Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race

USMB is a fine example of this.

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
March 26, 2015 by Barnabas Piper

Most white people want no part of the conversation about race. We don’t want it with our baristas, our neighbors, our spouses, or anyone really. We don’t quite know what do each February during Black History Month. For most white people that’s Martin Luther King Jr. awareness month with a nod to Harriet Tubman and not much sense of any other aspect of black history or culture. The ongoing tensions surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and so many other incidents are more than most of us know what to do with (if we want anything to do with them at all).

Most of us grew up unaffected by the racial divide, or at least unaware of how it affected us. Now, though, the divide has been brought to us and we’re at a loss. We don’t want that conversation. We’re uncomfortable with it. Our responses tend to fall into two main groups.

Group 1: Don’t want to talk about race

This first group contains the bigots and racists. They don’t want to talk about race (or maybe they do for all the wrong reasons) because they want to be the only race. This bunch deserves a whole lot of ink, most of it not very pleasant, and none of it here. They are despicable products of unfortunate upbringings.

The majority of this group, though, is not outright bigoted. Instead they are outright ignorant and therefore subtly prejudiced. They are unexposed to minority cultures (not just black, but all non-white cultures) and unaware of the complexities, difficulties, and hurts there. Really most of white America is part of, or has been part of, this group. They are the comfortable majority, and thus they determine the status quo. Life is good, so why rock the boat? It’s not that they don’t “care” about the needs of others — you won’t find a more cause-oriented bunch of advocates than young, privileged white people — but those needs never really intersect with their lives at a personal and relational level. And they’re happy to keep it that way because any other way is uncomfortable and intimidating. It’s a passive aggressive approach to racial separation, and one most don’t even realize they’re participating in. Their ignorance is blindness they mistake for bliss.

Group 2: Don’t know how to talk about race

Why White People Don't Like to Talk About Race

Most here are not the blissfully ignorant. You are racists. Blacks here have been called all kinds of racist names and all kinds of overtly racist opinion has been spoken. Blissful ignorance is not why a thread about black names has been created at least 2 times sine I've actively started participating here. The same goes for other things.

Now watch the racism you will see from people who are going to complain. They never complain when a thread by a white person denigrating blacks is posted. Only when a thread about whites is made do they suddenly become colorblind.

As a white guy, I love to discuss the topic of race. I'm not afraid of it. And I know how to talk about it.

Once upon a time, Hosea Williams, one of the men who was with Martin Luther King, Jr. when he was assassinated, had a tv talk show in Atlanta. It was on what they called prime cable (educational tv, aka public access.)

I appeared on Williams show once and, at the end of the season, they dropped Williams tv program. Not to brag, but Hosea didn't look too good when face to face with someone and no third party to rush to a commercial or cut off his competition.

I also know this race crap is your life. So, with the amount of paragraphs you post, it takes up the bulk of your life. It still comes back to the same thing: If you could get a better deal somewhere else, you'd pack your rags and go there.

Unlike those white people who are ignorant, brain dead, uneducated, or have been fed swill so that they have a guilt complex, I can stand proud and informed about my heritage, culture, race and ancestry.

America was founded by white Christians who saw themselves as the Israelites of the Bible. America is the New Jerusalem and we had a destiny to fulfill. Well, after years of liberalism and propaganda, the whites have been unfairly shamed about the past, misinformed, and brainwashed. You and I both know it. So, you pick a specific topic around the issue and we can discuss it.
Nice post, thank you.

The less prestigious schools put more effort into remedial work for students from underprivileged HSchools.. That's just a fact. Their chances of matriculating are MUCH HIGHER in those schools and in the end, they get similar courses towards their majors.. .....

Off topic, but "matriculate" means to enter the university, not graduate from it.
He used the word properly. ......

Ask him. I trust him to give you an honest answer.
What's the point? This is not a contest.

The less prestigious schools put more effort into remedial work for students from underprivileged HSchools.. That's just a fact. Their chances of matriculating are MUCH HIGHER in those schools and in the end, they get similar courses towards their majors.. .....

Off topic, but "matriculate" means to enter the university, not graduate from it.
He used the word properly. ......

Ask him. I trust him to give you an honest answer.

What's the point? ....

To educate you.

The less prestigious schools put more effort into remedial work for students from underprivileged HSchools.. That's just a fact. Their chances of matriculating are MUCH HIGHER in those schools and in the end, they get similar courses towards their majors.. .....

Off topic, but "matriculate" means to enter the university, not graduate from it.
He used the word properly. ......

Ask him. I trust him to give you an honest answer.

What's the point? ....

To educate you.
You modified my post. It read, What's the point? This is not a contest.
USMB is a fine example of this.

