Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.
...yeah Wyoming has more sense. :lmao:

Wyoming has 3 EC votes, NY has 29. Sounds to me like NY has 10 times the say in the election then does Wyoming. Why the left has to resort to such easily proven false lies tells me they don't think much of their fellow liberals.

NY has 19.8 million people.
That is why they have 29 EC votes.

To be proportionate to Wyoming, by population, NY should have about 70.
Yes, Wyoming and ever other small person should be stomped under the heel of the big states. Why not just have the election in NY and CA and get it over with and forget about the pesky little states having even a little say?

Progressives on Black Friday
Trump political incorrectness helped him in the primaries but as far as the general election goes he toned it down and it was replaced by an effective attack on Hillary as an member of the elite ruling class whose only concern about common folks is their vote.
Time for you scared people on the right to quit being so weak and manipulated.
I voted for Hillary.


Wanna try again?
I was talking about the reason that Trump was elected, not about you.
So when you say "you people on the right", you don't mean me?

Really. However, now you appear paranoid too.
Yes, he doesnt like that whole weird paradigm where if youre an asshole people call you asshole.

So he wah wahs obsessively about PC.

Rinses and repeats. The poor thing

Your refusal to see that you are calling people assholes, who are not assholes, makes you the asshole.
...yeah Wyoming has more sense. :lmao:

Wyoming has 3 EC votes, NY has 29. Sounds to me like NY has 10 times the say in the election then does Wyoming. Why the left has to resort to such easily proven false lies tells me they don't think much of their fellow liberals.

NY has 19.8 million people.
That is why they have 29 EC votes.

To be proportionate to Wyoming, by population, NY should have about 70.
Yes, Wyoming and ever other small person should be stomped under the heel of the big states. Why not just have the election in NY and CA and get it over with and forget about the pesky little states having even a little say?

One person one vote doesn't stomp on anyone.

Say you live in Laramie Wyoming pop. 30,000, and I live in Poughkeepsie, NY, population 30,000.

Why should your vote for president count for 3 times as much in value as mine?

Make that case.
good luck with that when his manufacturing is done overseas but we'll pretend he's pro worker.
So, you think it would be hypocritical of him to push Trade Policy to force manufacturers to manufacture here?

I have a prob with the gov't forcing manufacturers to do their thing anywhere. We could, however, make the US more biz friendly to attract them.

a. There is no way to beat slave wages.

b. And the CEOs all seem to be brain dead morons who have one idea in their head. USe Third World labor to cut costs.
Wyoming has 3 EC votes, NY has 29. Sounds to me like NY has 10 times the say in the election then does Wyoming. Why the left has to resort to such easily proven false lies tells me they don't think much of their fellow liberals.

NY has 19.8 million people.
That is why they have 29 EC votes.

To be proportionate to Wyoming, by population, NY should have about 70.
Yes, Wyoming and ever other small person should be stomped under the heel of the big states. Why not just have the election in NY and CA and get it over with and forget about the pesky little states having even a little say?

One person one vote doesn't stomp on anyone.

Say you live in Laramie Wyoming pop. 30,000, and I live in Poughkeepsie, NY, population 30,000.

Why should your vote for president count for 3 times as much in value as mine?

Make that case.
Are there tears in your beer?
At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".

I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

How does that measure their willingness to listen based on factors like shared false accusations of racism?

What does that even mean? You're desperately trying to avoid admitting that Trump co-opted a liberal position in order to win.

Your numbers show that Trump got more of the union vote than Romney, but it does not say why.

The idea that the Blue Collar White voters were more willing to listen to Trump the Billionaire because they have noticed that they had a common enemy, ie the Media that has nothing but contempt for them both.

Not to mention that some of them had to love seeing someone treat the media like they never had a chance to, all the times the media dismissed them as racist hicks.

The only question is, how many of them loved that.
I guess I'll put GT down for a solid "no", too.

youre mad cuz people see through you

i know the routine dude

youre obsessive, and its kinda gross, and when ppl blow up your skirt about it you dive into your turtle shell and say "see im right every time!! raawr."

Youre paper thin bro. :thup:no backbone.

