Why western lying presstitutes never report about suffering children in Donbass?

Stratford57 Thanks for such words but I cannot write much here. When writing I do read as well and I got very upset sometimes. It kills my wish to visit this forum. Time passes and I return again
Besides I got to work a bit too...and training...now preparing for competition.
Stratford57 Thanks for such words but I cannot write much here. When writing I do read as well and I got very upset sometimes. It kills my wish to visit this forum. Time passes and I return again
Besides I got to work a bit too...and training...now preparing for competition.
Good luck in competition. What kind of competition?
Swimming. Masters category (veterans)

Even if millions of Russians get killed in Ukraine no one say anything in the West.
Putin shall take all Russian Territorials back in Russia.

Actually Ukraine and ukrainians are part of Russia and russians.
Absolutely the same history, traditions, language.
Ukraine appeared in 1918 by Bolsheviks and it couldn't prove it is a separate nation/country during the whole century.
Ukraine (okraina) means "the edge (of russian land)"..."the border".
But fluence of Poland amd Hungary allowed some new words, traditions, even new confession to find their way to this territory drop by drop...

Soon! Very soon Russia will arise and be rejoined!

Russia shall kick all Ukrainian Nazis to Hell and invite Ukrainian folk to join Russia per referendum.
When writing I do read as well and I got very upset sometimes. It kills my wish to visit this forum.
I know what you are talking about. For example, I get seriously upset when I read how sending weapons to Ukraine makes some Americans so happy. It just ruins my day when I read it. The people have no idea what they are even happy about, they don't know how Deep State puppets in Ukraine have been killing, burning alive and throwing to prison their own civilians since the 2014 coup.

However I pull myself by ears (literally) back to the forum and keep posting as much truth as I can. Somebody has to...
When writing I do read as well and I got very upset sometimes. It kills my wish to visit this forum.
, I get seriously upset when I read how sending weapons to Ukraine makes some Americans so happy. ..

The most of corporative MS presstitutes belong to a bunch of dual US-Israel citizens who hate Russians since longer as 200 years.
US-Americans are deliberately dumbed down by lying monsters who are pushing WWIII
Stratford57 Thanks for such words but I cannot write much here. When writing I do read as well and I got very upset sometimes. It kills my wish to visit this forum. Time passes and I return again
Today I wrote a post about how dangerous it was to supply Ukrainian Nazis with weapons. Somebody said he had never seen more stupid post. And it's not that I care a lot what some people on the forum think about me (I'm here for absolutely different reason). What makes me really upset is that those ignorant people basically have been deciding the fate of my almost 40 million home country.

I wonder if they will ever be able to figure out the truth about whom they've been supporting. Especially, after they created, weaponed, trained and financed ISIS (same way as Ukrainian Nazis now). They don't seem to learn any lessons. And don't care about the countries they destroy.

Извините, наболело....
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Stratford57 Thanks for such words but I cannot write much here. When writing I do read as well and I got very upset sometimes. It kills my wish to visit this forum. Time passes and I return again
Today I wrote a post about how dangerous it was to supply Ukrainian Nazis with weapons. Somebody said he had never seen more stupid post. And it's not that I care a lot what some people on the forum think about me (I'm here for absolutely different reason). What makes me really upset is that those ignorant people basically have been deciding the fate of my almost 40 million home country.

I wonder if they will ever be able to figure out the truth about whom they've been supporting. Especially, after they created, weaponed, trained and financed ISIS (same way as Ukrainian Nazis now). They don't seem to learn any lessons. And don't care about the countries they destroy.

Извините, наболело....

The problem is most of western folks are completely brainwashed by lying presstitutes and can not differ reality from computer game.Even if all Ukrainians get killed nothing changed in their heeds.OFF in the next grocery is more important as death of millions.
Western lying corporate presstitutes are the biggest enemies of humanity, they cause wars, are guilty on millions murders, destroyed countries and cities. All wars beginning from 1914 were launched after huge lies in so-called 'free press' ( owned by a couple of international criminals ).
Today presstitutes are crying out about suffering kids in ISIS cities, but these lying demons NEVER reported about Children of Donbass, the True Victims of International Antirussian Gang leads by Merkel, Deep State and Devil.

When Western Folks want to be free they shall never purchase and read lying MS presstitutes.

Always fascinating to hear what Putin's propaganda arm is pushing today.
Western lying corporate presstitutes are the biggest enemies of humanity, they cause wars, are guilty on millions murders, destroyed countries and cities. All wars beginning from 1914 were launched after huge lies in so-called 'free press' ( owned by a couple of international criminals ).
Today presstitutes are crying out about suffering kids in ISIS cities, but these lying demons NEVER reported about Children of Donbass, the True Victims of International Antirussian Gang leads by Merkel, Deep State and Devil.

When Western Folks want to be free they shall never purchase and read lying MS presstitutes.

Always fascinating to hear what Putin's propaganda arm is pushing today.

You can not blame the Truth as 'Putin's Propaganda'
Western lying corporate presstitutes are the biggest enemies of humanity, they cause wars, are guilty on millions murders, destroyed countries and cities. All wars beginning from 1914 were launched after huge lies in so-called 'free press' ( owned by a couple of international criminals ).
Today presstitutes are crying out about suffering kids in ISIS cities, but these lying demons NEVER reported about Children of Donbass, the True Victims of International Antirussian Gang leads by Merkel, Deep State and Devil.

When Western Folks want to be free they shall never purchase and read lying MS presstitutes.

Always fascinating to hear what Putin's propaganda arm is pushing today.

What is Putin’s propaganda?
Nazi who rule Ukraine today is propaganda? I had to change place if living because of propaganda? Thousands killed in Donbass us propaganda?
Or maybe more than 800 military US bases all over the world is Putin’s propaganda?
Unstoppable wars of US in all corners of the earth is propaganda?

The real propaganda is your so-called “democracy, liberty and human values”!
Murders and robbers under holy flags!

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