Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Lol, how does your dumb ducking ass think you got citizenship ya ducking retard? Oh ya by being born dumbass.
My lineage is 100% legal all the way back…none of my ancestors broke into America, fucked over Americans and stole citizenships. That’s bullshit that your ancestors did.
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No, but knock yourself out unless you're just the all-talk pussy we all know you are. Don't just bitch on the internet, LOSER, do something. Write your Congressman. Write your Senator. Get off your weakling ass and DO something besides whine like a little bitch here.

Stop right there….tell us how birthright citizenship benefits REAL Americans.
Don’t be scared….at least give it a try.
The reason is purely political. Even if a politician wanted to do it (It was something that Donald Trump campaigned on), it is very controversial matter, and every major news outlet in the country (POSSIBLY excepting Fox News) would immediately brand the sponsor(s) of such legislation bigots, xenophobes, flat-earthers and anything else they could think of.

Despite Leftist assertions to the contrary, the Fourteenth Amendment DOES NOT sanction birthright citizenship, and in fact there are no Supreme Court opinions on point. Hence it could easily be eliminated by Congress with appropriate legislation. It would take a Republican Congress and President to pull it off, and it would probably have to EXCLUDE anyone who was born in the U.S. prior to enactment of the law.

The following text comes from the Fourteenth Amendment:

"All persons born... in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States..." The words, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" were intended to exclude the children of foreign diplomats. Leftists simply gloss over those words and deem them meaningless. But they apply directly to children of illegals who are - ta daa! - subject to the jurisdiction of their parents' home country.

No other countries have jurisdiction on US soil.
Nope, it's not. You do not know the Constitution.

Sounds more like you don't

The reason no such law is ever passed is because it would be appealed to the Supreme Court where they would over rule the law as un-Constitutional.

I say bring it on. The 14th was never about people passing GO and collecting $200.00. At the time there were no legals or illegals. It was written to protect the offspring of former slaves, not southern Americans.

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