Why would a black ‘Christian’ like Oprah tell people to vote for lawlessness, chaos and abortion?

Doesn’t lawlessness, chaos and abortion plague black communities?
Maybe because she's trying to be "Christ-like" in her approach to others.
You know....acceptance....love....judge not lest ye be judged....all that stuff.

Rather than judging and condemning others over their religious choices.

As opposed to the Christian Taliban that would just wipe their asses with the separation of church and state (1st Amendment) and impose their religious restrictions on ALL of America...totally contrary to the actual teachings of Jesus.
Musk has how many Billions? How much does he need to live a modest life?

Oprah donates all the time. So do many other "Millionaires" and Billionaires".

How much they make is not the question:

What charities has Oprah donated to?

Charities of Oprah Winfrey
  • The Angel Network. ...
  • The Oprah Winfrey Foundation. ...
  • The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation. ...
  • Other Oprah Winfrey Charities and Special Projects. ...
  • Making a Difference.

How charitable is Oprah Winfrey?

Winfrey has 31 charities that work for 27 causes around the globe making the lives of millions better through her many organisations. Here is a look at her charities that have made a positive change in the lives of many around the world.
Oprah is entertainment. Musk creates employment. Real employment. And advances the human race. She is so much more known while the western civilization declines is reality. I just saw the CBS pre game NFL black guy give a speech into hate. Give me my money back Give me my money back you non hating bitch. Fuck You!
That would be James Brown. the sanctimonious piece of shit. Phuk U.! You left FOX for massive money. Now you are a self-serving saint. Give us our money back James. Give us our money back. You evil bastard. You of the sun people. Ten thousand years B.C. We are self-exterminating ourselves.
Maybe because she's trying to be "Christ-like" in her approach to others.
You know....acceptance....love....judge not lest ye be judged....all that stuff.

Rather than judging and condemning others over their religious choices.
Hahaha…cool personal theory.
SUPPORTING is far different than “judging” and “condemning”….but you knew that before I enlightened you….right?
As opposed to the Christian Taliban that would just wipe their asses with the separation of church and state (1st Amendment) and impose their religious restrictions on ALL of America...totally contrary to the actual teachings of Jesus.
The “Christian Taliban” is wise enough to know what core tenets built and pillar the greatest nation on the planet. The Change America fools simply have their heads buried deep in their filthy asses.
Democrats are the racist.

Democrats voted for Biden who voted for the regional leader of the KKK to lead the senate.

Racism and hate is the Democrat party.

You repeating the same lies over and over and over again is never going to make them true.
Is she a Christian?

Why does it matter whether she is or not. The Founders were very clear that no religious test should be required for public office.

Why are you behaving in a very unChristian and judgemental way??? You accuse people of lying, of not being Christian, of not being right with God. You are not qualified to sit in judgement of anyone's faith, and Jesus in fact prohitibed you from doing this????
That is your opinion.

In the 1940's Democrat Robert Byrd got 150 men, freinds of his to join the KKK.

Democrat Robert Byrd, in the 1940's created the local chapter of the KKK.

No he didn't. One does not need to make things up to condemn his past but there were local chapters where Byrd lived long before the 1940's.
Hahaha…cool personal theory.
SUPPORTING is far different than “judging” and “condemning”….but you knew that before I enlightened you….right?

The “Christian Taliban” is wise enough to know what core tenets built and pillar the greatest nation on the planet. The Change America fools simply have their heads buried deep in their filthy asses.

Once again, you espouse hatred towards "others". Fascism always demonized "others". Why would a Christian woman speak out against a lying conman like Dr. Oz?????? She would be derelict in her duty as an American to allow this man to lie to the American people and not speak out against him.

Espousing lies and hatred of people who don't look like you, worship like like, or agree with your politics, shows you to be and anti-American fascist. White nationalism is THE founding tenant of fascism, as is hyper-patriotism.

All fascist and authoritarian dictators are "legally elected", and once in power, dismantled the existing election system so that no one other than them can be elected ever again. Republicans are openly promising that if they're elected, no Democrat will ever be elected in the state again.
Once again, you espouse hatred towards "others". Fascism always demonized "others". Why would a Christian woman speak out against a lying conman like Dr. Oz?????? She would be derelict in her duty as an American to allow this man to lie to the American people and not speak out against him.
Why did Oprah mentor Dr. Oz and make him famous? If what you elude to is true, Oprah has piss poor judgement.

Oprah has endorsed Fetterman who voted to let murderers out of prison.

Oprah has piss poor judgement, you can not deny that.
No he didn't. One does not need to make things up to condemn his past but there were local chapters where Byrd lived long before the 1940's.
Certainly there may have been, but the fact remains that a Democratic Senator at one time recruited 150 of his freinds to form a local chapter of the KKK and that resulted in the KKK making the soon to be Democratic politician the leader of that chapter.

The Democratic Party's current President actually voted for a KKK member to lead the Senate.

Facts are stubborn
Certainly there may have been, but the fact remains that a Democratic Senator at one time recruited 150 of his freinds to form a local chapter of the KKK and that resulted in the KKK making the soon to be Democratic politician the leader of that chapter.

The Democratic Party's current President actually voted for a KKK member to lead the Senate.

Facts are stubborn

Where Byrd is from there wasn't even likely 150 people there.
Once again, you espouse hatred towards "others". Fascism always demonized "others". Why would a Christian woman speak out against a lying conman like Dr. Oz?????? She would be derelict in her duty as an American to allow this man to lie to the American people and not speak out against him.

Espousing lies and hatred of people who don't look like you, worship like like, or agree with your politics, shows you to be and anti-American fascist. White nationalism is THE founding tenant of fascism, as is hyper-patriotism.

All fascist and authoritarian dictators are "legally elected", and once in power, dismantled the existing election system so that no one other than them can be elected ever again. Republicans are openly promising that if they're elected, no Democrat will ever be elected in the state again.

Geeezus, you never stop lying do you?
Fetterman, with all his phony working-man schtick has made himself into an honorary Black Guy. All he really needs to seal the deal is a string of illegitimate children (or abortions) in his wake.

It is telling that Opie mentioned "many reasons" but can't name any. This is like people who use the expression, "studies have shown" when they are just making shit up.

Opie's endorsement will change NO ONE's vote. Zero.

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