Why would a God even need a hell?

You want to be honest about hell , look at this;

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

I already know 100% for sure there is no eternal suffering in a place called hellfire. Alls one has to do is know the true living God--most do not. This is him

Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice( perfect justice) an eye for an eye--perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable--lets apply Gods scales to the teaching of eternal suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin---- On the other side-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment.---- See any balance=No.

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.
You want to be honest about hell , look at this;

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

I already know 100% for sure there is no eternal suffering in a place called hellfire. Alls one has to do is know the true living God--most do not. This is him

Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice( perfect justice) an eye for an eye--perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable--lets apply Gods scales to the teaching of eternal suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin---- On the other side-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment.---- See any balance=No.

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.

Jehovah Witness Religion has taught you error. You need to depart from it.

Error is short lived; "a lying tongue is but for a moment"; but truth's age runs parallel with God's eternity. - William Gurnall
You want to be honest about hell , look at this;

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

I already know 100% for sure there is no eternal suffering in a place called hellfire. Alls one has to do is know the true living God--most do not. This is him

Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice( perfect justice) an eye for an eye--perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable--lets apply Gods scales to the teaching of eternal suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin---- On the other side-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment.---- See any balance=No.

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.

Jehovah Witness Religion has taught you error. You need to depart from it.

Error is short lived; "a lying tongue is but for a moment"; but truth's age runs parallel with God's eternity. - William Gurnall

I know 100% for sure --The JW, s have Jesus as head of the congregation. It is a very unwise place to be standing in opposition to the real teachers of Jesus-Luke 10:16)
"The way of transgressors is hard!" Proverbs 13:15.

The terror of sin. A soul in a state of sin may possess much — but enjoys nothing. One thought of its state of enmity to God, would drop bitterness into every cup. All he has, smells of hell-fire; and a man at a rich feast would enjoy it but little if he smelt fire, ready to burn his house and himself!

The love of sin. Sin is as truly the offspring of the soul, as children are of our bodies, and it finds as much favor in our eyes.

The pleasures of sin. The pleasures of sin must needs be short, because life cannot be long, and they both end together. Indeed, many times the pleasure of sin dies before the man dies: sinners live to bury their joy in this world. The worm breeds in their conscience, before it breeds in their flesh by death. But be sure the pleasure of sin never survives this world. The word is gone out of God's mouth, every sinner "shall lie down in sorrow" and wake in sorrow.

The carnal heart is all for the present; his snout is in the trough, and while his draught lasts, he thinks it will never end. Who would envy the condemned man his feast, which he has in his way to the gallows?

Where guilt is contracted in the getting of an enjoyment, there can be little sweetness tasted when it comes to be used. There is a great difference between the joy of the gardener, at the getting in of his corn at the harvest — and the thief's joy, who has stolen some sheaves out of another's field, and is making merry with his booty.

No sin goes single. It is impossible to embrace or allow one sin — and be free of others. Allow one sin, and God will give you over to others. When Judas began to play the thief, I question whether he meant to turntraitor. No, his treason was a punishment for his thievery.

The Christian in Complete Armor
You want to be honest about hell , look at this;

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.

Why should I run from them , Jesus came here to save those in darkness , not condemn them. You just keep running , your beliefs are more dangerous than those in darkness.

Yes he did, but 99% outright refuse to listen to his real teachers, thus are rejecting God and Jesus as well by taking that stance-Luke 10:16
There are no real teachers of God on earth now; none that I know of.

And hasn't been for awhile.
You want to be honest about hell , look at this;

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

I already know 100% for sure there is no eternal suffering in a place called hellfire. Alls one has to do is know the true living God--most do not. This is him

Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice( perfect justice) an eye for an eye--perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable--lets apply Gods scales to the teaching of eternal suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin---- On the other side-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment.---- See any balance=No.

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.

Jehovah Witness Religion has taught you error. You need to depart from it.

Error is short lived; "a lying tongue is but for a moment"; but truth's age runs parallel with God's eternity. - William Gurnall

I know 100% for sure --The JW, s have Jesus as head of the congregation. It is a very unwise place to be standing in opposition to the real teachers of Jesus-Luke 10:16)
It's a false Jesus you serve. Matthew 24 Jesus warned that there would be many false Christ's. Jehovah Witnesses do not read the KJV Holy Bible. They read the New World Translations which is not the Bible. Your religion has taught you there is no hell and only 144,000 go to heaven. JW surpassed that number long ago. What happens to the rest of you according to your Jehovah Witness teachers?

