Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

I hope the American Taliban are removed from power.

They're here?!?!


Funny. Do you prefer this...

Sarah Norton, the first woman to successfully argue admission to Cornell University in New York state, wrote, "Child murderers practice their profession without let or hindrance, and open infant butcheries unquestioned. Perhaps there will come a time when an unmarried woman will not be despised because of her motherhood, and when the right of the unborn to be born will not be denied or interfered with."
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who in 1848 organized the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, classified abortion as a form of infanticide and said, "When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."
Serrin Foster, president of American Feminists for Life shared her thoughts on pro-life feminism and on trends in the abortion controversy. Her lecture, "The Feminist Case Against Abortion," which was included in a 2001 book entitled, "Women's Rights" says that, "While we agree on many things -- fighting sexual assault, domestic violence, and workplace discrimination, etc. -- we are at odds with those who believe that abortion is a "right" or "necessary evil" to achieve equality in the workplace. The basic tenets of feminism are nonviolence, nondiscrimination and justice for all. Abortion violates all three. Abortion is discrimination based on age, size, location, and sometimes gender, disability or parentage. As pro-life feminists, our values are woman-centered and inclusive of both parents and child."

Foster continues, “Abortion advocates pit women against our own children. Babies are not obstacles to success! We should refuse to choose between giving up our education and career plans and sacrificing our children. Feminists for Life is committed to finding holistic solutions that address the root causes that contribute to abortion. FFL believes that women have a right to be women in the workplace and school. Women shouldn't have to pass as men.”
Since American Taliban wingnuts don't currently have the power to overturn Roe v. Wade, they just keep trying to undermine it through the back door.
The difference between men and women on legal abortion is about five percentage points (More Americans), which is actually less than the overall gender gap in party identification: (Women More Likely to Be Democrats, Regardless of Age).

Plenty of women want abortions to be illegal. Rationally, they should be voting for Republican candidates. Moreover, the current "war on women" effectively makes it more *expensive* to terminate a pregnancy, so it's more like a war on poor women. Poor people are less likely to support the GOP (Money Walks - Pew Research Center) anyway, so the Republicans aren't really paying a political price for hurting poor, pro-choice women.
Serrin Foster, president of American Feminists for Life shared her thoughts on pro-life feminism and on trends in the abortion controversy. Her lecture, "The Feminist Case Against Abortion," which was included in a 2001 book entitled, "Women's Rights" says that, "While we agree on many things -- fighting sexual assault, domestic violence, and workplace discrimination, etc. -- we are at odds with those who believe that abortion is a "right" or "necessary evil" to achieve equality in the workplace. The basic tenets of feminism are nonviolence, nondiscrimination and justice for all. Abortion violates all three. Abortion is discrimination based on age, size, location, and sometimes gender, disability or parentage. As pro-life feminists, our values are woman-centered and inclusive of both parents and child."

Foster continues, “Abortion advocates pit women against our own children. Babies are not obstacles to success! We should refuse to choose between giving up our education and career plans and sacrificing our children. Feminists for Life is committed to finding holistic solutions that address the root causes that contribute to abortion. FFL believes that women have a right to be women in the workplace and school. Women shouldn't have to pass as men.”

Well, gee, she's entitled to her opinion. Most folks have one...
Since American Taliban wingnuts don't currently have the power to overturn Roe v. Wade, they just keep trying to undermine it through the back door.

If that were the case, pregnancy or even abortion wouldn't be an issue



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