Why would a God even need a hell?

Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
that's simply NOT TRUE....

...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us...

forgiveness of sins is a key to Christianity, even the sins of gays or atheists or other Christians who have sinned against God...

Did Christ let the adulteress get Stoned to death by the crowd of men anxious to do so?

Didn't Christ let the prostitute wipe his feet with her tears and shocked the Pharisees?

Didn't Moses murder a man?

And the same with King David killing Bathsheba's husband?

Christians are not suppose to judge another's salvation... yes, we can discern and judge right from wrong, but not someone elses soul....?
Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
that's simply NOT TRUE....

...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us...

forgiveness of sins is a key to Christianity, even the sins of gays or atheists or other Christians who have sinned against God...

Did Christ let the adulteress get Stoned to death by the crowd of men anxious to do so?

Didn't Christ let the prostitute wipe his feet with her tears and shocked the Pharisees?

Didn't Moses murder a man?

And the same with King David killing Bathsheba's husband?

Christians are not suppose to judge another's salvation... yes, we can discern and judge right from wrong, but not someone elses soul....?

Christians here at this site and all over the world are judging the salvation of others, the Christian hell is the place where all those who get condemned are supposed to spend their eternity. Forgiveness of sins is not a key of Christianity; that is just a smoke screen that hides the true Christian desire to rid the world of evildoers.

If anyone rejects Christ , Christians do not forgive them;
If anyone rejects Christianity , Christians do not forgive that ;
If anyone does not believe in God , Christians do not forgive that;
If anyone believes that everyone is saved , Christians will never forgive that belief;

I don't know what Christians you have been around. The one's I have met are cold blooded.
Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
that's simply NOT TRUE....

...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us...

forgiveness of sins is a key to Christianity, even the sins of gays or atheists or other Christians who have sinned against God...

Did Christ let the adulteress get Stoned to death by the crowd of men anxious to do so?

Didn't Christ let the prostitute wipe his feet with her tears and shocked the Pharisees?

Didn't Moses murder a man?

And the same with King David killing Bathsheba's husband?

Christians are not suppose to judge another's salvation... yes, we can discern and judge right from wrong, but not someone elses soul....?

Christians here at this site and all over the world are judging the salvation of others, the Christian hell is the place where all those who get condemned are supposed to spend their eternity. Forgiveness of sins is not a key of Christianity; that is just a smoke screen that hides the true Christian desire to rid the world of evildoers.

If anyone rejects Christ , Christians do not forgive them;
If anyone rejects Christianity , Christians do not forgive that ;
If anyone does not believe in God , Christians do not forgive that;
If anyone believes that everyone is saved , Christians will never forgive that belief;

I don't know what Christians you have been around. The one's I have met are cold blooded.
There are some who claim Christianity... yet are cold blooded, I can't deny that, since I've witnessed it, on this very board...and maybe that's their own sin, like others that supposedly fall short...that they point fingers at....?

They are suppose to forgive you of whatever your shortcomings are.... as you, are suppose to forgive them of theirs....

maybe if you took the first step, of forgiving them for being that way....and somehow....through grace, this will lead them in to being kinder and stop pointing their fingers in condemnation....?

killing them with kindness?

I dunno? But grouping all people together as this, that, or the other....is the problem, and you are doing the same thing as them....imo.
Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
that's simply NOT TRUE....

...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us...

forgiveness of sins is a key to Christianity, even the sins of gays or atheists or other Christians who have sinned against God...

Did Christ let the adulteress get Stoned to death by the crowd of men anxious to do so?

Didn't Christ let the prostitute wipe his feet with her tears and shocked the Pharisees?

Didn't Moses murder a man?

And the same with King David killing Bathsheba's husband?

Christians are not suppose to judge another's salvation... yes, we can discern and judge right from wrong, but not someone elses soul....?

Christians here at this site and all over the world are judging the salvation of others, the Christian hell is the place where all those who get condemned are supposed to spend their eternity. Forgiveness of sins is not a key of Christianity; that is just a smoke screen that hides the true Christian desire to rid the world of evildoers.

If anyone rejects Christ , Christians do not forgive them;
If anyone rejects Christianity , Christians do not forgive that ;
If anyone does not believe in God , Christians do not forgive that;
If anyone believes that everyone is saved , Christians will never forgive that belief;

I don't know what Christians you have been around. The one's I have met are cold blooded.
There are some who claim Christianity... yet are cold blooded, I can't deny that, since I've witnessed it, on this very board...and maybe that's their own sin, like others that supposedly fall short...that they point fingers at....?

They are suppose to forgive you of whatever your shortcomings are.... as you, are suppose to forgive them of theirs....

maybe if you took the first step, of forgiving them for being that way....and somehow....through grace, this will lead them in to being kinder and stop pointing their fingers in condemnation....?

killing them with kindness?

I dunno? But grouping all people together as this, that, or the other....is the problem, and you are doing the same thing as them....imo.

There may be certain individual Christians who would forgive anyone of anything ; such is the heart of God; Those who would do as such , are the true hearted believers in my view; Those who would not forgive need to be grouped together and identified for what they are. Jesus died for ALL sin and sinners;; all have sinned so we all need that cleansing from Christ ,If any believer holds back their forgiveness, they then cannot help this world.
It is impossible for any Christian to factor into anyone's salvation.
Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
that's simply NOT TRUE....

...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us...

forgiveness of sins is a key to Christianity, even the sins of gays or atheists or other Christians who have sinned against God...

