they can fire auto or not. Firing you M-16 on full auto in combat breaks the 11th commandment of "Thou Shalt Not Run out of Ammo lest you die". Hence the dropping of the full auto setting for the totally worthless 3 shot burst. The reason for the AR and the M-16 hasn't changed since 1958. Stoner designed it right. The AR and M-16 is the B-52 Assault Rifles.
Then you would be wrong. Assault Rifle is a Military Term given a complete class of weapon including the AR series and the AK series and the various clones, copies. To say that a M-16 is not an AR disagrees with the Colt Factory Model Number of Colt Model 60X. And I fired them all from the 601 to the 604. And I also fired the Model 750 which has been discontinued which is one of the two that can legally called an AR-15. All others except for the FN are considered legally as clones or copies.

In a combat situation, there is absolutely no difference between the operation of the M-16 than the AR-15. What makes them deadly isn't whether they can fire auto or not. Firing you M-16 on full auto in combat breaks the 11th commandment of "Thou Shalt Not Run out of Ammo lest you die". Hence the dropping of the full auto setting for the totally worthless 3 shot burst. The reason for the AR and the M-16 hasn't changed since 1958. Stoner designed it right. The AR and M-16 is the B-52 Assault Rifles.
It is the selector that make it enabled for full auto or limited burst auto, not the shape of the rifle that makes the M-16 an assault weapon suited for combat and the AR-15 not. Get real. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
The M-16 is a multi-use platform. You can use it in combat, and best in a firefight on single shot, but go auto as suppressive fire for moving to a new position, or suppression to egress. If clearing a building in close quarters door by door, a burst of automatic is a good calling card and effective at putting down multiples in close, where precision aim is not the highest priority, but speed of putting a lot of rounds in a small space is. That, dude, is an assault weapon.
Not the case with an AR-15, look alike. Where the idea is to acquire, aim to sight picture, and squeeze a round, then repeat if necessary.
And I am still waiting for something sensible from you. Wait, no, never going to happen.
I make more sense than your elitist drivel.
It is the selector that make it enabled for full auto or limited burst auto, not the shape of the rifle that makes the M-16 an assault weapon suited for combat and the AR-15 not. Get real. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
You still don't understand the difference between an assault rifle and an 'assault weapon'.
You still don't understand the difference between an assault rifle and an 'assault weapon'.
Too many years in Combat Arms Enlisted Mos and Officer Branch assignment, and all those years of training people to use them, tactically and on ranges, I guess. After a few million rounds down range, I am not too interested in splitting hairs, when I know the difference. The people that put the pen to paper on writing the laws that suit you, in the language that suits you, are clueless about these weapons by comparison, same as you.
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Joe Biden many be a corrupt politician but he is not a tyrant. Nor was Trump or Obama.

Our current government is not perfect by any means but there is no reason to overthrow it.

Perhaps the reason we don’t live under a truly tyrannical government is we have the Second Amendment and more firearms in our nation than people.

Thing was, I wasn't talking about the presidents. The US isn't run by presidents.

Tyrannical depends on your point of view, I guess. If you're Iranian, Venezuelan, Libyan, Syrian, black, Native American you might have a different perspective.

This is why we need assault weapons. the 2nd Amendment is to keep all enemies away, foreign and domestic. anyone who attacks the 2nd amendment is our domestic enemy, make no mistake. For they seek to take away our ability to engage our foreign enemies. Look at these brave Ukrainians, what if they had the 2nd amendment? Maybe Putin would think twice....how would you feel confronting the Russkies with 10 rounds? Or with a wooden rifle, as the Anti-2nd amendment folks flee in their private jets to leave you fend off the enemy?
Firstly, the 2nd says "a well regulated militia".
It does Not say every idiot is militia.

What are you gonna do if America is attacked on the other side if the country? Illtell you. Nothing because the military dont need Rambos like you with you ageing pop guns. You're fabricating exteaordinary excuses that will NEVER unfold regardless of how you try.
The logistics of what you say are impossible. Your best bet would be leave it to the military. You would only get in the road.
Thing was, I wasn't talking about the presidents. The US isn't run by presidents.

Tyrannical depends on your point of view, I guess. If you're Iranian, Venezuelan, Libyan, Syrian, black, Native American you might have a different perspective.
At this point the people who run the nation are not tyrannical either but they are headed in that direction.
At this point the people who run the nation are not tyrannical either but they are headed in that direction.

That depends on how you see things.

People BELIEVE they have freedom. The people in charge put a lot of effort into creating the sense that the people are in the zoo, but looking in at the animals. But others could claim that the people are in the zoo and the animals are looking in on the people, kind of thing.

You think about the poverty, the boom and bust, all this kind of thing.

Obviously I'm not talking about tyrannical as in they go around killing at will and all that. But "tyrant" comes from the term for "absolute ruler", and I'd say that those people with that power have a lot of that power. The people could, potentially, take that power away, but you get the feeling that the powers that be have so much control, so much manipulation, over the people, that it'll never happen.
That depends on how you see things.

People BELIEVE they have freedom. The people in charge put a lot of effort into creating the sense that the people are in the zoo, but looking in at the animals. But others could claim that the people are in the zoo and the animals are looking in on the people, kind of thing.

You think about the poverty, the boom and bust, all this kind of thing.

Obviously I'm not talking about tyrannical as in they go around killing at will and all that. But "tyrant" comes from the term for "absolute ruler", and I'd say that those people with that power have a lot of that power. The people could, potentially, take that power away, but you get the feeling that the powers that be have so much control, so much manipulation, over the people, that it'll never happen.
As I said the people who actually run this nation are not yet tyrants but are headed in that direction.

One example:


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