Why won’t Clinton release the transcripts of those paid speeches


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Why won’t Clinton release the transcripts of those paid speeches?

Hillary Clinton had a chance to put to rest swirling questions about her paid speeches to groups such as Goldman Sachs during last week’s final debate before Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire. She pointedly refused to take it.

There’s the possibility — though I think it’s very remote — that Clinton simply wasn’t expecting the question and didn’t want to commit to anything in the moment. I say I think that’s unlikely because Clinton is (a) always very, very well prepared for debates and (b) Bernie Sanders has been hitting Clinton on her paid speech to Goldman Sachs for much of the past two weeks.

I generally take Clinton at her word when she describes what her speeches were about: Recounting high-profile events and her role in them. “I probably described more times than I can remember how stressful it was advising the president about going after bin Laden,” she told Todd on Thursday night.

Why not release them, then? Wouldn’t they reaffirm Clinton’s argument during the nomination race that she has been there and done that at the highest level of national and international diplomacy?

My guess is that in the speeches, Clinton acknowledges her various friends and acquaintances at Goldman Sachs (and other Wall Street firms) and praises them for the work they are doing. “You guys get a bad rap but ...”

“I was the one saying you’re going to wreck the economy because of these shenanigans with mortgages,” Clinton said in Thursday’s debate. “I called to end the carried-interest loophole that hedge fund managers enjoy. I proposed changes in CEO compensation.”

Anything that suggests she didn’t do that — or didn’tonlydo that — presents a major issue for her.

So, no speech transcripts. Not today, and my guess is not ever.

Why won’t Clinton release the transcripts of those paid speeches?

In other words, she'll lie again. But, it hasn't stopped her from lying about incidental things to major whoppers that actually define who she is. So, who knows...she hasn't been selective in her lies in the past, why not now?
Hillary is paranoid and on the defensive. Look at her campaign kickoff. She held it on a freaking island in the East River so she would be able to admit only friendlies and keep the riff raff out. She won't agree to anything or release anything without her lawyer's advice. Wouldn't you think the speeches would be on public record anyway?
Hillary is paranoid and on the defensive. Look at her campaign kickoff. She held it on a freaking island in the East River so she would be able to admit only friendlies and keep the riff raff out. She won't agree to anything or release anything without her lawyer's advice. Wouldn't you think the speeches would be on public record anyway?
I don't know. Remember when everything was off limits, she even had ropes separating the press from her? She wasn't allowing the media in to any of her speeches. I really can't imagine what she could say that would be so bad. Maybe she was just paranoid.
she needs to edit them first, just like she did with the emails before she made them public (especially the emails where she referred to Michelle as a (well, use your imagination) being she cant stand moochelle. guess she will have to hire an editing expert to edit those speeches, just like when nixon took out those missing 18.7 minutes of audio.
Why won’t Clinton release the transcripts of those paid speeches?

Hillary Clinton had a chance to put to rest swirling questions about her paid speeches to groups such as Goldman Sachs during last week’s final debate before Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire. She pointedly refused to take it.

There’s the possibility — though I think it’s very remote — that Clinton simply wasn’t expecting the question and didn’t want to commit to anything in the moment. I say I think that’s unlikely because Clinton is (a) always very, very well prepared for debates and (b) Bernie Sanders has been hitting Clinton on her paid speech to Goldman Sachs for much of the past two weeks.

I generally take Clinton at her word when she describes what her speeches were about: Recounting high-profile events and her role in them. “I probably described more times than I can remember how stressful it was advising the president about going after bin Laden,” she told Todd on Thursday night.

Why not release them, then? Wouldn’t they reaffirm Clinton’s argument during the nomination race that she has been there and done that at the highest level of national and international diplomacy?

My guess is that in the speeches, Clinton acknowledges her various friends and acquaintances at Goldman Sachs (and other Wall Street firms) and praises them for the work they are doing. “You guys get a bad rap but ...”

“I was the one saying you’re going to wreck the economy because of these shenanigans with mortgages,” Clinton said in Thursday’s debate. “I called to end the carried-interest loophole that hedge fund managers enjoy. I proposed changes in CEO compensation.”

Anything that suggests she didn’t do that — or didn’tonlydo that — presents a major issue for her.