Did Christ let the adulteress get Stoned to death by the crowd of men anxious to do so?

Didn't Christ let the prostitute wipe his feet with her tears and shocked the Pharisees?

Didn't Moses murder a man?

And the same with King David killing Bathsheba's husband?

Christians are not suppose to judge another's salvation... yes, we can discern and judge right from wrong, but not someone elses soul....?
Scripture tells us that you will know Christians by their love. If you do not have love, you do not have Christ in your life. Also, ones actions should reflect the life of Christ. Granted, everyone sins. But continual, willful sin is a sure sign that someone is not a Christian. So yes. We can judge.
Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
that's simply NOT TRUE....

...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us...

forgiveness of sins is a key to Christianity, even the sins of gays or atheists or other Christians who have sinned against God...

Did Christ let the adulteress get Stoned to death by the crowd of men anxious to do so?

Didn't Christ let the prostitute wipe his feet with her tears and shocked the Pharisees?

Didn't Moses murder a man?

And the same with King David killing Bathsheba's husband?

Christians are not suppose to judge another's salvation... yes, we can discern and judge right from wrong, but not someone elses soul....?
Scripture tells us that you will know Christians by their love. If you do not have love, you do not have Christ in your life. Also, ones actions should reflect the life of Christ. Granted, everyone sins. But continual, willful sin is a sure sign that someone is not a Christian. So yes. We can judge.

Being a "Christian" means absolutely nothing to God. The title and term " Christian" has absolutely nothing to do with salvation.

Christian only means something to a Christian.
Love means something to God , no love is expressed in the Christian doctrine of hell

its a useless myth
Hell is an expression of what religious people would do to unbelievers if it were up to them. If salvation were in the hands of Christianity , they would put most people in their hell. I would be put in their hell for believing that God and Christ have saved everybody ; that kind of salvation is not allowed in Christianity.

I would be put in their hell for disagreeing with them ; that is not allowed.
I would be sentenced to their hell for removing the competition from salvation.

I would be placed in their hell for making Christianity of little importance to God.

I would be placed in their hell for totally forgiving All Atheist and Homosexuals , that certainly is not allowed in Christiandom.
that's simply NOT TRUE....

...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us...

forgiveness of sins is a key to Christianity, even the sins of gays or atheists or other Christians who have sinned against God...

Did Christ let the adulteress get Stoned to death by the crowd of men anxious to do so?

Didn't Christ let the prostitute wipe his feet with her tears and shocked the Pharisees?

Didn't Moses murder a man?

And the same with King David killing Bathsheba's husband?

Christians are not suppose to judge another's salvation... yes, we can discern and judge right from wrong, but not someone elses soul....?
Scripture tells us that you will know Christians by their love. If you do not have love, you do not have Christ in your life. Also, ones actions should reflect the life of Christ. Granted, everyone sins. But continual, willful sin is a sure sign that someone is not a Christian. So yes. We can judge.

We will know Christians by their "love"? Really? How much "love" are they showing when they consign someone to hell for not believing as they do?
Christianity is a fake wind, they have gotten by purely on their name sake. Just on the reputation of their name.
To even believe in an eternal hell is a true sign of a sick perverted mind.
Christianity is a fake wind, they have gotten by purely on their name sake. Just on the reputation of their name.
It's a fake wind, like all the fartsmoke you spread around here?

I hold no interest in your insulting modes of conversation; I just can't figure out why your so attracted to me rejecting these ways in you??
Christianity is a fake wind, they have gotten by purely on their name sake. Just on the reputation of their name.
It's a fake wind, like all the fartsmoke you spread around here?

I hold no interest in your insulting modes of conversation; I just can't figure out why your so attracted to me rejecting these ways in you??
You just look desperate for someone to answer your posts. I'm just trying to help. You could also try some Beano.
Christianity is a fake wind, they have gotten by purely on their name sake. Just on the reputation of their name.
It's a fake wind, like all the fartsmoke you spread around here?

I hold no interest in your insulting modes of conversation; I just can't figure out why your so attracted to me rejecting these ways in you??
You just look desperate for someone to answer your posts. I'm just trying to help. You could also try some Beano.

Well I think its obvious that you need me more than I need you; welcome
You know, since God is all powerful and all knowing, He doesn't really need anything to scare people into following Him.

However..................................Christians and those who profess that faith DO need hell, because otherwise there is nothing to scare the non believers with.
You know, since God is all powerful and all knowing, He doesn't really need anything to scare people into following Him.

However..................................Christians and those who profess that faith DO need hell, because otherwise there is nothing to scare the non believers with.

No, God does not need to scare humans ,he has the "Power to Subdue them",Phil. 3:21 notice "He is able to subdue ALL things to himself!" God can and will subdue ALL of humanity to himself ; Isaiah 45:23 God swears to subdue all of humanity, this IS universal salvation and it will be forced on humanity. In John 12:32Jesus " Draws all men to him", the term " Draw" here is from the Greek "Helkuo", which means "To Drag!" Jesus has NEVER dragged ALL of humanity to him, so this is a time to come. But they will use "Force", no free will illusion.
You know, since God is all powerful and all knowing, He doesn't really need anything to scare people into following Him.

However..................................Christians and those who profess that faith DO need hell, because otherwise there is nothing to scare the non believers with.
Ignorant fool. Christians do not follow Christ because of the threat of Hell. They follow and obey Him, because HE loved US enough to die for us.

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