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
March 26, 2015 by Barnabas Piper

Most white people want no part of the conversation about race. We don’t want it with our baristas, our neighbors, our spouses, or anyone really. We don’t quite know what do each February during Black History Month. For most white people that’s Martin Luther King Jr. awareness month with a nod to Harriet Tubman and not much sense of any other aspect of black history or culture. The ongoing tensions surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and so many other incidents are more than most of us know what to do with (if we want anything to do with them at all).

Most of us grew up unaffected by the racial divide, or at least unaware of how it affected us. Now, though, the divide has been brought to us and we’re at a loss. We don’t want that conversation. We’re uncomfortable with it. Our responses tend to fall into two main groups.

Group 1: Don’t want to talk about race

This first group contains the bigots and racists. They don’t want to talk about race (or maybe they do for all the wrong reasons) because they want to be the only race. This bunch deserves a whole lot of ink, most of it not very pleasant, and none of it here. They are despicable products of unfortunate upbringings.

The majority of this group, though, is not outright bigoted. Instead they are outright ignorant and therefore subtly prejudiced. They are unexposed to minority cultures (not just black, but all non-white cultures) and unaware of the complexities, difficulties, and hurts there. Really most of white America is part of, or has been part of, this group. They are the comfortable majority, and thus they determine the status quo. Life is good, so why rock the boat? It’s not that they don’t “care” about the needs of others — you won’t find a more cause-oriented bunch of advocates than young, privileged white people — but those needs never really intersect with their lives at a personal and relational level. And they’re happy to keep it that way because any other way is uncomfortable and intimidating. It’s a passive aggressive approach to racial separation, and one most don’t even realize they’re participating in. Their ignorance is blindness they mistake for bliss.

Group 2: Don’t know how to talk about race

Why White People Don't Like to Talk About Race

Most here are not the blissfully ignorant. You are racists. Blacks here have been called all kinds of racist names and all kinds of overtly racist opinion has been spoken. Blissful ignorance is not why a thread about black names has been created at least 2 times sine I've actively started participating here. The same goes for other things.

Now watch the racism you will see from people who are going to complain. They never complain when a thread by a white person denigrating blacks is posted. Only when a thread about whites is made do they suddenly become colorblind.
Hmm. The red hat MAGA white kid attacked by the black children of Israel. Nicolas Sandmann. But...they (the main stream media) made it seem like purely a white hate thing...And confidentiality, all those black supremacists attacking Jews in NY lately the main stream media kinda ignores that. Nope, doesn't hold to the narrative...
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The less prestigious schools put more effort into remedial work for students from underprivileged HSchools.. That's just a fact. Their chances of matriculating are MUCH HIGHER in those schools and in the end, they get similar courses towards their majors.. .....

Off topic, but "matriculate" means to enter the university, not graduate from it.
He used the word properly. ......

Ask him. I trust him to give you an honest answer.

What's the point? ....

To educate you.
Unkotare, you have always had this false self image of superiority over others. It is not well founded. Why don't you just be nice, stop belittling others and just get along?
Off topic, but "matriculate" means to enter the university, not graduate from it.
He used the word properly. ......

Ask him. I trust him to give you an honest answer.

What's the point? ....

To educate you.
You modified my post. It read, What's the point? This is not a contest.

Your post included a question. I answered it.

You’re welcome.
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
MI0.2 thinks that having your own opinion not agreeing to accept blame from him for things you never did nor had any control over which doesn't fit historical fact is white people "not liking to talk about race."

Funny as when when you tell the jackass about all the blame and responsibility that Blacks share, suddenly, he doesn't want to talk about it. ;)
You live in a delusional universe where racism doesn't impact anyone because you're white and don't want to see other whites as bad people.

Have I ever said racism doesn't exist?? It's just that you can't fix a justice system race by race and gender by gender or by poor or rich.. MOST of the problems are systemic.. And they affect EVERYONE.. It hits blacks disproportionately because of the financial status or educational deficits or prevalence of crime in their neighborhoods...

Lots of bad nasty whites.. Can't stand bigots and haters. But -- I have to tolerate their right to express themselves. As long as they are not abusing power given to them by govt authority... Seems lefties like yourself are FAR more willing to tolerate their actions and speech when they are part of your POLITICAL alignment..

See 3 top authorities in Virginia getting complete absolution for shit that would have DOOMED any other political candidates..

So when cops shoot whites -- and that happens MORE than shooting blacks -- should I CONSIDER THAT -- a racial abuse of govt power??? Or should we all just figure out how to REDUCE the carnage???

You can fix policies and beliefs that have allowed the justice system to perpetuate racism in enforcing the law. As to you last sentence, it's disingenuous. We should work to erase all police brutality but there aren't too many whites working in law enforcement that believe white crime is a problem even when they see more of it than of blacks.

"See 3 top authorities in Virginia getting complete absolution for shit that would have DOOMED any other political candidates.."

