Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

The reason no such law is ever passed is because it would be appealed to the Supreme Court where they would over rule the law as un-Constitutional.
So you don’t think our politicians should be required to work for Americans? You’re good with the 14th and how it’s used to benefit Mexico’s people and fuck Americans? Do you really believe that was the founders intent? Can you think of any other amendment that benefits the people of another nation while fucking over our own? Is it possible that the 14th has been grossly misinterpreted and unchallenged?

A 100% legal lineage.
If ones presence was not approved by We The People then it’s just plain nonsensical to think the children of said person should have consent.
But going how far back?

My great grandfather, whose name was Angus McSwain, jumped a freighter ship that docked in Texas and just stayed. So, I'm not going to be a citizen?
How long have you been a Supreme Court Justice, LOSER?
(watch this folks)
Wouldn’t you like to see the 14th challenged? Wouldn’t you like to see the 14th work to benefit Americans and not Mexico’s people… You know, the way the founders intended it to all along?

(pay attention to his diversion techniques)
But going how far back?

My great grandfather, whose name was Angus McSwain, jumped a freighter ship that docked in Texas and just stayed. So, I'm not going to be a citizen?
There are going to be some one-off cases but we never write policy for the .0000002 percentile do we?
Wouldn’t you like to see the 14th challenged? ...

No, but knock yourself out unless you're just the all-talk pussy we all know you are. Don't just bitch on the internet, LOSER, do something. Write your Congressman. Write your Senator. Get off your weakling ass and DO something besides whine like a little bitch here.
I’m proud to have the balls to accept and consider racist data, truth and facts. I think all good real core Americans are…BLM founders and ALL dark people bust their balls trying to get out of the ghettos and barrios to live amongst evil whitey…weird shit huh?
More like incoherent shit but what else is one to expect from a racist?
I know Democrats cringe at the thought of such a Bill but aren’t politicians supposed to protect Americans and not Mexico’s people?
Could a Bill such as this have any negative affect on REAL American’s?
Lol, how does your dumb ducking ass think you got citizenship ya ducking retard? Oh ya by being born dumbass.

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