Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

This is an insane policy if Americas best interests are a concern.

Why wouldn't the enemies of America (China, Russia etc) deliberately send pregnant women to America just to birth their children there in order to get free US citizenship for that child,..then teach that child to blend into every American institution, including the military command, all the while retaining loyalty to their parents country of origin?

If one wanted to destroy another country from within, this is probably the very best way to do it.

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California​

Born In The USA: Why Chinese 'Birth Tourism' Is Booming In California

If they are born here, they are US citizens. Why assume they would be traitors? White, Protestant citizens have turned traitor.
Nobody is passing go. They are born here, just like everyone else.

By parents who are here illegally. That shouldn't be allowed. I know you leftists want the WELCOME sign on our southern border but you people are destroying our country. If you put out cheese don't be surprised when a rat comes along and eats it.
Who needs that when cuck whites are being out bred 3 to 1?

This is why their banning abortion is such a head scratcher. Republicans are being sold the lie that the women who are seeking abortions, are young, single, and promiscuous.

80% of the women getting abortions live at or just above the poverty line. 60% are married and already have one or more children.

Rich women will always get abortions. They always have. They have the money and the resources to travel to wherever they have to go to get the treatment they need or want. Even when abortion was illegal in North America, parents would take their daughters to Sweden or Japan for abortions.

With today’s abortion, bans, rich women can travel to Canada, Japan, or any European nation for an “elective abortion”. So what the Republicans are really doing is ensuring that poor women will have more babies.

If they’re worried about “replacement” The the abortion bans their passing, will accelerate it. Not because of “immorality”, but because the women who are not having babies, who are choosing abortions, are brown and black women because overwhelmingly they’re the women who are poor.

Republicans keep pointing to the statistics is proof positive of the immorality of non-whites, and that’s how they’re selling it to their voters.

Repulican say “These people are subhuman. They can’t control themselves. They breed like animals, and then they kill their babies”.

The truth is these people have don’t have the resources to properly support and raise the children they already have and are dependent on the government for food stamps and earned income credits. But Republicans don’t want their voters to know that. That’s not gonna help their cause.
Where do you see him talking about stripping birthright citizenship retroactively?
If you don't do that then what good is ending birthright citizenship at all? There are already enough brown and black people breeding and mixing with white people at a 3 to 1 rate to ensure your demographic demise.
This is why their banning abortion is such a head scratcher. Republicans are being sold the lie that the women who are seeking abortions, are young, single, and promiscuous.

80% of the women getting abortions live at or just above the poverty line. 60% are married and already have one or more children.

Rich women will always get abortions. They always have. They have the money and the resources to travel to wherever they have to go to get the treatment they need or want. Even when abortion was illegal in North America, parents would take their daughters to Sweden or Japan for abortions.

With today’s abortion, bans, rich women can travel to Canada, Japan, or any European nation for an “elective abortion”. So what the Republicans are really doing is ensuring that poor women will have more babies.

If they’re worried about “replacement” The the abortion bans their passing, will accelerate it. Not because of “immorality”, but because the women who are not having babies, who are choosing abortions, are brown and black women because overwhelmingly they’re the women who are poor.

Republicans keep pointing to the statistics is proof positive of the immorality of non-whites, and that’s how they’re selling it to their voters.

Repulican say “These people are subhuman. They can’t control themselves. They breed like animals, and then they kill their babies”.

The truth is these people have don’t have the resources to properly support and raise the children they already have and are dependent on the government for food stamps and earned income credits. But Republicans don’t want their voters to know that. That’s not gonna help their cause.
It would be a head scratcher if it weren't for the fact the Republicans are also incredibly stupid.
By parents who are here illegally. That shouldn't be allowed. I know you leftists want the WELCOME sign on our southern border but you people are destroying our country. If you put out cheese don't be surprised when a rat comes along and eats it.

What I want is irrelevant. Simply stating what is Constitutional. Being that it is, as I noted is why no one wants to touch this. Nothing has stopped politicians from passing or even trying to pass a law.

They have no desire to have the birthright issue argued before the Supreme Court.
The reason is purely political. Even if a politician wanted to do it (It was something that Donald Trump campaigned on), ......
Maybe I am mistaken, but wasn't that topic (not the song) "born in the USA" brought in due to USA Birth tourism?
IIRC it was mainly aimed at foreign women coming into the USA on tourist visas - being already pregnant.
LOL. 'Brown people', really? That's your way of proving you are not racist?

Do you retards want to know how to effectively end illegal immigration? Punish all those who employ illegals by making them pay a heavy fine and serving jail sentences. Why punish the illegals who only want to get a job to feed their families?

And when I say punish the employers, I mean every single one. Construction, Manufacturing, Mining, Agriculture, etc. Every last one of them.

See how quickly illegals dry up when there are no jobs available. Of course, all the above industries (especially farming) will go belly up with the lack of cheap hires but hey, them's the breaks.

Punishing employers would not only be effective but far cheaper than building a fucking wall. And yet, your orange douchebag will never talk about it since he knows that his business hires scores of cheap illegal labor. Fucking hypocrites.

Under Trump there were workplace raids. Under Dementia he ended them.

I don't know if you're from this country or not, but here you are innocent until proven guilty. That means prosecutors would have to prove that employers knowingly hired illegals which is damn near impossible to do in many cases.

They don't come here just to work, they also come here to have these anchor babies. But as a typical anti-American leftist, you want to throw Americans in prison instead of the offenders.

The solution is to make being here illegally a felony, five years minimum prison sentence for first offense. Second offense, ten year minimum prison sentence. If we did that, we would still have a border problem, but this time it would be people trying to get the hell out of this country as fast as they can.
The child born on US soil automatically has US citizenship. If they also want citizenship of the other parent, I suppose they can register the birth at their embassy. I don't know how that works.

Only because the 14th amendment has been interpreted beyond the scope of it's intent.
Catch on?
Maybe I am mistaken, but wasn't that topic (not the song) "born in the USA" brought in due to USA Birth tourism?
IIRC it was mainly aimed at foreign women coming into the USA on tourist visas - being already pregnant.
My mother was one of them! Plenty of Jamaican women take advantage of your laws. 😁
My lineage is 100% legal all the way back…none of my ancestors broke into America, fucked over Americans and stole citizenships. That’s bullshit that your ancestors did.
Lol all the way back to when ass clown? You are a retard. If being born here does not make you a citizen it effects your off spring retard. Then who gets to make the decision as to your legitimacy? If it's me making that decision on your offspring no citizenship. I hare retards and that shit is genetic. Go duck yourself!
So If Republicans want to go this route it would be interesting to hear how they argue European ancestry has a greater right to citizenship over actually being an ancestor of its original inhabitants. 😄
You sound like the one favoring race. I never mentioned it.
What I want is irrelevant. Simply stating what is Constitutional. Being that it is, as I noted is why no one wants to touch this. Nothing has stopped politicians from passing or even trying to pass a law.

They have no desire to have the birthright issue argued before the Supreme Court.

That's because unfortunately too many of our politicians are selling out our country for money and power.

Again, there were no legal or illegal immigrants when the 14th was written, therefore it doesn't apply to them.
You sound like the one favoring race. I never mentioned it.
Well if we got rid of birthright citizenship what else would we favor? Who has a greater claim to citizenship than descendants of this lands original inhabitants?
That's because unfortunately too many of our politicians are selling out our country for money and power.

Again, there were no legal or illegal immigrants when the 14th was written, therefore it doesn't apply to them.

So no one is going to do anything but you'll continue to rant.

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