Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

Hey, I cool with that, let them keep pissing people off, will the make the midterms sweet as well.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. But I don't blame you for that opinion.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.

We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.

thank you Captain Obvious.

He won states like a Alaska and Wyoming and you think that's no different than winning states like NY or CA.

You get enough of them and NY and CA don't matter, do they? Of course it wouldn't have made much difference if he hadn't carried TX, FL, MI and PA, would it?

So you're standing by the claim that winning Alaska is no different than winning California. Interesting.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

So now you're refining your claim to that PC had one one thousandths of a percent of an effect on the election?

Okay, you win, I'll give you that .001%.

That's comes out to about 1300 votes.

PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

So now you're refining your claim to that PC had one one thousandths of a percent of an effect on the election?

Okay, you win, I'll give you that .001%.

That's comes out to about 1300 votes.

That's not what I said, but your standard hardcore partisan ideologue warped perceptions led you to that conclusion.

Believe what you will.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

so let me get this straight. We hurt you wittle feelings by pointing our your racism and misogyny...

So you all stamped your little feet and voted for Trump. (More people voted for Hillary, but never mind, let's go with this.)

Uh, no, sorry, man, I can't get worked up because some racists voted for Trump, because they were going to vote for whoever the Republican nominated.

Trump won because we have an archaic system we should have gotten rid of a century ago. The people got this right.

Now, I kind of get why stupid white people voted for Trump. They've been replaced by machines that don't need to be paid and they're upset about it, and Trump promised them he'd bring their jobs back.

I'm concerned about the racists that voted for Hillary.
Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

Hey, I cool with that, let them keep pissing people off, will the make the midterms sweet as well.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. But I don't blame you for that opinion.

While you're attacking liberals, as is your habit 80% of the time,

how about you stop to consider how much of a negative effect Trumps own 'politically incorrect' words and actions may have had on his vote totals.
I'm beginning to think that I should have held off posting this thread for a while.

They're still in psycho mode, and this just made them lose their shit all over again.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.

We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.

thank you Captain Obvious.

He won states like a Alaska and Wyoming and you think that's no different than winning states like NY or CA.

You get enough of them and NY and CA don't matter, do they? Of course it wouldn't have made much difference if he hadn't carried TX, FL, MI and PA, would it?

So you're standing by the claim that winning Alaska is no different than winning California. Interesting.

And I said that where, I said if you get enough of the lower populated States NY and CA don't matter. Dats a fact jack.
Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

So now you're refining your claim to that PC had one one thousandths of a percent of an effect on the election?

Okay, you win, I'll give you that .001%.

That's comes out to about 1300 votes.

That's not what I said, but your standard hardcore partisan ideologue warped perceptions led you to that conclusion.

Believe what you will.

You were begging for someone to agree that the PC police might have tilted the vote by .001% towards Trump. I agreed with you, to make you feel better. Feel better?

Why can't you provide any facts to support your arguments? Ever.
Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.

We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.

thank you Captain Obvious.

He won states like a Alaska and Wyoming and you think that's no different than winning states like NY or CA.

You get enough of them and NY and CA don't matter, do they? Of course it wouldn't have made much difference if he hadn't carried TX, FL, MI and PA, would it?

So you're standing by the claim that winning Alaska is no different than winning California. Interesting.

And I said that where, I said if you get enough of the lower populated States NY and CA don't matter. Dats a fact jack.

When you have elections where the person who wins loses, of course you can elect guys like Trump.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Since the individual voters chose Hillary Clinton, you can't make any conclusions about 'PC' causing Trump's win.

Trump's win was about voter distribution, not the voters' actual opinions.

We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.

You'll be reminded of your beloved States when the Democratic Senate starts filibustering.

Aint nothing of consequence going anywhere.
We elect presidents by State, not individuals. Trump won 67% of the States.

thank you Captain Obvious.

He won states like a Alaska and Wyoming and you think that's no different than winning states like NY or CA.

You get enough of them and NY and CA don't matter, do they? Of course it wouldn't have made much difference if he hadn't carried TX, FL, MI and PA, would it?

