Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race

USMB is a fine example of this......

Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?

We/I talk about race all the time. Because people like you keep making an issue of it.

I have no hesitation to discuss it as an issue. In fact I tend to hit such threads a lot, because they/you are low hanging fruit, easy to destroy.

Black people built the USA. So black people should get cash payments.

View attachment 297447

Black Americans need Reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS. Foundational Black Americans are owed cash payments. The federal government made MONEY from free Black labor.
I have no problem with any living slaves and their children receiving reparations. Just like I have no problem with the other getting reparations because they were all alive. Hell, I believe taxpayers should receive reparations for all the failed projects created for minority groups.
IM2 published, Ignore Jarhrman. He doesn't want to discuss the psychological impact of racism on blacks, but spams all day about black women abusing their children.

Dear, IM2. If I was the ONLY responsible citizen writing or talking about American moms ABUSING and MALTREATING our Nation's children, I would agree that Avery Jarhman is a total NUTCASE.


'Lamenting MULTIPLE Baby Daddies' ~Jazzyslim2005

Based on personal experiences, as well as observations made by my caring, RESPONSIBLE fellow citizens, I believe selfish, immature girls and women birthing children with multiple men is causing great emotional harm, as well as causing countless FATHERLESS children, teens and adults to embrace HATE and silent RESENTMENT toward their maternal caregivers.

I am curious to learn your opinion about Ms. JazzySlim's thoughts and concerns, regarding exploited, emotionally maltreated and neglected American children and teens?

Originally published on Jun 19, 2012 by jazzyslim2005

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Shit...."

ht tps://youtu.be/jt4lnbqKwCs?t=5m21s
"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me

IM2 published, Ignore Jarhrman.

IM2. I noticed frequently you misspell names or terms you publish on this message board.

Obviously you do this to prevent the USMB search engine from locating the lies and deceptions you choose to share here.


Tommy lay's into black women
Tommy Sotomayor Ask Are you OK With Your 6 Year Old Doing Things Like This???
IM2 published, “The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions.

IM2, in part, are reproductive decisions made by large numbers of SELFISH, IMMATURE, UNSKILLED, APATHETIC, emotionally or mentally ill American mothers of African descent driving the racial wealth gap you and many PRO BLACK infected citizens and their liberal supporters speak about:

POVERTY toya graham .jpg

IM2, Is PRO BLACK community leader 'Sa Neter', founder of the 'House of Konsciousness' Harlem, NY, Keeping it REAL when sharing his opinion of #POVERTY?

" If a particular group IS being disadvantaged - just to put it at that level and ignoring hatred, violence and murder against them and so on - it's NOT racist to draw attention to the fact that they ARE being systemically oppressed."

These are words spoken by a white person in another forum. This childish crap of calling people racists for pointing out racism has got to go.
You really don't want to have a discussion you just want to bitch and whin about failures within the black community.
Well bitching and whing won't fix the problem discussions from both sides have a better effect.

Hi, Big. Thanks for sharing.

Big, in this eye-opening, heart-breaking, NSFW ADULT LANGUAGE broadcast, Childhood Trauma & Child Sexual Abuse victim Tommy Sotomayor shares info about his dysfunctional PRO BLACK influenced upbringing.


Click Here: Recognize Prevent Child Abuse

Back in 2014, when his mother appeared on his live broadcasts, I began following Child Sexual Abuse victim Tommy Sotomayor.

In front of his mom, Tommy would talk about how his mom emotionally abandon her children and laid down with multiple men.

In front of his mom, Tommy would speak about the women in his family exposing children to drug abuse, drug sales, domestic violence, gun violence and other human dysfunction prevalent in America's large SEGREGATION-minded, FEMALE-dominated INTRA RACIAL DISCRIMINATION and HATE practicing PRO BLACK community.

In the attached broadcast Tommy speaks about his mom raising him to HATE
his WHITE AMERICAN NEIGHBORS, while also revealing how he came to
understand his mom was lying to him about the nature and character of his WHITE AMERICAN NEIGHBORS.

White neighbors who Tommy reveals were the ONLY folks who helped him better himself and improve his Quality of Life during his formative years.

