Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

I know Democrats cringe at the thought of such a Bill but aren’t politicians supposed to protect Americans and not Mexico’s people?
Could a Bill such as this have any negative affect on REAL American’s?

Because a bill cannot change the Constitution.
Think about the basis for the legal theory. French laws, or Spanish or Russian , Sudanese etc have no jurisdiction on US soil. Just give it some thought.

I literally have no idea what the point is that you are failing to make.
Subhuman women ARE kinda loose.

Subhuman???? That explains your utter lack of compassion or respect for others.

When person is insulting others, their insults are a reflection of what they like least about themselves. For example, Azog calls everyone "fat" because he has a weight problem. Bripat calls everyone a "moron", and Nostra calls people "liars".

Your lack of the very human traits of empathy for those fleeing danger and hardship really is subhuman. Thank you telling us who you are.

I know Democrats cringe at the thought of such a Bill but aren’t politicians supposed to protect Americans and not Mexico’s people?
Could a Bill such as this have any negative affect on REAL American’s?

So that would mean that only Native Americans and aboriginal people could be citizens. How far back are you going to strip birthright citizenship from non natives???

Since the Mexicans are the descendants of the Aztecs and other indigineous peoples, they would have more of a claim on citizenship than any white European. They were the original settlers of Texas, California and South Western states.

This will give the black descendants of slaves a whole lot more voting power too, since they were in the USA BEF0RE it was a country.

You certainly didn't think this one through at all.
Fine with me. Pick the other one.

The child born on US soil automatically has US citizenship. If they also want citizenship of the other parent, I suppose they can register the birth at their embassy. I don't know how that works.

Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?​

Because we're long past the point of "fixing" America. Are there any "legitimate" politicians today?
America is done. Those in power using and abusing American law and the Constitution for generations have done their permanent damage.
Now corruption, cartels, crime and civil unrest will become the rule of daily life in America. Just like any other 3rd word nation, maybe worse.

At this point there is no reality based mechanism that can restore America to any thing resembling the Founders framework.
Any politician introducing such a bill would be instantly destroyed as others have correctly suggested. It is too late.
The decline will continue and accelerate (as we are already seeing around us daily).

This is the immeasurable cost of doing nothing.
Those who sided with this decline and thought it would benefit them are in for a rude awakening. Everyone will suffer spare a handful of the corrupt.
I'm happy my tears of laughter amuse you. I'm even happier cuck whites don't have any real strategy for ending birthright citizenship and their own demographic replacement.

This is about people killing each other. Tribes can form and reform quickly in desperate times. To me, all of what we see today could have been handled in a different manner. Even if slower.
What kind of citizenship questions? Give us an example.
I got one:

How much higher is the average IQ of the lowest IQ state in America than the average IQ in jamaica?

A) More than 10 points
B) More than 20 points
C) More than 30 points
D) I don't know! I'm from Jamaica, so math confuses me, Mahn!
The child born on US soil automatically has US citizenship. If they also want citizenship of the other parent, I suppose they can register the birth at their embassy. I don't know how that works.

This is an insane policy if Americas best interests are a concern.

Why wouldn't the enemies of America (China, Russia etc) deliberately send pregnant women to America just to birth their children there in order to get free US citizenship for that child,..then teach that child to blend into every American institution, including the military command, all the while retaining loyalty to their parents country of origin?

If one wanted to destroy another country from within, this is probably the very best way to do it.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California​

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California
This is an insane policy if Americas best interests are a concern.

Why wouldn't the enemies of America (China, Russia etc) deliberately send pregnant women to America just to birth their children there in order to get free US citizenship for that child,..then teach that child to blend into every American institution, including the military command, all the while retaining loyalty to their parents country of origin?

If one wanted to destroy another country from within, this is probably the very best way to do it.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California​

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California

Most of the Chinese mothers come with large sums of cash at their fingertips, money they often spend on houses and luxury goods.
This is about people killing each other. Tribes can form and reform quickly in desperate times. To me, all of what we see today could have been handled in a different manner. Even if slower.
Most killing occurs within tribes rather than between tribes.
I got one:

How much higher is the average IQ of the lowest IQ state in America than the average IQ in jamaica?

A) More than 10 points
B) More than 20 points
C) More than 30 points
D) I don't know! I'm from Jamaica, so math confuses me, Mahn!
I know what the cowardice is of a Bingo trying to hide behind averages. I'll put my IQ up against yours any day Short Bus.

Dumb thread. Let’s invalidate all birth citizens to the beginning of time. None of us would be citizens. Fuck off. Just cuz your ancestors dragged their asses here a few years earlier doesn’t make you special.
Sounds awesome! Since they are not racist or anything, I'm sure their immigration policies are far more lenient than ours. Keep us posted on the benefits of being an American immigrant in jamaica. If your IQ is anywhere close to average, you will be a genius there.

I have no interest in American immigration to Jamaica. Not sure why you want me to address it.

Do you equate intelligence with corruption?

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