So, no speech transcripts. Not today, and my guess is not ever.

Why won’t Clinton release the transcripts of those paid speeches?

In other words, she'll lie again. But, it hasn't stopped her from lying about incidental things to major whoppers that actually define who she is. So, who knows...she hasn't been selective in her lies in the past, why not now?

Hillary needs to ask what Huma thinks first....Huma has said Hillary often confused.

She doubled down on refusing to release the transcripts on "This Week" this morning...watch the whole thing, or skip to 8:20 to see her specific dodging and deflecting the transcript release:

It would be totally out of character for Hillary to release the transcripts. Going all the way back to the Rose Law Firm records which she hid for years she has always been about hiding evidence, denial and running out the clock. That is the Clinton playbook.
She doubled down on refusing to release the transcripts on "This Week" this morning...watch the whole thing, or skip to 8:20 to see her specific dodging and deflecting the transcript release:

Wow...she just wont answer a question, will she? Dodge Dodge deflect. Wonder why.
Wow...she just wont answer a question, will she? Dodge Dodge deflect. Wonder why.

It certainly makes her look even less transparent and more dishonest...if that is even possible.

She's the one being accused of peddling influence for $675,000 to make a few speeches. If someone else was being accused, we'd want to see their speech transcripts too.

This "everyone need to release every speech evah" defection only makes her look like she really has something to hide. If she didn't, she could easily put this controversy to rest by releasing the transcripts.

The only logical conclusion is that the contents of the speech transcripts is more potentially damaging than the overt and lasting damage that will be sustained by not releasing them.
Wow...she just wont answer a question, will she? Dodge Dodge deflect. Wonder why.

It certainly makes her look even less transparent and more dishonest...if that is even possible.

She's the one being accused of peddling influence for $675,000 to make a few speeches. If someone else was being accused, we'd want to see their speech transcripts too.

This "everyone need to release every speech evah" defecltion only makes her look like she has something to hide. If she didn't, she could easily put this controversy to rest.

The only logical conclusion is that the contents of the speech transcripts is more potentially damaging than the overt and lasting damage that will be sustained by not releasing them.
Sadly, you're right. I do have to give her credit though, that woman can spin a question upside down. When George S. was asking about her influence with big banks, she turned the entire topic around to how hard she works for women and children and ran with that for probably 4 minutes! It's an art she has perfected.
Sadly, you're right. I do have to give her credit though, that woman can spin a question upside down. When George S. was asking about her influence with big banks, she turned the entire topic around to how hard she works for women and children and ran with that for probably 4 minutes! It's an art she has perfected.

Great article...How Politicians Get Away With Dodging The Question

(It's got George W. in it too, so even liberals will enjoy it, and learn something too.)
What do others think? Is there a good reason to hold them back?
I would imagine that, since she was paid by the corporations, the corporations own the right to the transcripts, not her.

Not that I have any respect for the old, decrepit, dishonest, criminal, senile, stroked-out, brain-damaged, piece of shit, hag. But, she may have no control over their release. Not that the criminal pieice of shit couldn't get control if she wanted, but she is likely off the hook on that.
I would imagine that, since she was paid by the corporations, the corporations own the right to the transcripts, not her.

Not that I have any respect for the old, decrepit, dishonest, criminal, senile, stroked-out, brain-damaged, piece of shit, hag. But, she may have no control over their release. Not that the criminal pieice of shit couldn't get control if she wanted, but she is likely off the hook on that.

I thought that as well, but according to McClatchy, she personally required the transcript be created, and demanded that she retain full ownership of their content and 100% control of their release.


Hillary Clinton, who faces mounting pressure to release transcripts of her paid speeches, routinely demanded that a stenographer be present at her events so she could maintain a record of what she said.

At least four of Clinton’s contracts include a clause stating a transcript would be produced for Clinton and that the former secretary of state would own them and control their release, according to contracts obtained by McClatchy.

Read more here: It was Clinton who required transcripts of her speeches
I would imagine that, since she was paid by the corporations, the corporations own the right to the transcripts, not her.

You would imagine wrong. I officiate weddings as a professional service. Essentially, I am being paid to give a certain type of speech. My clients might hire me, but that doesn't mean that they own the rights to the material that made up their wedding ceremony.

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