Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Because they don't want to invite criticism of racism for something they're almost certain won't pass constitutional muster. In other words they're frightened cucks.

Oh shove your "cucks" and "bingo" up your ass. Learn some new words to try and impress us already. You use those words in 80% of your posts and it's annoying already.
No, your explanations make no sense. it would not be unconstitutional to make such a law. If somebody wants to fight it on those grounds, I'd love the SC to rule on it once and for all. Go to the link I provided about the 14th Amendment that I posted. It was not written for immigrants.

LOL, and despite people saying this for years no one has had any desire for it to get anywhere close to the Supreme Court.

Trump could have enacted an EO. It would have went right to the court. He didn't.
Under Trump there were workplace raids. Under Dementia he ended them.

I don't know if you're from this country or not, but here you are innocent until proven guilty. That means prosecutors would have to prove that employers knowingly hired illegals which is damn near impossible to do in many cases.

They don't come here just to work, they also come here to have these anchor babies. But as a typical anti-American leftist, you want to throw Americans in prison instead of the offenders.

The solution is to make being here illegally a felony, five years minimum prison sentence for first offense. Second offense, ten year minimum prison sentence. If we did that, we would still have a border problem, but this time it would be people trying to get the hell out of this country as fast as they can.
Retard. If you aid law-breakers you too are guilty. Just like if you are a john and pay a prostitute you too can end up being charged for the crime.

But your reaction is typical of right-wing retards. You whine about the illegals but do not want to take any responsibility for giving them jobs for which they come here in the first place.

Thanks for proving my point retard, that all of you are a bunch of racist hypocrites. :itsok:
A 100% legal lineage.
If ones presence was not approved by We The People then it’s just plain nonsensical to think the children of said person should have consent.
Brokeloser, you are so wrong, birth right citizenship, is just that...citizenship through being born here, under our jurisdiction, with the only exception is for those born of parent with diplomatic immunity.

Some history for ALL TO READ

Oh shove your "cucks" and "bingo" up your ass. Learn some new words to try and impress us already. You use those words in 80% of your posts and it's annoying already.
Triggered you didn't they? Why is that? Hit a little too close to home? 😄 Despite claims from bigots on the Right that its lost all meaning cuck whites are still afraid to be labeled a racist.
Retard. If you aid law-breakers you too are guilty. Just like if you are a john and pay a prostitute you too can end up being charged for the crime.

But your reaction is typical of right-wing retards. You want to blame the illegals but do not want to take any responsibility for giving them jobs for which they come here in the first place.

Thanks for proving my point, retard that all of you are a bunch of racist hypocrites. :itsok:

Coming here illegally is a misdemeanor. Hiring an illegal is a felony. It's funny how worked up people get in enforcing a misdemeanor but are perfectly willing to overlook the felony.
Triggered you didn't they? Why is that? Hit a little too close to home? 😄 Despite claims from bigots on the Right that its lost all meaning cuck whites are still afraid to be labeled a racist.

No, it's just like when your parents reach that age where they tell you the same stories over, and over, and over again. It annoying and boring.
Another day...another Republican wants to trash the Constitution. :itsok:
No, it's just like when your parents reach that age where they tell you the same stories over, and over, and over again. It annoying and boring.
Awww are you calling me your daddy? I'm flattered but I don't want to accept responsibility for you. You're someone else's failure.
Retard. If you aid law-breakers you too are guilty. Just like if you are a john and pay a prostitute you too can end up being charged for the crime.

But your reaction is typical of right-wing retards. You whine about the illegals but do not want to take any responsibility for giving them jobs for which they come here in the first place.

Thanks for proving my point retard, that all of you are a bunch of racist hypocrites. :itsok:

If you don't know you're breaking any laws, HTF can they charge you with anything you moron? In our country you can't just use he broke the law, you have to prove he broke the law. If I tell police you robbed a bank, they don't arrest you. They have to come up with evidence you robbed the bank.

If somebody is hired using false documentation, HTF is the employer supposed to know it's fake? Then you have leftist judges that have allowed lawsuits to go through by illegals who were not hired due to their illegal status.

The real solution to getting rid of illegals is getting rid of leftists first.
Suppose we end birthright citizenship. What will replace it?

How will one become a citizen? I'm hoping for grandkids, and I'm hoping they will be Americans. If my first grandbaby being born in Texas is not enough for him or her to be a citizen, what else will the baby be required to do? What if one of my kids marries a ferner? Will there be even more requirements, even if the baby is born in Lebonon, Kansas, near the geographic center of the contiguous United States?

If the baby hugs the flag and swears allegiance while letting other American babies die because of a lack of healthcare then he citizen in their eyes..
The child born on US soil automatically has US citizenship. If they also want citizenship of the other parent, I suppose they can register the birth at their embassy. I don't know how that works.
The topic is getting rid of birth citizenship though. Which I think we should.
If you don't know you're breaking any laws, HTF can they charge you with anything you moron?

McDonald’s locations violated labor rights of over 300 minors, including two 10-year-olds: Feds

They knew they were breaking the law.

They knew they were breaking the law.

This is happening all over the country.

Florida completely exempted agriculture from even checking an employee's status. Florida knows they are breaking the laws.
McDonald’s locations violated labor rights of over 300 minors, including two 10-year-olds: Feds

They knew they were breaking the law.

They knew they were breaking the law.

This is happening all over the country.

Florida completely exempted agriculture from even checking an employee's status. Florida knows they are breaking the laws.

Oh, so now change the subject from illegals to minors?
LOL, and despite people saying this for years no one has had any desire for it to get anywhere close to the Supreme Court.

Trump could have enacted an EO. It would have went right to the court. He didn't.

That doesn't mean that someone shouldn't

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