Why would a God even need a hell?

Why would God need a hell, when he is full of grace , forgiveness and Love? The people who believe in hell , just don't know God.
Christianity and religion are pimping all the wrong translations of " Hell' and gullible humanity has brought them all; its STUNNING how man addicts himself to lies easier than to truths. The devil , like a pimp , has churches addicted to his lies and he has them whoring to the world; while the truth gets sectioned off to little unknown places like this one;

16. Hebrew and Greek words mistranslated to mean Hell

Christianity and its lies has all the pomp and shine and glitter and publicity, and its just as wrong as two left feet.
Believers who teach any form of eternal punishment from God , are simply deceived and horribly blind to the glorious gospel of truth ; they are puppets of satan spreading the worse perversion of the gospel possible. In Romans 5:18 " Therefore by the offence of one judgment came upon ALL men to condemnation, " ( now hell believers will jump all on the first part of this verse , because they get fired up and motivated by seeing the word " Condemnation"; its been " Dropped into their spirit" and is a desperate part of their belief , condemnation has surgically been glued into their consciousness ) , " Even so, by the righteousness of one the FREE GIFT came upon ALL MEN unto justification of life!" This second part of verse has not been dropped into the Spirit of Christianity. The same All men who were condemned , are now given free justification to live eternal life with God! Effectively canceling out anything , any doctrine that condemns any human for any reason. That is the glorious gospel of truth.

But you must remember that Christianity is not being used by God to preach the truth. They are being used to preach the gospel of hell ; and that is exactly what they have been doing.
Why would God need a hell, why would God let Christian doctrine rule?
God lets Christian doctrine rule because that is where hell is.

Well God is letting the confused belief of hell thrive in the world because he made satan the god of this world ; and the contorted belief rules for now.

When God wants a belief to get distorted , he just gives it to Christianity and they just naturally ruin it.
Why would a Christian need hell, because without it their religion isn't worth a hell.
Why would a Christian need hell, because without it their religion isn't worth a hell.

Not to sound cynical here, but, it's not the Christians that need a hell to make them behave, because most people (not all, but most) are capable of being "moral" on their own because they see the benefit of peacefully living with others.

The religion itself really doesn't need to have a hell either, because they already have the ultimate carrot by promising people that they can get into Heaven. And, most people, when they can see the benefit of something for themselves will automatically choose Heaven.

Nope................it's the people that CONTROL the religion that need to have a hell. How else are they going to scare people into the pews so that they can further scare them into giving them lots of money? They can't.

To sum up.............God gave us the carrot of being with Him in Heaven if we follow His Commandments.

Mankind gave us the stick of hell to scare people into believing so they can rake in cash.
Not to sound cynical here, but, it's not the Christians that need a hell to make them behave, because most people (not all, but most) are capable of being "moral" on their own because they see the benefit of peacefully living with others.

Agree. Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle.

The religion itself really doesn't need to have a hell either, because they already have the ultimate carrot by promising people that they can get into Heaven. And, most people, when they can see the benefit of something for themselves will automatically choose Heaven.

Disagree. If people really believed that there was an all powerful omnipotent being that would hold them accountable, WE all would behave differently.

Nope................it's the people that CONTROL the religion that need to have a hell. How else are they going to scare people into the pews so that they can further scare them into giving them lots of money? They can't.

Disagree. This is to stereotypical. By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.

To sum up.............God gave us the carrot of being with Him in Heaven if we follow His Commandments.

Mankind gave us the stick of hell to scare people into believing so they can rake in cash.

Disagree. God gave us the free will to know good and evil and to choose between them.
Not to sound cynical here, but, it's not the Christians that need a hell to make them behave, because most people (not all, but most) are capable of being "moral" on their own because they see the benefit of peacefully living with others.

Agree. Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle.

The religion itself really doesn't need to have a hell either, because they already have the ultimate carrot by promising people that they can get into Heaven. And, most people, when they can see the benefit of something for themselves will automatically choose Heaven.

Disagree. If people really believed that there was an all powerful omnipotent being that would hold them accountable, WE all would behave differently.

Nope................it's the people that CONTROL the religion that need to have a hell. How else are they going to scare people into the pews so that they can further scare them into giving them lots of money? They can't.

Disagree. This is to stereotypical. By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.

To sum up.............God gave us the carrot of being with Him in Heaven if we follow His Commandments.

Mankind gave us the stick of hell to scare people into believing so they can rake in cash.

Disagree. God gave us the free will to know good and evil and to choose between them.