Frankly, this EYE-OPENING broadcast reveal lots of info about Tommy's background, which to a critical thinker with knowledge of how Child Abuse affects the development of young minds, explains why today he is a paranoid, emotional mess.

Frankly, I really wish Tommy would seek the professional help he truly needs and come back with a new, more people friendly attitude that GENUINELY seeks to share SOULutions for preventing kids from experiencing a potentially life scarring THUGLIFE childhood upbringing.

I truly believe if Tommy cleaned up his act, he would attract a wider audience, benefiting his own bank account, while also helping to EDUCATE folks about the short and long-term harm dysfunctional parenting causes to young developing minds.

California Surgeon General: How Toxic Stress (CHILD ABUSE) Affects
Children's Health:

Oprah Winfrey Fixing The Hole In Your Soul:

Dr. Bruce D. Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood:

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Referring to PRO BLACK practicing IM2, bigrebnc1775 correctly observed,

"You really don't want to have a discussion you just want to bitch and whin about failures within the black community."


Referring to PRO BLACK practicing IM2, bigrebnc1775 correctly observed,

"You really don't want to have a discussion you just want to bitch and whin about failures within the black community."

View attachment 297506

I must have missed that part. Is it child abuse to teach a 6 year old to act sexual by twerking to a song about sex?
bigrebnc1775 asked Avery, "Is it child abuse to teach a 6 year old to act sexual by twerking to a song about sex?"

Hi, Big. My opinion is YES!

However, society's opinion is what counts.

Sadly, ever-evolving American society declines to discuss HEALTH and Child Rearing issues affecting ALL children, particularly children raised in dysfunctional family and POVERTY stricken community environments.

Sadly, ever-evolving American society declines to discuss HEALTH and Child Rearing issues affecting ALL children, particularly children raised in dysfunctional family and POVERTY stricken community environments.

More ever-devolving , and looking to place blame....

USMB is a fine example of this.

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
March 26, 2015 by Barnabas Piper

Most white people want no part of the conversation about race. We don’t want it with our baristas, our neighbors, our spouses, or anyone really. We don’t quite know what do each February during Black History Month. For most white people that’s Martin Luther King Jr. awareness month with a nod to Harriet Tubman and not much sense of any other aspect of black history or culture. The ongoing tensions surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and so many other incidents are more than most of us know what to do with (if we want anything to do with them at all).

Most of us grew up unaffected by the racial divide, or at least unaware of how it affected us. Now, though, the divide has been brought to us and we’re at a loss. We don’t want that conversation. We’re uncomfortable with it. Our responses tend to fall into two main groups.

Group 1: Don’t want to talk about race

This first group contains the bigots and racists. They don’t want to talk about race (or maybe they do for all the wrong reasons) because they want to be the only race. This bunch deserves a whole lot of ink, most of it not very pleasant, and none of it here. They are despicable products of unfortunate upbringings.

The majority of this group, though, is not outright bigoted. Instead they are outright ignorant and therefore subtly prejudiced. They are unexposed to minority cultures (not just black, but all non-white cultures) and unaware of the complexities, difficulties, and hurts there. Really most of white America is part of, or has been part of, this group. They are the comfortable majority, and thus they determine the status quo. Life is good, so why rock the boat? It’s not that they don’t “care” about the needs of others — you won’t find a more cause-oriented bunch of advocates than young, privileged white people — but those needs never really intersect with their lives at a personal and relational level. And they’re happy to keep it that way because any other way is uncomfortable and intimidating. It’s a passive aggressive approach to racial separation, and one most don’t even realize they’re participating in. Their ignorance is blindness they mistake for bliss.

Group 2: Don’t know how to talk about race

Why White People Don't Like to Talk About Race

Most here are not the blissfully ignorant. You are racists. Blacks here have been called all kinds of racist names and all kinds of overtly racist opinion has been spoken. Blissful ignorance is not why a thread about black names has been created at least 2 times sine I've actively started participating here. The same goes for other things.

Now watch the racism you will see from people who are going to complain. They never complain when a thread by a white person denigrating blacks is posted. Only when a thread about whites is made do they suddenly become colorblind.
Apparently both groups are racist, so why have two groups at all. Everyone is a racist.....except blacks that always complain about racism that doesn't exist.
Hello. Paul. Thanks for taking the time to reply, placing your Tariq Nasheed inspired ignorance on display for everyone to see.

