Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Do you think that Romney could have won with Trump's Trade position? Do you think Romney would have made such inroads into the Blue Dog democrats?

If Trump had been running against Obama, he would have lost just as badly as Romney did.

The fact is, your beloved Trumpenfuhrer got 62,210,612 votes compared to 60,589,084 the Weird Mormon Robot got in 2012. Accounting for population growth, that's really not that impressive.

What cost Hillary was that people voted for Stein and Johnson.

No they aren't because the people attracted to Trump's 'politically incorrect' behaviour weren't going to vote Democrat in the first place.

I think you are dismissing the blue collar democrats of the Rust Belt.

They've been mostly loyal democrats despite constantly being called racist forever.

REmember "clinging to their bibles and guns and distrusting people who look different"? Obama won the very areas he insulted.
Do you think that Romney could have won with Trump's Trade position? Do you think Romney would have made such inroads into the Blue Dog democrats?

If Trump had been running against Obama, he would have lost just as badly as Romney did.

The fact is, your beloved Trumpenfuhrer got 62,210,612 votes compared to 60,589,084 the Weird Mormon Robot got in 2012. Accounting for population growth, that's really not that impressive.

What cost Hillary was that people voted for Stein and Johnson.

YOur Godwin is noted. Consider your self ridiculed, you ass.
Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

How does that measure their willingness to listen based on factors like shared false accusations of racism?

What does that even mean? You're desperately trying to avoid admitting that Trump co-opted a liberal position in order to win.

Your numbers show that Trump got more of the union vote than Romney, but it does not say why.

The idea that the Blue Collar White voters were more willing to listen to Trump the Billionaire because they have noticed that they had a common enemy, ie the Media that has nothing but contempt for them both.

Not to mention that some of them had to love seeing someone treat the media like they never had a chance to, all the times the media dismissed them as racist hicks.

The only question is, how many of them loved that.

Why are you trying to hold me to a standard of proof you would never hold yourself to?

WIth such an internal and subject topic, ie what motivates people, I doubt that definitive proof will be forthcoming.
Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

How does that measure their willingness to listen based on factors like shared false accusations of racism?

Who called the union workers of Ohio racist?

You think there was a 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio all over POLITICAL CORRECTNESS?

You are the dumbest fuck here.

YOu lefties have been calling everyone that disagrees with you racists, forever.

You think the blue collar white workers who have been FUCKED by globalization while being told to "check their privilege" didn't feel some common ground with Trump when the media scum dog piled him?

Sure they did.

Show me some liberals of note who call union workers racists.

Oh, btw, Bernie Sanders the ultimate LIBERAL, cleaned up in the rust belt in the primaries, among those union voters.


"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

GUy, Trump only got as far as he did because a lot of those uneducated whites really believed that he was going to bring back Dad's old union job down at the plant.

When they figure out those jobs aren't coming back, they won't be supporting Trump anymore.

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

To be fair, he hasn't reached Political Chick's level of crazy yet.
Again. Insults.

You will never learn.

How do you get votes from those you insult?
I voted for Hillary.


Wanna try again?
I was talking about the reason that Trump was elected, not about you.
So when you say "you people on the right", you don't mean me?

Really. However, now you appear paranoid too.
Yes, he doesnt like that whole weird paradigm where if youre an asshole people call you asshole.

So he wah wahs obsessively about PC.

Rinses and repeats. The poor thing

Your refusal to see that you are calling people assholes, who are not assholes, makes you the asshole.
It appears that you are the asshole calling people assholes.
2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

How does that measure their willingness to listen based on factors like shared false accusations of racism?

What does that even mean? You're desperately trying to avoid admitting that Trump co-opted a liberal position in order to win.

Your numbers show that Trump got more of the union vote than Romney, but it does not say why.

The idea that the Blue Collar White voters were more willing to listen to Trump the Billionaire because they have noticed that they had a common enemy, ie the Media that has nothing but contempt for them both.

Not to mention that some of them had to love seeing someone treat the media like they never had a chance to, all the times the media dismissed them as racist hicks.

The only question is, how many of them loved that.

Why are you trying to hold me to a standard of proof you would never hold yourself to?

WIth such an internal and subject topic, ie what motivates people, I doubt that definitive proof will be forthcoming.

The evidence is that labor was as willing to vote for Bernie in the primaries as they were willing to vote for Trump in the general election.

That has nothing to do with this nonsense about union people being offended by supposedly being called names by liberals.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

so let me get this straight. We hurt you wittle feelings by pointing our your racism and misogyny...

So you all stamped your little feet and voted for Trump. (More people voted for Hillary, but never mind, let's go with this.)

Uh, no, sorry, man, I can't get worked up because some racists voted for Trump, because they were going to vote for whoever the Republican nominated.

Trump won because we have an archaic system we should have gotten rid of a century ago. The people got this right.

Now, I kind of get why stupid white people voted for Trump. They've been replaced by machines that don't need to be paid and they're upset about it, and Trump promised them he'd bring their jobs back.

See Article 5 of the Constitution and give it a shot. LMAO
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

67% of the States, deal with it sweetie.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.

We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
I was talking about the reason that Trump was elected, not about you.
So when you say "you people on the right", you don't mean me?

Really. However, now you appear paranoid too.
Yes, he doesnt like that whole weird paradigm where if youre an asshole people call you asshole.

So he wah wahs obsessively about PC.

Rinses and repeats. The poor thing

Your refusal to see that you are calling people assholes, who are not assholes, makes you the asshole.
It appears that you are the asshole calling people assholes.

It is not an asshole move to correctly call someone an asshole.

Falsely slandering someone just because you don't like their politics, ie calling them a racist, for no justifiable reason, is being an asshole.

I understand your resistance to seeing the obvious difference.
I know dozens of people who have silently endured the unjustified slurs of racism only because they didn't march lockstep to the Left's central planning, top-down, one size fits all, we know what's best for you, do what we say not as we do collectivist doctrine.

How the Left Created Trump

Nov. 8 represented an explosion of anger on the right at years of smugness and disdain by liberals.

How the Left Created Trump

No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.

We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.

thank you Captain Obvious.

He won states like a Alaska and Wyoming and you think that's no different than winning states like NY or CA.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.

We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.

thank you Captain Obvious.

He won states like a Alaska and Wyoming and you think that's no different than winning states like NY or CA.

You get enough of them and NY and CA don't matter, do they? Of course it wouldn't have made much difference if he hadn't carried TX, FL, MI and PA, would it?
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

Hey, I'm cool with that, let them keep pissing people off, will the make the midterms sweet as well.
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