Virtue doesn't have anything to do with it. People cooperate and live together because it's much easier to be part of a community than it is to be by yourself. Damn near everyone depends on at least 10 other people to live, because you don't generate the power yourself, you don't get the water, you didn't pave the roads, etc. But, because others did, it made it easier for you to live, and apparently, you've got skills that are valuable to the community because you live there and have a job.

Actually, even without invoking the fear of hell, an all powerful deity WOULD be able to influence their followers by telling them if they didn't follow the rules, they would not be allowed in Heaven. That should be incentive enough.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good? Really? We can start off with religion being used as justification for terror attacks by Islam, as well as religion justifies murder of doctors who perform abortions. We can go back a bit further to when people were terrified that JFK would become president because he was a Catholic and would be influenced by the Pope.

How about going back to where the Christian missionaries forced children of Native Americans into Christianity, as well as forbade them to practice parts of their own heritage and speak their own language because they thought they were "heathens"?

Want to talk about how religion and hysteria managed to kill quite a few women who were burned at the stake as witches?

How about Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition? Crusades perhaps? Religion isn't always a force for good.

And free will has nothing to do with the charlatans that sucker you into their belief system by scaring you with hell. Myself? I decided that Christianity was a sucker's bet when I was around 16 and stopped going to church. A few years later, I found a spiritual belief system that works pretty well for me, and I don't really care if I make it to Christian heaven, because I believe that I'm going somewhere else just as good, if not better, because it won't have as many judgemental idiots.
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

there is no hell. it exists only in christianity.... and it's image is taken from dante.
Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
Why would a Christian need hell, because without it their religion isn't worth a hell.

Not to sound cynical here, but, it's not the Christians that need a hell to make them behave, because most people (not all, but most) are capable of being "moral" on their own because they see the benefit of peacefully living with others.

The religion itself really doesn't need to have a hell either, because they already have the ultimate carrot by promising people that they can get into Heaven. And, most people, when they can see the benefit of something for themselves will automatically choose Heaven.

Nope................it's the people that CONTROL the religion that need to have a hell. How else are they going to scare people into the pews so that they can further scare them into giving them lots of money? They can't.

To sum up.............God gave us the carrot of being with Him in Heaven if we follow His Commandments.

Mankind gave us the stick of hell to scare people into believing so they can rake in cash.
What you fail to realize is that Christians do not follow God because of the threat of Hell. That is a fallacy. They follow Him out Love...Because He sent His only Son to Die, so that we may live.
Why would a Christian need hell, because without it their religion isn't worth a hell.

Not to sound cynical here, but, it's not the Christians that need a hell to make them behave, because most people (not all, but most) are capable of being "moral" on their own because they see the benefit of peacefully living with others.

The religion itself really doesn't need to have a hell either, because they already have the ultimate carrot by promising people that they can get into Heaven. And, most people, when they can see the benefit of something for themselves will automatically choose Heaven.

Nope................it's the people that CONTROL the religion that need to have a hell. How else are they going to scare people into the pews so that they can further scare them into giving them lots of money? They can't.

To sum up.............God gave us the carrot of being with Him in Heaven if we follow His Commandments.

Mankind gave us the stick of hell to scare people into believing so they can rake in cash.
What you fail to realize is that Christians do not follow God because of the threat of Hell. That is a fallacy. They follow Him out Love...Because He sent His only Son to Die, so that we may live.

Do Christians love unbelievers? If they do , why do they condemn them so much?
Isn't hell, just the absence of God after death? Some have eternal life... in the presence of God, while others don't?

And the Lake of Fire is something different...it's where the antichrist is thrown, and his minions are thrown...and maybe even the proverbial Dragon or Serpent of old, are thrown...like a prison of sorts, until he releases him or them one last time(in the form of gog and magog) after the thousand year reign of Christ on earth?

(Do I really understand what I just said? NOT Necessarily!!!!! but i try!) :D
Isn't hell, just the absence of God after death? Some have eternal life... in the presence of God, while others don't?

Yes. That is what I have been saying. Thank you.
you're welcome.... I haven't read the thread, only the op's post .....then I posted my thoughts...

so, what;s the argument? I can see the thread has 20 pages....obviously, there must be plenty of them.... :lol:
Isn't hell, just the absence of God after death? Some have eternal life... in the presence of God, while others don't?

Yes. That is what I have been saying. Thank you.
you're welcome.... I haven't read the thread, only the op's post .....then I posted my thoughts...

so, what;s the argument? I can see the thread has 20 pages....obviously, there must be plenty of them.... :lol:
Let me summarize it for you. Christians bad.

I think the guy is some kind of concern troll.

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