Why would Republicans nominate Trump in 2024?

I won’t be surprised if Trump is the nominee in 2024 because Pub leadership, like Trump supporters, have been effectively neutered by Trump.

Indeed they are a gaggle of easily-pushed-around wimps, aren't they. That's the wild card in this question -- the dedicated enabler authoritarian-passive types who yearn to be told what to do and think.
I won’t be surprised if Trump is the nominee in 2024 because Pub leadership, like Trump supporters, have been effectively neutered by Trump.

All you have to do is look at Ted Cruz
Could anyone else surrender their manhood as much as Cruz?
I won’t be surprised if Trump is the nominee in 2024 because Pub leadership, like Trump supporters, have been effectively neutered by Trump.

All you have to do is look at Ted Cruz
Could anyone else surrender their manhood as much as Cruz?
Impossible, though there may be more than a few USMB Trumpers who would give Cruz a run for his money on surrendered manhood.
From a purely partisan, pragmatic, and practical standpoint one fails to see why the GOP would nominate Trump again – go with someone who could serve two consecutive terms; go with someone more likely to win.

There is a very simple scenario where Trump becomes a highly possible candidate for the GOP in 2024:

1. The GOP fails to develop and support truly Conservative, walk-the-talk candidates who can actually and will actually stand up and preach their Conservative ideology and values.

2. The GOP hierarchy attempts to nominate another Centrist, Moderate, Establishment candidate for POTUS as they did in 2008 and 2012.

So basically... if the repeat 2016; a Trump or Trumpesque candidate is very likely.
From a purely partisan, pragmatic, and practical standpoint one fails to see why the GOP would nominate Trump again – go with someone who could serve two consecutive terms; go with someone more likely to win.

And that's only ever happened with Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland (they're two people). In fact no defeated incumbent has ever been renominated since the two-term limit was installed. I can't say it was for that reason, but with all the baggage of being nationally rejected, a legacy of lies and domestic violence incitement, illegal activities, impeachment, a pandemic epic failure and rendering the country a laughingstock around the world, the party has to see Rump as irretrievably damaged goods, even without that term limit.

They'd in effect be saying "hey, wanna buy a POTUS? Only 20,000 lies on it, and yeah the Carfax says he was impeached but we took it to a body shop -- don't you miss the old daze of "beat the crap out of 'im"?

Doesn't seem like a winning slogan.

So this rhetoric about Trump in 2024 seems a combination of Trump the con artist playing the rubes, trying to stay relevant after he leaves office next year, and Trump cult members who are so delusional and blind as to believe Trump could actually be elected in 2024.
From a purely partisan, pragmatic, and practical standpoint one fails to see why the GOP would nominate Trump again – go with someone who could serve two consecutive terms; go with someone more likely to win.

And that's only ever happened with Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland (they're two people). In fact no defeated incumbent has ever been renominated since the two-term limit was installed. I can't say it was for that reason, but with all the baggage of being nationally rejected, a legacy of lies and domestic violence incitement, illegal activities, impeachment, a pandemic epic failure and rendering the country a laughingstock around the world, the party has to see Rump as irretrievably damaged goods, even without that term limit.

They'd in effect be saying "hey, wanna buy a POTUS? Only 20,000 lies on it, and yeah the Carfax says he was impeached but we took it to a body shop -- don't you miss the old daze of "beat the crap out of 'im"?

Doesn't seem like a winning slogan.

So this rhetoric about Trump in 2024 seems a combination of Trump the con artist playing the rubes, trying to stay relevant after he leaves office next year, and Trump cult members who are so delusional and blind as to believe Trump could actually be elected in 2024.

Spot on balls accurate.

So the real question is, how much will a prospective Republican 2024 candidate try to mimic Rump. Not a good plan but somebody will try. At this point my money's on Rubio, who's already practicing.
Even Trump knows he lost
As I keep reminding you this is not about trump

its about 73 million Americans who dems are trying to cheat out of an election

Yuh huh.

So let's review. Rump gets his ass kicked by six million votes while at the same time his party's Senators hold their ground and his party's Reps gain ground ---- and somehow it wasn't about Rump.

