Why would a God even need a hell?

Why would God need an eternal hell, when in Rev. 21:4 he promised to wipe away all tears from our eyes, and he said there will be " No More" death, sorrow, crying or pain, all those things will " Pass Away!"

Listen, IF the Christian version of hell were true, then this promise from God would be a lie, because that hell will always have pain, crying and sorrow. No, God does not need that hell, nor does he need the Christian knowledge that teaches it to this world.
Why would God need an eternal hell, when in Rev. 21:4 he promised to wipe away all tears from our eyes, and he said there will be " No More" death, sorrow, crying or pain, all those things will " Pass Away!"

Listen, IF the Christian version of hell were true, then this promise from God would be a lie, because that hell will always have pain, crying and sorrow. No, God does not need that hell, nor does he need the Christian knowledge that teaches it to this world.

Its actually very simple.

If the promise for obedience to the law is life in the sanctuary of God and the consequence and burden for failure to comply with the law is death and hell then there will be no more death or hell whenever people learn the right way to understand and comply with the laws demands that leads to the fulfillment of that promise of life with God on earth.
Let me show you a prophecy from Christ that cancels out the Christian hell. Matt. 24:21, " For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world, no, NOR SHALL EVER BE!" Now this is Jesus describing this tribulation to be the worse thing to ever happen to humanity, or ever will happen to them. Now, IF eternal hell punishing were true, NOTHING could possibly be worse than that; nothing!

For those of you who see, there you have it yet again.
I do not get my opinions from the bible, which I consider to be largely Jewish myths. I get my views directly from the spirit world. I attended many trance lectures by the medium Ursula Roberts at the spiritualist association in London during the 1970's. She, or her spirit guide that spoke through her, said there is no lasting hell, and we reincarnate until reaching enlightenment.
See the link below for some of her teachings.
Wisdom of Ramadahn
I hold no interest in mediums and spiritualist; I don't trust them at all.
I do not get my opinions from the bible, which I consider to be largely Jewish myths. I get my views directly from the spirit world. I attended many trance lectures by the medium Ursula Roberts at the spiritualist association in London during the 1970's. She, or her spirit guide that spoke through her, said there is no lasting hell, and we reincarnate until reaching enlightenment.
See the link below for some of her teachings.
Wisdom of Ramadahn

If a person does not learn to choose what is good and reject evil by the time they are 8, 12, 18, 30, 40, 50, 80, or even 100 years old they most likely will never choose what is good even if they could live forever.

How long do you hang on to something that is broken or useless before throwing it in the trash?
I hold no interest in mediums and spiritualist; I don't trust them at all.

You might just as well, not trust the authors of the bible either. Moses may never even have existed, and I certainly do not believe in the parting of the red sea, and other Jewish myths.
The same can be said of Jesus too, he may have been a fictional character. But I have to say that spiritualists say he did exist and was an example to us all. I have also heard mediums mention Buddha as a spiritual master.
However I have never heard any medium talk of Muhammad.
I hold no interest in mediums and spiritualist; I don't trust them at all.

You might just as well, not trust the authors of the bible either. Moses may never even have existed, and I certainly do not believe in the parting of the red sea, and other Jewish myths.
The same can be said of Jesus too, he may have been a fictional character. But I have to say that spiritualists say he did exist and was an example to us all. I have also heard mediums mention Buddha as a spiritual master.
However I have never heard any medium talk of Muhammad.

I trust the bible, but I do not believe its 100 % accurate or without error. I would just rather depend on my own mind, than some medium. But I mean, you have to go where you are led; to each his own. I walk alone in my view. I trust my own mind above others.
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary)

"And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams)
Why would God need a hell;

the world needs his love, not his anger.
I hold no interest in mediums and spiritualist; I don't trust them at all.

You might just as well, not trust the authors of the bible either. Moses may never even have existed, and I certainly do not believe in the parting of the red sea, and other Jewish myths.
The same can be said of Jesus too, he may have been a fictional character. But I have to say that spiritualists say he did exist and was an example to us all. I have also heard mediums mention Buddha as a spiritual master.
However I have never heard any medium talk of Muhammad.

I trust the bible, but I do not believe its 100 % accurate or without error. I would just rather depend on my own mind, than some medium. But I mean, you have to go where you are led; to each his own. I walk alone in my view. I trust my own mind above others.

Then you believe in spiritualist, Abraham, Moses, Jerimiah, Daniel, Joseph, Ezekiel, the few Isaiah's, and the maj. of todays preachers, those who say God said are all spiritualists.
I hold no interest in mediums and spiritualist; I don't trust them at all.

You might just as well, not trust the authors of the bible either. Moses may never even have existed, and I certainly do not believe in the parting of the red sea, and other Jewish myths.
The same can be said of Jesus too, he may have been a fictional character. But I have to say that spiritualists say he did exist and was an example to us all. I have also heard mediums mention Buddha as a spiritual master.
However I have never heard any medium talk of Muhammad.

I trust the bible, but I do not believe its 100 % accurate or without error. I would just rather depend on my own mind, than some medium. But I mean, you have to go where you are led; to each his own. I walk alone in my view. I trust my own mind above others.

Then you believe in spiritualist, Abraham, Moses, Jerimiah, Daniel, Joseph, Ezekiel, the few Isaiah's, and the maj. of todays preachers, those who say God said are all spiritualists.

I don't believe in new age Spiritualist; but I believe in spirituality. You don't have to be famous to be spiritual. I don't believe in any preachers of today. None of them.
I hold no interest in mediums and spiritualist; I don't trust them at all.