While I dont believe your are a STUPID human being, I have no doubts you are an intentionally IGNORANT, HATEFUL bull sh!t artist, most likely raised and nurtured a HATEFUL BS artist residing in a community populated by large numbers of emotionally troubled BS artists.

Paul Essien wrote, "Black ppl in america don't have a systematic child sexual abuse problem thats allowed."

This ADULT LANGUAGE, EXTREMELY NSFW video is filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN.

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Black Sisters Destroyed!" ~Chyna Fox

"Decades of Violence Against Black Women & Children"

Look dude. It's obvious something fked up has happened to you. It's obvious that you were abused sexually or mentally by a black woman or someone you know was.

This is obvious.

But don't think your experience is the same for all blk ppl. It's not.

There is no systematic sexually abuse of kids in the black American that's allowed.

Name me one city ? Name me one ring ?

See we cut that bullshit out in the black community.

You see sometimes blk ppl believe the bullshit whites tell us. So if we see a black criminal, or a blk person doing bullshit that'll stick in your mind and the 100s of blk ppl not doing bullshit won't.

If you want to look at the sexually abuse problem were it's allowed then look at the white community

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So much double think, triple think, quadriple think and even quadriple double think. The people who said things would be made right with their programs did not get enough positive from it for the cost.
Here's the real reason: It's Boring and Pointless.

After years of being called WACISTS due to the color of our skin, we white folks just don't believe you Race Baiting Hate Mongers.
That's exactly right. Talking about Race is boring. Minorities are always shouting "I'm a Victim." And the whites disagree. Get a job and you won't be a victim any more. BORRRing.
Here's the real reason: It's Boring and Pointless.

After years of being called WACISTS due to the color of our skin, we white folks just don't believe you Race Baiting Hate Mongers.
That's exactly right. Talking about Race is boring. Minorities are always shouting "I'm a Victim." And the whites disagree. Get a job and you won't be a victim any more. BORRRing.

It's only the complete losers who do this, though. Minorities who have been successful understand there was nothing at all preventing them from being successful and smart enough to take advantage to all the systems in place that helps them succeed.

It's only the worthless pieces of shit who whine about imaginary racism as relentlessly as they do.
Here's the real reason: It's Boring and Pointless.

After years of being called WACISTS due to the color of our skin, we white folks just don't believe you Race Baiting Hate Mongers.
That's exactly right. Talking about Race is boring. Minorities are always shouting "I'm a Victim." And the whites disagree. Get a job and you won't be a victim any more. BORRRing.

It's only the complete losers who do this, though. Minorities who have been successful understand there was nothing at all preventing them from being successful and smart enough to take advantage to all the systems in place that helps them succeed.

It's only the worthless pieces of shit who whine about imaginary racism as relentlessly as they do.
This thread talks about this...
Help Me! I'm a Victim! Poor Me...
Here's the real reason: It's Boring and Pointless.

After years of being called WACISTS due to the color of our skin, we white folks just don't believe you Race Baiting Hate Mongers.
That's exactly right. Talking about Race is boring. Minorities are always shouting "I'm a Victim." And the whites disagree. Get a job and you won't be a victim any more. BORRRing.

It's only the complete losers who do this, though. Minorities who have been successful understand there was nothing at all preventing them from being successful and smart enough to take advantage to all the systems in place that helps them succeed.

It's only the worthless pieces of shit who whine about imaginary racism as relentlessly as they do.
This thread talks about this...
Help Me! I'm a Victim! Poor Me...

Which, in turn, is an attitude much encouraged by those who whip up this resentment in order to secure their own power.

It's basic demagoguery 101. Convince people that other people are the cause of their own failings, unite them in the shared scapegoating and create your power base.
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
And you have the right to be shown that what you believe is a load of racist dog shit. If you don't like it too bad for you.
This right here is why no one wants to have this discussion. You've been proven wrong so many times you probably can't count that high.

Yet here you are, thinking your the only person who is right in this debate.

Whites don't discuss race because we like to do productive things with our time.

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