Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race

Whites don't discuss race because we like to do productive things with our time.
Well part of racism, for white ppl, is acting dumb when blk ppl are around.

Here we have a white man. He can get the bones of a dinosaur millions of years old n tell u what it had for breakfast.

He can tell you what the weather was like 10 thousand years ago.

He can do all that smart shit. But when the biggest social problem on planet earth comes along, a problem that has shaped America, when thats on the table (racism) all of a sudden "don't want to talk about"

If a white man said "Look man. Everyone has tried oppressing ppl. But we whites are better atdoing that than anyone else"

Thats the kinda talk i like.Why ? Bcoz there is an element of truth to it.
Talking about Race is boring.
Name me a problem that gets better by not talking about it ?
Say you are having a squabble with another person and it just doesn't end...no matter what you do. Put it on your shelf and something you will learn, or will happen that gives you more information that you can use to handle it.

It may be a week, year or 5 years, but it will come.
USMB is a fine example of this.

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
March 26, 2015 by Barnabas Piper

Thanks for bringing this up.

I'll give you my answer on this.

If someone comes up to me and tells me that we should be allies because we are both white, I immediately think "what a loser".

There is no common Honky Culture here in America, whites really aren't an ethnicity or culture in this country and probably never will be.

I think there would be a lot more white people talking about race, if we had something to talk about, a common link. But that common link doesn't exist.

Maybe if the schools would start have White Appreciation Month, where all of the achievements of white people were celebrated and white history studied, their would be the White Pride that you and the author of this article desire. But really I don't see it.
Whites don't discuss race because we like to do productive things with our time.
Well part of racism, for white ppl, is acting dumb when blk ppl are around.

Here we have a white man. He can get the bones of a dinosaur millions of years old n tell u what it had for breakfast.

He can tell you what the weather was like 10 thousand years ago.

He can do all that smart shit. But when the biggest social problem on planet earth comes along, a problem that has shaped America, when thats on the table (racism) all of a sudden "don't want to talk about"

If a white man said "Look man. Everyone has tried oppressing ppl. But we whites are better atdoing that than anyone else"

Thats the kinda talk i like.Why ? Bcoz there is an element of truth to it.

The biggest social problem in this world is factions of people who think they are better than another faction. Look at that problem. Or we can look at your problem with whites. Notice how I say it is YOUR problem. I don't have a problem with you. But, what if you put this "problem on a shelf and in a month we got to know each pother at work, we could become friends, never thinking of color. THEN, you would have new facts that could help shape that problem. You then realize you don't have a problem with me, so it isn't all whites, it's some. Another year you have a fight with another black person about a loan he got from you. When you were friends, it was great, but now it has changed and you have bad feelings with him. That may alter that "White problem" on you shelf again. You know now it isn't the color of people you don't like, it is how they interact with others. So the problem isn't racial, but logical. You like people who pay their bills.
It's basic demagoguery 101. Convince people that other people are the cause of their own failings, unite them in the shared scapegoating and create your power base.

So what power do blk ppl have over whites ?
in your case, you get to post shit about wanting to see white children killed in front of their parents and have all but a few people here call you for what you are.
Hello, ChemEngineer. Do you have evidence tending to support your claim about men abandoning women?

Look it up yourself. To the extent that you so clearly challenge the obvious, anything I present in evidence you would likewise dismiss with some excuse or other. So find it yourself. It's common knowledge. Blacks grow up without fathers all to often, and as a result, are disproportionately involved in crime, go to prison, grow up poor and don't get even a high school diploma.

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"


You become enlightened. You have a very long way to go to catch up with me.

black crime rates.jpg
in your case, you get to post shit about wanting to see white children killed in front of their parents and have all but a few people here call you for what you are.
Nice attempt at given no context to what I said.

Yes. Black ppl should slaughter white kids and white children in regards to S.Africa.

If I come into your home and stomp all over your family n say I'm doing this bcoz blk ppl are superior to whites.

I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk.

The same way if blk Africans went to Russia and tried to enforce a blk apartheid system to the whites Russians. Having "No whites" signs in Moscow.

They gained such a foothold in Russia that white Russians had to come black Africans for money and a job.

Then I think its 100% correct for the white Russians to respond with maximum violence towards the blk africans.
He CERTAINLY doesn't to talk about black crime, or black men knocking up women and then abandoning them.