Not to mention the fact that he hasn't provided one gram of evidence to support his 'theory', or whatever it it is.
He is of the school that assholes are tired of not being able to say their asshole things because theyre scared to be called asshole, so its refreshing that trumps an asshole.

its toddler-brained kiddy shit, but the faction is out there just like poor widdew mac whose feelings are so apparently hurt

Controversies about the word "niggardly" - Wikipedia

"On January 15, 1999, David Howard, an aide to Anthony A. Williams, the mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget.[3] This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (Howard is white), identified by Howard as Marshall Brown, who misinterpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint. As a result, on January 25, Howard tendered his resignation, and Williams accepted it"
So, you think it would be hypocritical of him to push Trade Policy to force manufacturers to manufacture here?

I think it's admitting that Americans are too lazy to compete on the international market.

"but, but, but,.... Airbus!" KKKorrell will whine, ignoring the huge tax benefits that Boeing gets to set up a plant in JesusLand to have scab workers put together planes.

What a crock of ignorant chicken shit, shit.
Lazy? Really?View attachment 99840

Our productivity rose to the occasion but you payed them nothing and give no benefits probably treat them like shit. They make you millions but you curse them. ...what a piece of dirt you are.

Technology has boosted productivity - not the workers - so the money that propelled that boost has been spent on the technology ... not the workers.

Tell that to the people who are increasingly being given work to take home, or having to work to cover workers that aren't there.
To equate the state of Wyoming with the state of NY makes you a retard. Goddam this thread is full of Trumptards.
...yeah Wyoming has more sense. :lmao:

Wyoming has 3 EC votes, NY has 29. Sounds to me like NY has 10 times the say in the election then does Wyoming. Why the left has to resort to such easily proven false lies tells me they don't think much of their fellow liberals.

NY has 19.8 million people.
That is why they have 29 EC votes.

To be proportionate to Wyoming, by population, NY should have about 70.
Obviously you don't understand (or don't know) the equation that determines the allocation of EV's.

It's not based solely on population, it's based on population + 2 for the state Senators in order to give the small states some sort of a say in the selection of the Chief Executive, apparently you missed the fact that each state has 2 Senators regardless of population and have no understanding of why that is the case, even though it's been explained to you umpteen times (Republican form of government, made up of sovereign entities, known here as "The States").

The population proportional representation you keep crowing about already exists at the federal level in the form of the House of Representatives, which, in case you hadn't noticed, isn't controlled by your party either.
I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

How does that measure their willingness to listen based on factors like shared false accusations of racism?

What does that even mean? You're desperately trying to avoid admitting that Trump co-opted a liberal position in order to win.

Your numbers show that Trump got more of the union vote than Romney, but it does not say why.

The idea that the Blue Collar White voters were more willing to listen to Trump the Billionaire because they have noticed that they had a common enemy, ie the Media that has nothing but contempt for them both.

Not to mention that some of them had to love seeing someone treat the media like they never had a chance to, all the times the media dismissed them as racist hicks.

The only question is, how many of them loved that.

Why are you trying to hold me to a standard of proof you would never hold yourself to?
About right. I have yet to have Mac tell me what totally reasonable thing he wants to say that he can't possibly say because of "political correctness".
Oh, you've tried this before, and I answered you. You must have "forgotten".


I can't think of one. Not one.

Your ignorant question demonstrates how clueless you are on this topic.
I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

How does that measure their willingness to listen based on factors like shared false accusations of racism?

What does that even mean? You're desperately trying to avoid admitting that Trump co-opted a liberal position in order to win.

Your numbers show that Trump got more of the union vote than Romney, but it does not say why.

The idea that the Blue Collar White voters were more willing to listen to Trump the Billionaire because they have noticed that they had a common enemy, ie the Media that has nothing but contempt for them both.

Not to mention that some of them had to love seeing someone treat the media like they never had a chance to, all the times the media dismissed them as racist hicks.

The only question is, how many of them loved that.

Half of the voters in Ohio also said they believed international trade took jobs.

Trump won that vote by 41 points. You think that has something to do with your imaginary claim that the media calls union workers hicks?
About right. I have yet to have Mac tell me what totally reasonable thing he wants to say that he can't possibly say because of "political correctness".
Oh, you've tried this before, and I answered you. You must have "forgotten".


I can't think of one. Not one.

Your ignorant question demonstrates how clueless you are on this topic.

Where's your evidence for your claim the PC cost Hillary the election?

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