Why would a black ‘Christian’ like Oprah tell people to vote for lawlessness, chaos and abortion?

Doesn’t lawlessness, chaos and abortion plague black communities?
LOL. According to the left, there is no lawlessness in Chicago (everyone should have an equal right to die from violence), not sure what you mean by chaos, but, again, the left believe that fetuses have no right to life at any age, giving women the right to murder fetuses as long as they can justify it. Any justification will do. And, of course, black women should have these same rights as white women.
Musk has how many Billions? How much does he need to live a modest life?

Oprah donates all the time. So do many other "Millionaires" and Billionaires".

How much they make is not the question:

What charities has Oprah donated to?

Charities of Oprah Winfrey
  • The Angel Network. ...
  • The Oprah Winfrey Foundation. ...
  • The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation. ...
  • Other Oprah Winfrey Charities and Special Projects. ...
  • Making a Difference.

How charitable is Oprah Winfrey?

Winfrey has 31 charities that work for 27 causes around the globe making the lives of millions better through her many organisations. Here is a look at her charities that have made a positive change in the lives of many around the world.
Fair enough. I know little about Oprah so it seems I may have overstepped my boundaries.
That is your opinion.

In the 1940's Democrat Robert Byrd got 150 men, freinds of his to join the KKK.

Democrat Robert Byrd, in the 1940's created the local chapter of the KKK.

In 1946 Robert Byrd had this to say about the KKK, if I can paraphrase. Look it up and you can see it is true.

It is appalling, given the history of the KKK, a history of terrorizing and murdering black people, that one of the KKK leaders would become a Democrat U.S. Senator, not only a Democrat senator but one elected to lead the Democrats in the senate for many years.

Yes, the 40's saw a beginning of the end of the KKK, yet at that time, the yet to become Democrat Senator actively worked to keep the KKK alive.

Democrats are the racists of this country.

Republicans are still trying to promote hatred against Democrats for things that happened in the 1960's, as if the Democratic Party hasn't changed their policies, beliefs, and outreach since John F. Kennedy crafted the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act.

Your sordid tale of Senator Byrd completely ignores the fact that Senator Byrd completely repudiated his racist past, his membership in the KKK, and apologized to black Americans for the harm he had caused by his wrong headed beliefs.

Since Reagan was elected and started dividing Americans by "urban" and "rural", the Republican Party has been the party which received both the KKK endorsement, but also the Nazi Party endorsement, and every other fascist, racist and anti-democracy group in the country.

Between gerrymandering Texas so that no Democrat will ever be elected to the House or Senate, and no Latino's either, Republican held state Houses across the country are busy ensuring that future elections will ALWAYS be won by Republicans, regardless what the majority of Americans want and are voting for.

The Federalist Supreme Court is there to ensure these anti-democracy laws aren't overturn.
Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was a local leader of the KKK, not only a leader but the person that created the local chapter.

That is a fact.

Try something else? How about

Democrat Senator James O. Eastland, we can discuss this racist demicrat senator alone or as a mentor to Democrat presidet Joe Biden

How be YOU try something else. Like the current history of the Republican Party and the results of their racist rhetoric. Or perhaps the title of this thread which denigrates a black woman for standing up for what is right.
Why would a white christian vote for fascism?
Don’t “fascists” champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you LibTardos sure you know what fascism is?
Your sordid tale of Senator Byrd completely ignores the fact that Senator Byrd completely repudiated his racist past, his membership in the KKK, and apologized to black Americans for the harm he had caused by his wrong headed beliefs.
The KKK, the Klu Klux Klan hung black men, and killed the white conservatives that dared to help black men.
My sordid tale is simply fact. Byrd repudiated his racist past? Wrong headed beliefs?

Organizing a local chapter of the KKK is not wrong headed beliefs. It is criminal hatred, potentially murder of black men, assault, and battery.

Democratic President Biden voted for this man to be the leader of the Senate, more than once.

Republicans are still trying to promote hatred against Democrats for things that happened in the 1960's, as if the Democratic Party hasn't changed their policies, beliefs, and outreach since John F. Kennedy crafted the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act
You are an excellent example of how the Democratic party is the party of hate. You call Republicans racist, yet the Democratic party has a long history of murderous racism, that reaches all the way to the White House.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act, that so many Democrats opposed, that it took a majority of the seating Republican Senators, to pass. Is that the Civil Rights act you speak of?

The 1964 Civil Rights Act that the future Democratic Senate majority leader filibustered?

Promoting hatred? I did not bring up the subject of Racism in this thread, I was responding to the Democratic comment calling Republicans racist.

You are crying about me setting the record straight after the Democratic party and it's members lie about the Republicans, lie about Republicans, calling us racist in this thread.

