Why would a God even need a hell?

Even the grave is but a temporary thing with God; this incredible being really does not need death in his eternity.

Its just an amazing thing to consider.
Why would a God of endless love, mercy and grace, allow Christianity to define terms for him? Remember, eternal punishing hell is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God.
I think when we consider God, the question " Why" just naturally is going to surface a lot. Because God is so mysterious. So unknown and hard to figure out. Why is he not showing himself? Why is he allowing so much evil? Why did he allow religion to mess up so much of humanity's history?


And I really don't know myself, I can only offer speculations. I can only guess man. I wish I did know God, or we could have a serious conversation where I could actually hear his voice. Its weird; its hard on humanity, so I understand all the frustration pointed at God, from Atheist and unbelievers; this is an enigmatic equation; its a book still being written.
Why would a myth like eternal hell, cause more human hardship and concern than a truth would? Because its human nature to believe myths and fables, that's why some Atheist believe that apes can speak. Our consciousness gets seared and bent on lies. Our hope gets perverted and lies seem like truth.
God needs a hell because he can't control his creations.

I totally disagree, I have never known anyone in history that God could not control. I have never known anything to happen, that God did not want to happen. The affairs and doings of men are meaningless to God. Notice Isaiah 40:17, " All nations before him are as nothing, they are counted by him as " LESS than nothing and meaningless."

God could careless about controlling humans.
God needs a hell because he can't control his creations.

I totally disagree, I have never known anyone in history that God could not control. I have never known anything to happen, that God did not want to happen. The affairs and doings of men are meaningless to God. Notice Isaiah 40:17, " All nations before him are as nothing, they are counted by him as " LESS than nothing and meaningless."

God could careless about controlling humans.
Then why judge them when they die? And those that didn't obey God go to hell.
God needs a hell because he can't control his creations.

I totally disagree, I have never known anyone in history that God could not control. I have never known anything to happen, that God did not want to happen. The affairs and doings of men are meaningless to God. Notice Isaiah 40:17, " All nations before him are as nothing, they are counted by him as " LESS than nothing and meaningless."

God could careless about controlling humans.
Then why judge them when they die? And those that didn't obey God go to hell.

You have been misinformed, God will not judge any human. Notice that in John 5:22, " The Father judges no man." No human is going to the mythical Christian hell, you have been misinformed a second time. In Isaiah 45:23 God swears that ALL humans will bow and submit to him. And I believe that. Our future with God has absolutely nothing to do with obedience to him. Or belief in him; God will have his way.

And nothing can stop him.
God needs a hell because he can't control his creations.

I totally disagree, I have never known anyone in history that God could not control. I have never known anything to happen, that God did not want to happen. The affairs and doings of men are meaningless to God. Notice Isaiah 40:17, " All nations before him are as nothing, they are counted by him as " LESS than nothing and meaningless."

God could careless about controlling humans.
Then why judge them when they die? And those that didn't obey God go to hell.

You have been misinformed, God will not judge any human. Notice that in John 5:22, " The Father judges no man." No human is going to the mythical Christian hell, you have been misinformed a second time. In Isaiah 45:23 God swears that ALL humans will bow and submit to him. And I believe that. Our future with God has absolutely nothing to do with obedience to him. Or belief in him; God will have his way.

And nothing can stop him.
You're the one who is misinformed. Hell exists. God judges. God makes deformed babies.
Hell is simply the grave, and every baby born deformed, God will give them a whole new better existence, its not end of story, its only as far as you can see; he will even give you a new mind- one that does not find fault in everything.
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

How else would you keep the flock in line if you can't threaten them with eternal torment?
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

The hell concept is reinvented and twisting of the description of a world we leave ourselves when we go opposite that Essence of life.
They do this to create submission of it's initiates to give tithes (pay their tax to Rome) and fight for their kings in exchange for protection from horrors of hell & promises or rewards in heaven. Their ideology as always backfired and ended up causing that description of hell to fruition. Everytime you see war torn areas or protest erruptions with burning trash rubble that is what the Hebrews described as Gehinnom-outside the kingdom walls burning trash dump.
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

The hell concept is reinvented and twisting of the description of a world we leave ourselves when we go opposite that Essence of life.
They do this to create submission of it's initiates to give tithes (pay their tax to Rome) and fight for their kings in exchange for protection from horrors of hell & promises or rewards in heaven. Their ideology as always backfired and ended up causing that description of hell to fruition. Everytime you see war torn areas or protest erruptions with burning trash rubble that is what the Hebrews described as Gehinnom-outside the kingdom walls burning trash dump.

Very well put.
Deformity is the work of Satan, most illness in the world is the result of man tampering with natural law; in a perfect state of nature there would likely be no disease or deformity; most cures for example that man has invented has only been to fix the diseases they caused by not respecting nature.

Unfortunately since many worship Satan without realizing it, they believe they're "entitled" to material perfection from God without having to do anything to earn it, much as many welfare recipients do a handout. Much as Satan believed he was entitled to God's throne, and Adam and Eve did the forbidden knowledge.
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

No idea, it could be just made up, or it could be a natural law which we do not understand, like quantum physics
Deformity is the work of Satan, most illness in the world is the result of man tampering with natural law; in a perfect state of nature there would likely be no disease or deformity; most cures for example that man has invented has only been to fix the diseases they caused by not respecting nature.

Unfortunately since many worship Satan without realizing it, they believe they're "entitled" to material perfection from God without having to do anything to earn it, much as many welfare recipients do a handout. Much as Satan believed he was entitled to God's throne, and Adam and Eve did the forbidden knowledge.

satan could not deform a human without the permission of God. So God is involved. In Rom. 13:1 we can even see that God ordained satan; it states that God ordains the powers that be; satan certainly is a power that be.
Deformity is the work of Satan, most illness in the world is the result of man tampering with natural law; in a perfect state of nature there would likely be no disease or deformity; most cures for example that man has invented has only been to fix the diseases they caused by not respecting nature.

Unfortunately since many worship Satan without realizing it, they believe they're "entitled" to material perfection from God without having to do anything to earn it, much as many welfare recipients do a handout. Much as Satan believed he was entitled to God's throne, and Adam and Eve did the forbidden knowledge.

satan could not deform a human without the permission of God. So God is involved. In Rom. 13:1 we can even see that God ordained satan; it states that God ordains the powers that be; satan certainly is a power that be.
Why should God remove free will? If people fear religion because "it controls people" why would they demand that a God force others into compliance?
Deformity is the work of Satan, most illness in the world is the result of man tampering with natural law; in a perfect state of nature there would likely be no disease or deformity; most cures for example that man has invented has only been to fix the diseases they caused by not respecting nature.

Unfortunately since many worship Satan without realizing it, they believe they're "entitled" to material perfection from God without having to do anything to earn it, much as many welfare recipients do a handout. Much as Satan believed he was entitled to God's throne, and Adam and Eve did the forbidden knowledge.

satan could not deform a human without the permission of God. So God is involved. In Rom. 13:1 we can even see that God ordained satan; it states that God ordains the powers that be; satan certainly is a power that be.
Why should God remove free will? If people fear religion because "it controls people" why would they demand that a God force others into compliance?

I don't believe in free will, its an overblown illusion. In order for a human to have free will, that means their will would have to be uninfluenced by any outside forces,. which is impossible. God is called the Alpha and Omega, the word states that in him we live, move and have our being; in other words, he is the complete cycle of our lives. Free will is a Christian deception. In Jer. 10:23, " O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself, it is NOT in man who walks to direct his own steps."

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