You might just as well, not trust the authors of the bible either. Moses may never even have existed, and I certainly do not believe in the parting of the red sea, and other Jewish myths.
The same can be said of Jesus too, he may have been a fictional character. But I have to say that spiritualists say he did exist and was an example to us all. I have also heard mediums mention Buddha as a spiritual master.
However I have never heard any medium talk of Muhammad.

I trust the bible, but I do not believe its 100 % accurate or without error. I would just rather depend on my own mind, than some medium. But I mean, you have to go where you are led; to each his own. I walk alone in my view. I trust my own mind above others.

Then you believe in spiritualist, Abraham, Moses, Jerimiah, Daniel, Joseph, Ezekiel, the few Isaiah's, and the maj. of todays preachers, those who say God said are all spiritualists.

I don't believe in new age Spiritualist; but I believe in spirituality. You don't have to be famous to be spiritual. I don't believe in any preachers of today. None of them.

So you only believe the people in the bible were spiritualist. Urim and Thummim come to mind. The holy spirit is no longer active, good to know.
If God be righteous, then everything humans say about him has to be ignored; because that's how unrighteous opinions start.
Mostly agreed, but I'd qualify it with "...most everything humans say" is to be ignored.

God doesn't need Hell nor would an all merciful God condemn anyone to Hell. Not even Lucifer. Hell is a choice; the choice to be away from God.
I hold no interest in mediums and spiritualist; I don't trust them at all.

You might just as well, not trust the authors of the bible either. Moses may never even have existed, and I certainly do not believe in the parting of the red sea, and other Jewish myths.
The same can be said of Jesus too, he may have been a fictional character. But I have to say that spiritualists say he did exist and was an example to us all. I have also heard mediums mention Buddha as a spiritual master.
However I have never heard any medium talk of Muhammad.

I trust the bible, but I do not believe its 100 % accurate or without error. I would just rather depend on my own mind, than some medium. But I mean, you have to go where you are led; to each his own. I walk alone in my view. I trust my own mind above others.

Then you believe in spiritualist, Abraham, Moses, Jerimiah, Daniel, Joseph, Ezekiel, the few Isaiah's, and the maj. of todays preachers, those who say God said are all spiritualists.

I don't believe in new age Spiritualist; but I believe in spirituality. You don't have to be famous to be spiritual. I don't believe in any preachers of today. None of them.

So you only believe the people in the bible were spiritualist. Urim and Thummim come to mind. The holy spirit is no longer active, good to know.

Well in my view of things, the Holy Spirit is nowhere near as active in people as it used to be; but now I could be wrong. If its active, then its only opening a few people to the truth, I don't think any human in our age have the Spirit inside of them permanently. I don't believe God has called out a church in years, not since Christ was here. All the churches of God now, are deceived in my view, perverted and off track. The next church of God to be called out and given his spirit, I don't believe they are here yet. I mean some of them may be alive, but the next church called out will be like a light on a hill, the whole world will know they are called of God. They will have no leaders, the Holy Spirit will lead them.

There is no church like that now on earth; none that I am aware of. I do hope I live to see them; I think they will be quite something.
If God be righteous, then everything humans say about him has to be ignored; because that's how unrighteous opinions start.
Mostly agreed, but I'd qualify it with "...most everything humans say" is to be ignored.

God doesn't need Hell nor would an all merciful God condemn anyone to Hell. Not even Lucifer. Hell is a choice; the choice to be away from God.

Hell is not a choice, its the grave. All other versions of hell are myths.

Now as far as satan, I do think God will condemn him. I do not view satan as this " Lucifer character "; Lucifer is not the devil, its just another Christian perversion. I personally think God will just " Will satan and his demons out of existence."
Hell is not a choice, its the grave. All other versions of hell are myths....
You are free to believe in a wrathful, vengeful God. I believe such a power to be almighty and all merciful.

I believe the wrath of God is his reaction to sin, not to people. I do think he will take revenge. I also believe he is merciful, loving, good, and forgiving.
Hell is not a choice, its the grave. All other versions of hell are myths....
You are free to believe in a wrathful, vengeful God. I believe such a power to be almighty and all merciful.

I believe the wrath of God is his reaction to sin, not to people. I do think he will take revenge. I also believe he is merciful, loving, good, and forgiving.
Your words conflict each other. God cannot be simultaneously all merciful and wrathful or vengeful. In fact, giving God the qualities of base negative emotions like anger or hate demeans God by reducing God to the human level. Human are often weakened because of our emotions.
Matthew 7:13-28

13 “Go in through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it; 14 but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

15 “Beware of the false prophets! They come to you wearing sheep’s clothing, but underneath they are hungry wolves! 16 You will recognize them by their fruit. Can people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every healthy tree produces good fruit, but a poor tree produces bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, or a poor tree good fruit. 19 Any tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire! 20 So you will recognize them by their fruit.

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants. 22 On that Day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we expel demons in your name? Didn’t we perform many miracles in your name?’ 23 Then I will tell them to their faces, ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’

24 “So, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on bedrock. 25 The rain fell, the rivers flooded, the winds blew and beat against that house, but it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a stupid man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain fell, the rivers flooded, the wind blew and beat against that house, and it collapsed — and its collapse was horrendous!”

28 When Yeshua had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at the way he taught, 29 for he was not instructing them like their Torah-teachers but as one who had authority himself.

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