Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".

I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

How does that measure their willingness to listen based on factors like shared false accusations of racism?

Who called the union workers of Ohio racist?

You think there was a 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio all over POLITICAL CORRECTNESS?

You are the dumbest fuck here.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary, if that gives you any solace.

And yet an even larger majority rejected Trump, so once again, the PEOPLE chose Clinton.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary.

The majority of states, which is how it is decided, rejected Hillary.

The popular vote between Hillary and Trump for 50 out of the 51 contests rejected Hillary.

Time to get out of denial and admit it, you were one of the big reasons that people rejected Hillary.

Yeah Hillary cheated enough to win the popular vote in California, not really impressed.
Ol' Mac strikes a deep nerve, again.

Maybe this means that, at some level, they know what they've done.

lol, he always has the above delusion too.
Yep, maybe he is if he thinks you libtards have enough self inspection to ever realize your mistakes; a very generous read on your piles of shyte.

My mistake is being too politically correct? You're a fucking mental retard if you believe that.

No way that photo was doctored, none.
Joe is kind of the left wing version of a Breitbart fan.
Hey, I'm a Breitbart fan.

I resent being compared to JoeBitch in any way shape or form.

Yeah, well....

You'll notice that my OP named no names, it just made a point (based on my opinion) and asked a question.

The response? Personal insults, name calling, deflection and denial.

I can point it out all day, and they'll keep doing it.

An absolutely fascinating thing to observe.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary, if that gives you any solace.

And yet an even larger majority rejected Trump, so once again, the PEOPLE chose Clinton.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary.

The majority of states, which is how it is decided, rejected Hillary.

The popular vote between Hillary and Trump for 50 out of the 51 contests rejected Hillary.

Time to get out of denial and admit it, you were one of the big reasons that people rejected Hillary.

Yeah Hillary cheated enough to win the popular vote in California, not really impressed.

To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
Political correctness makes for an extremely weak country… Fact
No way that photo was doctored, none.
Joe is kind of the left wing version of a Breitbart fan.
Hey, I'm a Breitbart fan.

I resent being compared to JoeBitch in any way shape or form.

Yeah, well....

You'll notice that my OP named no names, it just made a point (based on my opinion) and asked a question.

The response? Personal insults, name calling and denial.

I can point it out all day, and they'll keep doing it.

An absolutely fascinating thing to observe.

oh waaa, now you're bitching because you took a position on a political debate forum and people actually had the gall to step up to debate you.
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No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
Your lady lost, I see you are still in the denial stage.

This lady will tell you why, and it is pretty much exactly what I told you for months.

Not sure what you mean. Denial about what?

Don't you think that the losers should take the responsibility for losing? As we said for months they were both flawed, Hillary was perceived as more flawed that is all. Now you are still in denial that very fundamental truth is true. The system was and is off the rails and Hillary was just more of the same. the PC may have played a very, very small part in her losing, but in the end it was Hillary who was rejected, for good reason.

She was a terrible candidate, as I pointed out a zillion times.

My point here is that people on her "side" made her "side" even less appealing because of their behavior.

She was a terrible candidate because she is a terrible person. THAT is what you never got. Her supporters were just icing on the cake.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

so let me get this straight. We hurt you wittle feelings by pointing our your racism and misogyny...

So you all stamped your little feet and voted for Trump. (More people voted for Hillary, but never mind, let's go with this.)

Uh, no, sorry, man, I can't get worked up because some racists voted for Trump, because they were going to vote for whoever the Republican nominated.

Trump won because we have an archaic system we should have gotten rid of a century ago. The people got this right.

Now, I kind of get why stupid white people voted for Trump. They've been replaced by machines that don't need to be paid and they're upset about it, and Trump promised them he'd bring their jobs back.
Your the one sitting in your moms basement bitching about you not getting your way...:lmao:
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
Your lady lost, I see you are still in the denial stage.

This lady will tell you why, and it is pretty much exactly what I told you for months.

Not sure what you mean. Denial about what?

Don't you think that the losers should take the responsibility for losing? As we said for months they were both flawed, Hillary was perceived as more flawed that is all. Now you are still in denial that very fundamental truth is true. The system was and is off the rails and Hillary was just more of the same. the PC may have played a very, very small part in her losing, but in the end it was Hillary who was rejected, for good reason.

