Wikileaks Bombshell: Clinton Camp Discussed Deleting Emails Despite Knowing It Was Against The Law


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
We are watching an attempted political coup unfold before our eyes.

WIKILEAKS BOMB=> Clinton Camp Discussed Deleting Emails Despite Knowing It Was Against the Law


Didn't they wipe the emails with bleachbit?
Gateway Pundit ^ | 10/12/2016 | Jim Hoft
A new Wikileaks email revealed Hillary Clinton confidant Phillipe Reines discussed deleting emails despite knowing it was against the law. Clinton later deleted over 33,000 subpoenaed emails. HRC confidant P. Reines discusses strategies they can "use…as the excuse" for not turning over all her emails despite receiving a subpoena — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 12, 2016
You all obtained the information ILLEGALLY, through the hacking of private, personal, information and are distributing this information illegally and are in coordination with Roger Stone, the right hand hit man of Trump....with wiki leaks on the timing of the release of these STOLEN emails and with the help of the Russians doing the hacking.

Stone and Trump, may actually be the ones that are LOCKED UP
I am all for vigilante justice. Back up your outrage with a rifle.

If any of you really wanted justice, you would not of nominated Donald Trump.
You all obtained the information ILLEGALLY, through the hacking of private, personal, information and are distributing this information illegally and are in coordination with Roger Stone, the right hand hit man of Trump....with wiki leaks on the timing of the release of these STOLEN emails and with the help of the Russians doing the hacking.

Stone and Trump, may actually be the ones that are LOCKED UP
Urine idiot.

Getting the information is not legal. Distributing it is ENTIRELY legal!
You all obtained the information ILLEGALLY, through the hacking of private, personal, information and are distributing this information illegally and are in coordination with Roger Stone, the right hand hit man of Trump....with wiki leaks on the timing of the release of these STOLEN emails and with the help of the Russians doing the hacking.

Stone and Trump, may actually be the ones that are LOCKED UP

And that has no bearing whether it's the truth or not. It is...

When Clinton seems to have done something illegal, I have no problem with it. Why should I, when she doesn't either?

What for should Trump be locked up? He has nothing to do with the hacks.
If the information is obtained illegally, it is inadmissible in courts.

Your guys only means of recourse are the trusty rifle and carbomb. Time to put up.
You all obtained the information ILLEGALLY, through the hacking of private, personal, information and are distributing this information illegally and are in coordination with Roger Stone, the right hand hit man of Trump....with wiki leaks on the timing of the release of these STOLEN emails and with the help of the Russians doing the hacking.

Stone and Trump, may actually be the ones that are LOCKED UP
Yes, this from the girl that thinks saying pussy is more disgusting than a Blow Job Clinton rape, or sexual abuse!....

Julian is the one that broke the law, once on the net, it's free for anyone to copy and distribute. makes you liberals look real good to the 40% of independent voters knowing how much corruption and unethical behavior the slim DemocRATS have done!

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