Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

The truth is these people have don’t have the resources to properly support and raise the children they already have and are dependent on the government for food stamps and earned income credits. But Republicans don’t want their voters to know that. That’s not gonna help their cause.
Ah... you mean to say that "these people" aka e.g. Blacks, etc. are too poor, too stupid or too ignorant to use contraceptives right down to a condom?
By parents who are here illegally. That shouldn't be allowed. I know you leftists want the WELCOME sign on our southern border but you people are destroying our country. If you put out cheese don't be surprised when a rat comes along and eats it.

There was no such thing as “illegal immigration” until late in the last century. Chinese were barred from citizenship under the Chinese Exclusion Act, but this was country specific, not a general immigration law.

The very first restrictive immigration law was passed in 1917 when immigrants were required to pass a literacy test and pay a tax on entry.

In the early 1920’s a quota of 350,000 new immigrants per year was established, but no criteria was established for admittance.

The 1924 Act excluded Asians from excluded countries, from citizenship even if they were already residents. This affected mainly Japanese immigrants, who were now “excluded Asians”.

It wasn’t until after WWII that immigration laws as we know them today, came into being. So, unless your family immigrated to the United States after World War II, you couldn’t possibly be an ”illegal immigrant”.
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Hey, you're right! That stopped.clock thing is really true.

Dems blame "white nationalism" for the incredibly high murder rate among their tribal voters when they are actually killing each other.
Both things can be true. The majority of black victims can be victims of black criminals while the over-representation of Black criminality can be the result of a racist system that doesn't care about addressing black socio-economic disparities. This should be an easy possibility to discern for anyone with an IQ above room temperature.
Hey, you're right! That stopped.clock thing is really true.

Dems blame "white nationalism" for the incredibly high murder rate among their tribal voters when they are actually killing each other.

Oh no, they don’t. They blame the availability of guns and access to firearms, and poverty for these deaths.

They blame the poverty on white nationalism. Notice how the murder rates in white rural America have risen as the poverty of off shoring has taken its toll
Ah... you mean to say that "these people" aka e.g. Blacks, etc. are too poor, too stupid or too ignorant to use contraceptives right down to a condom?

No, I’m talking about the women who are seeking abortions who Republicans call “immoral”, “uncaring”, “promiscuous” and “murderers”.

Black, white, brown or purple, they’re almost all poor, and mostly married. And half of them were using birth control when they got pregnant.

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Oh no, they don’t. They blame the availability of guns and access to firearms, and poverty for these deaths.

They blame the poverty on white nationalism. Notice how the murder rates in white rural America have risen as the poverty of off shoring has taken its toll
I see, those poverty struck people however got enough $ to buy a gun, but not for a condom. Wow what a logic!.
I have no interest in American immigration to Jamaica. Not sure why you want me to address it.
When I see an American unfavorably comparing the United States to another country, I always assume that they are planning to move to that country. But why not, if it's so much better?
Do you equate intelligence with corruption?
No, I didn't even bring up corruption.
Both things can be true. The majority of black victims can be victims of black criminals while the over-representation of Black criminality can be the result of a racist system that doesn't care about addressing black socio-economic disparities. This should be an easy possibility to discern for anyone with an IQ above room temperature.
So, no matter who is doing the killing, it's all Whitey's fault? Very intelligent..
I see, those poverty struck people however got enough $ to buy a gun, but not for a condom. Wow what a logic!.
That's just an example of your Bingo logic. Funny how every time you Bozo's take an opportunity to try your hand at some logic and reason that you always end up derping out some racism.

A non Bingo racist (such as myself) wouldn't find anything logically inconsistent with the notion that people who feel less invested in the future (due to racism and a lack of faith that society has their best interests at heart) would care less about the future or the consequences of short term wish fulfillment.
So, no matter who is doing the killing, it's all Whitey's fault? Very intelligent..
How intelligent is it to dismiss socio-economic disparities for disparate social outcomes especially with America's history and culture of racism and black disenfranchisement?

Was that too complicated for you or do I need more "whitey" commentary to pare it down to your intellectual level?
When I see an American unfavorably comparing the United States to another country, I always assume that they are planning to move to that country. But why not, if it's so much better?

I am noting that in certain areas they would appear to be wiser.

No, I didn't even bring up corruption.

So pick what you think the problem is. I gave some options.
When I see an American unfavorably comparing the United States to another country, I always assume that they are planning to move to that country. But why not, if it's so much better?

No, I didn't even bring up corruption.
That's just you projecting your first instincts to flee adversity like a little bitch on to others. Other people of different constitutions might care to stay and fight for change.
It's what this is about every time one is started. And yet in the mean time no one does anything. I explained why but yet they never stops the rants.

No, it's not every time it's started. This topic is about why politicians on the right are not making a law that bans birthright citizenship for illegals.
No, it's not every time it's started. This topic is about why politicians on the right are not making a law that bans birthright citizenship for illegals.
Because they don't want to invite criticism of racism for something they're almost certain won't pass constitutional muster. In other words they're frightened cucks.
And it's been explained to you but for some reason you can't comprehend.

No, your explanations make no sense. it would not be unconstitutional to make such a law. If somebody wants to fight it on those grounds, I'd love the SC to rule on it once and for all. Go to the link I provided about the 14th Amendment that I posted. It was not written for immigrants.

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