She was a terrible candidate, as I pointed out a zillion times.

My point here is that people on her "side" made her "side" even less appealing because of their behavior.

She was a terrible candidate because she is a terrible person. THAT is what you never got. Her supporters were just icing on the cake.
Well, let's say that's true. That's why I went out of my way in the OP to ask if had ANY responsibility, even an ounce.

I can't even get them to admit THAT.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary, if that gives you any solace.

And yet an even larger majority rejected Trump, so once again, the PEOPLE chose Clinton.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary.

The majority of states, which is how it is decided, rejected Hillary.

The popular vote between Hillary and Trump for 50 out of the 51 contests rejected Hillary.

Time to get out of denial and admit it, you were one of the big reasons that people rejected Hillary.

Yeah Hillary cheated enough to win the popular vote in California, not really impressed.

To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.

And you were against gay marriage being forced upon the majority? The left bitches about disenfranchisement, yet that is all you are pushing for. The EC gives the smaller states a voice, you would silence that voice.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary, if that gives you any solace.

And yet an even larger majority rejected Trump, so once again, the PEOPLE chose Clinton.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary.

The majority of states, which is how it is decided, rejected Hillary.

The popular vote between Hillary and Trump for 50 out of the 51 contests rejected Hillary.

Time to get out of denial and admit it, you were one of the big reasons that people rejected Hillary.

Yeah Hillary cheated enough to win the popular vote in California, not really impressed.

To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.
...yeah Wyoming has more sense. :lmao:
Ol' Mac strikes a deep nerve, again.

Maybe this means that, at some level, they know what they've done.

lol, he always has the above delusion too.
Yep, maybe he is if he thinks you libtards have enough self inspection to ever realize your mistakes; a very generous read on your piles of shyte.

My mistake is being too politically correct? You're a fucking mental retard if you believe that.

I say keep doing what you are doing, it has worked so well.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary, if that gives you any solace.

And yet an even larger majority rejected Trump, so once again, the PEOPLE chose Clinton.

The majority of voters rejected Hillary.

The majority of states, which is how it is decided, rejected Hillary.

The popular vote between Hillary and Trump for 50 out of the 51 contests rejected Hillary.

Time to get out of denial and admit it, you were one of the big reasons that people rejected Hillary.

Yeah Hillary cheated enough to win the popular vote in California, not really impressed.

To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.

BTW, how many EC votes does Wyoming have in comparison to NY? Equal? More? Or in proportion to population?
Uh-Huh Joe, I'm sure you have no problem being an asshole in public too.

BTW how did your Thanksgiving Day Cross Burnings go?

Not sure what you are babbling about... but you do babble... I see you all spent 8 more pages whining about me... which is hilarious..

Huh? You?

Um, check again, I didn't single you out, Joe.

You jumped in because you wanted to illustrate my point for me.

No, I jumped in because you are a ridiculous man who needs to be ridiculed.

So your argument is that hte racists proved they were tired of PC by voting for a racist? Really?
So your argument is that hte racists proved they were tired of PC by voting for a racist? Really?
Holy crap.

You're always a fascinating study.

Yeah Joe, that's what I meant. Yeah.
Uh-Huh Joe, I'm sure you have no problem being an asshole in public too.

BTW how did your Thanksgiving Day Cross Burnings go?

Not sure what you are babbling about... but you do babble... I see you all spent 8 more pages whining about me... which is hilarious..

Huh? You?

Um, check again, I didn't single you out, Joe.

You jumped in because you wanted to illustrate my point for me.

No, I jumped in because you are a ridiculous man who needs to be ridiculed.

So your argument is that hte racists proved they were tired of PC by voting for a racist? Really?

Keep doing what you are doing, it is working so well.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
Like I said before, you have no clue what happened. Somehow that's a asset for you. People voted for Trump because we have been going in the wrong direction and not everyone gives a crap about the feelings of snowflakes. If he stepped on their feelers, so what? That's not WHY the masses voted for him.

Your question is intellectually dishonest, common for you. Bearing responsibility for someone assigns blame like it was a failure of sorts. It didn't work out the way you wanted and that's tough shit. But music to my ears.
Ol' Mac has hardcore partisan ideologues from both ends bitching at him in the same thread.


I really am The Man. I wub me.


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