Defending myself and Republicans after your hateful comments is not promoting anything except the truth.
You are an excellent example of how the Democratic party is the party of hate. You call Republicans racist, yet the Democratic party has a long history of murderous racism, that reaches all the way to the White House.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act, that so many Democrats opposed, that it took a majority of the seating Republican Senators, to pass. Is that the Civil Rights act you speak of?

The 1964 Civil Rights Act that the future Democratic Senate majority leader filibustered?

Promoting hatred? I did not bring up the subject of Racism in this thread, I was responding to the Democratic comment calling Republicans racist.

You are crying about me setting the record straight after the Democratic party and it's members lie about the Republicans, lie about Republicans, calling us racist in this thread.

Defending myself and Republicans after your hateful comments is not promoting anything except the truth.

You're an excellent example of an idiot. I am neither a Democrat, nor am I an American, but I did live through the 1960's and I know history, and I know who voted for what. I know that SOME Southern Democrats, in both the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, but NOT ONE SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR EITHER BILL.

You're an excellent example of an idiot. I am neither a Democrat, nor am I an American, but I did live through the 1960's and I know history, and I know who voted for what. I know that SOME Southern Democrats, in both the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, but NOT ONE SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR EITHER BILL.

I dont believe a word you say about who you are.


With only the Democratic Party voting, too many Democrats voted against the Civil Rights act in 1964.

The Democratic party, 21 Democratic Senators voted against the Civil Rights act of 1964 compared to 6 Republican Senators.

Had the Republicans not voted yes, the Civil rights act of 1964 would never of passed.

Those are the facts, period.

Seeings how you are 80 years old, you should of known this.
Democrat Party hijackwd by liberal EXTREMISTS is a 'cult' (much like Scientology) where leaders / the elite are millionare elitists who hate 'mingling' with the deplorables, middle/lower classes who believe the Constiturion and Rule of Law are for the dirty masses beneath them. They publicly declare support for LGBTQ, Transgender, Antifa & BLM (their 'foot soldiers'), and illegals - but as Martha's Vineyard showed, its all an act. 50 illegals showed up to the paradise if these Sanctuary City libs & they declared a Humanitarian Crisis and had them shipped off as fast as they could.

Oprah is a member of the club because she is filthy rich. Were it not for her wealth and therefore influence she wouldn't get in the front door of the DNC club...the rich enjoy that access and treatment, that elevated status above the middle / lower class masses, so they feed _ support the machine. Despite liking the tirle / status of 'Christian' (like 'devout Catholic pro-abortion-up-to-moment-of-birth Biden), it takes a vack seat to the status of being in the DNC Club.
Why did Oprah mentor Dr. Oz and make him famous? If what you elude to is true, Oprah has piss poor judgement.

Oprah has endorsed Fetterman who voted to let murderers out of prison.

Oprah has piss poor judgement, you can not deny that.
She has endorsed someone who Believes in Sanctuary Cities, Drug Corners where people can shoot up at Taxpayers expense; against fracking, letting convicts out of Jail, etc
Worse then that , did ANYONE see that debate? The FIRST WORDS he uttered were “ GOOD NIGHT “ 🌙
Democrat Party hijackwd by liberal EXTREMISTS is a 'cult' (much like Scientology) where leaders / the elite are millionare elitists who hate 'mingling' with the deplorables, middle/lower classes who believe the Constiturion and Rule of Law are for the dirty masses beneath them. They publicly declare support for LGBTQ, Transgender, Antifa & BLM (their 'foot soldiers'), and illegals - but as Martha's Vineyard showed, its all an act. 50 illegals showed up to the paradise if these Sanctuary City libs & they declared a Humanitarian Crisis and had them shipped off as fast as they could.

Oprah is a member of the club because she is filthy rich. Were it not for her wealth and therefore influence she wouldn't get in the front door of the DNC club...the rich enjoy that access and treatment, that elevated status above the middle / lower class masses, so they feed _ support the machine. Despite liking the tirle / status of 'Christian' (like 'devout Catholic pro-abortion-up-to-moment-of-birth Biden), it takes a vack seat to the status of being in the DNC Club.
does this mean democrats arent communists any more?

nobody in the democratic party supports BLM or your imaginary antifa.
For LGBTQ, its just a non-discriminatory position on both race and sexual orientation.

Don’t “fascists” champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you LibTardos sure you know what fascism is?
Yes, fascists do limit speech and mandate state approved only.

Yes, they not only collide with the media they take it over.

Medicine? Not so much, but to die if you pose a problem yes.

Did the Jews in the run up to the Holocaust be required to wear a mask or the Star of David to signal them out.

Which rights by our founders? Specify.

Yes, again we fought it starting in 1942. It’s seems we have to do it again.

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