Heaven isn't limited to 144,000 people. Your god is small. My God invites all to come - Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Jesus Christ preached about hell a great deal in the KJV Holy Bible. You need to read the KJV Holy Bible and learn the truth, kjw.
In my personal view , both Christianity and the Jehovahs Witnesses are very deceived religions , both are jacked up in my opinion. But I think the JW'S are a little more closer to what is true than Christianity is. Just a little.
God has always had his own servants preaching the truth. Your trouble is that it isn't truth you are willing to obey. You have made a god in your own image that will accommodate your lifestyle, Mickiel. The trouble with that is that there is no salvation in you being the god of your own life. You need the Lord. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I'm not judging you. I'm telling you the truth. Ye must be born again.
In my personal view , both Christianity and the Jehovahs Witnesses are very deceived religions , both are jacked up in my opinion. But I think the JW'S are a little more closer to what is true than Christianity is. Just a little.
Your personal view is only your personal view, Mickiel. It does not change the Word of God. The Word of God is the truth. Consider the following story:

A battle ship was on exercise at sea in bad weather. The captain was on the bridge. It was foggy. Just after dark the look out spotted a light on the starboard side. The captain asked if it was steady or moving. The look out replied the light was steady meaning they were on direct collision course with that ship! The captain ordered the lookout signal to the other ship:

“Change course 20 degrees. We are on collision course.”

The signal came back ‘”Advisable for you to change course.”

The captain signalled ‘”I am a captain. Change course 20 degrees.”

“I am a seaman second class. You had better change course 20 degrees” came the reply.

The captain was furious. He sent back ‘”I am a battleship. Change course!”

Back came the signal, “I am a lighthouse. Your call.”


Now whether or not this event took place is besides the point. If you are a a vessel of clay telling the Master potter, the Lord God Almighty - the Rock of Ages - the Ancient of Days - to change course because you have no intention of it, you're the one who is going to suffer the consequences. God's Word which is found in the King James Holy Bible does not adapt to man's opinion or point of view. God's Word is eternal. God changes not. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to day and for ever. You must understand that Satan's portrayal of who God is - is twisted. He is deceiver and he is deceiving you into believing that hell does not exist, that you can be your own god with no consequences and follow the left handed path of do what thou wilt to your hearts delight. But there is a day of reckoning. It may even come tonight!

Where would you go if you died in your sleep tonight, Mickiel?
God has always had his own servants preaching the truth. Your trouble is that it isn't truth you are willing to obey. You have made a god in your own image that will accommodate your lifestyle, Mickiel. The trouble with that is that there is no salvation in you being the god of your own life. You need the Lord. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I'm not judging you. I'm telling you the truth. Ye must be born again.

Christians cannot take or give salvation , your opinion of my salvation is meaningless to me. You Christians don't control salvation , you just act like you do. The world of sinners is very fortunate that you don't control God's free gift.
You want to be honest about hell , look at this;

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

I already know 100% for sure there is no eternal suffering in a place called hellfire. Alls one has to do is know the true living God--most do not. This is him

Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice( perfect justice) an eye for an eye--perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable--lets apply Gods scales to the teaching of eternal suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin---- On the other side-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment.---- See any balance=No.

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.

Jehovah Witness Religion has taught you error. You need to depart from it.

Error is short lived; "a lying tongue is but for a moment"; but truth's age runs parallel with God's eternity. - William Gurnall

I know 100% for sure --The JW, s have Jesus as head of the congregation. It is a very unwise place to be standing in opposition to the real teachers of Jesus-Luke 10:16)
It's a false Jesus you serve. Matthew 24 Jesus warned that there would be many false Christ's. Jehovah Witnesses do not read the KJV Holy Bible. They read the New World Translations which is not the Bible. Your religion has taught you there is no hell and only 144,000 go to heaven. JW surpassed that number long ago. What happens to the rest of you according to your Jehovah Witness teachers?

Heaven isn't limited to 144,000 people. Your god is small. My God invites all to come - Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Jesus Christ preached about hell a great deal in the KJV Holy Bible. You need to read the KJV Holy Bible and learn the truth, kjw.