So you're standing by the claim that winning Alaska is no different than winning California. Interesting.

And I said that where, I said if you get enough of the lower populated States NY and CA don't matter. Dats a fact jack.

When you have elections where the person who wins loses, of course you can elect guys like Trump.

Poor little but hurt baby, how's it feel to be irrelevant? LMAO

Gotta run, need to pick up my new gun.
The fact that it was so close, that Hillary got more votes and lost, only reinforces my point.

I knew the backlash against PC was growing, but I underestimated the intensity.


There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

Hey, I cool with that, let them keep pissing people off, will the make the midterms sweet as well.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. But I don't blame you for that opinion.

While you're attacking liberals, as is your habit 80% of the time,

how about you stop to consider how much of a negative effect Trumps own 'politically incorrect' words and actions may have had on his vote totals.

That's a very good question.

IMO, the Boy Who Called Wolf effect greatly muted any effect from that.
good luck with that when his manufacturing is done overseas but we'll pretend he's pro worker.
So, you think it would be hypocritical of him to push Trade Policy to force manufacturers to manufacture here?
I have a prob with the gov't forcing manufacturers to do their thing anywhere. We could, however, make the US more biz friendly to attract them.
a. There is no way to beat slave wages.
b. And the CEOs all seem to be brain dead morons who have one idea in their head. USe Third World labor to cut costs.

I have a fundamental prob with using gov't levers to force manufacturers to do anything. That's a slippery slope I'd rather we not be on.

All CEOs are not "brain dead." In fact, I'd wager none of them are.

A CEO's job is to satisfy the directors (whose job it is to satisfy the shareholders). We could encourage domestic production (I'm OK with that) by slashing corp taxes. The US & Puerto Rico have the 2nd & 3rd highest rates (behind only UAE) on the planet. World average - 22.5%. Do you think corp taxes have any impact on a company's decision to off-shore?

BTW, corp taxes (like any biz expense) are passed along to the consumer in the form of higher prices. You like higher prices?
What you don't understand is that by going after Trump, the same way that they have slandered and vilified the "Dumb blue collar workers" the press DID CREATE COMMON GROUND between the two.

Who do you think Trump would rather have a beer with right now? Wolf Blitzer, or me?

Let me rephrase that, with Fucking Wolf Blitzer, or Me?

Probably Wolf.

You see, here's what you don't get about your hero. He's a fucking narcissist. So of course, he'd rather talk to someone who is going to put him on the news at night.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Dun, der Cleetus, I don't have contempt for you because you are white. I have contempt for you because you keep voting in rich people who fuck us.

But theys be rights with Jay-a-zus, so you are good with that.
REmember "clinging to their bibles and guns and distrusting people who look different"? Obama won the very areas he insulted.

Except that's not what he said, verbatim...

Again. Insults.

You will never learn.

How do you get votes from those you insult?

I'm not running for anything. And when those stupid,uneducated whites all lose their jobs in Trump's recession, they'll be falling all over themselves to vote for Democrats in 2018 and 2020.

Oh, I will refrain myself from saying "I told you so!"
Trump political incorrectness helped him in the primaries but as far as the general election goes he toned it down and it was replaced by an effective attack on Hillary as an member of the elite ruling class whose only concern about common folks is their vote.

It may not have been Trump's attack on Clinton that won him the election - she too was on the attack - but rather, as almost First Lady Bill said, the failure of her campaign team to formulate and express an economic vision that resonated with millions of normally Dem voters.

Keep in mind that while Trump did slightly better than Romney 2012, Hillary did far worse than Obama 2012.
I'm concerned about the racists that voted for Hillary.

Another retard heard from... with nothing to add to the conversation.

So now you're refining your claim to that PC had one one thousandths of a percent of an effect on the election?

Okay, you win, I'll give you that .001%.

That's comes out to about 1300 votes.


Good point. Mack thinks there's someone out there who knew Trump was a Nazi, but still voted for him because he couldn't tell a dirty joke in the office.

Still waiting for Mack to tell us what ALL IMPORTANT WISDOM he can't say because the PC Police are going to whack his pee-pee.

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