Hello, ChemEngineer. Do you have evidence tending to support your claim about men abandoning women?

Do you respect apparent emotionally troubled females intentionally creating life with MULTIPLE teen boys or men who just want to GET LAID, and have NO INTEREST in creating families?

"Lamenting Multiple Baby Daddies" ~Jazzyslim2005


Originally published by ~jazzyslim2005:

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Sh.."

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt4lnbqKwCs/ 21m:31s

Child Abusing #PROBLACK Women Are Destroying The #BlackCommunity:

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXdg7gNzlok/

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"


None of those you tubes are proven to be one color only.
USMB is a fine example of this......

Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?

We/I talk about race all the time. Because people like you keep making an issue of it.

I have no hesitation to discuss it as an issue. In fact I tend to hit such threads a lot, because they/you are low hanging fruit, easy to destroy.

Black people built the USA. So black people should get cash payments.

View attachment 297447

Black Americans need Reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS. Foundational Black Americans are owed cash payments. The federal government made MONEY from free Black labor.

Definitely. I am in favor of any person that was in chains during the civil war of getting cash payments.
Whites don't discuss race because we like to do productive things with our time.
Well part of racism, for white ppl, is acting dumb when blk ppl are around.

Here we have a white man. He can get the bones of a dinosaur millions of years old n tell u what it had for breakfast.

He can tell you what the weather was like 10 thousand years ago.

He can do all that smart shit. But when the biggest social problem on planet earth comes along, a problem that has shaped America, when thats on the table (racism) all of a sudden "don't want to talk about"

If a white man said "Look man. Everyone has tried oppressing ppl. But we whites are better atdoing that than anyone else"

Thats the kinda talk i like.Why ? Bcoz there is an element of truth to it.

The biggest social problem in this world is factions of people who think they are better than another faction. Look at that problem. Or we can look at your problem with whites. Notice how I say it is YOUR problem. I don't have a problem with you. But, what if you put this "problem on a shelf and in a month we got to know each pother at work, we could become friends, never thinking of color. THEN, you would have new facts that could help shape that problem. You then realize you don't have a problem with me, so it isn't all whites, it's some. Another year you have a fight with another black person about a loan he got from you. When you were friends, it was great, but now it has changed and you have bad feelings with him. That may alter that "White problem" on you shelf again. You know now it isn't the color of people you don't like, it is how they interact with others. So the problem isn't racial, but logical. You like people who pay their bills.

The biggest social problem is the world is that some people think they should have power over the rest of us.
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.

Yes. This is exactly where civil rights jumped the shark. It failed to recognize that deciding for ourselves who we like and don't like, who we associated with and who we avoid - no matter what the reasons - is a fundamental human right.

Equal rights under the law is the core if liberal democracy. But mandating respect is overreach.
Especially since there is in the air like an infamous perfume that it is always the white people the bad guys at least for most lefties
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.

Yes. This is exactly where civil rights jumped the shark. It failed to recognize that deciding for ourselves who we like and don't like, who we associated with and who we avoid - no matter what the reasons - is a fundamental human right.

Equal rights under the law is the core if liberal democracy. But mandating respect is overreach.
Especially since there is in the air like an infamous perfume that it is always the white people the bad guys at least for most lefties
White ppl are fking worshipped on this planet.

Get the fk out my face.
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We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.

Yes. This is exactly where civil rights jumped the shark. It failed to recognize that deciding for ourselves who we like and don't like, who we associated with and who we avoid - no matter what the reasons - is a fundamental human right.

Equal rights under the law is the core if liberal democracy. But mandating respect is overreach.
Especially since there is in the air like an infamous perfume that it is always the white people the bad guys at least for most lefties
White ppl are fking worshipped on this planet.

Get the fk out my face.

thats racist
by boedicca
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.

Yes. This is exactly where civil rights jumped the shark. It failed to recognize that deciding for ourselves who we like and don't like, who we associated with and who we avoid - no matter what the reasons - is a fundamental human right.

Equal rights under the law is the core if liberal democracy. But mandating respect is overreach.
Especially since there is in the air like an infamous perfume that it is always the white people the bad guys at least for most lefties
White ppl are fking worshipped on this planet.

Get the fk out my face.

thats racist
by boedicca

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