Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
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No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

so let me get this straight. We hurt you wittle feelings by pointing our your racism and misogyny...

So you all stamped your little feet and voted for Trump. (More people voted for Hillary, but never mind, let's go with this.)

Uh, no, sorry, man, I can't get worked up because some racists voted for Trump, because they were going to vote for whoever the Republican nominated.

Trump won because we have an archaic system we should have gotten rid of a century ago. The people got this right.

Now, I kind of get why stupid white people voted for Trump. They've been replaced by machines that don't need to be paid and they're upset about it, and Trump promised them he'd bring their jobs back.
And a solid "no" from Joe!

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No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

so let me get this straight. We hurt you wittle feelings by pointing our your racism and misogyny...

So you all stamped your little feet and voted for Trump. (More people voted for Hillary, but never mind, let's go with this.)

Uh, no, sorry, man, I can't get worked up because some racists voted for Trump, because they were going to vote for whoever the Republican nominated.

Trump won because we have an archaic system we should have gotten rid of a century ago. The people got this right.

Now, I kind of get why stupid white people voted for Trump. They've been replaced by machines that don't need to be paid and they're upset about it, and Trump promised them he'd bring their jobs back.

good luck with that when his manufacturing is done overseas.

but we'll pretend he's pro worker.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

What about good people pissed at being falsely accused of racism?
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

What about good people pissed at being falsely accused of racism?
Collateral damage.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.
and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

how many of those 2 million plus votes will convert into Electoral votes?
good luck with that when his manufacturing is done overseas.

but we'll pretend he's pro worker.

Unfortunately, a lot of people bought into that.

I spent thanksgiving with my Union Thug brother yesterday (He had his Asshole meter set down to about a 2, so it wasn't so bad.)

He was initially a Bernie supporter, but when Bernie lost, he switched to the Trumpenfuhrer because Trump was addressing the issues he wanted to hear about.

So why I don't buy Mac's whining that the PC Police have hurt his feelings by saying certain things are wrong, I do think that there was a legitimate concern that we have a lot of white folks who aren't living as well as their fathers.

Hillary didn't address that. I think she tried, but she failed to make that connection. Trump pandered to their concerns, even though his solutions are bullshit.
What about good people pissed at being falsely accused of racism?

They could try being less racist... that's a start.

I think the problem is, if you are using words that even USMB will ban, you are probably a racist. what I've noticed about a lot of Trump voters is that a lot of them used the C-word when describing Hillary and the N-word when talking about Obama. But they are totally not racist!
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

so let me get this straight. We hurt you wittle feelings by pointing our your racism and misogyny...

So you all stamped your little feet and voted for Trump. (More people voted for Hillary, but never mind, let's go with this.)

Uh, no, sorry, man, I can't get worked up because some racists voted for Trump, because they were going to vote for whoever the Republican nominated.

Trump won because we have an archaic system we should have gotten rid of a century ago. The people got this right.

Now, I kind of get why stupid white people voted for Trump. They've been replaced by machines that don't need to be paid and they're upset about it, and Trump promised them he'd bring their jobs back.

good luck with that when his manufacturing is done overseas.

but we'll pretend he's pro worker.

So, you think it would be hypocritical of him to push Trade Policy to force manufacturers to manufacture here?
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.
What about good people pissed at being falsely accused of racism?

They could try being less racist... that's a start.

I think the problem is, if you are using words that even USMB will ban, you are probably a racist. what I've noticed about a lot of Trump voters is that a lot of them used the C-word when describing Hillary and the N-word when talking about Obama. But they are totally not racist!

YOur position is laughable.

Your lies are dismissed. Trump never referred to Obama as "the n-word" and you lefties smeared him as a racist from the moment he declared.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
So, you think it would be hypocritical of him to push Trade Policy to force manufacturers to manufacture here?

I think it's admitting that Americans are too lazy to compete on the international market.

"but, but, but,.... Airbus!" KKKorrell will whine, ignoring the huge tax benefits that Boeing gets to set up a plant in JesusLand to have scab workers put together planes.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.
In an age where nobody takes responsibility for anything they do? The system, now, has been set up that way. You seem surprised...
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


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