Wild West of Internet.

Freedom isnt an evil in anyway. Well, it is to federal supremacists. Buuuut they are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet, so no decent minded person gives a shit what they think.

Freedom can cause some harm, like libel, slander, revenge porn, etc., but I agree with you that freedom is still the best we can do.
The upside to YouTube, Twitter or Facebook censorship is that those things censored by them really have their veracity confirmed. It means they must be accurate because they threaten the demmunist narrative.
Freedom isnt an evil in anyway. Well, it is to federal supremacists. Buuuut they are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet, so no decent minded person gives a shit what they think.

There are a lot of weird people who have the insane notion that freedom is bad and people need to be controlled. They're either masochists, hypocrits, elitists, psychopaths, or some combination. Take movie star Jackie Chan, for example, who says the following after making a fortune on movies where he depicts embracing western freedom:

“I’m not sure if it’s good to have freedom or not,” he said at a conference in 2009. “I’m gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we’re not being controlled, we’ll just do what we want.”

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The upside to YouTube, Twitter or Facebook censorship is that those things censored by them really have their veracity confirmed. It means they must be accurate because they threaten the demmunist narrative.
Holocaust denial is banned on Facebook.

I guess that would mean you think that there was no Holocaust.
It's got nothing to do with "freedom."

Twitter isn't the government.
I know they have used their rights.

In my opinion, anyone who supports Freedom should take a stand against those who support Cancel Culture. Supporters of Freedom should take every practical legal step to act against best interests of those who support Cancel Culture and Deplatforming.
Freedom can cause some harm, like libel, slander, revenge porn, etc., but I agree with you that freedom is still the best we can do.
That isnt freedom, its criminal.
Others freedoms stops at your nose. If it goes farther, it isnt freedom.

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