Gods truth is what occurs for the great multitude--They will be brought through Har-mageddon, on EARTH,( Matt 5:5)( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22) and live forever on it( Psalm 37: 9,11,29)-it will become the new earth= Gods kingdom in full control, no satan influences.
eventually transformed into a garden of Eden( paradise)= Gods will.
Rev 14:3 is clear--144,000 are bought from the earth.

The teachings on hell were symbolic. proof== a place where the worm dieth not--not a single worm in existence could last 15 minutes in a hot firey place= symbolism. 6 feet under is where the worm dieth not.
These will call on the name of the lord--Matt 7:22-23--yet they all lose. And Jesus said--many.

Sometimes it takes more than a single teaching to make a whole truth--like calling on the name of the lord. Matt 7:22-23 proves it takes more on the calling on the name- partial truth. These were Christians he is talking to. Only Christians or ones told they are Christian do powerful works in Jesus name.
You want to be honest about hell , look at this;

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

I already know 100% for sure there is no eternal suffering in a place called hellfire. Alls one has to do is know the true living God--most do not. This is him

Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice( perfect justice) an eye for an eye--perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable--lets apply Gods scales to the teaching of eternal suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin---- On the other side-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment.---- See any balance=No.

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.

Jehovah Witness Religion has taught you error. You need to depart from it.

Error is short lived; "a lying tongue is but for a moment"; but truth's age runs parallel with God's eternity. - William Gurnall

I know 100% for sure --The JW, s have Jesus as head of the congregation. It is a very unwise place to be standing in opposition to the real teachers of Jesus-Luke 10:16)
It's a false Jesus you serve. Matthew 24 Jesus warned that there would be many false Christ's. Jehovah Witnesses do not read the KJV Holy Bible. They read the New World Translations which is not the Bible. Your religion has taught you there is no hell and only 144,000 go to heaven. JW surpassed that number long ago. What happens to the rest of you according to your Jehovah Witness teachers?

Heaven isn't limited to 144,000 people. Your god is small. My God invites all to come - Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Jesus Christ preached about hell a great deal in the KJV Holy Bible. You need to read the KJV Holy Bible and learn the truth, kjw.

Gods truth is what occurs for the great multitude--They will be brought through Har-mageddon, on EARTH,( Matt 5:5)( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22) and live forever on it( Psalm 37: 9,11,29)-it will become the new earth= Gods kingdom in full control, no satan influences.
eventually transformed into a garden of Eden( paradise)= Gods will.
Rev 14:3 is clear--144,000 are bought from the earth.

The teachings on hell were symbolic. proof== a place where the worm dieth not--not a single worm in existence could last 15 minutes in a hot firey place= symbolism. 6 feet under is where the worm dieth not.
These will call on the name of the lord--Matt 7:22-23--yet they all lose. And Jesus said--many.

Sometimes it takes more than a single teaching to make a whole truth--like calling on the name of the lord. Matt 7:22-23 proves it takes more on the calling on the name- partial truth. These were Christians he is talking to. Only Christians or ones told they are Christian do powerful works in Jesus name.
I believe Jehovah Witnesses are very sincere and work hard at their study and witnessing. You are no exception. But I would like you to consider that you can sincerely drink hemlock and die just the same. You are studying the wrong book, KJW. Read a KJV Holy Bible and ask the Lord to reveal the Scriptures to you and His will for your life. What have you to lose? Nothing but false beliefs and that you cannot lose fast enough.
There are no real teachers of God on earth now; none that I know of.

And hasn't been for awhile.

Jesus said he would appoint his faithful and discreet slave,( real teachers) who give food( spiritual) at the proper time, and he would appoint them over all of his belongings--here in these last days--they are here now--otherwise this couldn't be truth-Dan 12:4--or this- John 4:22-24
And Luke 10:16 teaches--if one rejects Jesus' real teachers its the same as rejecting Jesus and God.
I already know 100% for sure there is no eternal suffering in a place called hellfire. Alls one has to do is know the true living God--most do not. This is him

Deuteronomy 32:4-- ALL of Gods ways are justice( perfect justice) an eye for an eye--perfect balance on Gods justice scales-uncorruptable--lets apply Gods scales to the teaching of eternal suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of unrepented sin---- On the other side-trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment.---- See any balance=No.

Run from those who do not know the true living God--He does not know them as well. They are teachers of darkness.

Jehovah Witness Religion has taught you error. You need to depart from it.

