Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Don't need a bill
Need a court case to get to SCOTUS where they can correct the inappropriate way the 14th amendment has been used.

The problem is somebody would have to take it through the court system to get to the SC. Who is going to do that?
Suppose we end birthright citizenship. What will replace it?

How will one become a citizen? I'm hoping for grandkids, and I'm hoping they will be Americans. If my first grandbaby being born in Texas is not enough for him or her to be a citizen, what else will the baby be required to do? What if one of my kids marries a ferner? Will there be even more requirements, even if the baby is born in Lebonon, Kansas, near the geographic center of the contiguous United States?
One or both parents would have to be American citizens, not foreigners residing here. That’s the standard for being president, at least one citizen parent.
I know Democrats cringe at the thought of such a Bill but aren’t politicians supposed to protect Americans and not Mexico’s people?
Could a Bill such as this have any negative affect on REAL American’s?

The problem is the Republicans are not totally unified on this matter. There are a bunch of back stabber Republicans that also want illegals in this country.

Money is the root of all evil when it comes to politics.
The real problem is we have two groups of people: those that want to reward lawlessness and failure while punishing law abiding and successful people, and the other group that wants to do the exact opposite.

Until the good people outnumber the bad, we will always have issues like this.
Wanting to end birthright citizenship isn't racist. It's an idea to protect the country from racist Democrats who want to import hoardes of brown people on the expectation that brown people will mow their lawns, raise their kids, pick their cotton, and polish their pickles more cheaply than white or black Americans would.

My point is that ending birthright citizen means a new standard for citizenship is needed. Before I support ending birthright citizenship, I need to know the replacement.
LOL. 'Brown people', really? That's your way of proving you are not racist?

Do you retards want to know how to effectively end illegal immigration? Punish all those who employ illegals by making them pay a heavy fine and serving jail sentences. Why punish the illegals who only want to get a job to feed their families?

And when I say punish the employers, I mean every single one. Construction, Manufacturing, Mining, Agriculture, etc. Every last one of them.

See how quickly illegals dry up when there are no jobs available. Of course, all the above industries (especially farming) will go belly up with the lack of cheap hires but hey, them's the breaks.

Punishing employers would not only be effective but far cheaper than building a fucking wall. And yet, your orange douchebag will never talk about it since he knows that his business hires scores of cheap illegal labor. Fucking hypocrites.
Sounds more like you don't

I know that you are wrong. :)
Whites are being out bred by Latinos who are far more down on blacks than whites are. Your population stays steady at about twelve percent.
My population? 😄 I'm a mixed race immigrant not a Black American. Grew up in minority majority neighborhoods though and I know plenty of Black Americans, Haitian immigrants, Cuban immigrants, Dominican immigrants, Asian immigrants and Puerto Ricans which is why I'm not really worried about the pretend race fighting that bigots always claim is happening. I know for a fact is not. That's just bigots trying to project their bigotry on to others.
What does the constitution say about birthright citizenship?

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution establishes that people who are “born or naturalized” in the United States are citizens. Children who are born in the United States are entitled to United States citizenship, regardless of the nationality of their parents, or their immigration status.
So it will take an amendment to change that definition.
Only American parent(s) should have offspring that are also considered Americans.

The law says anyone born on US soil is a natural born citizen unless they are attached to a foreign embassy with diplomatic status.

The reason for that is because only US law counts in the US. No other country has any jurisdiction in the US.
Only American parent(s) should have offspring that are also considered Americans.

The law says anyone born on US soil is a natural born citizen unless they are attached to a foreign embassy with diplomatic status.

The reason for that is because only US law counts in the US. No other country has any jurisdiction in the US.
Sounds more like you don't

Read the statue. It's very straightforward.

I laugh at the thought of such a bill. I wish one of those cucks would, it would be funny to watch Republicans make the case that's congressional bills can over ride constitutional protections.

Traditionally the SCOTUS has fairly consistently ruled that citizenship questions are a political issue left up to the Congress by the Constitution.
Don't need a bill
Need a court case to get to SCOTUS where they can correct the inappropriate way the 14th amendment has been used.

Think about the basis for the legal theory. French laws, or Spanish or Russian , Sudanese etc have no jurisdiction on US soil. Just give it some thought.

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