Wild West of Internet.

Some Americans seem to have forgotten that every right we have carries with it responsibility.

Explain, please.

Responsibility to whom, or what? In other words, please explain for the group with what primary foundation for moral code you believe the principles of freedom are indivisible.

I have my view on it, but since you brought it up, it's simply a common courtesy to explain what you mean by responsiblity if this is to be your premise.

Freedom brought Economic Collapse Russia 1990s.

Freedom made Russia a First World Nation 2000-now

Freedom brought Economic Collapse Russia 1990s.

They collapsed because the commies destroyed the economy.

Freedom made Russia a First World Nation 2000-now

Their GDP per capita is about 70th in the world.
How is that close to First World?
Holocaust denial, and anti-Semitic propaganda are examples of evils which come with Freedom.

Censorship carries worse evils.
You want to spread Holocaust denial on the internet, you may do so. Just don’t expect someone like Twitter to assist you.

Because that’s the core of the issue. Should you be able to compel others to propagate your speech?
You want to spread Holocaust denial on the internet, you may do so. Just don’t expect someone like Twitter to assist you.
No! No! No! I am Jewish. I would never spread and defend this open Hate Speech against Jews.

But Facebook censors many non-Progressive pages which are not Hate Speech.
Explain, please.

Responsibility to whom, or what? In other words, please explain for the group with what primary foundation for moral code you believe the principles of freedom are indivisible.

I have my view on it, but since you brought it up, it's simply a common courtesy to explain what you mean by responsiblity if this is to be your premise.

Responsible people do not spread dangerous lies, incite violence or run scams on others. Some people seem to think one should be able to say anything and their responsibility ends there. Not only that they think they should be protected from the consequences should their statements cause harm. Is this a startling concept to you? Does someone who belongs to the so-called "party of personal responsibility" not agree that your actions have consequences?
Somehow when Madison wrote the Bill of Rights, and when the various States ratified them, they weren't thinking of 'Freedom' in terms of:

Freedom to be a lying bag of sh*t
Freedom to be a total idiot
Freedom to be a narcissistic pig
Freedom to steal all you can as long as you don't get caught.

American culture was VERY different back then. The founding fathers were men of good intent - and they expected the vast majority of the people to be the same. They were nothing like most Americans today.

If they knew how 'Freedom' would be interpreted today, I doubt they ever would have ratified the Bill of Rights.
Some Americans seem to have forgotten that every right we have carries with it responsibility.
I guess its just who makes the rules up that decides what that responsibility is. We have people being demeaned/destroyed/fired for mundane statements that many people have made. You Progs have the nation falling apart in areas. There is a difference in ideas and actual implementation of them.
As opposed to Twitter where only lib-approved opinions are allowed to be expressed
Is it just not possible to express right wing opinions without dangerous lies and threats anymore? That's what gets you banned from boards or your posts yanked.
Responsible people...
What does that mean, though?

To be clear, I agree with the principle.

But you haven't explained the principle. You only invoked it.

So we have to question whether you actually understand what you're invoking or merely twisting word salad for your own ends without the responsibility of demonstrating a sound understanding.

It is, after all, a foundation of our Republican form of government and should likely be allotted the respect it deserves in conversation. Man's relationship to man and ultimately man's relationship to government.

The Founders were very specific in this.

My understanding is that for every such right there is a correlative, inseparable duty. For every aspect of freedom there is a corresponding responsibility; so that it is always Right-Duty and Freedom-Responsibility, or Liberty- Responsibility.

What I'm asking you is where does this responsibility, this moral duty to keep, secure and use soundly these gifts, lie?

Merely invoking it without explaining relevance is not useful. Respectufully speaking.

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All kinds of bigotry, insults, obscenities are here.

But supercensored forums like Twitter are worse. Freedom is the Lesser Evil.

Just my thoughts. What do you think?
The owners, operators, mods and members here do not go sell out to liberal Democrats and use this media to get one party elected. As Facebook, Twitter, Meetup and others teamed up along party lines.

If you get insulted or teamed up against here, it is individuals doing that by their own volition and speech. The only people paid to be here posting don't have anything to gain from jumping on you personally.

With other media, there is money invested in the liberal agenda and party winning. FB invested millions in political campaigns in Swing States.

The people here invest money just keeping this place independent and hopefully never bought out and sold out like the other venues.

If I had Bill Gates money I would set up this place to be sustainable for perpetuity where the management never gets sold out to crash it.

So any garbage you see is coming from people just like yourself. You have equal power and capacity to fill this forum with brilliant, thoughtful and constructive insights, and nobody will stop you!

With great power comes great responsibility.

Make the most of the advantages here, and everyone benefits.
No! No! No! I am Jewish. I would never spread and defend this open Hate Speech against Jews.

But Facebook censors many non-Progressive pages which are not Hate Speech.
Hate speech is not the only speech I’d be unwilling to facilitate and I’m pretty sure that’s true for everyone.

At the end of the day, you cannot expect someone to spread your speech for you.

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