Ignorance is Strength. Keep telling yourself that.
From a purely partisan, pragmatic, and practical standpoint one fails to see why the GOP would nominate Trump again – go with someone who could serve two consecutive terms; go with someone more likely to win.

And that's only ever happened with Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland (they're two people). In fact no defeated incumbent has ever been renominated since the two-term limit was installed. I can't say it was for that reason, but with all the baggage of being nationally rejected, a legacy of lies and domestic violence incitement, illegal activities, impeachment, a pandemic epic failure and rendering the country a laughingstock around the world, the party has to see Rump as irretrievably damaged goods, even without that term limit.

They'd in effect be saying "hey, wanna buy a POTUS? Only 20,000 lies on it, and yeah the Carfax says he was impeached but we took it to a body shop -- don't you miss the old daze of "beat the crap out of 'im"?

Doesn't seem like a winning slogan.

So this rhetoric about Trump in 2024 seems a combination of Trump the con artist playing the rubes, trying to stay relevant after he leaves office next year, and Trump cult members who are so delusional and blind as to believe Trump could actually be elected in 2024.

Spot on balls accurate.

So the real question is, how much will a prospective Republican 2024 candidate try to mimic Rump. Not a good plan but somebody will try. At this point my money's on Rubio, who's already practicing.

You can’t mimic Trump
He is a cartoon character that Conservatives take seriously.
Nobody can repeat it.
Regardless, Trump will declare he is going to run for the next four years.

If he doesn’t get the GOP nod, he will claim he was cheated
It would be interesting to see which is more compelling: Trump’s control over the GOP or the right’s lust for power.
So the left doesn't "lust for power?" Only the right does?
Even Trump knows he lost
As I keep reminding you this is not about trump

its about 73 million Americans who dems are trying to cheat out of an election

Yuh huh.

So let's review. Rump gets his ass kicked by six million votes while at the same time his party's Senators hold their ground and his party's Reps gain ground ---- and somehow it wasn't about Rump.

Ignorance is Strength. Keep telling yourself that.
5 million of them were fraudulent.
From a purely partisan, pragmatic, and practical standpoint one fails to see why the GOP would nominate Trump again – go with someone who could serve two consecutive terms; go with someone more likely to win.

And that's only ever happened with Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland (they're two people). In fact no defeated incumbent has ever been renominated since the two-term limit was installed. I can't say it was for that reason, but with all the baggage of being nationally rejected, a legacy of lies and domestic violence incitement, illegal activities, impeachment, a pandemic epic failure and rendering the country a laughingstock around the world, the party has to see Rump as irretrievably damaged goods, even without that term limit.

They'd in effect be saying "hey, wanna buy a POTUS? Only 20,000 lies on it, and yeah the Carfax says he was impeached but we took it to a body shop -- don't you miss the old daze of "beat the crap out of 'im"?

Doesn't seem like a winning slogan.

So this rhetoric about Trump in 2024 seems a combination of Trump the con artist playing the rubes, trying to stay relevant after he leaves office next year, and Trump cult members who are so delusional and blind as to believe Trump could actually be elected in 2024.

Spot on balls accurate.

So the real question is, how much will a prospective Republican 2024 candidate try to mimic Rump. Not a good plan but somebody will try. At this point my money's on Rubio, who's already practicing.

You can’t mimic Trump
He is a cartoon character that Conservatives take seriously.
Nobody can repeat it.

Imagine Nikki Haley caught on tape saying "grab 'em by the p***y". Imagine Ted Cruz wandering around going "my father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany". Imagine John Kasich going "I like people who weren't captured".

And that's only ever happened with Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland (they're two people). In fact no defeated incumbent has ever been renominated since the two-term limit was installed.

No, you are forgetting Teddy Roosevelt (whom Trump closely resembles) -- he was renominated from his Bull Moose party. Also the mathematically famous mnemonic e = 2.7 (Andrew Jackson) (Andrew Jackson). He served two terms: 1828 and 1832 after losing to a surely stolen election "won" in 1824 by John Quincy Adams. Jackson won the popular vote but not the Electoral College (heard that one before?) and Calhoun threw his support behind Adams in exchange for Secretary of State; this was then and now known as The Corrupt Bargain, because it was. These cases don't meet your exact terms with Cleveland, but they are close: so three examples, and Trump can make the fourth, if he lives so long in health.

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