Error is short lived; "a lying tongue is but for a moment"; but truth's age runs parallel with God's eternity. - William Gurnall

I know 100% for sure --The JW, s have Jesus as head of the congregation. It is a very unwise place to be standing in opposition to the real teachers of Jesus-Luke 10:16)
It's a false Jesus you serve. Matthew 24 Jesus warned that there would be many false Christ's. Jehovah Witnesses do not read the KJV Holy Bible. They read the New World Translations which is not the Bible. Your religion has taught you there is no hell and only 144,000 go to heaven. JW surpassed that number long ago. What happens to the rest of you according to your Jehovah Witness teachers?

Heaven isn't limited to 144,000 people. Your god is small. My God invites all to come - Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Jesus Christ preached about hell a great deal in the KJV Holy Bible. You need to read the KJV Holy Bible and learn the truth, kjw.

Gods truth is what occurs for the great multitude--They will be brought through Har-mageddon, on EARTH,( Matt 5:5)( Prov 2:21-22, Matt 24:22) and live forever on it( Psalm 37: 9,11,29)-it will become the new earth= Gods kingdom in full control, no satan influences.
eventually transformed into a garden of Eden( paradise)= Gods will.
Rev 14:3 is clear--144,000 are bought from the earth.

The teachings on hell were symbolic. proof== a place where the worm dieth not--not a single worm in existence could last 15 minutes in a hot firey place= symbolism. 6 feet under is where the worm dieth not.
These will call on the name of the lord--Matt 7:22-23--yet they all lose. And Jesus said--many.

Sometimes it takes more than a single teaching to make a whole truth--like calling on the name of the lord. Matt 7:22-23 proves it takes more on the calling on the name- partial truth. These were Christians he is talking to. Only Christians or ones told they are Christian do powerful works in Jesus name.
I believe Jehovah Witnesses are very sincere and work hard at their study and witnessing. You are no exception. But I would like you to consider that you can sincerely drink hemlock and die just the same. You are studying the wrong book, KJW. Read a KJV Holy Bible and ask the Lord to reveal the Scriptures to you and His will for your life. What have you to lose? Nothing but false beliefs and that you cannot lose fast enough.

The teachings I shared with you are in the kjv as well. They are truths. You just dont know truth. I know you desire to and believe you do. But you would know my words are fact, found in every translation.

Just like this truth about the reality of Gods will--Deut 30:19-- he set before all--life or death---not life and life. Your teachers are teaching--eternal life in paradise or eternal life in hell--its not truth. God is love, merciful, kind-- there is no literal eternal suffering. reality--eternal life or eternal death. The teachings about hell were symbolic--for the value of what one lost by being thrown into the lake of fire( 2nd death, not life)-- as each new day dawns in Gods kingdom, those in the lake of fire miss each new dawning day eternally, it never stops, there missing each new day--likened to be eternal suffering.
Jesus taught truth on the matter of what is what---Enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( eternal) FEW will find it. For many have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION( eternal death)
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There are no real teachers of God on earth now; none that I know of.

And hasn't been for awhile.

Jesus said he would appoint his faithful and discreet slave,( real teachers) who give food( spiritual) at the proper time, and he would appoint them over all of his belongings--here in these last days--they are here now--otherwise this couldn't be truth-Dan 12:4--or this- John 4:22-24
And Luke 10:16 teaches--if one rejects Jesus' real teachers its the same as rejecting Jesus and God.
That is your opinion, kjw, but the Word of God does not give us liberty to re-interpret according to our opinion. Indeed, the Word of God does not ask for our opinion. Only to obey it.
There are no real teachers of God on earth now; none that I know of.

And hasn't been for awhile.

Jesus said he would appoint his faithful and discreet slave,( real teachers) who give food( spiritual) at the proper time, and he would appoint them over all of his belongings--here in these last days--they are here now--otherwise this couldn't be truth-Dan 12:4--or this- John 4:22-24
And Luke 10:16 teaches--if one rejects Jesus' real teachers its the same as rejecting Jesus and God.
That is your opinion, kjw, but the Word of God does not give us liberty to re-interpret according to our opinion. Indeed, the Word of God does not ask for our opinion. Only to obey it.

Its not my personal opinion--I was taught by the faithful and discreet slave whom Jesus apppointed over all his belongings. The ones you are standing in opposition of-Luke 10:16)--you really don't want to keep standing there--it is almost done.

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