Except trump, Scalese, Steve King, Louis Gohlmert, Rand Paul and many republicans in national/state/local governments right now.
Off topic, but "matriculate" means to enter the university, not graduate from it.
He used the word properly. ......

Ask him. I trust him to give you an honest answer.

What's the point? ....

To educate you.
Unkotare, you have always had this false self image of superiority over others. It is not well founded. Why don't you just be nice, stop belittling others and just get along?
Unkotare is a white boy from California. A defender of the plutocracy that put people on the streets. All I can say. Happy new year!
This is opinion... The facts ARE in Scalia's favor.. The top schools have quotas to fill and they really don't CARE if that places folks into slots where they suffer from being unprepared for the rigors of Ivy League education..

The less prestigious schools put more effort into remedial work for students from underprivileged HSchools.. That's just a fact. Their chances of matriculating are MUCH HIGHER in those schools and in the end, they get similar courses towards their majors..

The other fact is -- TESTING -- which you also are trying to get branded as racist -- is a key element to getting students into appropriate schools regardless of their color.. And as long as you reject testing -- you have no business whining about how colleges choose students and vice versa..
As I have said many times.

Whites and delusional minorities are always claiming blacks should "work hard and stop looking for handouts" but when blacks achieve they are chomping at the bits to find reasons why blacks don’t deserve to sit at the table ?

Which is it ?

College admissions is nothing but game.

It’s not just a cold statistical numbers score that you naively think it is..

They can and do say anything to black students "your application was late" "it got lost" "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

Our black ass is not getting in - No matter what.

They reserve over 60% of seats for white students at most schools, graduate and undergraduate and then about 10-20% for asians and Indians.

And even with all that whites cheat all the time

Now let's be clear. This was a scandal were at least 33 affluent individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers, allegedly engaged in crimes such as bribery and fraud in an effort to buy admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities. These included Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, Wake Forest and other schools.

The ringleader and organizer was allegedly paid tens ofmillions of dollars to ensure admission for his clients' children. This involved bribing athletic coaches to secure a place at these elite schools for students who did not even play the sport in question. Standardized exams were altered, "corrected", and taken by people other than the students.

They are letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

Name me the colleges or universities where the red carpet is laid out for black people and they're letting any black person regardless of scores ?

I've named the college where it's been factually that white ppl get a pass

Now you do the same. Or shut the fuck up


And this is what it REALLY COMES DOWN TO

Black excellence.

That's what kills you and other white supremacist. So there has to be some reason "I mean, ya know, these black people are dumb, right ? I mean ..cmon ya know...look at their IQ ? and look at Africa, I mean cmon...please let this be true....please !! They must be lowering the limit to let these blks in"

We are taking no one's spots trust me.

You have a legacy and being a legacy only works if you have a trust fund and your parents have been donating a good % of their annual salary to the school or your dad holds political office or your parents are fortune 500 CEOs, COOs, CFOs or CAOs. Anyone else, it's still a crap shot.

It might get your resume an extra 5 second glance but if they see average jobs and medium income zip-code on your application, you can forget about it.

Blaming the handful of black people that get in is ridiculous. More Black Americans are becoming doctors (despite the obstacles set for black people) and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous.
My question is why can’t IM2 stop talking about race?
He has a real hang up and inferiority complex about his black skin.
Wrong. You guys talk about race all the time. You cry about me doing it because you know what I say is true. And I know it's true when I post it. So this ain't about MY inferiority. Maybe you feel inferior because you can't refute the facts, but that's not my problem.
We have the right to have our own opinion if you don't like it too bad for you.
MI0.2 thinks that having your own opinion not agreeing to accept blame from him for things you never did nor had any control over which doesn't fit historical fact is white people "not liking to talk about race."

Funny as when when you tell the jackass about all the blame and responsibility that Blacks share, suddenly, he doesn't want to talk about it. ;)
The only problem with your post is that you're doing the same things your ancestors did. The only difference is that slavery was made illegal. What blame and responsibility do we share? I'll be more than glad to discuss that. Because you are the one running from that white boy and all your common stereotypes that you will use are going to be shown to your face to be the lies they are.

So just don't talk about it little boy, be about it.
He used the word properly. ......

Ask him. I trust him to give you an honest answer.

What's the point? ....

To educate you.
Unkotare, you have always had this false self image of superiority over others. It is not well founded. Why don't you just be nice, stop belittling others and just get along?
Unkotare is a white boy from California. A defender of the plutocracy that put people on the streets. All I can say. Happy new year!
And Happy New Year to you! As I sit here I can hear the fireworks going on.
He doesn't look white in that picture. Perhaps a mix, doesn't matter. I hope we all have a terrific new year! Looking forward to the elections in the fall.
Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race

Because IM2 is such a whiney twat.
Seems to me that you guys are the whiners. That's all you ever do when the topic is about whites.

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