Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Well, look what I found.

I guess the Daily Beast is racist, too.

How the P.C. Police Propelled Donald Trump

The American left created Donald Trump.

When I say “the left,” I do not mean the Democratic Party—or, solely the Democratic Party. Rather, the pestilence that is the Trump campaign is the result of a conglomeration of political, academic, media, and cultural elites who for decades have tried to act as the arbiters of acceptable public debate and shut down any political expression from Americans with whom they disagree. They, more than anyone else, created Donald Trump’s candidacy and the increasingly hideous movement he now leads.

Well, look what I found.

I guess the Daily Beast is racist, too.

How the P.C. Police Propelled Donald Trump

The American left created Donald Trump.

When I say “the left,” I do not mean the Democratic Party—or, solely the Democratic Party. Rather, the pestilence that is the Trump campaign is the result of a conglomeration of political, academic, media, and cultural elites who for decades have tried to act as the arbiters of acceptable public debate and shut down any political expression from Americans with whom they disagree. They, more than anyone else, created Donald Trump’s candidacy and the increasingly hideous movement he now leads.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well you deserve credit for trying but your project was doomed from the start; after all, self-reflection and a willingness to objectively evaluate other points of view is something that most of the left wingers here are intellectually and emotionally incapable of. It's why they love PC so much, it's a powerful tool for shutting down any discussion which doesn't conform to their own internal narrative.

Yawn, guy, whenever I hear someone whine about "PC", it's usually because they want to be an asshole and can't in public.
Do those people hurt your sensibilities? LOL
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

GUy, Trump only got as far as he did because a lot of those uneducated whites really believed that he was going to bring back Dad's old union job down at the plant.

When they figure out those jobs aren't coming back, they won't be supporting Trump anymore.

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

To be fair, he hasn't reached Political Chick's level of crazy yet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep calling people stupid and racist that has worked so well. Apparently corporal punishment has no effect, so keep on keeping on it has worked so well.
Well, look what I found.

I guess the Daily Beast is racist, too.

How the P.C. Police Propelled Donald Trump

The American left created Donald Trump.

When I say “the left,” I do not mean the Democratic Party—or, solely the Democratic Party. Rather, the pestilence that is the Trump campaign is the result of a conglomeration of political, academic, media, and cultural elites who for decades have tried to act as the arbiters of acceptable public debate and shut down any political expression from Americans with whom they disagree. They, more than anyone else, created Donald Trump’s candidacy and the increasingly hideous movement he now leads.

The PC police did no such thing. I agree with what Micheal Moore said, this is the biggest f..k you to the establishment ever given. THAT is what propelled Trump, and Hillary being a terrible PERSON.
Hillary Clinton lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

That's not why she lost the union vote. You're an idiot.

Hillary Clinton won by almost 2 million votes.
In crazy Cali... normal people don't listen to the mentally unstable. Fact
And yet an even larger majority rejected Trump, so once again, the PEOPLE chose Clinton.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary.

The majority of states, which is how it is decided, rejected Hillary.

The popular vote between Hillary and Trump for 50 out of the 51 contests rejected Hillary.

Time to get out of denial and admit it, you were one of the big reasons that people rejected Hillary.

Yeah Hillary cheated enough to win the popular vote in California, not really impressed.

To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.
...yeah Wyoming has more sense. :lmao:

Wyoming has 3 EC votes, NY has 29. Sounds to me like NY has 10 times the say in the election then does Wyoming. Why the left has to resort to such easily proven false lies tells me they don't think much of their fellow liberals.

Wyoming has 585,000 people.

So NY has 32 times the number of people as Wyoming and 10 times the voice in the national election.

NY is getting fucked. Period. For no good reason.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
Like I said before, you have no clue what happened. Somehow that's a asset for you. People voted for Trump because we have been going in the wrong direction and not everyone gives a crap about the feelings of snowflakes. If he stepped on their feelers, so what? That's not WHY the masses voted for him.

Your question is intellectually dishonest, common for you. Bearing responsibility for someone assigns blame like it was a failure of sorts. It didn't work out the way you wanted and that's tough shit. But music to my ears.
Ol' Mac has hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends bitching at him in the same thread.


I really am The Man. I wub me.

Calling you a smear monger isn't bitching, you lying piece of shit. That's all you do.
He is of the school that assholes are tired of not being able to say their asshole things because theyre scared to be called asshole, so its refreshing that trumps an asshole.

its toddler-brained kiddy shit, but the faction is out there just like poor widdew mac whose feelings are so apparently hurt

About right. I have yet to have Mac tell me what totally reasonable thing he wants to say that he can't possibly say because of "political correctness". INstead he'll post his list of why unfunny washed up comedians can't get college gigs.
Hillary Clinton lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

That's not why she lost the union vote. You're an idiot.

Hillary Clinton won by almost 2 million votes.
In crazy Cali... normal people don't listen to the mentally unstable. Fact

Your posting gets more useless every day, and you didn't exactly start from a lofty position to begin with.
Hillary Clinton lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

That's not why she lost the union vote. You're an idiot.

Hillary Clinton won by almost 2 million votes.
In crazy Cali... normal people don't listen to the mentally unstable. Fact

Your posting gets more useless every day, and you didn't exactly start from a lofty position to begin with.
Says the person who's trying to move the goalposts… Good luck LOL
Hillary Clinton lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

That's not why she lost the union vote. You're an idiot.

Hillary Clinton won by almost 2 million votes.
In crazy Cali... normal people don't listen to the mentally unstable. Fact

Your posting gets more useless every day, and you didn't exactly start from a lofty position to begin with.
Says the person who's trying to move the goalposts… Good luck LOL

The OP claims that Hillary lost because the PEOPLE voted against political correctness. The PEOPLE voted FOR Hillary Clinton. A swing of 3 STATES, by a margin of less than a million votes, is what cost her the election.

That has nothing to do with political correctness.
The majority of voters rejected Hillary.

The majority of states, which is how it is decided, rejected Hillary.

The popular vote between Hillary and Trump for 50 out of the 51 contests rejected Hillary.

Time to get out of denial and admit it, you were one of the big reasons that people rejected Hillary.

Yeah Hillary cheated enough to win the popular vote in California, not really impressed.

To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.
...yeah Wyoming has more sense. :lmao:

Wyoming has 3 EC votes, NY has 29. Sounds to me like NY has 10 times the say in the election then does Wyoming. Why the left has to resort to such easily proven false lies tells me they don't think much of their fellow liberals.

NY has 19.8 million people.
That is why they have 29 EC votes.

To be proportionate to Wyoming, by population, NY should have about 70.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

That's not why she lost the union vote. You're an idiot.

Hillary Clinton won by almost 2 million votes.
In crazy Cali... normal people don't listen to the mentally unstable. Fact

Your posting gets more useless every day, and you didn't exactly start from a lofty position to begin with.
Says the person who's trying to move the goalposts… Good luck LOL

The OP claims that Hillary lost because the PEOPLE voted against political correctness. The PEOPLE voted FOR Hillary Clinton. A swing of 3 STATES, by a margin of less than a million votes, is what cost her the election.

That has nothing to do with political correctness.
Has everything to do with political correctness, political correctness makes for a weak nation… Fact

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